955 resultados para maternal-fetal relationship
We have established a realtime fetal tele-ultrasound consultation service in Queensland, which has been integrated into our routine clinical practice, The service, which uses ISDN transmission at 384 kbit/s, allows patients in Townsville to be examined by subspecialists in Brisbane, 1500 km away. For the 90 tele-ultrasound consultations performed for the first 71 patients, 90% of the babies have been delivered, and outcome data have been received on all the pregnancies. All significant anomalies and diagnoses have been confirmed. The referring clinicians would have physically referred 24 of the 71 patients to Brisbane in the absence of telemedicine. A crude cost-benefit calculation suggests that the tele-ultrasound service resulted in a net saving of A$6340, and at the same time enabled almost four times the number of consultations to be carried out.
The placenta must allow the passage of iodide from the maternal to the fetal circulation for synthesis of thyroxine by the fetal thyroid. The thyroid sodium iodide symporter (NIS) was cloned in 1996 and, although widely distributed among epithelial tissues, early studies failed to detect it in placenta. We demonstrated NIS mRNA in human placenta and in the human choriocarcinoma cell line, JAr. NIS protein was localized to trophoblasts, with a tendency to apical distribution, in sections of human placenta immunostained with a monoclonal antibody against hNIS. We conclude that NIS is expressed in placenta and may mediate placental iodide transport. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Delivery of endocytosed macromolecules to lysosomes occurs by means of direct fusion of late endosomes with lysosomes. This has been formally demonstrated in a cell-free content mixing assay using late endosomes and lysosomes from rat liver. There is evidence from electron microscopy Studies that the same process occurs in intact cells. The fusion process results in the formation of hybrid organelles from which lysosomes are reformed. The discovery of the hybrid organelle has opened up three areas of investigation: (i) the mechanism of direct fusion of late endosomes and lysosomes, (ii) the mechanism of re-formation of lysosomes from the hybrid organelle, and (iii) the function of the hybrid organelle. Fusion has analogies with homotypic vacuole fusion in yeast. It requires syntaxin 7 as part of the functional trans-SNARE [SNAP receptor, where SNAP is soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein] complex and the release of lumenal calcium to achieve membrane fusion. Reformation of lysosomes from the hybrid organelle occurs by a maturation process involving condensation of lumenal content and probably removal of some membrane proteins by vesicular traffic. Lysosomes may thus be regarded as a type of secretory granule, storing acid hydrolases in between fusion events with late endosomes. The hybrid organelle is predicted to function as a 'cell stomach', acting as a major site of hydrolysis of endocytosed macromolecules.
Expression profiling to characterize cancer pharmacology has become a new approach to discover novel molecular targets for prognostic markers and cancer therapy. In a study to compare the global RNA expression profiles between primary and recurrent ovarian tumors from the same patient, we have identified XIST (inactive X chromosome-specific transcripts) as the most differentially expressed gene that was down-regulated in the recurrent tumor. XIST encodes a spliced noncoding polyadenylated transcript that is unique in being expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome and is involved in the X-inactivation process. Subsequent characterization of XIST expression in a panel of female cancer cell lines showed that the expression level of XIST correlates significantly with Taxol sensitivity. The clinical relevance of this observation is demonstrated by the strong association between XIST RNA levels and disease-free periods of ovarian cancer patients in a group of 21 ovarian cancer cases with Taxol in the therapeutic regiments. Cytogenetic studies on ovarian cancer cell lines indicated that loss of inactive X chromosome is one mechanism for the loss of XIST transcripts in the cell lines. Our data suggest that XIST expression may be a potential marker for chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer.
Objectives: To assess the accuracy of reporting from both a diet history and food record and identify some of the characteristics of more accurate reporters in a group of healthy adult volunteers for an energy balance study. Design: Prospective measurements in free-living people. Setting: Wollongong, Australia. Subjects: Fifteen healthy volunteers (seven male, eight female; aged 22 -59 y; body mass index (BMI) 19 - 33 kg/m(2)) from the local community in the city of Wollongong, Australia. Interventions: Measurement of energy intake via diet history interview and 7 day food records, total energy expenditure by the doubly labelled water technique over 14 days, physical activity by questionnaire, and body fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Results: Increased misreporting of energy intake was associated with increased energy expenditure (r = 0.90, P < 0.0001, diet history; r(s)=0.79, P=0.0005, food records) but was not associated with age, sex, BMI or body fat. Range in number of recorded dinner foods correlated positively with energy expenditure (r(s)=0.63, P=0.01) and degree of misreporting (r(s)=0.71, P=0.003, diet history; r(s)=0.63, P=0.01, food records). Variation in energy intake at dinner and over the whole day identified by the food records correlated positively with energy expenditure (r=0.58, P = 0.02) and misreporting on the diet history (r=0.62, P=0.01). Conclusions: Subjects who are highly active or who have variable dietary and exercise behaviour may be less accurate in reporting dietary intake. Our findings indicate that it may be necessary to screen for these characteristics in studies where accuracy of reporting at an individual level is critical. Sponsorship: The study was supported in part by Australian Research Council funds made available through the University of Wollongong.
Previous studies have shown a significant effect of insulin administration on serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) concentration and its metabolic rate, with evidence for the effect in men, but not in women. This could lead to differences in the sources of variation in serum DHEA-S between men and women and in its covariation with insulin concentration. This study aimed to test whether these hypotheses were supported in a sample of healthy adult twins. Serum DHEA-S (n=2287) and plasma insulin (n=2436) were measured in samples from adult male and female twins recruited through the Australian Twin Registry. Models of genetic and environmental sources of variation and covariation were tested against the data. DHEA-S showed substantial genetic effects in both men and women after adjustment for covariates, including sex, age, body mass index, and time since the last meal. There was no significant phenotypic or genetic correlation between DHEA-S and insulin in either men or women. Despite the experimental evidence for insulin infusion producing a reduction in serum DHEA-S and some effect of meals on the observed DHEA-S concentration, there were no associations between insulin and DHEA-S at the population level. Variations in DHEA-S are due to age, sex, obesity, and substantial polygenic genetic influences.
Mammals show extensive interspecific variation in the form of maternal care. Among ungulates, there is a dichotomy between species in which offspring follow the mother (following strategy) versus species in which offspring remain concealed (hiding strategy). Here we reveal that the same dichotomy exists among macropods (kangaroos, wallabies and allies). We test three traditional adaptive explanations and one new life history hypothesis. and find very similar patterns among both ungulates and macropods. The three traditional explanations that we tested were that a ''following'' strategy is associated with (1) open habitat, (2) large mothers, and (3) gregariousness. Our new life-history hypothesis is that a following strategy'' is associated with delayed weaning, and thus with the slow end of the slow-fast mammalian life-history continuum, because offspring devote resources to locomotion rather than rapid growth. Our comparative test strongly supports the habitat structure hypothesis and provides some support for this new delayed weaning hypothesis for both ungulates and macropods. We propose that sedentary young in closed habitats benefit energetically by having milk brought to them. In open habitats, predation pressure will select against hiding. Followers will suffer slower growth to independence. Taken together, therefore, our results provide the first quantitative evidence that macropods and ungulates are convergent with respect to interspecific variation in maternal care strategy. In both clades, differences between species in the form of parental care are due to a similar interaction between habitat, social behavior, and life history.
Chromosome 9p21, a locus comprising the tumor suppressor genes (TSG) p16(INK4) (a) and p14(ARF) , is a common region of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). p14(ARF) shares exon 2 with p16 in a different reading frame. p14 binds to MDM2 resulting in a stabilization of functional p53 . This study examined the roles of p14, p16 and p53 in hepatocarcinogenesis, in 37 Australian and 24 South African patients. LOH at 9p21 and 17p13.1, p14 and p16 mutation analysis, p14 and p16 promoter methylation and p14, p16 and p53 protein expression was examined. LOH at 9p21 was detected more frequently in South African HCC (P = 0.04). Comparable rates of p53 LOH were observed in Australian and South African HCC (10/22, 45%vs 13/22, 59%, respectively). Hypermethylation of the p14 promoter was more prevalent in Australian HCC than in South African HCC (17/37, 46%vs 7/24, 29%, respectively). In Australian HCC the prevalence of p14 methylation increased with age (P = 0.03). p16 promoter methylation was observed in 12/37 (32%) and 6/24 (25%) in Australian and South African HCC, respectively. Loss of p16 protein expression was detected in 14/36 Australian HCC whereas p53 protein expression was detected in 9/36. Significantly, a reciprocal relationship between 9p21 LOH and p14 promoter hypermethylation was observed (P less than or equal to0.05 ). No significant association between p14 and p53 was seen in this study. The reciprocal relationship identified indicates different pathways of tumorigenesis and likely reflects different etiologies of HCC in the two countries. (C) 2002 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
Unusually high concentrations of ammonium have been observed in a Vertisol below 1 m depth in southeast Queensland. This study investigated the possibility that an absence of nitrification is allowing this ammonium to accumulate and persist over time, and examined the soil environmental characteristics that may be responsible for limiting nitrifying organisms. The possibility that anaerobiosis, soil acidity, soil salinity, low organic carbon concentrations, and/or an absence of active nitrifying microorganisms were responsible for limiting nitrification was examined in laboratory and field studies. The presence/absence of anaerobic conditions was determined qualitatively using a field test to give an indication of electron lability. In addition, an incubation study was conducted and soil environmental conditions were improved for nitrifying organisms by adjusting the pH from 4.4 to 7, adjusting the electrical conductivity from 1.6 to 0.5 dS/m, amending with a soluble carbon substrate at a rate of 500 mg/kg, and using microorganisms from the surface horizon to inoculate to the subsoil. Over a 180-day period no nitrification was detected in the control samples from the incubation study, indicating that an extremely low rate of nitrification is likely to be responsible for allowing ammonium to accumulate in this soil. Analysis of the effect of soil environmental conditions on nitrification revealed that anaerobic conditions did not exist at depth and that pH, EC, organic carbon, and inoculation treatments added in isolation had no effect on nitrification. However, when inoculum was added to the soil in combination with pH, a significant increase in nitrification was observed, and the greatest amount of nitrification was observed when inoculum, pH, and EC treatments were added in combination. It was concluded that the reason for the low rate of nitrification in this soil is primarily the absence of a significant population of active nitrifying microorganisms, which may have been unable to colonise the subsoil environment due to its acidic, and to a lesser extent, its saline environment.
Molecular evolution has been considered to be essentially a stochastic process, little influenced by the pace of phenotypic change. This assumption was challenged by a study that demonstrated an association between rates of morphological and molecular change estimated for total-evidence phylogenies, a finding that led some researchers to challenge molecular date estimates of major evolutionary radiations. Here we show that Omland's (1997) result is probably due to methodological bias, particularly phylogenetic nonindependence, rather than being indicative of an underlying evolutionary phenomenon. We apply three new methods specifically designed to overcome phylogenetic bias to 13 published phylogenetic datasets for vertebrate taxa, each of which includes both morphological characters and DNA sequence data. We find no evidence of an association between rates of molecular and morphological rates of change.
The aim of this study was to further investigate the mechanism of suppression of natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxic activity In peripheral blood following strenuous exercise. Blood was collected for analysis of NK cell concentration, cytotoxic activity, CD2 surface expression and perforin gene expression from runners (RUN, n = 6) and resting controls (CONTROL, n = 4) pre-exercise, 0, 1.5, 5, and 24 h following a 60-min treadmill run at 80% of VO2 peak. Natural killer cytotoxic activity, measured using a whole blood chromium release assay, fluctuated minimally in the CONTROL group and increased by 63% and decreased by 43% 0 and 1.5 h post-exercise, respectively, in the RUN group (group x time, P < 0.001). Lytic index (cytotoxic activity per cell) did not change. Perforin mRNA, measured using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (ORT-PCR) decreased from pre- to post-exercise and remained decreased through 24 h, The decrease from pre- to 0 In post-exercise was seen predominately in the RUN group and was inversely correlated r = - 0.95) to pre-exercise perform mRNA. The NK cell surface expression of CD2 (lymphocyte function-associated antigen-2) was determined using fluorescent antibodies and flow cytometry, There was no change in the proportion of NK cells expressing CD2 or CD2 density, We conclude that (1) numerical redistribution accounted for most of the change in NK cytotoxic activity following a strenuous run, (2) decrease in perforin gene expression during the run was inversely related to pre-exercise levels but did not parallel changes in cytotoxic activity, and (3) CD2 surface expression was not affected by exercise.
Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).