952 resultados para kinetic resolution of activated cyclopropanes


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Cette thèse comprend deux parties distinctes, dans lesquelles seront décrits tout d’abord, le développement d’un procédé multicatalytique en un seul pot d’une réaction de méthylénation suivie d’un couplage de Heck, puis dans un second temps, une étude vers la synthèse de l’Hodgsonox. Le premier thème de la thèse correspond à la mise en place d’un procédé en un seul pot, basé sur la méthodologie de méthylénation catalysée par un métal de transition, développée au sein du groupe du Pr. Lebel, et sur des couplages de Heck. Différentes études de compatibilité des réactifs mis en présence sont abordées, ainsi que le choix des conditions optimales (Pd(OAc)2 et P(o-tol)3) pour la réalisation d’un tel système qui ne requiert aucun isolement du produit intermédiaire. Il a été démontré que la présence de triphénylphosphine en excès inhibe la réaction de couplage de Heck, ce qui a finalement orienté notre choix vers les sels de cuivre pour la catalyse de la réaction de méthylénation. Le tandem séquentiel a ensuite été appliqué à la synthèse de divers stilbènes, notamment des composés dérivés du Resvératrol, molécule d’intérêt thérapeutique pour les maladies cardiovasculaires, et à la synthèse d’indanes substitués, avec un couplage intramoléculaire, avec de bons rendements. La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite de l’étude menée vers la synthèse de l’Hodgsonox. Cette molécule correspond à une nouvelle classe de sesquiterpènes tricycliques, comportant un dihydropyrane doté d’une fonction éther diallylique. Cette molécule représente un défi synthétique pour le groupe du Pr. Lebel, qui envisage de synthétiser les deux doubles liaisons terminales au moyen de la méthodologie de méthylénation développée au sein du groupe. L’Hodgsonox, dont la biosynthèse utilise la voie MEP, a un potentiel insecticide pour la croissance de la larve de la mouche verte d’Australie, Lucilia cuprina. La synthèse envisagée au cours de ces travaux est basée sur la formation préalable d’un cycle à 5 chaînons, comportant 3 centres stéréogéniques, puis sur la cyclisation du cycle pyranique au moyen d’une réaction d’insertion dans un lien O H. Un dédoublement cinétique dynamique sur une δ butyrolactone substituée permet de fixer la stéréochimie relative de deux centres chiraux dès la première étape. Le cycle à 5 chaînons est ensuite formé par métathèse après 6 étapes avec un rendement de 37%. Une addition conjuguée suivie d’une réaction de Saegusa et d’une réaction d’hydrosilylation introduit le groupement isopropyle de manière syn. Après mise en place d’un groupement céto-ester, un transfert de groupement diazonium permet de préparer le précurseur pour la réaction d’insertion dans un lien O-H. Le bicycle correspondant à la structure de base de l’Hodgsonox a été préparé au moyen de 16 étapes linéaires avec un rendement global de 12%.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nesta tese, efetuamos estudos visando à síntese de sesquiterpenos bacanos, cuja etapa chave consistiu na construção do sistema cis-hidrindânico, através de reação de contração de anel de cis-octalinas e 2-octalonas mediada por trinitrato de tálio (TTN). Apenas as cis-octalinas como, por exemplo, o cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahidronaftaleno e o cis-4a, 7-dimetil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno, foram passíveis de reação de contração de anel em rendimentos satisfatórios; já a cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona levou ao produto de contração em baixo rendimento. Tentamos utilizar a reação de cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno com TTN na síntese da nor-baquenolida-A, porém não conseguimos completar a síntese desta, pois não foi possível efetuar a última etapa sintética, nas várias abordagens testadas. Grandes esforços também foram empregados na preparação diastereosseletiva da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona através de três abordagens diferentes que foram investigadas, sendo duas delas com êxito. Contudo, o baixo rendimento (38%) da etapa de contração de anel da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona não permitiu a continuação da rota sintética proposta para a baquenolida-A. Também realizamos a resolução cinética de três diferentes cis-octalóis que foram preparados através da reação de Diels-Alder seguida de redução diastereosseletiva - com a lipase Novozym 435, e os produtos resolvidos foram obtidos em excelentes rendimentos isolados (≥ 40% para cada enantiômero) e excelentes excessos enantioméricos (≥ 98%).


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Adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL), an enzyme involved in purine biosynthesis, has been recognized as a drug target against microbial infections. In the present study, ASL from Mycobacteriumsmegmatis (MsASL) and Mycobacteriumtuberculosis (MtbASL) were cloned, purified and crystallized. The X-ray crystal structure of MsASL was determined at a resolution of 2.16 angstrom. It is the first report of an apo-ASL structure with a partially ordered active site C3 loop. Diffracting crystals of MtbASL could not be obtained and a model for its structure was derived using MsASL as a template. These structures suggest that His149 and either Lys285 or Ser279 of MsASL are the residues most likely to function as the catalytic acid and base, respectively. Most of the active site residues were found to be conserved, with the exception of Ser148 and Gly319 of MsASL. Ser148 is structurally equivalent to a threonine in most other ASLs. Gly319 is replaced by an arginine residue in most ASLs. The two enzymes were catalytically much less active compared to ASLs from other organisms. Arg319Gly substitution and reduced flexibility of the C3 loop might account for the low catalytic activity of mycobacterial ASLs. The low activity is consistent with the slow growth rate of Mycobacteria and their high GC containing genomes, as well as their dependence on other salvage pathways for the supply of purine nucleotides. Structured digital abstract andby()


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 296 and at 339 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied over the pressure range 10-200 Torr with SF6 as bath gas. The second-order rate constants obtained were pressure dependent, indicating that the reaction is a third-body assisted association process. Rate constants at 339 K were about half those at 296 K. Isotope effects, k(H)/k(D), were small averaging 1.076 0.080, suggesting no involvement of H- (or D-) atom transfer in the rate determining step. RRKM modeling was undertaken based on a transition state appropriate to formation of the expected zwitterionic donoracceptor complex, H2Si...OH2. Because the reaction is close to the low pressure (third order) region, it is difficult to be definitive about the activated complex structure. Various structures were tried, both with and without the incorporation of rotational modes, leading to values for the high-pressure limiting (i.e., true secondorder) rate constant in the range 9.5 x 10(-11) to 5 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule' s(-1). The RRKM modeling and mechanistic interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G2 and G3 levels. The results are compared and contrasted with the previous studies.


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Substrate inhibition by ATP is a regulatory feature of the phosphofructokinases isoenzymes from Escherichia coli (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2). Under gluconeogenic conditions, the loss of this regulation in Pfk-2 causes substrate cycling of fructose-6-phosphate (fructose-6-P) and futile consumption of ATP delaying growth. In the present work, we have broached the mechanism of ATP-induced inhibition of Pfk-2 from both structural and kinetic perspectives. The crystal structure of Pfk-2 in complex with fructose-6-P is reported to a resolution of 2 angstrom. The comparison of this structure with the previously reported inhibited form of the enzyme suggests a negative interplay between fructose-6-P binding and allosteric binding of MgATP. Initial velocity experiments show a linear increase of the apparent K(0.5) for fructose-6-P and a decrease in the apparent k(cat) as a function of MgATP concentration. These effects occur simultaneously with the induction of a sigmoidal kinetic behavior (n(H) of approximately 2). Differences and resemblances in the patterns of fructose-6-P binding and the mechanism of inhibition are discussed for Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, as an example of evolutionary convergence, because these enzymes do not share a common ancestor.


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Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the degree of conversion (DC) of four composite resins, being one nanofilled and 3 microhybrid resins, photo-activated with second- and third-generation light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Material and methods: Filtek (TM) Z350 nanofilled composite resins and Amelogen (R) Plus, Vit-l-escence (TM) and Opallis microhybrid resins were photo-activated with two second-generation LEDs (Radii-cal and Elipar Free Light (TM) 2) and one third-generation LED (Ultra-Lume LED 5) by continuous light mode, and a quartz halogen-tungsten bulb (QHT, control). After 24 h of storage, the samples were pulverized into fine powder and 5 mg of each material were mixed with 100 mg of potassium bromide (KBr). After homogenization, they were pressed, which resulted in a pellet that was evaluated using an infrared spectromer (Nexus 470, Thermo Nicolet) equipped with TGS detector using diffuse reflectance (32 scans, resolution of 4 cm(-1)) coupled to a computer. The percentage of unreacted carbon-carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1637 cm-1) against internal standard before and after curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1610 cm-1). Results: The ANOVA showed a significant effect on the interaction between the light-curing units (LCUs) and the composite resins (p<0.001). The Tukey's test showed that the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) and Opallis when photo-activated by the halogen lamp (QTH) had the lowest DC compared with the other microhybrid composite resins. The DC of the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) was also lower using LEDs. The highest degrees of conversion were obtained using the third-generation LED and one of second-generation LEDs (Elipar Free Light (TM) 2). Conclusions: The nanofilled resin showed the lowest DC, and the Vit-l-escence (TM) microhybrid composite resin showed the highest DC. Among the LCUs, it was not possible to establish an order, even though the second-generation LED Radii-cal provided the lowest DC.


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Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the degree of conversion (DC) of four composite resins, being one nanofilled and 3 microhybrid resins, photo-activated with second- and third-generation light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Material and methods: Filtek (TM) Z350 nanofilled composite resins and Amelogen (R) Plus, Vit-l-escence (TM) and Opallis microhybrid resins were photo-activated with two second-generation LEDs (Radii-cal and Elipar Free Light (TM) 2) and one third-generation LED (Ultra-Lume LED 5) by continuous light mode, and a quartz halogen-tungsten bulb (QHT, control). After 24 h of storage, the samples were pulverized into fine powder and 5 mg of each material were mixed with 100 mg of potassium bromide (KBr). After homogenization, they were pressed, which resulted in a pellet that was evaluated using an infrared spectromer (Nexus 470, Thermo Nicolet) equipped with TGS detector using diffuse reflectance (32 scans, resolution of 4 cm(-1)) coupled to a computer. The percentage of unreacted carbon-carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1637 cm-1) against internal standard before and after curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1610 cm-1). Results: The ANOVA showed a significant effect on the interaction between the light-curing units (LCUs) and the composite resins (p<0.001). The Tukey's test showed that the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) and Opallis when photo-activated by the halogen lamp (QTH) had the lowest DC compared with the other microhybrid composite resins. The DC of the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) was also lower using LEDs. The highest degrees of conversion were obtained using the third-generation LED and one of second-generation LEDs (Elipar Free Light (TM) 2). Conclusions: The nanofilled resin showed the lowest DC, and the Vit-l-escence (TM) microhybrid composite resin showed the highest DC. Among the LCUs, it was not possible to establish an order, even though the second-generation LED Radii-cal provided the lowest DC.


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G protein-gated inward rectifier K+ (GIRK) channels mediate hyperpolarizing postsynaptic potentials in the nervous system and in the heart during activation of Gα(i/o)-coupled receptors. In neurons and cardiac atrial cells the time course for receptor-mediated GIRK current deactivation is 20–40 times faster than that observed in heterologous systems expressing cloned receptors and GIRK channels, suggesting that an additional component(s) is required to confer the rapid kinetic properties of the native transduction pathway. We report here that heterologous expression of “regulators of G protein signaling” (RGS proteins), along with cloned G protein-coupled receptors and GIRK channels, reconstitutes the temporal properties of the native receptor → GIRK signal transduction pathway. GIRK current waveforms evoked by agonist activation of muscarinic m2 receptors or serotonin 1A receptors were dramatically accelerated by coexpression of either RGS1, RGS3, or RGS4, but not RGS2. For the brain-expressed RGS4 isoform, neither the current amplitude nor the steady-state agonist dose-response relationship was significantly affected by RGS expression, although the agonist-independent “basal” GIRK current was suppressed by ≈40%. Because GIRK activation and deactivation kinetics are the limiting rates for the onset and termination of “slow” postsynaptic inhibitory currents in neurons and atrial cells, RGS proteins may play crucial roles in the timing of information transfer within the brain and to peripheral tissues.


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In this work, batch and dynamic adsorption tests are coupled for an accurate evaluation of CO2 adsorption performance for three different activated carbons obtained from olives stones by chemical activation followed by physical activation with CO2 at varying times, i.e. 20, 40 and 60 h. Kinetic and thermodynamic CO2 adsorption tests from simulated flue-gas at different temperature and CO2 pressure are carried out both in batch (a manometric equipment operating with pure CO2) and dynamic (a lab-scale fixed-bed column operating with CO2/N2 mixture) conditions. The textural characterization of the activated carbon samples shows a direct dependence of both micropore and ultramicropore volume on the activation time, hence AC60 has the higher contribution. The adsorption tests conducted at 273 and 293 K showed that, when CO2 pressure is lower than 0.3 bar, the lower the activation time the higher CO2 adsorption capacity and a ranking ωeq(AC20)>ωeq(AC40)>ωeq(AC60) can be exactly defined when T= 293 K. This result can be likely ascribed to a narrower pore size distribution of the AC20 sample, whose smaller pores are more effective for CO2 capture at higher temperature and lower CO2 pressure, the latter representing operating conditions of major interest for decarbonation of a flue-gas effluent. Moreover, the experimental results obtained from dynamic tests confirm the results derived from the batch tests in terms of CO2 adsorption capacity. It is important to highlight that the adsorption of N2 on the synthesized AC samples can be considered negligible. Finally, the importance of a proper analysis of characterization data and adsorption experimental results is highlighted for a correct assessment of CO2 removal performances of activated carbons at different CO2 pressure and operating temperature.


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This is an Inter-Disciplinary Higher Degree (IHD) thesis about Water Pollution Control in the Iron and Steel Industry. After examining the compositions, and various treatment methods, for the major effluent streams from a typical Integrated Iron and Steel works, it was decided to concentrate investigative work on the activated-sludge treatment of coke-oven effluents. A mathematical model of this process was developed in an attempt to provide a tool for plant management that would enable improved performance, and enhanced control of Works Units. The model differs from conventional models in that allowance is made for the presence of two genera of microorganisms, each of which utilises a particular type of substrate as its energy source. Allowance is also made for the inhibitive effect of phenol on thiocyanate biodegradation, and for the self-toxicity of the bacteria when present in a high substrate concentration environment. The enumeration of the kinetic characteristics of the two groups of micro-organisms was shown to be of major importance. Laboratory experiments were instigated in an attempt to determine accurate values of these coefficients. The use of the Suspended Solids concentration was found to be too insensitive a measure of viable active mass. Other measures were investigated, and Adenosine Triphosphate concentration was chosen as the most effective measure of bacterial populations. Using this measure, a model was developed for phenol biodegradation from experimental results which implicated the possibility of storage of substate prior to metabolism. A model for thiocyanate biodegradation was also developed, although the experimental results indicate that much work is still required in this area.


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This work investigates the production of activated lignin-chitosan extruded (ALiCE) pellets with controlled particle size distribution (almost spherical: dp ~500‒1000µm) for efficient methylene blue adsorption. The novel preparation method employed in this study successfully produced activated lignin-chitosan pellets. Structural and morphological characterizations were performed using BET, FTIR and SEM-EDX analyses. The influence of contact time, solution pH, ionic strength, initial adsorbate concentration and desorption studies was investigated. The experimental data fitted well with the Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.997), yielding a maximum adsorption capacity of 36.25mg/g. The kinetic data indicated that methylene blue (MB) adsorption onto ALiCE can be represented by the pseudo second-order-model with intraparticle processes initially controlling the process of MB adsorption. Overall, these results indicate that the novel ALiCE offers great potential for removing cationic organic pollutants from rivers and streams.


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Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a homodimeric plasma glycoprotein that is the major sex steroid carrier-protein in the bloodstream and functions also as a key regulator of steroid bioavailability within target tissues, such as the prostate. Additionally, SHBG binds to prostatic cell membranes via the putative and unidentified SHBG receptor (RSHBG), activating a signal transduction pathway implicated in stimulating both proliferation and expression of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cell lines in vitro. A yeast-two hybrid assay suggested an interaction between SHBG and kallikrein-related protease (KLK) 4, which is a serine protease implicated in the progression of prostate cancer. The potential interaction between these two proteins was investigated in this PhD thesis to determine whether SHBG is a proteolytic substrate of KLK4 and other members of the KLK family including KLK3/PSA, KLK7 and KLK14. Furthermore, the effects from SHBG proteolytic degradation on SHBG-regulated steroid bioavailability and the activation of the putative RSHBG signal transduction pathway were examined in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line. SHBG was found to be a proteolytic substrate of the trypsin-like KLK4 and KLK14 in vitro, yielding several proteolysis fragments. Both chymotrypsin-like PSA and KLK7 displayed insignificant proteolytic activity against SHBG. The kinetic parameters of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 demonstrate a strong enzyme-substrate binding capacity, possessing a Km of 1.2 ± 0.7 µM and 2.1 ± 0.6 µM respectively. The catalytic efficiencies (kcat/Km) of KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG were 1.6 x 104 M-1s-1 and 3.8 x 104 M-1s-1 respectively, which were comparable to parameters previously reported for peptide substrates. N-terminal sequencing of the fragments revealed cleavage near the junction of the N- and C-terminal laminin globulin-like (G-like) domains of SHBG, resulting in the division of the two globulins and ultimately the full degradation of these fragments by KLK4 and KLK14 over time. Proteolytic fragments that may retain steroid binding were rapidly degraded by both proteases, while fragments containing residues beyond the steroid binding pocket were less degraded over the same period of time. Degradation of SHBG was inhibited by the divalent metal cations calcium and zinc for KLK4, and calcium, zinc and magnesium for KLK14. The human secreted serine protease inhibitors (serpins), α1-antitrypsin and α2-antiplasmin, inhibited KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG; α1-antichymotrypsin inhibited KLK4 but not KLK14 activity. The inhibition by these serpins was comparable and in some cases more effective than general trypsin protease inhibitors such as aprotinin and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The binding of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to SHBG modulated interactions with KLK4 and KLK14. Steroid-free SHBG was more readily digested by both enzymes than DHT-bound SHBG. Moreover, a binding interaction exists between SHBG and pro-KLK4 and pro-KLK14, with DHT strengthening the binding to pro-KLK4 only. The inhibition of androgen uptake by cultured prostate cancer cells, mediated by SHBG steroid-binding, was examined to assess whether SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 modulated this process. Proteolytic digestion eliminated the ability of SHBG to inhibit the uptake of DHT from conditioned media into LNCaP cells. Therefore, the proteolysis of SHBG by KLK4 and KLK14 increased steroid bioavailability in vitro, leading to an increased uptake of androgens by prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, different transcriptional responses of PSA and KLK2, which are androgen-regulated genes, to DHT-bounsd SHBG treatment were observed between low and high passage number LNCaP cells (lpLNCaP and hpLNCaP respectively). HpLNCaP cells treated with DHT-bound SHBG demonstrated a significant synergistic upregulation of PSA and KLK2 above DHT or SHBG treatment alone, which is similar to previously reported downstream responses from RSHBG-mediated signaling activation. As this result was not seen in lpLNCaP cells, only hpLNCaP cells were further investigated to examine the modulation of potential RSHBG activity by KLK4 and KLK14 proteolysis of SHBG. Contrary to reported results, no increase in intracellular cAMP was observed in hpLNCaP cells when treated with SHBG in the presence and absence of either DHT or estradiol. As a result, the modulation of RSHBG-mediated signaling activation could not be determined. Finally, the identification of the RSHBG from both breast (MCF-7) and prostate cancer (LNCaP) cell lines was attempted. Fluorescently labeled peptides corresponding to the putative receptor binding domain (RBD) of SHBG were shown to be internalized by MCF-7 cells. Crosslinking of the RBD peptide to the cell surfaces of both MCF-7 and LNCaP cells, demonstrated the interaction of the peptide with several targets. These targets were then captured using RBD peptides synthesized onto a hydrophilic scaffold and analysed by mass spectrometry. The samples captured by the RBD peptide returned statistically significantly matches for cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19 as well as microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1, which may indicate a novel interaction between SHBG and these proteins, but ultimately failed to detect a membrane receptor potentially responsible for the putative RSHBG-mediated signaling. This PhD project has reported the proteolytic processing of SHBG by two members of the kallikrein family, KLK4 and KLK14. The effect of SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14 on RSHBG-mediated signaling activation was unable to be determined as the reported signal transduction pathway was not activated after treatment with SHBG, in combination with either DHT or estradiol. However, the digestion of SHBG by these two proteases positively regulated androgen bioavailability to prostate cancer cells in vitro. The increased uptake of androgens is deleterious in prostate cancer due to the promotion of proliferation, metastasis, invasion and the inhibition of apoptosis. The increased bioavailability of androgens, from SHBG proteolysis by KLK4 and KLK14, may therefore promote both carcinogenesis and progression of prostate cancer. Finally, this information may contribute to the development of therapeutic treatment strategies for prostate cancer by inhibiting the proteolysis of SHBG, by KLK4 and KLK14, to prevent the increased uptake of androgens by hormone-dependent cancerous tissues.


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A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of acesulfame-K, sodium cyclamate and saccharin sodium sweeteners in foodstuff samples has been researched and developed. This analytical method relies on the different kinetic rates of the analytes in their oxidative reaction with KMnO4 to produce the green manganate product in an alkaline solution. As the kinetic rates of acesulfame-K, sodium cyclamate and saccharin sodium were similar and their kinetic data seriously overlapped, chemometrics methods, such as partial least squares (PLS), principal component regression (PCR) and classical least squares (CLS), were applied to resolve the kinetic data. The results showed that the PLS prediction model performed somewhat better. The proposed method was then applied for the determination of the three sweeteners in foodstuff samples, and the results compared well with those obtained by the reference HPLC method.


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Two areas of particular importance in prostate cancer progression are primary tumour development and metastasis. These processes involve a number of physiological events, the mediators of which are still being discovered and characterised. Serine proteases have been shown to play a major role in cancer invasion and metastasis. The recently discovered phenomenon of their activation of a receptor family known as the protease activated receptors (PARs) has extended their physiological role to that of signaling molecule. Several serine proteases are expressed by malignant prostate cancer cells, including members of the kallikreinrelated peptidase (KLK) serine protease family, and increasingly these are being shown to be associated with prostate cancer progression. KLK4 is highly expressed in the prostate and expression levels increase during prostate cancer progression. Critically, recent studies have implicated KLK4 in processes associated with cancer. For example, the ectopic over-expression of KLK4 in prostate cancer cell lines results in an increased ability of these cells to form colonies, proliferate and migrate. In addition, it has been demonstrated that KLK4 is a potential mediator of cellular interactions between prostate cancer cells and osteoblasts (bone forming cells). The ability of KLK4 to influence cellular behaviour is believed to be through the selective cleavage of specific substrates. Identification of relevant in vivo substrates of KLK4 is critical to understanding the pathophysiological roles of this enzyme. Significantly, recent reports have demonstrated that several members of the KLK family are able to activate PARs. The PARs are relatively new members of the seven transmembrane domain containing G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family. PARs are activated through proteolytic cleavage of their N-terminus by serine proteases, the resulting nascent N-terminal binds intramolecularly to initiate receptor activation. PARs are involved in a number of patho-physiological processes, including vascular repair and inflammation, and a growing body of evidence suggests roles in cancer. While expression of PAR family members has been documented in several types of cancers, including prostate, the role of these GPCRs in prostate cancer development and progression is yet to be examined. Interestingly, several studies have suggested potential roles in cellular invasion through the induction of cytoskeletal reorganisation and expression of basement membrane-degrading enzymes. Accordingly, this program of research focussed on the activation of the PARs by the prostate cancer associated enzyme KLK4, cellular processing of activated PARs and the expression pattern of receptor and agonist in prostate cancer. For these studies KLK4 was purified from the conditioned media of stably transfected Sf9 insect cells expressing a construct containing the complete human KLK4 coding sequence in frame with a V5 epitope and poly-histidine encoding sequences. The first aspect of this study was the further characterisation of this recombinant zymogen form of KLK4. The recombinant KLK4 zymogen was demonstrated to be activatable by the metalloendopeptidase thermolysin and amino terminal sequencing indicated that thermolysin activated KLK4 had the predicted N-terminus of mature active KLK4 (31IINED). Critically, removal of the pro-region successfully generated a catalytically active enzyme, with comparable activity to a previously published recombinant KLK4 produced from S2 insect cells. The second aspect of this study was the activation of the PARs by KLK4 and the initiation of signal transduction. This study demonstrated that KLK4 can activate PAR-1 and PAR-2 to mobilise intracellular Ca2+, but failed to activate PAR-4. Further, KLK4 activated PAR-1 and PAR-2 over distinct concentration ranges, with KLK4 activation and mobilisation of Ca2+ demonstrating higher efficacy through PAR-2. Thus, the remainder of this study focussed on PAR-2. KLK4 was demonstrated to directly cleave a synthetic peptide that mimicked the PAR-2 Nterminal activation sequence. Further, KLK4 mediated Ca2+ mobilisation through PAR-2 was accompanied by the initiation of the extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) cascade. The specificity of intracellular signaling mediated through PAR-2 by KLK4 activation was demonstrated by siRNA mediated protein depletion, with a reduction in PAR-2 protein levels correlating to a reduction in KLK4 mediated Ca2+mobilisation and ERK phosphorylation. The third aspect of this study examined cellular processing of KLK4 activated PAR- 2 in a prostate cancer cell line. PAR-2 was demonstrated to be expressed by five prostate derived cell lines including the prostate cancer cell line PC-3. It was also demonstrated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy analyses that activation of PC-3 cell surface PAR-2 by KLK4 leads to internalisation of this receptor in a time dependent manner. Critically, in vivo relevance of the interaction between KLK4 and PAR-2 was established by the observation of the co-expression of receptor and agonist in primary prostate cancer and prostate cancer bone lesion samples by immunohistochemical analysis. Based on the results of this study a number of exciting future studies have been proposed, including, delineating differences in KLK4 cellular signaling via PAR-1 and PAR-2 and the role of PAR-1 and PAR-2 activation by KLK4 in prostate cancer cells and bone cells in prostate cancer progression.