999 resultados para músculo piriforme
Exercise-induced muscle damage mainly affects individuals who returned to physical activity after a time without practicing it or had some kind of exhaustive exercise, particularly eccentric exercise. To evaluate the effect of cryotherapy and laser therapy in response to muscle damage induced by eccentric exercise on the biceps muscle. This was a randomized clinical trial consisting of 60 female subjects. All subjects initially underwent an evaluation consisting of perimetry, measurement of pain sensation (via algometry and visual analogue scale), electromyography and dynamometry. Then the subjects performed an exercise protocol on the isokinetic dynamometer consisting of 2 sets of 10 eccentric elbow flexors contraction at 60 °/s. Completed this protocol, an intervention was held according to a previously random group distribution: control group (no intervention), cryotherapy group and laser therapy group. Finally, subjects were re-evaluated immediately and 48 hours after the intervention protocol, except for Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which was also evaluated 24 hours after exercise. The circumference of the limb, the pain sensation (VAS and algometry), the muscle activation amplitude (via Root Mean Square - RMS), median frequency, peak torque normalized per body weight, average peak torque, power and work were analyzed. The median frequency immediately after the intervention protocol on the cryotherapy group was the only variable that showed inter and intra-group differences; the remaining variables showed only intragroup differences. The perimetry values did not change immediately after the protocol on the groups which underwent cryotherapy and laser therapy, however, there was an increase after 48 hours; algometry values decreased in all groups for 48 hours and the VAS values increased 24 and 48 hours also for all groups. Regarding RMS no significant change was observed. For dynamometry, peak torque normalized per body weight and average peak torque had a similar behavior, with a reduction in the post protocol that has remained after 48 hours. For the power and work, a decrease was observed immediately after the protocol with a further reduction after 48 hours. Cryotherapy and laser therapy does not alter the muscle damage response, except for the perimetry values immediately after exercise.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known as a population of multi-potential cells able to proliferate and differentiate into multiple mesodermal tissues including bone, cartilage, muscle, ligament, tendon, fat and stroma. Several applications of the study of EC can be emphasized the therapeutic techniques such as guided bone regeneration by implantation of EC in the affected site, without the need for bone grafts, using titanium as a vehicle. The process of cryopreservation is essential for the maintenance of cell cultures, since the cell line is frozen, it can be maintained in liquid nitrogen for an indefinite period and then thawed for therapeutic or experimental purposes. The aim of this study was to isolate a population of MSCs derived from the subendothelium of the umbilical vein human (MSCs-SUVH) to assess cytogenetic analysis by the possibility of appearance of chromosomal changes in two different situations: MSCs-SUVH regarding the process of cryopreservation and MSCs-SUVH grown on the surface of titanium. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that, this cell population was positive for the markers CD29, CD73 and CD90, but there was no expression of hematopoietic lineage markers, such as CD14, CD34 and CD45 and demonstrated capacity for osteogenic differentiation. The chromosomes obtained from the primary culture of MSCs-SUVH were analyzed by GTW banding technique, and results are described as guidelines to ISCN 2005. There was not the emergence of clonal chromosomal changes in the MSCs-SUVH in different situations analyzed. However one of the strings presented a balanced paracentric inversion, probably a cytogenetic constitutional alterations, which was present before and after the experimental situations that the MSCs-SUVH was submitted
The odontogenic keratocysts are distinguished from other odontogenic cystic lesions by their potentially aggressive clinical behavior and association, in some cases, with Gorlin syndrome. Studies have suggested that syndrome keratocysts, in comparison with sporadic lesions, have higher growth and infiltration capacity and higher recurrence tendency. The aim of this study was to analyze, by means of immunohistochemistry, the expressions of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), the angiogenic index (CD34) and the presence of myofibroblasts (α-SMA) in primary and recurrent sporadic keratocysts and in keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome. The sample was composed by 30 sporadic keratocysts (22 primary and 8 recurrent) and 22 syndrome keratocysts. In the epithelium and in the fibrous capsule of the lesions, the immunoexpression of RANKL and OPG was evaluated by determination of the percentage of positive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (less than 10% of positive cells), 1 (11% - 50% of positive cells), 2 (51% - 75% of positive cells) and 3 (more than 76% of positive cells). In addition, cases were classified according to the RANKL score/ OPG score ratio, as follows: RANKL > OPG, RANKL < OPG, and RANKL = OPG. The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunoreactive to anti-CD34 antibody in 5 fields (200). The analysis of myofibroblasts was performed by counting the cells immunoreactive to anti-α-SMA antibody in 10 fields (400). The analysis of the expressions of RANKL and OPG in the epithelial lining and in the fibrous capsule did not reveal significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). Regarding the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the epithelial lining, most sporadic primary (54.5%) and syndrome lesions (59.1%) showed RANKL < OPG ratio and RANKL = OPG ratio, respectively (p > 0.05). With respect to the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the fibrous capsule, the majority of sporadic primary (81.8%) and sporadic recurrent lesions (75.0%) and most syndrome lesions (45.5%) showed RANKL = OPG ratio (p > 0.05). The mean number of microvessels was 69.2 in sporadic primary lesions, 67.6 in recurrent lesions, and 71.6 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). The mean number of myofibroblasts was 34.4 in sporadic primary lesions, 29.3 in recurrent lesions, and 33.7 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the differences in the biological behavior between sporadic keratocysts and keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome may not be related to the expressions of RANKL and OPG, the RANKL/ OPG ratio, the angiogenic index or the number of myofibroblasts in these lesions
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of housing and the physical and chemical characteristics of meat from sheep raised on pasture Brachiaria brizantha and Panicum maximum. The experiment was conducted in the physical area of the Study Group on Forage (GEFOR), located in the Academic Unit Specialized in Agricultural Sciences - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN in Macaíba, RN, Brazil. We used 32 lambs SPRD, obtained from herds in the state, with liveweight (LW) of 24.5 kg were assigned randomly to four treatments consisting of tropical grasses, two cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha, Marandu and Piatã, and two of Panicum maximum, Aruana and Massai. The experimental area was 2.88 ha, divided into 4 paddocks of 0.72 ha, where each picket consisted of a farm and was divided into six plots of 0.12 ha, where the animals remained under rotational grazing. The period of adaptation to the pickets was seven days. At the beginning of the experiment the animals were weighed, identified with plastic earrings and necklaces colored according to the treatment, and treated against. The lambs were loose in the paddock at 8 am and collected at 16 hours, which returned to collective pens. During the time of grazing animals had free access to mineral supplement with monensin Ovinofós ® and water. Before entering the paddocks of pasture were sampled to characterize the chemical composition. Every seven days occurred at weighing, with fasting, to monitor the weight development. Cultivars Marandu, Aruana, Piatã and Massai were grazed for 133, 129, 143 and 142 days, respectively, until the lambs reach slaughter weight. Arriving at 32 kg lambs were evaluated subjectively for body condition score by, passed through fasting period, diet and water for 16 hours were slaughtered. Measurements were made in the inner and outer casings in addition to subjective evaluations regarding muscling, finish and quantity of pelvic-renal fat, then each was divided longitudinally into two half-carcases and cuts were made in the commercial left half, and after heavy calculated their income. Between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebrae, was performed a cut to expose the cross section of the Longissimus dorsi, which was drawn on the rib eye area (REA) in transparent film. Fat thickness and extent of AOL GR were determined using a caliper. A tissue composition was determined by dissection of the legs. Analyzes were performed physical (color, cooking loss and shear force) and chemical composition of meat (moisture, ash, protein and lipids) in Longissimus dorsi muscle. Grazing tropical grass Brachiaria brizantha cvs. Marandu and Piatã and Panicum maximum cvs. Aruana and Massai can be used for lambs SRPD in the rainy season, because not alter the physico-chemical and chemical composition of meat
Objetivou-se estudar as medidas de espessura de gordura subcutânea, área de olho-de-lombo, comprimento e profundidade máxima do músculo longissimus dorsi entre a 13ª costela e 1ª vértebra lombar determinadas por ultrassom e na carcaça de ovelhas de descarte abatidas em diferentes estágios fisiológicos, além dos coeficientes de correlação e determinação das medidas avaliadas. Utilizaram-se 21 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, distribuídas nos seguintes grupos: OL = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus cordeiros e foram abatidas um dia após o desmame dos mesmos; OSC = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus cordeiros e mais 30 dias sem os cordeiros e foram posteriormente abatidas; e ONP = ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. O comprimento máximo do músculo longissimus dorsi obtido pelo ultrassom e na carcaça dos animais não foi influenciado pelos estágios fisiológicos. O ultrassom pode ser utilizado com razoável precisão para estimar características da carcaça de ovelhas de descarte, em particular a espessura de gordura subcutânea.
Avaliaram-se a qualidade física do músculo Longissimus lumborum de ovelhas de descarte da raça Santa Inês, abatidas em diferentes estágios fisiológicos, a cor da gordura subcutânea desse músculo e as possíveis correlações entre as variáveis de qualidade da carne. Utilizaram-se 21 ovelhas, distribuídas nos seguintes tratamentos: T1= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e abatidas um dia após o desmame das crias; T2= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e mais um período aproximado de 30 dias sem os cordeiros e posteriormente abatidas; e T3= ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. A cor da carne e da gordura subcutânea não foram influenciadas pelo estágios fisiológico dos animais no momento do abate, com exceção da luminosidade da carne (T1= 41,13; T2= 37,56 e T3= 38,12 L*). A qualidade física da carne apresentou pouca variação entre os tratamentos, porém a força de cisalhamento (T1= 4,08; T2=2,86 e T3=2,35 kgf/cm²) e as perdas por cocção (T1=31,97; T2=35,70 e T3= 31,91 %) da carne diferiram entre os tratamentos. Não se observou alta correlação entre a maioria das características avaliadas.
Estudaram-se a composição centesimal do músculo Longissimuslumborum e a aceitação sensorial do músculo Longissimus thoracis, provenientes de ovelhas de descarte da raça Santa Inês, abatidas em distintos estágios fisiológicos. Foram utilizadas 21 ovelhas, distribuídas nos seguintes grupos: OL = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e que foram abatidas um dia após o desmame deles; OSC = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e mais um período aproximado de 30 dias sem os cordeiros e que, posteriormente, foram abatidas; e ONP = ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. Os teores de proteína e de cinzas da carne ovina foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais, e os valores de umidade e de gordura da carne diferiram entre os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa na aceitação sensorial da carne, segundo os grupos. Concluiu-se que o abate de ovelhas de descarte em diferentes estágios fisiológicos promove alteração na composição centesimal, quanto ao teor de gordura e de umidade da carne, e que não há diferença da aceitação sensorial da carne, de acordo com os grupos experimentais.
The process of salting and drying in the sun is used to preserve meat since the beginning of civilization. There is evidence that this preservation technique has arisen in Egypt, between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. In our country, according to literature, was the first industrial product that gave the appearance of beef jerky, beef being produced, where about 70% to 75% of the muscle is composed of water, where it will be around 45% as a final product, according to the law in his article RIISPOA No. 432 provides that the jerky should contain no more than this amount of moisture in the muscular portion, or more than 15% of total ash with tolerance of up to 5% variation . Besides this parameter, proteins, lipids, ash, and minerals were analyzed in samples before and after the manufacturing process to know the content of these nutrients. Since these are considered important in product quality, thus the concentration in these samples, respectively, in the flesh Front (CD and CHD) before and after the manufacturing process for humidity were respectively 75.28% and 47.38% , the protein was 14.17 and 22.20 g / 100 g sample, 6.360 and 4.251 of lipids g/100g of the sample, and the ashes 0.974 9.144 g/100g sample, minerals like calcium and 4.074 30 , 06 ppm, sódio0, 055 and 5.401 g / L, sodium chloride, 0.139 and 13.74 g / L, potassium 237.5 and 166.8 ppm, 1.721 and 3.295 ppm iron, 0.143 and 0.135 ppm phosphorus, zinc and 4.690 6.905 ppm; magnésio14, 63 e13, 75 ppm manganese .017 e0, 007ppm, copper 0.057 and 0.039 ppm in the case of needle-type meat (CPA and CHPA), 68.04% and 44.17%, protein 13 , 72, and 24.42 g/100g of sample, 1.137 in the ash and 12.68 g / 100g of sample, and the minerals calcium 17.11 and 12.89 ppm; sódio0, 123 and 4.871 g / L, sodium chloride 0.312 and 12.39 g / L, potassium 305.3 and 182.1 ppm; ferro1, 817 and 1.513 ppm, 0.273 and 0.139 ppm phosphorus, zinc 6.305 and 4.783 ppm, 27.95 and 15.85 ppm magnesium, manganese and 0.025 0.011 ppm, 0.057 and 0.143 ppm copper and chromium 0.014 and 0.068 ppm
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente as características de carcaça e a composição corporal de machos jovens da raça Nelore não-castrados, filhos de touros com diferencial positivo (Linhagem Seleção) ou nulo (Linhagem Controle) para ganho de peso aos 378 dias de idade. Utilizaram-se informações de 92 zebuínos Nelore, com peso de abate médio de 456,00 kg, sendo 51 animais pertencentes à Linhagem Seleção e 41 animais da Linhagem Controle, foram criados em pastagens cultivadas até os 18 meses, quando foram alocados nos dois sistemas de terminação, de forma a compor grupos homogêneos quanto ao peso e filiação. Os animais de confinamento receberam, em baias individuais, ração para possibilitar ganhos de 1,0 kg/cab/dia. Antes do abate, os animais foram submetidos a jejum e pesados, quando se obteve o peso de abate. Após o armazenamento das carcaças em câmara fria, obteve-se a seção da 9ª-10ª-11ª costelas. Não houve efeito significativo de linhagem para nenhuma das características analisadas, exceto para a porcentagem de ossos, sendo que os animais da Linhagem Seleção superaram os animais da Linhagem Controle. O regime de terminação apresentou efeito significativo para a quase totalidade das características estudadas, com exceção para as características de composição corporal. Não houve efeito significativo de interação entre linhagem e terminação. As classes de idade apresentaram efeito significativo para as características peso de abate, peso de carcaça quente, peso da gordura renal-pélvica-ingüinal, porcentagem de músculo, gordura e osso.
Background: The literature reports that the eccentric muscular action produces greater force and lower myoelectric activity than the concentric muscular action, while the heart rate (HR) responses are bigger during concentric contraction. Objectives: To investigate the maximum average torque (MAT), surface electromyographic (SEMG) and the heart rate (HR) responses during different types of muscular contraction and angular velocities in older men. Methods: Twelve healthy men (61.7 +/- 1.6years) performed concentric (C) and eccentric (E) isokinetic knee extension-flexion at 60 degrees/s and 120 degrees/s. SEMG activity was recorded from vastus lateralis muscle and normalized by Root Mean Square-RMS (mu V) of maximal isometric knee extension at 60 degrees. HR (beats/min) and was recorded at rest and throughout each contraction. The data were analyzed by the Friedman test for repeated measures with post hoc Dunn's test (p<0.05). Results: The median values of MAT (N.m/kg) was smaller and the RMS (mu V) was larger during concentric contraction (C60 degrees/s=2.80 and 0.99; C120 degrees/s=2.46 and 1.0) than eccentric (E60 degrees/s=3.94 and 0.85; E120 degrees/s=4.08 and 0.89), respectively. The HR variation was similar in the four conditions studied. Conclusion: The magnitude of MAT and RMS responses in older men were dependent of the nature of the muscular action and independent of the angular velocity, whereas HR response was not influenced by these factors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Comparar a reinervação muscular com enxerto de nervo em um e dois tempos operatórios, utilizando a neurorrafia término-lateral (NTL) sem lesão do nervo doador. MÉTODOS: Vinte ratos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos. O grupo 1 (G1), um estágio, recebeu o enxerto que foi suturado ao nervo tibial (NT), por meio de NTL, e seu coto livre foi suturado por NTL ao coto distal do nervo peroneal (NP), seccionado a um centímetro do NT, na mesma cirurgia. O grupo 2 (G2), dois estágios, recebeu o enxerto de nervo na primeira cirurgia, como já descrito. Dois meses depois, na segunda cirurgia, o NP foi seccionado e seu coto distal ligado ao coto distal do enxerto como em G1. O grupo controle de normalidade (Gn) recebeu o enxerto da mesma forma, apenas. E o grupo controle de denervação (Gd), além de receber o enxerto, teve o NP seccionado e seus cotos sepultados na musculatura adjacente, com a finalidade de denervar o músculo tibial cranial (MTC), alvo deste estudo. Os parâmetros utilizados para avaliar a reinervação do MTC foram massa muscular, diâmetro mínimo da fibra muscular e área. RESULTADOS: O grupo G2 apresentou superioridade (p<0,0001) em relação ao G1 na massa do MTC, no diâmetro mínimo e na área das fibras musculares. Na comparação entre os quatro grupos, estes mesmos parâmetros tiveram sua expressão máxima em Gn e mínima em Gd, como era esperado. CONCLUSÃO: A reinervação muscular em dois estágios apresenta melhor resultado quando comparada à técnica em um tempo.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicabilidade do uso de músculo autógeno, tratado de diversas maneiras, em substituição aos enxertos de nervo. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram separados em sete grupos que receberam, como tratamento a uma lesão nervosa padronizada, os seguintes tipos de enxertos: músculo fresco, músculo fixado com formol 10%, músculo congelado em freezer, músculo congelado em refrigerador, músculo denervado, nervo periférico e um grupo ficou sem qualquer tratamento. Foi avaliado o aspecto histológico das fibras nervosas no segmento reparado. RESULTADOS: A avaliação do segmento nervoso reparado mostrou que existiam axônios em quase todos os grupos, mas a metodologia empregada não possibilitou caracterizar adequadamente as diferenças entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou a migração de axônios por meio de todos os enxertos utilizados.
A miocardiopatia diabética é uma doença do músculo cardíaco causada pelo diabetes mellitus e não relacionada às patologias vascular e valvular ou à hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Observações experimentais e clínicas têm demonstrado hipertrofia, necrose, apoptose e aumento do tecido intersticial miocárdico. Acredita-se que a miocardiopatia diabética seja decorrente de anormalidades metabólicas como hiperlipidemia, hiperinsulinemia e hiperglicemia, e de alterações do metabolismo cardíaco. Tais alterações podem causar aumento do estresse oxidativo, fibrose intersticial, perda celular e comprometimento do trânsito intracelular de íons e da homeostase do cálcio. Clinicamente, é possível a detecção de disfunção diastólica assintomática na fase inicial. No momento em que surgem os sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, observamos disfunção diastólica isolada, sendo que o comprometimento da função sistólica, habitualmente, é tardio. O tratamento da miocardiopatia diabética com insuficiência cardíaca não difere das miocardiopatias de outras etiologias e deve seguir as diretrizes de acordo com o comprometimento da função ventricular, se diastólica isolada ou diastólica e sistólica.