852 resultados para jaw malformation


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The formation of the vertebrate face is an extremely complex developmental process, which needs to coordinate the outgrowth of several facial primordia. Facial primordia are small buds made up of mesenchymal masses enclosed by an epithelial layer that surrounds the primitive mouth. The upper jaw is formed by the maxillary process, the lateral nasal process, and the frontonasal process while the mandibular process forms the lower jaw. Recent experiments using genetics in mice and bead implantation approaches have shown that the pitx2 homeobox gene and Bmp signaling play important roles in this complex developmental process. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of pitx2 and Bmp in these events are still unclear. Here, we show that pitx2 is required for oral epithelium maintenance, and branchial arch signaling is pitx2 dosage sensitive by using pitx2 allelic combinations that encode varying levels of pitx2. Maintenance of fgf8 signaling requires only low pitx2 dosage while repression of Bmp signaling requires high pitx2 levels. Different incisor and molar phenotypes in low level pitx2 mutant embryos suggest a distinct requirement for pitx2 in tooth-type development. The results show that pitx2 is required for craniofacial muscle formation and expanded Bmp signaling results in excess bone formation in pitx2 mutant embryos. Fate-mapping studies show that ectopic bone results from excessive bone growth, instead of muscle transformation. Moreover, by using cre/loxp system we show that partial loss of Bmpr-IA in the facial primordia results in cleft lip/palate, abnormal teeth, ectopic teeth and tooth transformation. These phenotypes suggest that Bmp signaling has multiple functions during craniofacial development. The mutant palate shelves can fuse with each other when cultured in vitro, suggesting that cleft palate is secondary to the partial loss of Bmpr-IA. Furthermore, we prove that Bmp4, one of the ligands of Bmpr-IA, plays a role during lip fusion developmental process and partial loss of Bmp4 in the facial primordia results in the lip fusion delay. These results have provided insight to understand the complex signaling cascades that regulate craniofacial development. ^


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Mammalian cells express 7 β-tubulin isotypes in a tissue specific manner. This has long fueled the speculation that different isotypes carry out different functions. To provide direct evidence for their functional significance, class III, IVa, and VI β-tubulin cDNAs were cloned into a tetracycline regulated expression vector and stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing different levels of ectopic β-tubulin were compared for effects on microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and sensitivity to antimitotic drugs. It was found that all three isotypes coassembled with endogenous β-tubulin. βVI expression caused distinct microtubule rearrangements including microtubule dissociation from the centrosome and accumulation at the cell periphery; whereas expression of βIII and βVIa caused no observable changes in the interphase microtubule network. Overexpression of all 3 isotypes caused spindle malformation and mitotic defects. Both βIII and βIVa disrupted microtubule assembly in proportion to their abundance and thereby conferred supersensitivity to microtubule depolymerizing drugs. In contrast, βVI stabilized microtubules at low stoichiometry and thus conferred resistance to many microtubule destabilizing drugs but not vinblastine. The 3 isotypes caused differing responses to microtubule stabilizing drugs. Expression of βIII conferred paclitaxel resistance while βVI did not. Low expression of βIVa caused supersensitivity to paclitaxel, whereas higher expression resulted in the loss of supersensitivity. The results suggest that βIVa may possess an enhanced ability to bind paclitaxel that increases sensitivity to the drug and acts substoichiometrically. At high levels of βVIa expression, however, microtubule disruptive effects counteract the assembly promoting pressure exerted by increased paclitaxel binding, and drug supersensitivity is lost. From this study, I concluded that β-tubulin isotypes behave differently from each other in terms of microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and dynamics, and antimitotic drug sensitivity. The isotype composition of cell can impart subtle to dramatic effects on the properties of microtubules leading to potential functional consequences and opening the opportunity to exploit differences in microtubule isotype composition for therapeutic gain. ^


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The following analyses covered two main objectives focused on the prevention of and identification of risk factors for birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality. All analyses utilized data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of major structural birth defects. ^ The first objective was to identify predictors of folic acid supplementation among women of reproductive age. To meet this objective, a previous analysis of potential predictors of periconcecptional folic acid use in the NBDPS was repeated using data from more recent years (1997-2000 versus 2001-2005). The results of these analyses were consistent with the initial analyses, indicating that folic acid use is associated with maternal race/ethnicity, age, education, pregnancy awareness, smoking status, first prenatal care visit, previous live births, and fertility treatments). In addition, data from NBDPS controls were used to identify predictors of preconceptional folic acid use, since supplementation is optimally initiated prior to pregnancy (rather than after conception). These analyses indicated that maternal race/ethnicity, education, age, nativity, employment status, income, number of dependents, smoking, and birth control are significantly associated with preconceptional folic acid supplementation. Ultimately the results of these analyses can be used to guide the development of targeted interventions for preconceptional folic acid use. ^ The second objective was to investigate the association between parental Hispanic acculturation and the risk of gastroschisis, a congenital malformation of the abdominal wall, in offspring. Significant association were not observed for mothers < 20 years of age at conception. Among mothers ≥ 20 years of age, white parents were at a decreased risk of having a child with gastroschisis as compared to Hispanic parents who were born in the United States (US) [odd ratios (ORs) ranging from 0.60 to 0.55] and Hispanics parents who predominantly spoke English (ORs ranging from 0.65 to 0.58). Compared to Hispanic mothers born in the US, the risk of gastroschisis was lower among Hispanic mothers who had lived in the US < 5 years (OR=0.36, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.81) at the time of delivery and Hispanic mothers who migrated to the US at ≥ 20 years of age (OR=0.48, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.89). The results of these analyses provide further evidence that the risk of gastroschisis in offspring is associated with parent Hispanic ethnicity and, among Hispanics, with the degree of parental acculturation. Future studies should focus on characteristic differences between less and more acculturated parents to better understand the relationship between acculturation and gastroschisis.^


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Birth defects are a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. About one in 33 births in the United States is diagnosed with birth defects. Common birth defects include neural tube defects, Down syndrome and oral clefts. The present study focused on oral clefts. ^ Oral clefts refer to the malformation of lip, mouth or both. Birth prevalence of oral clefts in Texas is about 11 per 10,000 births. Etiologically, oral clefts have been classified into two groups, cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL±P) and isolated cleft palate (CP). In spite of their high prevalence and clinical significance, the etiology of oral clefts in humans has not been well understood. Though a number of risk factors have been identified in epidemiological studies, most of them do not explain the majority of the cases. The need to identify novel risk factors associated with oral clefts provided the motivation for this study. The present study focused on maternal exposure to several hazardous air pollutants. A common subgroup of hazardous air pollutants is the volatile organic compounds found in petroleum derivatives. Four important hydrocarbons in this group are benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes (BTEX). ^ The specific aim of this study was to evaluate the association between maternal exposure to environmental levels of BTEX and oral clefts among offspring in Texas for the period 1999-2008. ^ A case-control study design was used to assess if maternal exposure to BTEX increased the risk of oral clefts. The Texas Birth Defects Registry provided data on cases of non-syndromic oral clefts delivered in Texas during the period 1999-2008. Census tract level maternal exposure to BTEX concentrations were obtained from the Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model (HAPEM) developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between maternal exposure to BTEX levels and risk of oral clefts in offspring. ^ In the selected population, mothers who had high estimated exposure to any of the BTEX compounds were not more likely to deliver an offspring with oral clefts. Future research efforts will focus on additional birth defects and thorough assessment of additional potential confounders.^


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Con el advenimiento de los implantes y con ellos la opción de las sobredentaduras, la pasividad comienza a jugar un papel fundamental para darle mejor pronóstico a la rehabilitación y prolongar la vida útil de los implantes. Dentro de este análisis es que se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente portador de prótesis completa superior e inferior, tratado dentro del marco de la Carrera de Especialista en Prostodoncia de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. El tratamiento propuesto al paciente fue: dos implantes en el maxilar inferior con una sobredentadura retenida por pilares esféricos y cuatro implantes superiores con una sobredentadura retenida por una barra, la cual feruliza los implantes. La barra superior fue colada seccionada en cuatro partes, unidas en boca y luego soldadas mediante tecnología láser. De esta forma se busca obtener pasividad para evitar aflojamiento de tornillos de fijación, fractura de tornillos o implantes, reabsorción de los tejidos óseo perimplantarios o pérdida de la oseointegración de los implantes.


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La osteonecrosis de los maxilares es la necrosis y exposición del hueso de la mandíbula y el maxilar, asociada al consumo de bifosfonatos. Estos son una familia de drogas que se utiliza en el tratamiento de alteraciones óseas causadas principalmente por tumores malignos (mama y próstata) y osteoporosis. No existe irradiación previa. El hueso macroscópicamente se ve sucio avascular. El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar el conocimiento sobre los bifosfonatos, factores causales de las lesiones.


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The dorsal valve of a Pleistocene terebratulid brachiopod, Terebratula scillae Seguenza, 1871, has developed a malignant cyst due to colonization in vivo by an endolithic sponge.This trace fossil is a compound boring and bioclaustration structure, representing a boring that has grown in unison with the growth of the cyst. The brachiopod has grown to adult size and growthlines indicate that it was colonised by the sponge when about half grown. Malformation of the shell may not have caused the death of the brachiopod and the sponge does not appear to have outlived its host; both symbionts seem to have died more or less simultaneously. This minus-minus relationship of two symbionts is considered to be a case of 'accidental symbiosis'.


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The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler was cultured in natural seawater with the addition of either the microtubule-inhibitor colchicine, the actin-inhibitor cytochalasin B, or the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl-urea (DCMU). Additionally, E. huxleyi was cultured at different light intensities and temperatures. Growth rate was monitored, and coccolith morphology analyzed. While every treatment affected growth rate, the percentage of malformed coccoliths increased with colchicine, cytochalasin B, and at higher than optimal temperature. These results represent the first experimental evidence for the role of microtubules and actin microfilaments in coccolith morphogenesis.


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Determination of when and where animals feed and how much they consume is fundamental to understand their ecology and role in ecosystems. However, the lack of reliable data on feeding habits of wild animals, and particularly in marine endotherms, attests to the difficulty in doing this. A promising recent development proposes using a Hall sensor-magnet System - the inter-mandibular angle sensor (IMASEN) attached to animals' jaws to elucidate feeding events. We conducted trials on captive pinnipeds by feeding IMASEN-equipped animals with prey to examine the utility of this system. Most feeding events were clearly distinguishable from other jaw movements; only small prey items might not be resolved adequately. Based on the results of this study we examined feeding events from free-ranging Weddell seals fitted with IMASENs and dead-reckoners during December 2003 at Drescher Inlet (Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf, eastern Weddell Sea coast), and present data on prey capture and ingestion in relation to the three-dimensionalmovement patterns of the seals. A total of 19 Weddell seals were immobilised by using a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and diazepam. Eight seals were drugged once, six two times, and two and three were drugged three and four times each, coming to a total of 38 immobilisation procedures. Narcoses were terminated with yohimbine (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438931).


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Adult male and female Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were fitted with Time-depth recorders (TDR) at Drescher Inlet (Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf), eastern Weddell Sea coast, in February 1998. Eight of 15 data sets were selected for analyses to investigate the seals' foraging behaviour (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511465, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511454, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511456, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511457, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511459, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511462, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511466, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511467). These data sets provided simultaneous dive records of eight seals over eight days. The seals primarily foraged within two depth layers, these being from the sea surface to 160 m where temperature and salinity varied considerably, and from 340 to 450 m near the bottom where temperature was lowest and salinity highest, with little variation. While pelagic and benthic diving occurred during daylight, the seals foraged almost exclusively in the upper water column at night. Trawling during daytime confirmed that Pleuragramma antarcticum were by far the most abundant fish both in the pelagial and close to the bottom. Pelagic night-hauls at 110-170 m depth showed highly variable biomass of P. antarcticum with a peak at around midnight. The temporal changes in the local abundance of P. antarcticum, particularly in the pelagial, may explain the trends in the seals' pelagic and benthic foraging activities. This is the first study which describes the jaw movements of a hunting seal which are presumably indicative of feeding events. Trophic links from the Weddell seal to fish, zooplankton and krill, Euphausia superba, are discussed. Another seven data sets did not overlap substantially with the selected time frame (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511458, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511460, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511464, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511468, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511469, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511453, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.511463). A total of 25 Weddell seals were immobilised during the study period using a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and diazepam. Seven seals were drugged once, 15 seals two times, and three were drugged three times, coming to a total of 46 immobilisation procedures. Narcoses were terminated with yohimbine (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438933).