970 resultados para kidney allograft rejection


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BACKGROUND: Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplantation (SPK) should be the procedure of choice for (pre)uremic patients with type 1 diabetes. All standard immunosuppressive protocols for SPK include a calcineurin-inhibitor. Both calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporine (CyA) and probably tacrolimus (FK506) too, are associated with the occurrence of cholelithiasis due to their metabolic side effects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated the prevalence of cholelithiasis in 83 kidney/pancreas transplanted type I-diabetic patients (46 males, 37 females, mean age 42.8 +/- 7.5 years) by conventional B-mode ultrasound 5 years after transplantation. 56 patients received CyA (group 1) and 27 received tacrolimus (group 2) as first-line-immunosuppressive drug. Additional immunosuppression consisted of steroids, azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Additionally, laboratory analyses of cholestasis parameters (gamma-GT and alcalic phosphatasis) were performed. RESULTS: In total, 23 patients (28%) revealed gallstones and 52 patients (62%) revealed a completely normal gallbladder. In eight patients (10%) a cholecystectomy was performed before or during transplantation because of already known gallstones. No concrements in the biliary ducts (choledocholithiasis) could be detected. In group 2 the number of patients with gallstones was slightly lower (22%) compared with group 1 patients (30%), but without statistical significance. - Cholestasis parameters were not increased and HbA1c values were normal in both groups of patients. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of biliary disease in kidney/pancreas transplanted type I-diabetic patients with 28% is increased in comparison to the general population (10-15%). Lithogenicity under tacrolimus seems to be lower as under cyclosporine based immunosuppressive drug treatment. We recommend regular sonographical examinations to detect an acute or chronic cholecystis as early as possible, which may develop occultly in these patients.


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AIM: This study was conducted to delineate partnership-relation functioning over time and specifically matched to various organs such as heart, liver, and kidney. METHOD: Prospective, paralleled case-control-study including patients and their respective partners before and one year after organ transplantation in 23 heart-transplant recipients, 19 liver-transplant patients, and 16 kidney-transplant recipients. To assess partnership functioning, the FB-Z (family assessment measure) of Cierpka and Frevert was used. Statistics included descriptive methods, correlations, and analysis of variance including the items "organ" and "time". RESULTS: Heart-transplant recipients and their partners show significant better overall measures in their partnership ratings (sum-value) in comparison to liver or kidney patients and their partners. In all patient and partner groups, except in kidney-transplant recipients a significant deterioration over time is discernible in the subscales role performance and emotionality. In respect to the item "organ" significant differences were found in overall functioning and the subscale communication where heart-transplant recipients and their partners have significant better functioning compared to kidney or liver transplant patients. In kidney patients and their partners only communication changes to the better in the time course. CONCLUSION: In any organ transplantation the two sides of the coin are important to bear in mind, the one is the live-saving act of transplantation as such, the other is the important distress in the phase before but equally after the operation, mainly in the first year where patients and their respective partners have to be followed and treated even in respect to psychosocial and marital functioning.


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The consequences of failing to comply to doctor's instructions can be damaging and devastating for the individual patient and their family. Noncompliance also leads to waste, as it reduces the potential benefits of therapy, and to the extra cost of treating avoidable consequent morbidity. Life-long immunosuppression is a prerequisite for good graft function, and noncompliance is often associated with late acute rejection episodes, graft loss, and death. It might be assumed that transplant patients constitute a highly motivated group, and that compliance would be high. Unfortunately, this is not the case: overall noncompliance rates vary from 20 to 50%. This overview includes literature on heart, liver, and kidney transplants in adult and pediatric transplant patients. Compliance behavior after transplantation, noncompliance and its relationship to organ loss and death, retransplantation outcome after graft loss due to noncompliance, and reasons for postoperative noncompliance will be addressed.


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BACKGROUND: Many studies confirm that noncompliance or poor compliance is one of the great problems in health care as it results in waste of resources and funds. METHODS: This overview includes literature on heart, liver, and kidney transplants with emphasis on heart transplantation in adult and pediatric transplant patients and addresses the following variables as potential predictors of postoperative compliance problems: demographic variables (age, marital status, gender) psychological variables (anxiety, denial) psychiatric disorders (major depression, anxiety, and personality disorders), poor social support, pretransplant noncompliance, obesity, substance abuse, and health-related variables (distance from transplant center, indication for transplantation, required pretransplant assist device). Relevant studies on these topics that were conducted up to 1999 are included and discussed in this overview. The most important results are presented in tables. RESULTS: Unfortunately, there has not been any systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on predictors of noncompliance in organ transplant patients so far. With organ transplantation noncompliance impairs both life quality and life span as it is a major risk factor for graft rejection episodes and is responsible for up to 25% of deaths after the initial recovery period. Therefore, it might be assumed that well-informed transplant patients are a highly motivated group whose compliance is just as high. This is not the case. However, even when graft loss means loss of life as in heart or liver transplantation, noncompliance occurs. To best select potential organ recipients, it would be ideal if patients who are very likely to show noncompliant behavior could be identified already before being transplanted. CONCLUSION: The literature overview shows the necessity of preoperative psychosocial screening regarding predictors for posttransplant noncompliance.


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The effectiveness of medical treatment depends not only on the appropriateness of the treatment modality but also on the patient's compliance with the intended regimen. The consequences of failing to comply can be damaging and devastating for the individual patient and his/her family. Noncompliance also leads to waste in two areas: first, a reduction of the potential benefits of therapy, and second, the additional cost of treating the avoidable consequent morbidity. A dramatic example of the consequences of noncompliance with the treatment regimen concerns patients who have had organ transplants: life-long immunosuppression is a pre-requisite for good graft function, and noncompliance is often associated with the occurrence of late acute rejection episodes, graft loss, and death. Here it might be assumed that these patients constitute a highly motivated group, and that compliance would be high. Unfortunately, this is not the case: overall noncompliance rates vary from 20 to 50%. There is no systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on noncompliance and its consequences in organ transplant patients to date. This overview includes literature on heart, liver and kidney transplants in adult and paediatric transplant patients and addresses the following issues: preoperative behaviour patterns as predictors of postoperative compliance problems, compliance behaviour after transplantation, noncompliance and its relationship to organ loss and death, retransplantation outcome after graft loss due to noncompliance, reasons for postoperative noncompliance, and ways to promote compliance.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: A feasibility study on measuring kidney perfusion by a contrast-free magnetic resonance (MR) imaging technique is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) prepared true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFISP) arterial spin labeling sequence was used on a 3.0-T MR-scanner. The basis for quantification is a two-compartment exchange model proposed by Parkes that corrects for diverse assumptions in single-compartment standard models. RESULTS: Eleven healthy volunteers (mean age, 42.3 years; range 24-55) were examined. The calculated mean renal blood flow values for the exchange model (109 +/- 5 [medulla] and 245 +/- 11 [cortex] ml/min - 100 g) are in good agreement with the literature. Most important, the two-compartment exchange model exhibits a stabilizing effect on the evaluation of perfusion values if the finite permeability of the vessel wall and the venous outflow (fast solution) are considered: the values for the one-compartment standard model were 93 +/- 18 (medulla) and 208 +/- 37 (cortex) ml/min - 100 g. CONCLUSION: This improvement will increase the accuracy of contrast-free imaging of kidney perfusion in treatment renovascular disease.


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A reproducible, standardized and simple sample preparation methodology is the key to successful two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). This chapter describes step-by-step the sample preparation of culture medium from Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Tips and tricks are given to circumvent possible pitfalls.


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Meprin (EC is an oligomeric metalloendopeptidase found in microvillar membranes of kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells. Here, we present the first report on the expression of meprin beta in rat glomerular epithelial cells and suggest a potential involvement in experimental glomerular disease. We detected meprin beta in glomeruli of immunostained rat kidney sections on the protein level and by quantitative RT-PCR of laser-capture microdissected glomeruli on the mRNA level. Using immuno-gold staining we identified the membrane of podocyte foot processes as the main site of meprin beta expression. The glomerular meprin beta expression pattern was altered in anti-Thy 1.1 and passive Heymann nephritis (PHN). In addition, the meprin beta staining pattern in the latter was reminiscent of immunostaining with the sheep anti-Fx1A antiserum, commonly used in PHN induction. Using Western blot and immunoprecipitation assays we demonstrated that meprin beta is recognized by Fx1A antiserum and may therefore represent an auto-antigen in PHN. In anti-Thy 1.1 glomerulonephritis we observed a striking redistribution of meprin beta in tubular epithelial cells from the apical to the basolateral side and the cytosol. This might point to an involvement of meprin beta in this form of glomerulonephritis.


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Extracellular nucleotides (e.g. ATP, UTP, ADP) are released by activated endothelium, leukocytes and platelets within the injured vasculature and bind specific cell-surface type-2 purinergic (P2) receptors. This process drives vascular inflammation and thrombosis within grafted organs. Importantly, there are also vascular ectonucleotidases i.e. ectoenzymes that hydrolyze extracellular nucleotides in the blood to generate nucleosides (viz. adenosine). Endothelial cell NTPDase1/CD39 has been shown to critically modulate levels of circulating nucleotides. This process tends to limit the activation of platelet and leukocyte expressed P2 receptors and also generates adenosine to reverse inflammatory events. This vascular protective CD39 activity is rapidly inhibited by oxidative reactions, such as is observed with liver ischemia reperfusion injury. In this review, we chiefly address the impact of these signaling cascades following liver transplantation. Interestingly, the hepatic vasculature, hepatocytes and all non-parenchymal cell types express several components co-ordinating the purinergic signaling response. With hepatic and vascular dysfunction, we note heightened P2- expression and alterations in ectonucleotidase expression and function that may predispose to progression of disease. In addition to documented impacts upon the vasculature during engraftment, extracellular nucleotides also have direct influences upon liver function and bile flow (both under physiological and pathological states). We have recently shown that alterations in purinergic signaling mediated by altered CD39 expression have major impacts upon hepatic metabolism, repair mechanisms, regeneration and associated immune responses. Future clinical applications in transplantation might involve new therapeutic modalities using soluble recombinant forms of CD39, altering expression of this ectonucleotidase by drugs and/or using small molecules to inhibit deleterious P2-mediated signaling while augmenting beneficial adenosine-mediated effects within the transplanted liver.


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This dissertation examines the global technological and environmental history of copper smelting and the conflict that developed between historic preservation and environmental remediation at major copper smelting sites in the United States after their productive periods ended. Part I of the dissertation is a synthetic overview of the history of copper smelting and its environmental impact. After reviewing the basic metallurgy of copper ores, the dissertation contains successive chapters on the history of copper smelting to 1640, culminating in the so-called German, or Continental, processing system; on the emergence of the rival Welsh system during the British industrial revolution; and on the growth of American dominance in copper production the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The latter chapter focuses, in particular, on three of the most important early American copper districts: Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula, Tennessee’s Copper Basin, and Butte-Anaconda, Montana. As these three districts went into decline and ultimately out of production, they left a rich industrial heritage and significant waste and pollution problems generated by increasingly more sophisticated technologies capable of commercially processing steadily growing volumes of decreasingly rich ores. Part II of the dissertation looks at the conflict between historic preservation and environmental remediation that emerged locally and nationally in copper districts as they went into decline and eventually ceased production. Locally, former copper mining communities often split between those who wished to commemorate a region’s past importance and develop heritage tourism, and local developers who wished to clear up and clean out old industrial sites for other purposes. Nationally, Congress passed laws in the 1960s and 1970s mandating the preservation of historical resources (National Historic Preservation Act) and laws mandating the cleanup of contaminated landscapes (CERCLA, or Superfund), objectives sometimes in conflict – especially in the case of copper smelting sites. The dissertation devotes individual chapters to the conflicts that developed between environmental remediation, particularly involving the Environmental Protection Agency and the heritage movement in the Tennessee, Montana, and Michigan copper districts. A concluding chapter provides a broad model to illustrate the relationship between industrial decline, federal environmental remediation activities, and the growth of heritage consciousness in former copper mining and smelting areas, analyzes why the outcome varied in the three areas, and suggests methods for dealing with heritage-remediation issues to minimize conflict and maximize heritage preservation.


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BACKGROUND: Remodelling of matrix and tubular basement membranes (TBM) is a characteristic of polycystic kidney disease. We hypothesized that matrix and TBM degradation by metalloproteinases (MMPs) could promote cyst formation. We therefore investigated the renal expression of MMPs in the Han:SPRD rat model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and examined the effect of sirolimus treatment on MMPs. METHODS: 5-week-old male heterozygous (Cy/+) and wild-type normal (+/+) rats were treated with sirolimus (2 mg/kg/day) through drinking water for 3 months. RESULTS: The mRNA and protein levels of MMP-2 and MMP-14 were markedly increased in the kidneys of heterozygous Cy/+ animals compared to wild-type +/+ as shown by RT-PCR and Western blot analyses for MMP-2 and MMP-14, and by zymography for MMP-2. Strong MMP-2 expression was detected by immunoperoxidase staining in cystic epithelial cells that also displayed an altered, thickened TBM. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) expression was not changed in Cy/+ kidneys. Sirolimus treatment leads to decreased protein expression of MMP-2 and MMP-14 in Cy/+, whereas MMP-2 and MMP-14 mRNA levels and TIMP-2 protein levels were not affected by sirolimus. CONCLUSION: In summary, in kidneys of the Han:SPRD rat model of ADPKD, there is a marked upregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-14. Sirolimus treatment was associated with a marked improvement of MMP-2 and MMP-14 overexpression, and this correlated also with less matrix and TBM alterations and milder cystic disease.