834 resultados para lex situs


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The essay explores the evolution of comparative law and the contribution of its more recent methodological results on the process of European social integration through law. The analysis of the comparative method in general glides on a discipline, such a as labour law, traditionally linked to the "nomos" of the nation state and looks at the process of its own supranationalization through the lens which is the comparative method; a method used mainly by the juridical format (national and supranational courts). The analysis focuses on the fixed term contract and on the vexing question of collective social fundamental rights vis a vis fundamental economic freedoms in the EU where national constitutional traditions and supranational principals risk collision due also to the comparative method.


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In the face of what looks like a real impasse of the the line of European constitutionalism, partly due to an orientation of the Court of Justice which tends to favor the protection of economic freedoms over the protection of social rights, two opposing trends occurr. The first amounts to a new "constitutional patriotism"; the second entrusts the protection of fundamental social rights no longer to a single Chart or to a single court but to a multi-level system of protection. A dialogue between the European courts that truly valorizes fundamental rights, however, might be hindered by what someone has seen as a resurgence of the dualist theories, evident in an ECJ’s decision as Kadi.


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On the floor of the Global Wage Report 2012/2013 by ILO, entitled Wages and equitable growth, the A. thinks that the wage regulation has to take into account competitiveness without compressing global aggregate demand. Therefore, International and European rules are necessary to avoid the spiral towards the wages dampen, which is bad for the economic development. The rules in action at the different levels are inadequate. The A. proposes an interpretation of Article 153 and Article 155 TFEU that is more suitable for a European regulation promoting better minimum wages and more coherent with the current legal framework of the right to pay, which can be considered, even if partially, as a social right.


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This paper explores the limits and potentials of European citizenship as a transnational form of social integration, taking as comparison Marshall's classical analysis of the historical development of social rights in the context of the national Welfare State. It is submitted that this potential is currently frustrated by the prevailing negative-integration dimension in which the interplay between Union citizenship and national systems of Welfare State takes place. This negative dimension pervades the entire case law of the Court of Justice on Union citizenship, even becoming dominant – after the famous Viking and Laval judgements – in the ways in which the judges in Luxembourg have built, and limited, what in Marshall’s terms might be called the European collective dimension of “industrial citizenship”. The new architecture of the economic and monetary governance of the Union, based as it is on an unprecedented effort towards a creeping constitutionalisation of a neo-liberal politics of austerity and welfare retrenchment, is destined to strengthen the de-structuring pressures on the industrial-relation and social protection systems of the member States. The conclusions sum-up the main critical arguments and make some suggestions for an alternative path for re-politicising the social question in Europe.


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The relationship between employer and worker is not only obligatory but above all, as Sinzheimer said, a ‘relationship of power’. In the Digital Age this statement is confirmed by the massive introduction of ICT in most of the companies that increase, in practice, employer’s supervisory powers. This is a worrying issue for two reasons: on one hand, ICT emerge as a new way to weaken the effectiveness of fundamental rights and the right to dignity of workers; and, on the other hand, Spanish legal system does not offer appropriate solutions to ensure that efficacy. Moreover, in a scenario characterized by a hybridization of legal systems models –in which traditional hard law methods are combined with soft law and self regulation instruments–, the role of our case law has become very important in this issue. Nevertheless, despite the increase of judicialization undergone, solutions offered by Courts are so different that do not give enough legal certainty. Facing this situation, I suggest a methodological approach –using Alchourron and Bulygin’s normative systems theory and Alexy’s fundamental rights theory– which can open new spaces of decision to legal operators in order to solve properly these problems. This proposal can allow setting a policy that guarantees fundamental rights of workers, deepening their human freedom in companies from the Esping-Andersen’s de-commodification perspective. With this purpose, I examine electronic communications in the company as a case study.


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The current debate taking place in continental Europe on the need to reform labour law to reduce the duality between labour market insiders and outsiders, thus giving new employment opportunities to young people seems to be, at its best, a consequence of the crisis, or at its worst, an excuse. The considerable emphasis placed on the power of legislation to reduce youth unemployment prevents real labour market problems from being clearly identified, thus reducing the scope to adopt more effective measures. Action is certainly required to help young people during the current crisis, yet interventions should not be exclusively directed towards increased flexibility and deregulation. This paper questions the “thaumaturgic power” wrongly attributed to legislative interventions and put forward a more holistic approach to solve the problem of youth employment, by focusing on the education systems, school-to-work transition and industrial relations. As a comparative analysis demonstrates, in order to effectively tackle the issue of youth employment, it is not enough to reform labour law. High quality education systems, apprenticeship schemes, efficient placement and employment services, cooperative industrial relations and flexible wage determination mechanisms are the key to success when it comes to youth employment, not only in times of recession.


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The paper analyzes the evolution of the concept of flexicurity in the european context. In this perspective, flexicurity is expressed through the language of the policies, showing an inherent weakness in influencing national reform processes. The essay compare also with the possibility of a re-reading of flexicurity policies, in the light of the theory of capabilities developed by Amartya Sen.


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In the Viking and Laval judgments and more recently in the Comm. v. Germany ruling, the Court of Justice applied the proportionality test to collective rights, setting a series of restrictions to the exercise of the right to strike and the right to collective bargaining. The way the ECJ balances the economic freedoms and the social rights is indeed very different from that of the Italian Constitutional Court. Unlike the European Union Treaties, the Italian Constitution recognizes an important role to the right to take collective action which has to be connected with article 3, paragraph 2, consequently the right of strike is more protected than the exercise of economic freedoms.


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Plusieurs décennies de recherche ont permis de mieux comprendre les effets de l’athérosclérose sur le système cardiovasculaire, d’améliorer la prévention et de développer des traitements efficaces. Les effets de l’athéroslérose sur le cerveau demeurent toutefois mal compris même si le lien entre le fonctionnement cognitif et la santé du système vasculaire est maintenant bien établi. La venue de nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie telle la microscopie laser à 2-photons (TPLM) permet d’étudier l’impact de certaines maladies sur la microvasculature cérébrale en mesurant le flux sanguin dans des vaisseaux uniques situés dans des régions cérébrales millimétriques sous la surface. Les résultats des études in vitro peuvent dorénavant être corrélés à ceux obtenus in vivo. En premier lieu, ce mémoire revoit la théorie ayant permis le développement de la TPLM qui permet de prendre des mesures hémodynamiques in vivo dans des vaisseaux de très petits calibres tels des capillaires cérébraux de souris. Par la suite, son utilisation est décrite chez des souris anesthésiées afin de comparer les mesures d’hémodynamie cérébrale tels la vitesse des globules rouges, le flux de globules rouges, le flux sanguin cérébral, l’hématocrite sanguin et le diamètre des vaisseaux. Finalement, nous avons comparé les données hémodynamiques entre des souris de 3 mois normales (WT ; n=6) et des souris atteintes d’athérosclérose précoce (ATX ; n=6). Les résultats obtenus sur un nombre total de 209 capillaires (103 pour les souris WT et 106 pour les souris ATX) démontrent que les souris ATX possèdent une vitesse des globules rouges (+40%) plus grande, un flux de globule rouge plus grand (+12%) et un flux capillaire plus élevé (+14%) sans démontrer pour aucun de ces paramètres, une différence statistiquement significative. L’hématocrite moyen (35±4% vs 33±2% ; p=0.71) et le diamètre moyen des vaisseaux (4.88±0.22μm vs 4.86±0.20μm ; p=0.23) étaient également comparables. La vitesse des globules rouges a démontré une faible corrélation avec le diamètre des vaisseaux (r=0.39) et avec le flux de globules rouges/seconde (r=0.59). En conclusion, les travaux menés dans le cadre de ce mémoire de maîtrise permettent d'envisager, grâce aux nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie cérébrale telle la TPLM, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes hémodynamiques sous-jacents à la microcirculation cérébrale. L’effet d’une pression pulsée augmentée, tel que proposée dans l’athérosclérose reste cependant à démontrer avec cette méthode d’imagerie.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude de l’orientation des sépultures mayas de la Période Classique (250 - 900/1000 de notre ère). Il s’agit d’une recherche visant à comprendre le choix d’une orientation sud des défunts dans la vallée du Belize et ses environs. L’intérêt porté à cette région vient du fait que l’orientation sud des défunts est un phénomène que l’on retrouve rarement sur le territoire maya, sauf à cet endroit. Alors que la présence de la cardinalité en lien avec la cosmovision maya est attestée dans l’architecture, le plan des sites, la forme et la fonction des divinités, dans l’agriculture, etc., il est plutôt rare qu’elle soit analysée dans les études du traitement funéraire. Ainsi, le but de cette recherche est de saisir l’ampleur de la pratique de l’orientation sud des défunts sur le territoire maya, de comprendre son origine et sa ou ses possible(s) signification(s). Les données des sépultures de la Période Classique de cinq sites de la vallée du Belize (Baking Pot, Barton Ramie, Blackman Eddy, Cahal Pech et Xunantunich), de quatre sites du Plateau Vaca (Minanha, Pacbitun, Mountain Cow et Caracol) et de trois sites situés à l’ouest (Holmul) et au nord (San José et Altun Ha) de ces deux régions sont compilées. Les résultats révèlent que le coeur de cette pratique se trouve dans la vallée du Belize, bien qu’une orientation sud des défunts ait été retrouvée partout. Cette pratique semble apparaitre à la fin de la Période Préclassique et les analyses ne révèlent pas de lien entre l’orientation sud et certaines variables (âge, sexe, position du défunt). Finalement, on arrive à la conclusion qu’il est possible que cette orientation sud des défunts soit en lien avec le passage des défunts dans l’inframonde et que cela forme un choix culturel local en lien avec le statut et l’identité du défunt.


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After advocating flexibilization of non-standard work contracts for many years, some European and international institutions and several policy makers now indicate the standard employment relationship and its regulation as a cause of segmentation between the labour market of "guaranteed" insiders, employed under permanent contracts with effective protection against unfair dismissal, and the market of the “not-guaranteed” outsiders, working with non-standard contracts. Reforms of employment legislation are therefore being promoted and approved in different countries, allegedly aiming to balance the legal protection afforded to standard and non-standard workers. This article firstly argues that this approach is flawed as it oversimplifies reasons of segmentation as it concentrates on an “insiders-outsiders” discourse that cannot easily be transplanted in continental Europe. After reviewing current legislative changes in Italy, Spain and Portugal, it is then argued that lawmakers are focused on “deregulation” rather than “balancing protection” when approving recent reforms. Finally, the mainstream approach to segmentation and some of its derivative proposals, such as calls to introduce a “single permanent contract”, are called into question, as they seem to neglect the essential role of job protection in underpinning the effectiveness of fundamental and constitutional rights at the workplace.


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The problematic gestation of the Directive on temporary agency work shows the presence of several criticalities that there are also in the national transposition in relation to the principle of equal treatment and to the mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments. From a first analysis it can be said that in some EU Member States only the derogations have been implemented and not the general principle of equal treatment. At the same time, the obligation of the Member States, contained in the Directive on temporary agency work, to establish mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments is crucial, especially in the light of the recent case law of the EU Court of Justice in which the Court does not apply to the temporary agency workers the protective rules of the Directive on fixed-term contracts (see C-290/12 , Della Rocca).


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Die in Kraft getretene Raumplanungsverordnung zum revidierten Raumplanungsgesetz (RPG) überlässt es den Kantonen, ob diese bei der Abschätzung ihres Rückzonungsbedarfs von einem "hohen" oder "mittleren" Szenario zur Bevölkerungsentwicklung ausgehen wollen. - Obwohl die Kantone stark mit der Umsetzung der im Vorjahr angenommenen ersten RPG-Teilrevision beschäftigt waren, schickte der Bundesrat bereits eine Vorlage zur zweiten Revisionsetappe in die Vernehmlassung. - Der Ständerat befasste sich als Erstrat mit der Botschaft zur Umsetzung der Zweitwohnungsinitiative und reizte gemäss der zuständigen Bundesrätin den gesetzgeberischen Spielraum aus. - Das Parlament verzichtet definitiv auf die 2008 beschlossene Aufhebung der Lex Koller. - Trotz kontroverser Vernehmlassungsantworten beschloss die Regierung, an der Pflicht zur Bekanntgabe des Vormietzinses festzuhalten und gab die Erarbeitung einer entsprechenden Mietrechtsrevision in Auftrag. - Durch Annahme einer Motion beschloss das Parlament, dass die Veräusserung von Bauland aus landwirtschaftlichem Besitz erneut der Grundstückgewinnsteuer unterliegen soll.