897 resultados para interactive coeffi cients


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The aim of this exploratory study was to assess the impact of clinicians' defense mechanisms-defined as self-protective psychological mechanisms triggered by the affective load of the encounter with the patient-on adherence to a communication skills training (CST). The population consisted of oncology clinicians (N = 31) who participated in a CST. An interview with simulated cancer patients was recorded prior and 6 months after CST. Defenses were measured before and after CST and correlated with a prototype of an ideally conducted interview based on the criteria of CST-teachers. Clinicians who used more adaptive defense mechanisms showed better adherence to communication skills after CST than clinicians with less adaptive defenses (F(1, 29) = 5.26, p = 0.03, d = 0.42). Improvement in communication skills after CST seems to depend on the initial levels of defenses of the clinician prior to CST. Implications for practice and training are discussed. Communication has been recognized as a central element of cancer care [1]. Ineffective communication may contribute to patients' confusion, uncertainty, and increased difficulty in asking questions, expressing feelings, and understanding information [2, 3], and may also contribute to clinicians' lack of job satisfaction and emotional burnout [4]. Therefore, communication skills trainings (CST) for oncology clinicians have been widely developed over the last decade. These trainings should increase the skills of clinicians to respond to the patient's needs, and enhance an adequate encounter with the patient with efficient exchange of information [5]. While CSTs show a great diversity with regard to their pedagogic approaches [6, 7], the main elements of CST consist of (1) role play between participants, (2) analysis of videotaped interviews with simulated patients, and (3) interactive case discussion provided by participants. As recently stated in a consensus paper [8], CSTs need to be taught in small groups (up to 10-12 participants) and have a minimal duration of at least 3 days in order to be effective. Several systematic reviews evaluated the impact of CST on clinicians' communication skills [9-11]. Effectiveness of CST can be assessed by two main approaches: participant-based and patient-based outcomes. Measures can be self-reported, but, according to Gysels et al. [10], behavioral assessment of patient-physician interviews [12] is the most objective and reliable method for measuring change after training. Based on 22 studies on participants' outcomes, Merckaert et al. [9] reported an increase of communication skills and participants' satisfaction with training and changes in attitudes and beliefs. The evaluation of CST remains a challenging task and variables mediating skills improvement remain unidentified. We recently thus conducted a study evaluating the impact of CST on clinicians' defenses by comparing the evolution of defenses of clinicians participating in CST with defenses of a control group without training [13]. Defenses are unconscious psychological processes which protect from anxiety or distress. Therefore, they contribute to the individual's adaptation to stress [14]. Perry refers to the term "defensive functioning" to indicate the degree of adaptation linked to the use of a range of specific defenses by an individual, ranging from low defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally less adaptive defenses (such as projection, denial, or acting out) to high defensive functioning when he or she tends to use generally more adaptive defenses (such as altruism, intellectualization, or introspection) [15, 16]. Although several authors have addressed the emotional difficulties of oncology clinicians when facing patients and their need to preserve themselves [7, 17, 18], no research has yet been conducted on the defenses of clinicians. For example, repeated use of less adaptive defenses, such as denial, may allow the clinician to avoid or reduce distress, but it also diminishes his ability to respond to the patient's emotions, to identify and to respond adequately to his needs, and to foster the therapeutic alliance. Results of the above-mentioned study [13] showed two groups of clinicians: one with a higher defensive functioning and one with a lower defensive functioning prior to CST. After the training, a difference in defensive functioning between clinicians who participated in CST and clinicians of the control group was only showed for clinicians with a higher defensive functioning. Some clinicians may therefore be more responsive to CST than others. To further address this issue, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the level of adherence to an "ideally conducted interview", as defined by the teachers of the CST, and the level of the clinician' defensive functioning. We hypothesized that, after CST, clinicians with a higher defensive functioning show a greater adherence to the "ideally conducted interview" than clinicians with a lower defensive functioning.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of unusual writing positions on a person's signature, in comparison to a standard writing position. Ten writers were asked to sign their signature six times, in each of four different writing positions, including the standard one. In order to take into consideration the effect of the day-to-day variation, this same process was repeated over 12 sessions, giving a total of 288 signatures per subject. The signatures were collected simultaneously in an off-line and on-line acquisition mode, using an interactive tablet and a ballpoint pen. Unidimensional variables (height to width ratio; time with or without in air displacement) and time-dependent variables (pressure; X and Y coordinates; altitude and azimuth angles) were extracted from each signature. For the unidimensional variables, the position effect was assessed through ANOVA and Dunnett contrast tests. Concerning the time-dependent variables, the signatures were compared by using dynamic time warping, and the position effect was evaluated through classification by linear discriminant analysis. Both of these variables provided similar results: no general tendency regarding the position factor could be highlighted. The influence of the position factor varies according to the subject as well as the variable studied. The impact of the session factor was shown to cover the impact that could be ascribed to the writing position factor. Indeed, the day-to-day variation has a greater effect than the position factor on the studied signature variables. The results of this study suggest guidelines for best practice in the area of signature comparisons and demonstrate the importance of a signature collection procedure covering an adequate number of sampling sessions, with a sufficient number of samples per session.


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Las páginas web junto a la animación 3D son dos grandes atractivos hoy en día en el mundo de Internet. Una interfaz web agradable e interactiva por la que navegar cómodamente; junto a una herramienta en dos dimensiones fácil de manejar, para diseñar y obtener un resultado en tres dimensiones. Esas han sido las bases de mi aplicación, la cual consiste en una página web dedicada al arte, donde cualquier persona podrá registrarse y dibujar mediante una paleta cómo sería un museo a su gusto. Visitando el museo virtual resultante, donde admirar las obras junto a su autor y título.


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Objective: To compare pressure–volume (P–V) curves obtained with the Galileo ventilator with those obtained with the CPAP method in patients with ALI or ARDS receiving mechanical ventilation. P–V curves were fitted to a sigmoidal equation with a mean R2 of 0.994 ± 0.003. Lower (LIP) and upper inflection (UIP), and deflation maximum curvature (PMC) points calculated from the fitted variables showed a good correlation between methods with high intraclass correlation coefficients. Bias and limits of agreement for LIP, UIP and PMC obtained with the two methods in the same patient were clinically acceptable.


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Thirty-three families, each with a premature infant born less than 33 gestational weeks, were observed in a longitudinal exploratory study. Infants were recruited in a neonatal intensive care unit, and follow-up visits took place at 4 months and 12 months of corrected age. The severity of the perinatal problems was evaluated using the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI; A.P. Scheiner & M.E. Sexton, 1991). At 4 months, mother infant play interaction was observed and coded according to the CARE-index (P.M. Crittenden, 2003); at 12 months, the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP; M.D.S. Ainsworth, M.C. Blehar, E. Waters. & S. Wall, 1978) was administered. Results indicate a strong correlation between the severity of perinatal problems and the quality of attachment at 12 months. Based on the PERI, infants with high medical risks more frequently tended to be insecurely attached. There also was a significant correlation between insecure attachment and dyadic play interaction at 4 months (i.e., maternal controlling behavior and infant compulsive compliance). Moreover, specific dyadic interactive patterns could be identified as protective or as risk factors regarding the quality of attachment. Considering that attachment may have long-term influence on child development, these results underline the need for particular attention to risk factors regarding attachment among premature infants.


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Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) proposed a conceptual model for research on working life. Models are powerful communication and decision tools. This model is strongly unidirectional and does not cover the mentioned interactions in the arguments.With help of a genealogy of work and of health it is shown that work and health are interactive and have to be analysed on the background of society.Key words: research model, work, health, occupational health, society, interaction, discussion paperRemodellierung der von Järvholm et al. (2009) vorgeschlagenen Forschungsperspektiven in Arbeit und GesundheitJärvholm und Kollegen stellten 2009 ein konzeptionelles Modell für die Forschung im Bereich Arbeit und Gesundheit vor. Modelle stellen kraftvolle Kommunikations- und Entscheidungsinstrumente dar. Die Einflussfaktoren im Modell verlaufen jedoch nur in einer Richtung und bilden die interaktiven Argumente im Text nicht ab. Mit Hilfe einer Genealogie der Begriffe Arbeit und Gesundheit wird aufgezeigt, dass Arbeit und Gesundheit sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und nur vor dem Hintergrund der jeweiligen gesellschaftlichen Kontextfaktoren zu analysieren sind.Introduction : After an interesting introduction about the objectives of research on working life, Järvholm and Co-workers (2009) manage to define a conceptual model for working life research out of a small survey of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) definitions. The strong point of their model is the entity 'working life' including personal development, as well as career paths and aging. Yet, the model Järvholm et al. (2009) propose is strangely unidirectional; the arrows point from the population to working life, from there to health and to disease, as well as to productivity and economic resources. The diagram only shows one feed-back loop: between economic resources and health. We all know that having a chronic disease condition influences work and working capacity. Economic resources have a strong influence on work, too. Having personal economic resources will influence the kind of work someone accepts and facilitate access to continuous professional education. A third observation is that society is not present in the model, although this is less the case in the arguments. In fact, there is an incomprehensible gap between the arguments brought forth by Järvholm and co-workers and their reductionist model.Switzerland has a very low coverage of occupational health specialists. Switzerland is a long way from fulfilling the WHO's recommendations on workers' access to OSH services as described in its Global plan of action. The Institute for Work and Health (IST) in Lausanne is the only organisation which covers the major domains of OSH research that are occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomic and psychosocial research. As the country's sole occupational health institution we are forced to reflect the objectives of working life research so as not to waste the scare resources available.I will set out below a much shortened genealogy of work and of health, with the aim of extending Järvholm et al's (2009) analyses on the perspectives of working life research in two directions. Firstly towards the interactive nature of work and health and the integration of society, and secondly towards the question of what working life means or where working life could be situated.Work, as we know it today - paid work regulated by a contract as the basis for sustaining life and as a base for social rights - was born in modern era. Therefore I will start my genealogy in the pre-modern era, focus on the important changes that occurred during industrial revolution and the modern era and end in 2010 taking into account the enormous transformations of the past 20-30 years. I will put aside some 810 years of advances in science and technology that have expanded the world's limits and human understanding, and restrict my genealogy to work and to health/body implicating also the societal realm. [Author]


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La idea inicial va ser la de crear un interactiu multimèdia amb finalitat didàctica que gira entorn els trastorns per dèficit d'atenció.Està adreçat a nens en edat escolar. Com a part principal hi ha una sèrie d'activitatsindicades per a potenciar la concentració i motivar a acabar allò que comença, així comdiversa informació sobre el transtorn i consells sobre activitats a realitzar per treballar les carències d'aquests nens/es.


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ARC Healthy Living Centre provides a range of services for a range of groups eg older people, young, unemployed etc. This is their 3rd application and is a Level 3 project. Previous BCPP projects have focussed on for example, peer education programmes for young people, working with Surestart and addiction services. As a result of the project the pharmacist has integrated well into the community. This project will build upon previous work to increase health awareness, promote interagency understanding and deliver a wide range of interactive sessions with groups such as SureStart and alcohol projects. It will also seek to take this out into other areas and encourage other pharmacists to become involved in this way of working.


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Résumé Suite à la publication des recommandations de pratiques cliniques sur la prise en soins de patients fébriles au retour des tropiques, nous avons développé un site internet de consultation www.fevertravel.ch qui comprend un arbre décisionnel et des caractéristiques diagnostiques spécifiques fournissant une assistance diagnostique aux médecins de premier recours. Nous avons ensuite intégré une composante de recherche afin d'évaluer l'implémentation de ces recommandations de pratiques cliniques informatisées. De plus, le site est capable d'enregistrer : (1) le chemin parcouru par le médecin au travers de l'arbre décisionnel, (2) les tests diagnostics effectués, (3) les diagnostics initial et final ainsi que les devenirs des patients et (4) les raisons de non-adhérence lorsque les médecins divergent de l'attitude proposée. Nous croyons que la technologie internat est un moyen puissant pour atteindre des médecins provenant de différents horizons dans leur propre environnement et qu'il pourrait se montrer être un outil de recherche efficace pour disséminer les recommandations de pratiques cliniques et évaluer leur justesse-adéquation. Dans cet article, nous décrivons le design, le contenu, l'architecture et l'implémentation du système de ce prototype d'étude interactive qui vise à intégrer une recherche opérationnelle en médecine de premier recours.


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The aims and objectives of this intervention are - To reduce or maintain participant's BMI - Improve participant's self-confidence - Improve participation in physical activities - Provide information about health and nutrition - Provide participant's with the opportunity to make new friends - Provide participant's with the opportunity to take part in a variety of different sporting activities - To provide a fun and interactive health lifestyle programm


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An intergenerational frugal living group which meets weekly at Spafield Family Resource Centre to learn about using our resources more efficiently, nutrition, budgeting, growing and harvesting of food and herbs and exploring their use through practical interactive workshops in cookery and creation of homemade health and beauty care products, homemade cleaning products and craft Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Tipperary Target Groups Families Unemployed


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Cet article présente les résultats d'analyses réalisées sur les objets de l'inventaire suisse des géotopes d'importance nationale (état juin 2009). Il s'agit d'une tentative de représenter de manière synthétique et visuelle la répartition spatiale des sites sélectionnés et de mettre en évidence l'influence de certains facteurs sur cette localisation. Un accent particulier est mis sur la vulnérabilité et le degré de protection des géotopes sélectionnés. La portée des analyses est fortement limitée par le caractère descriptif de l'inventaire et par le fait que ce dernier est encore en construction, donc lacunaire. Les résultats consistent essentiellement en des statistiques descriptives présentées sous forme de graphiques et de cartes. Cette exploration visuelle a permis d'identifier plusieurs erreurs de saisie dans l'inventaire. Elle représente également une première étape dans la création d'une application de cartographie interactive sur internet donnant accès aux données de cet inventaire.


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Aquest projecte avalua diferents BD:XML natives per a desar i recuperar documents XML basats en l'estàndard MPEG-7. Es tracta d'un estàndard que proposa un llenguatge per descriure el contingut (metadades) de documents multimèdia, és a dir, àudio i vídeo. El seu format de representació és XML i es basa en un esquema ja predefinit (XMLSchema d'MPEG-7).