949 resultados para linear stability analysis quantum dots crystal growth


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Natural hazard related to the volcanic activity represents a potential risk factor, particularly in the vicinity of human settlements. Besides to the risk related to the explosive and effusive activity, the instability of volcanic edifices may develop into large landslides often catastrophically destructive, as shown by the collapse of the northern flank of Mount St. Helens in 1980. A combined approach was applied to analyse slope failures that occurred at Stromboli volcano. SdF slope stability was evaluated by using high-resolution multi-temporal DTMMs and performing limit equilibrium stability analyses. High-resolution topographical data collected with remote sensing techniques and three-dimensional slope stability analysis play a key role in understanding instability mechanism and the related risks. Analyses carried out on the 2002–2003 and 2007 Stromboli eruptions, starting from high-resolution data acquired through airborne remote sensing surveys, permitted the estimation of the lava volumes emplaced on the SdF slope and contributed to the investigation of the link between magma emission and slope instabilities. Limit Equilibrium analyses were performed on the 2001 and 2007 3D models, in order to simulate the slope behavior before 2002-2003 landslide event and after the 2007 eruption. Stability analyses were conducted to understand the mechanisms that controlled the slope deformations which occurred shortly after the 2007 eruption onset, involving the upper part of slope. Limit equilibrium analyses applied to both cases yielded results which are congruent with observations and monitoring data. The results presented in this work undoubtedly indicate that hazard assessment for the island of Stromboli should take into account the fact that a new magma intrusion could lead to further destabilisation of the slope, which may be more significant than the one recently observed because it will affect an already disarranged deposit and fractured and loosened crater area. The two-pronged approach based on the analysis of 3D multi-temporal mapping datasets and on the application of LE methods contributed to better understanding volcano flank behaviour and to be prepared to undertake actions aimed at risk mitigation.


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Der Lichtsammelkomplex II (LHCII) höherer Pflanzen ist eines der häufigsten Membranproteine der Welt. Er bindet 14 Chlorophylle und 4 Carotinoide nicht kovalent und fungiert in vivo als Lichtantenne des Photosystems II. Eine optimale Absorption von Licht ist auch bei Solarzellen entscheidend und es liegt nahe hier dasselbe Prinzip zu verwenden. Dafür bietet sich der Einsatz biologischer Komponenten wie des LHCII an. Dieser wurde evolutionär für eine effektive Absorption und Weiterleitung von Sonnenenergie optimiert. Zusätzlich lässt er sich in vitro in rekombinanter Form rekonstituieren. Für eine eventuelle Nutzung des LHCII in technologischen Anwendungen bedarf es der Interaktion mit anderen, vorzugsweise synthetischen Komponenten. Daher wurde die Bindung und der Energietransfer zwischen dem LHCII und organischen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen sowie anorganischen „Quantum dots“ (QDs) untersucht. rnMit Donorfarbstoffen wurde die Grünlücke des LHCII funktionell geschlossen. Dafür wurden bis zu vier Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe kovalent an den LHCII gebunden. Diese Interaktion erfolgte sowohl mit Maleimiden an Cysteinen als auch mit N-Hydroxysuccinimidylestern an Lysinen. Die Assemblierung, Struktur und Funktion des Pigment-Protein-Komplexes wurde durch die Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe nicht gestört.rnAuf der Suche nach einem Farbstoff, der als Akzeptor die vom LHCII aufgenommene Energie übernimmt und durch Elektronenabgabe in elektrische Energie umwandelt, wurden drei Rylenfarbstoffe, ein Quaterrylen und zwei Terrylene, untersucht. Der LHCII konnte mit allen Farbstoffen erfolgreich markiert werden. Für die Nutzung der Hybridkomplexe ergaben sich allerdings Probleme. Das Quaterrylen beeinträchtigte aufgrund seiner Hydrophobizität die Rekonstitution des Proteins, während bei beiden Terrylenen der Energietransfer ineffizient war.rn Zusätzlich zu den Standard-Verknüpfungen zwischen Farbstoffen und Proteinen wurde in dieser Arbeit die „native chemische Ligation“ etabliert. Hierfür wurde eine LHCII-Mutante mit N-terminalem Cystein hergestellt, markiert und rekonstituiert. Messdaten an diesem Hybridkomplex ließen auf einen Energietransfer zwischen Farbstoff und Protein schließen. rnIn Hybridkomplexen sollen langfristig zur Ladungstrennung fähige Typ II-QDs Anwendung finden, wobei der LHCII als Lichtantenne dienen soll. Bis diese QDs verwendet werden können, wurden grundlegende Fragen der Interaktion beider Materialen an Typ I-QDs mit Energietransfer zum LHCII untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass QDs in wässriger Lösung schnell aggregieren und entsprechende Kontrollen wichtig sind. Weiterführend konnte anhand der Trennung von ungebundenem und QD-gebundenem LHCII die Bindung von LHCII an QDs bestätigt werden. Dabei wurden Unterschiede in der Bindungseffizienz in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten LHCII und QDs festgestellt. Durch Herstellung von Fusionsproteinen aus LHCII und Affinitätspeptiden konnte die Bindung optimiert werden. Ein Energietransfer von QDs zu LHCII war nicht sicher nachzuweisen, da in den Hybridkomplexen zwar die QD- (Donor-) Fluoreszenz gelöscht, aber die LHCII- (Akzeptor-) Fluoreszenz nicht entsprechend stimuliert wurde.rnZusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit einige Hybridkomplexe hergestellt, die in weiterführenden Ansätzen Verwendung finden können. Auf die hier gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über Interaktionen zwischen LHCII und synthetischen Materialien kann jetzt weiter aufgebaut werden.


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Der light harvesting complex II (LHCII) ist ein pflanzliches Membranprotein, das in seiner trimeren Form über 40 Chlorophylle bindet. In der Pflanze kann er besonders effizient Licht sammeln und die Anregungsenergie anschließend fast verlustfrei über andere chlorophyll-bindende Proteine an die Reaktionszentren weiterleiten. Aufgrund dieser besonderen Eigenschaften war es ein Ziel dieser Arbeit, rekombinanten LHCII mit synthetischen Komponenten zu kombinieren, die zur Ladungstrennung befähigt sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurden unter anderem Halbleiternanokristalle (Quantum Dots, QDs) ausgewählt, die je nach Zusammensetzung sowohl als Energieakzeptoren als auch als Energiedonoren in Frage kamen. Durch Optimierung des Puffers gelang es, die Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute der QDs in wässriger Lösung zu erhöhen und zu stabilisieren, so dass die Grundvoraussetzungen für die spektroskopische Untersuchung verschiedener LHCII-QD-Hybridkomplexe erfüllt waren.rnUnter Verwendung bereits etablierter Affinitätssequenzen zur Bindung des LHCII an die QDs konnte gezeigt werden, dass die in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Typ-I QDs aus CdSe und ZnS sich kaum als Energie-Donoren für den LHCII eignen. Ein Hauptgrund lag im vergleichsweise kleinen Försterradius R0 von 4,1 nm. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde ein R0 von 6,4 nm für den LHCII als Donor und Typ-II QDs aus CdTe, CdSe und ZnS als Akzeptor errechnet, wodurch in diesem System eine höhere Effizienz des Energietransfers zu erwarten war. Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Untersuchungen von Hybridkomplexen aus LHCII und Typ-II QDs ergaben eine hohe Plausibilität für einen Fluoreszenz Resonanz Energietransfer (FRET) vom Lichtsammler auf die QDs. Weitere QD-Affinitätssequenzen für den LHCII wurden identifiziert und deren Bindekonstanten ermittelt. Versuche mit dem Elektronenakzeptor Methylviologen lieferten gute Hinweise auf eine LHCII-sensibilisierte Ladungstrennung der Typ-II QDs, auch wenn dies noch anhand alternativer Messmethoden wie z.B. durch transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt werden muss. rnEin weiteres Ziel war die Verwendung von LHCII als Lichtsammler in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Geeignete dotierte TiO2-Platten wurden ermittelt, das Verfahren zur Belegung der Platten optimiert und daher mit wenig Aufwand eine hohe LHCII-Belegungsdichte erzielt. Erste Messungen von Aktionsspektren mit LHCII und einem zur Ladungstrennung fähigen Rylenfarbstoff zeigen eine, wenn auch geringe, LHCII sensibilisierte Ladungstrennung. rnDie Verwendung von Lanthanide-Binding-Tags (LBTs) ist ein potentielles Verfahren zur in vivo-Markierung von Proteinen mit Lanthanoiden wie Europium und Terbium. Diese Metalle besitzen eine überdurchschnittlich lange Lumineszenzlebensdauer, so dass sie leicht von anderen fluoreszierenden Molekülen unterschieden werden können. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit gelang es, eine LBT in rekombinanten LHCII einzubauen und einen Lumineszenz Resonanz Energietransfer (LRET) vom Europium auf den LHCII nachzuweisen.rn


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La capacità della spettroscopia di assorbimento di riuscire a determinare la struttura locale di campioni di ogni tipo e concentrazione, dagli elementi puri ai più moderni materiali nanostrutturati, rende lo studio dei meccanismi di incorporazione di droganti in matrici di semiconduttori il campo che meglio ne esprime tutto il potenziale. Inoltre la possibilità di ottenere informazioni sulla struttura locale di un particolare elemento in traccia posto in sistemi senza ordine a lungo raggio risulta, ovviamente, nello studio dei semiconduttori di grandissimo interesse. Tuttavia, la complessità di determinate strutture, generate dalla incorporazione di elementi eterovalenti che ne modificano la simmetria, può far si che all’analisi sperimentale si debbano affiancare dei metodi avanzati ab-initio. Questi approcci garantiscono, attraverso la simulazione o di strutture atomiche o dello stesso spettro XAS, di ottenere una più completa e precisa interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Nella fase preliminare di questo elaborato si illustrerà la fenomenologia della spettroscopia di assorbimento e i fondamenti teorici che stanno alla base dell’analisi della struttura fine di soglia. Si introdurranno contemporaneamente le tecniche sperimentali con cui si realizzano le misure di spettri di assorbimento su una beamline che sfrutta sorgente di radiazione di sincrotrone facendo riferimento agli strumenti montati sulla linea LISA (o BM08) presso l’European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble su cui si sono realizzati gli esperimenti di questo lavoro. Successivamente si realizzerà una rassegna di alcuni esperimenti simbolo della analisi della struttura locale di droganti in semiconduttori mediante XAFS, andando ad approfondire i metodi sperimentali associati. Nella parte principale della tesi verranno descritti alcuni tipi di analisi avanzate effettuate su Colloidal Quantum Dots a base di solfuro di piombo drogati con antimonio. Tali sistemi, particolarmente interessanti per potenziali applicazioni in campo optoelettrico, sono stati analizzati mediante misure di fluorescenza ottenute sulla beamline LISA. La fase di analisi ha visto la progettazione di una suite di programmi in C++ per realizzare simulazioni di uno spettro XAS teorico completo basato su strutture ottenute (anche esse) da metodi ab-initio.


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The thesis investigates the effect of surface treatment with various reducing and oxidizing agents on the quantum yield (QY) of CdSe and CdS quantum dots (QDs). The QDs, as synthesized by the organometallic method, contained defect sites on their surface that trapped photons and prevented their radiative recombination, therefore resulting in adecreased QY. To passivate these defect sites and enhance the QY, the QDs were treated with various reducing and oxidizing agents, including: sodium borohydride (NaBH4), calcium hydride (CaH2), hydrazine (N2H4), benzoyl peroxide (C14H10O4), and tert-butylhydroperoxide (C4H10O2). It was hypothesized that the reducing/oxidizing agents reduced the ligands on the QD surface, causing them to detach, thereby allowing oxygen from atmospheric air to bind to the exposed cadmium. This cadmium oxdide (CdO) layeraround the QD surface satisfied the defect sites and resulted in an increased QY. To correlate what effect the reducing and oxidizing agents were having on the optical properties of the QDs, we investigated these treatments on the following factors:chalcogenide (Se vs. S), ligand (oleylamine vs. OA), coordinating solvent (ODE vs.TOA), and dispersant solvent (chloroform vs. toluene) on the overall optical properties of the QDs. The QY of each sample was calculated before and after the various surface treatments from ultra-violet visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectroscopy data to determine if the treatment was successful.From our results, we found that sodium borohydride was the most effective surface treatment, with 10 of the 12 treatments resulting in an increased QY. Hydrazine, on the other hand, was the least effective treatments, as it quenched the QD fluorescence in every case. From these observations, we hypothesize that the effectiveness of the QD surface treatments was dependent on reaction rate. More specifically, when the surface treatment reaction happened too quickly, we hypothesize that the QDs began to aggregate, resulting in a quenched fluorescence. Furthermore, we believe that the reactionrate is dependent on concentration of the reducing/oxidizing agents, solubility of the agents in each solvent, and reactivity of the agents with water. The quantum yield of the QDs can therefore be maximized by slowing the reaction rate of each surface treatment toa rate that allows for the proper passivation of defect sites.


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Here, we demonstrate the use of a colloidal CdSe:Te quantum dots suspension as active liquid-core in a specially designed optical element, based on a double-clad optical fiber structure. The liquid-core fiber was realized by filling the hollow core of a capillary and waveguiding of the core was ensured by using a liquid host that exhibits a larger refractive index than the cladding material of the capillary. Since the used capillary possessed a cladding waveguide structure, we obtained a liquid-core double-clad structure. To seal the liquid-core fiber and e.g. prevent the formation of bubbles, we developed a technique based on SMA connectors. The colloidal CdSe:Te quantum dots were excited by cladding-pumping using a pump laser at 532nm operating in the continuous-wave regime. We investigated the photoluminescence emitted from the colloidal CdSe:Te quantum dots suspension liquid-core and guided by the double-clad fiber structure. We observed a red shift of the (core) emission, that depends on the liquid-core fiber length and the pump power. This shift is due to the absorption of unexcited colloidal quantum dots and due to the waveguiding properties of the core. Here we report a core photoluminescence output power of 79.2μW (with an integrated brightness of ≈ 215.5 W/cm2sr ). Finally, we give an explanation, why lasing could not be observed in our experiments when setup as a liquid-core fiber cavity.


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The Pacaya volcanic complex is part of the Central American volcanic arc, which is associated with the subduction of the Cocos tectonic plate under the Caribbean plate. Located 30 km south of Guatemala City, Pacaya is situated on the southern rim of the Amatitlan Caldera. It is the largest post-caldera volcano, and has been one of Central America’s most active volcanoes over the last 500 years. Between 400 and 2000 years B.P, the Pacaya volcano had experienced a huge collapse, which resulted in the formation of horseshoe-shaped scarp that is still visible. In the recent years, several smaller collapses have been associated with the activity of the volcano (in 1961 and 2010) affecting its northwestern flanks, which are likely to be induced by the local and regional stress changes. The similar orientation of dry and volcanic fissures and the distribution of new vents would likely explain the reactivation of the pre-existing stress configuration responsible for the old-collapse. This paper presents the first stability analysis of the Pacaya volcanic flank. The inputs for the geological and geotechnical models were defined based on the stratigraphical, lithological, structural data, and material properties obtained from field survey and lab tests. According to the mechanical characteristics, three lithotechnical units were defined: Lava, Lava-Breccia and Breccia-Lava. The Hoek and Brown’s failure criterion was applied for each lithotechnical unit and the rock mass friction angle, apparent cohesion, and strength and deformation characteristics were computed in a specified stress range. Further, the stability of the volcano was evaluated by two-dimensional analysis performed by Limit Equilibrium (LEM, ROCSCIENCE) and Finite Element Method (FEM, PHASE 2 7.0). The stability analysis mainly focused on the modern Pacaya volcano built inside the collapse amphitheatre of “Old Pacaya”. The volcanic instability was assessed based on the variability of safety factor using deterministic, sensitivity, and probabilistic analysis considering the gravitational instability and the effects of external forces such as magma pressure and seismicity as potential triggering mechanisms of lateral collapse. The preliminary results from the analysis provide two insights: first, the least stable sector is on the south-western flank of the volcano; second, the lowest safety factor value suggests that the edifice is stable under gravity alone, and the external triggering mechanism can represent a likely destabilizing factor.


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A combinatorial protocol (CP) is introduced here to interface it with the multiple linear regression (MLR) for variable selection. The efficiency of CP-MLR is primarily based on the restriction of entry of correlated variables to the model development stage. It has been used for the analysis of Selwood et al data set [16], and the obtained models are compared with those reported from GFA [8] and MUSEUM [9] approaches. For this data set CP-MLR could identify three highly independent models (27, 28 and 31) with Q2 value in the range of 0.632-0.518. Also, these models are divergent and unique. Even though, the present study does not share any models with GFA [8], and MUSEUM [9] results, there are several descriptors common to all these studies, including the present one. Also a simulation is carried out on the same data set to explain the model formation in CP-MLR. The results demonstrate that the proposed method should be able to offer solutions to data sets with 50 to 60 descriptors in reasonable time frame. By carefully selecting the inter-parameter correlation cutoff values in CP-MLR one can identify divergent models and handle data sets larger than the present one without involving excessive computer time.


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The use of glasses doped with PbS nanocrystals as intracavity saturable absorbers for passive Q-switching and mode locking of c-cut Nd:Gd0.7Y0.3VO4, Nd:YVO4, and Nd:GdVO4 lasers is investigated. Q-switching yields pulses as short as 35 ns with an average output power of 435 mW at a repetition rate of 6–12 kHz at a pump power of 5–6 W. Mode locking through a combination of PbS nanocrystals and a Kerr lens results in 1.4 ps long pulses with an average output power of 255 mW at a repetition rate of 100 MHz.