992 resultados para leaf surface


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An interface between two polar semiconductors in parallel magnetic field geometry can support at most four types of surface oscillations; the actual number (less-than-or-equals, slant4), however, depends on the strength of the magnetic field. The interface effects on these relevant ranges of magnetic field are analysed in detail.


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The surface water waves are "modal" waves in which the "physical space" (t, x, y, z) is the product of a propagation space (t, x, y) and a cross space, the z-axis in the vertical direction. We have derived a new set of equations for the long waves in shallow water in the propagation space. When the ratio of the amplitude of the disturbance to the depth of the water is small, these equations reduce to the equations derived by Whitham (1967) by the variational principle. Then we have derived a single equation in (t, x, y)-space which is a generalization of the fourth order Boussinesq equation for one-dimensional waves. In the neighbourhood of a wave froat, this equation reduces to the multidimensional generalization of the KdV equation derived by Shen & Keller (1973). We have also included a systematic discussion of the orders of the various non-dimensional parameters. This is followed by a presentation of a general theory of approximating a system of quasi-linear equations following one of the modes. When we apply this general method to the surface water wave equations in the propagation space, we get the Shen-Keller equation.


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The computations of Flahive and Quinn1 of the dispersion curves of low frequency degenerate surface (DS) modes propagating along the magnetic field in an electron-hole plasma are extended to higher values of the wavenumber. We find that beyond a certain value of the wavenumber the DS mode re-enters the allowed region of surface wave propagation and tends to an asymptotic frequency ωR (<ωLH). These low frequency resonances of an electron-hole plasma are discussed with reference to the experimental observations.


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Magnetoplasmon-type surface polaritons are studied at the interfaces of sandwich structures in the configuration with a magnetic field oriented parallel to the interface but perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. It is shown that the propagation window for the surface polaritons is shifted to higher frequencies in the presence of the magnetic field directed positively. On reversal of the magnetic field an additional low frequency propagation band appears. Irrespective of the direction and strength of the magnetic field there exists a certain frequency range in which interface polaritons cannot propagate. For sandwich structures for which the dielectric constant and the plasma frequency of one medium are simultaneously greater or less than those of the second medium gaps and multiple branches can appear in the propagation window either for n > 0 or n <; 0 waves. A graphical method for the estimation of critical ranges of B0 and dielectric constant ratios for different sandwich structures, within which gaps and multiple branches appear, is given


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Metal-free CNTs exhibit high activity (conversion rate 99.6%, 6 h) towards the synthesis of chiral hydrobenzoin from benzaldehyde under near-UV light irradiation (320–400 nm). The CNT structure before and after the reaction, the interaction between the molecule and the CNT surface, the intermediate products, the substitution effect and the influence of light on the reaction were examined using various techniques. A photo-excited conduction electron transfer (PECET) mechanism for the photocatalytic reduction using CNTs has been proposed. This finding provides a green photocatalytic route for the production of hydrobenzoin and highlights a potential photocatalytic application of CNTs.


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Measurements of both the velocity and the temperature field have been made in the thermal layer that grows inside a turbulent boundary layer which is subjected to a small step change in surface heat flux. Upstream of the step, the wall heat flux is zero and the velocity boundary layer is nearly self-preserving. The thermal-layer measurements are discussed in the context of a self-preserving analysis for the temperature disturbance which grows underneath a thick external turbulent boundary layer. A logarithmic mean temperature profile is established downstream of the step but the budget for the mean-square temperature fluctuations shows that, in the inner region of the thermal layer, the production and dissipation of temperature fluctuations are not quite equal at the furthest downstream measurement station. The measurements for both the mean and the fluctuating temperature field indicate that the relaxation distance for the thermal layer is quite large, of the order of 1000θ0, where θ0 is the momentum thickness of the boundary layer at the step. Statistics of the thermal-layer interface and conditionally sampled measurements with respect to this interface are presented. Measurements of the temperature intermittency factor indicate that the interface is normally distributed with respect to its mean position. Near the step, the passive heat contaminant acts as an effective marker of the organized turbulence structure that has been observed in the wall region of a boundary layer. Accordingly, conditional averages of Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes measured in the heated part of the flow are considerably larger than the conventional averages when the temperature intermittency factor is small.


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The problem of excitation of 11zultilayercd-graded-dielectric-coatedc onductor by a magnetic ring source is fornzulated in the ,form of a contour integrul which is rolved by using the method of steepest descent. Numerical evaluation of launching efiiency shows that high value of about 90 percent can be attained by choosing proper dimensions of the launcher with respect to the dimension of the surface wave line.


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A probe, 9-(anthrylmethyl)trimethylammonium chloride, 1, was prepared. 1 binds to calf-thymus DNA or Escherichia coli genomic DNA with high affinity, as evidenced from the absorption titration. Strong hypochromism, spectral broadening and red-shifts in the absorption spectra were observed. Half-reciprocal plot constructed from this experiment gave binding constant of 5±0.5×104 M−1 in base molarity. We employed this anthryl probe-DNA complex for studying the effects of addition of various surfactant to DNA. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used in this study and the effects of surfactant addition to such probe-DNA complex were compared with that of small organic cations or salts. Addition of either salts or cationic surfactants led to structural changes in DNA and under these conditions, the probe from the DNA-bound complex appeared to get released. However, the cationic surfactants could induce such release of the probe from the probe-DNA complex at a much lower concentration than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast the anionic surfactants failed to promote any destabilization of such probe-DNA complexes. The effects of additives on the probe-DNA complexes were also examined by using a different technique (fluorescence spectroscopy) using a different probe ethidium bromide. The association complexes formed between the cationic surfactants and the plasmid DNA pTZ19R, were further examined under agarose gel electrophoresis and could not be visualized by ethidium bromide staining presumably due to cationic surfactant-induced condensation of DNA. Most of the DNA from such association complexes can be recovered by extraction of surfactants with phenol-chloroform. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA melting temperatures by a few °C and at high [surfactant], the corresponding melting profiles got broadened.


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This paper describes a simple technique for the fermentation of untreated or partly-treated leafy biomass in a digester of novel design without incurring the normal problems of feeding, floating and scum formation of feed, etc. The solid phase fermentation studied consists of a bed of biomass frequently sprinkled with an aqueous bacterial inoculum and recycling the leachate to conserve moisture and improve the bacterial dispersion in the bed. The decomposition of the leaf biomass and water hyacinth substrates used in this study was rapid, taking 45 and 30 days for the production of 250 and 235 l biogas per kg total solids (TS) respectively, for the above mentioned substrates at a daily sprinkled volume of 26 ml cm−2 of bed per day sprinkled at 12 h intervals. Very little volatile fatty acid (VFA) intermediates accumulated in the liquid sprinkled, suggesting acidogenesis to be rate-limiting in this process. From the pattern of VFA and gas produced it is concluded that most of the biogas produced is from the biomass bed, thus making the operation of a separate methanogenic reactor unnecessary.


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Prediction of thermodynamic parameters of protein-protein and antigen-antibody complex formation from high resolution structural parameters has recently received much attention, since an understanding of the contributions of different fundamental processes like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, salt bridge formation, solvent reorganization etc. to the overall thermodynamic parameters and their relations with the structural parameters would lead to rational drug design. Using the results of the dissolution of hydrocarbons and other model compounds the changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp), enthalpy (DeltaH) and entropy (DeltaS) have been empirically correlated with the polar and apolar surface areas buried during the process of protein folding/unfolding and protein-ligand complex formation. In this regard, the polar and apolar surfaces removed from the solvent in a protein-ligand complex have been calculated from the experimentally observed values of changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) and enthalpy (DeltaH) for protein-ligand complexes for which accurate thermodynamic and high resolution structural data are available, and the results have been compared with the x-ray crystallographic observations. Analyses of the available results show poor correlation between the thermodynamic and structural parameters. Probable reasons for this discrepancy are mostly related with the reorganization of water accompanying the reaction which is indeed proven by the analyses of the energetics of the binding of the wheat germ agglutinin to oligosaccharides.


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Herbivorous insects comprise a major part of terrestrial biodiversity, and their interactions with their host plants and natural enemies are of vast ecological importance. A large body of research demonstrates that the ecology and evolution of these insects may be affected by trophic interactions, by abiotic influences, and by intraspecific processes, but so far research on these individual aspects has rarely been combined. This thesis uses the leaf-mining moth Tischeria ekebladella and the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) as a case study to assess how spatial variation in trophic interactions and the physical distribution of host trees jointly affect the distribution, dynamics and evolution of a host-specific herbivore. With respect to habitat quality, Tischeria ekebladella experiences abundant variation at several spatial scales. Most of this variation occurs at small scales notably among leaves and shoots within individual trees. While hypothetically this could cause moths to evolve an ability to select leaves and shoots of high quality, I did not find any coupling between female preference and offspring performance. Based on my studies on temporal variation in resource quality I therefore propose that unpredictable temporal changes in the relative rankings of individual resource units may render it difficult for females to predict the fate of their developing offspring. With respect to intraspecific processes, my results suggest that limited moth dispersal in relation to the spatial distribution of oak trees plays a key role in determining the regional distribution of Tischeria ekebladella. The distribution of the moth is aggregated at the landscape level, where local leaf miner populations are less likely to be present where oaks are scarce. A modelling exercise based on empirical dispersal estimates revealed that the moth population on Wattkast an island in south-western Finland is spatially structured overall, but that the relative importance of local and regional processes on tree-specific moth dynamics varies drastically across the landscape. To conclude, my work in the oak-Tischeria ekebladella system demonstrates that the local abundance and regional distribution of a herbivore may be more strongly influenced by the spatial location of host trees than by their relative quality. Hence, it reveals the importance of considering spatial context in the study of herbivorous insects, and forms a bridge between the classical fields of plant-insect interactions and spatial ecology.