964 resultados para interaction of laser with clusters
A tunable multiwavelength fiber laser with ultra-narrow wavelength spacing and large wavelength number using a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been demonstrated. Intensity-dependent transmission induced by nonlinear polarization rotation in the SOA accounts for stable multiwavelength operation with wavelength spacing less than the homogenous broadening linewidth of the SOA. Stable multiwavelength lasing with wavelength spacing as small as 0.08 nm and wavelength number up to 126 is achieved at room temperature. Moreover, wavelength tuning of 20.2 nm is implemented via polarization tuning.
We study polarization dynamics of a harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes absorber. New types of vector solitons are shown for multi-pulse and harmonic mode-locked operation with locked, switching and precessing polarization states. © 2014 OSA.
With existing techniques for mode-locking, the bandwidth of ultrashort pulses from a laser is determined primarily by the spectrum of the gain medium. Lasers with self-similar evolution of the pulse in the gain medium can tolerate strong spectral breathing, which is stabilized by nonlinear attraction to the parabolic self-similar pulse. Here we show that this property can be exploited in a fiber laser to eliminate the gain-bandwidth limitation to the pulse duration. Broad (∼200 nm) spectra are generated through passive nonlinear propagation in a normal-dispersion laser, and these can be dechirped to ∼20-fs duration. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
An erbium doped fiber ring laser achieving soliton mode locking by the use of an intra-cavity all-fiber polarization interference filter (AFPIF) has been demonstrated. To incorporate an AFPIF with relative narrow transmission bandwidth, the laser has produced clean soliton pulses of 1.2 ps duration at a repetition rate of 14.98 MHz with a polarization extinction ratio up to 25.7 dB. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the operating wavelength of the mode locking laser can be tuned over 20 nm range from 1545 to 1565 nm by thermally tuning the AFPIF cavity. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
We examined methods of controlling the pulse duration, spectral width and wavelength of the output from an all-fiber Yb laser mode-locked by carbon nanotubes. It is shown that a segment of polarization maintaining (PM) fiber inserted into a standard single mode fiber based laser cavity can function as a spectral selective filter. Adjustment of the length of the PM fiber from 1 to 2 m led to a corresponding variation in the pulse duration from 2 to 3.8 ps, the spectral bandwidth of the laser output changes from 0.15 to 1.26 nm. Laser output wavelength detuning within up to 5 nm was demonstrated with a fixed length of the PM fiber by adjustment of the polarization controller. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
We have proposed and demonstrated passive harmonic mode locking of an erbium doped fiber laser with soliton pulse shaping using carbon nanotubes polyvinyl alcohol film. Two types of samples prepared by using filtration and centrifugation were studied. The demonstrated fiber laser can support 10th harmonic order corresponding to 245 MHz repetition rate with an output power of ~12 mW. More importantly, all stable harmonic orders show timing jitter below 10 ps. The output pulses energies are between 25 to 56 pJ. Both samples result in the same central wavelength of output optical spectrum with similar pulse duration of ~1 ps for all harmonic orders. By using the same laser configuration, centrifugated sample exhibits slightly lower pulse chirp. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
Spectral width and pulse duration tuning in Yb+ modelocked fiber laser with birefringent Lyot filter
A method of pulse duration and spectral width control in all-fiber Ytterbium modelocked laser with SWCNT is presented. It is shown that PM-fiber can also serve as a spectrally selective filter. © 2012 OSA.
We report on the generation of orthogonally polarized bright–dark pulse pair in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with a large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG). The unique polarization properties of the LA-TFG, i.e., polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, enable dual-wavelength mode-locking operation. Besides dual-wavelength bright pulses with uniform polarization at two different wavelengths, the bright–dark pulse pair has also been achieved. It is found that the bright–dark pulse pair is formed due to the nonlinear couplings between lights with two orthogonal polarizations and two different wavelengths. Furthermore, harmonic mode-locking of bright–dark pulse pair has been observed. The obtained bright–dark pulse pair could find potential use in secure communication system. It also paves the way to manipulate the generation of dark pulse in terms of wavelength and polarization, using specially designed fiber grating for mode-locking.
we demonstrate a polarization switchable, single/ multi-wavelength fiber ring laser based on an intra-cavity all fiber Lyot filter. The laser can operate at single-, multi-wavelength by adjusting polarization controller, and givessingle polarization output. © 2015 OSA.
We argue that the physics of interacting Kelvin Waves (KWs) is highly nontrivial and cannot be understood on the basis of pure dimensional reasoning. A consistent theory of KW turbulence in superfluids should be based upon explicit knowledge of their interactions. To achieve this, we present a detailed calculation and comprehensive analysis of the interaction coefficients for KW turbuelence, thereby, resolving previous mistakes stemming from unaccounted contributions. As a first application of this analysis, we derive a local nonlinear (partial differential) equation. This equation is much simpler for analysis and numerical simulations of KWs than the Biot-Savart equation, and in contrast to the completely integrable local induction approximation (in which the energy exchange between KWs is absent), describes the nonlinear dynamics of KWs. Second, we show that the previously suggested Kozik-Svistunov energy spectrum for KWs, which has often been used in the analysis of experimental and numerical data in superfluid turbulence, is irrelevant, because it is based upon an erroneous assumption of the locality of the energy transfer through scales. Moreover, we demonstrate the weak nonlocality of the inverse cascade spectrum with a constant particle-number flux and find resulting logarithmic corrections to this spectrum.
We demonstrate a Q-switched Raman fiber laser using molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a saturable absorber (SA). The SA is assembled by depositing a mechanically exfoliated MoS2 onto a fiber ferrule facet before it is matched with another clean ferrule via a connector. It is inserted in a Raman fiber laser cavity with a total cavity length of about 8km to generate a Q-switching pulse train operating at 1560.2 nm. A 7.7-km-long dispersion compensating fiber with 584 ps·nm?1km?1 of dispersion is used as a nonlinear gain medium. As the pump power is increased from 395mW to 422mW, the repetition rate of the Q-switching pulses can be increased from 132.7 to 137.4 kHz while the pulse width is concurrently decreased from 3.35μs to 3.03 μs. The maximum pulse energy of 54.3 nJ is obtained at the maximum pump power of 422mW. These results show that the mechanically exfoliated MoS2 SA has a great potential to be used for pulse generation in Raman fiber laser systems.
Az Európai Bizottság jelentése szerint a magyar kis- és középvállalkozások helyzete 2005 óta stagnál. Bár ezek a vállalkozások adják a magyar vállalkozások 99%-át, mégis a közbeszerzési, valamint a növekvő piacokhoz való hozzáférés terén számos akadállyal kerülnek szembe. Az eBEST projekten (Empowering Business Ecosystems of Small Service Enterprises to Face the Economic Crisis) belül kialakított platform olyan funkcionalitással bír, ami mindamellett, hogy lehetővé teszi a vállalkozások szervezett csoportokba, azaz ökoszisztémákba rendeződését, hozzá tud járulni a fogyasztói igények kielégítése érdekében létrejövő ellátási lánc, illetve egyedi folyamatok mentén fellépő információszerzési, kommunikációs vagy együttműködési akadályok lebontásához. ____ It is widely recognised that the most important factor for increasing the productivity of small companies is a deep adoption of computer-based applications and services. The FP7 SME eBEST project proposed a new operational environment specifically conceived for net worked small companies, supported by an advanced suite of ICT services, the eBEST platform. The paper aims at presenting the projects achievements that are validated by a number of company clusters of different EU countries and industry sectors. The general objectives of the eBEST project are attracting customers to work with the clustered companies, facilitating companies to collaborate with each other, and enabling associations to foster the devised innovation.
A sample of 200 adults with mild mental retardation were assessed on overall job satisfaction and self-esteem using the Vocational Program Evaluation Profile and the Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory. The subjects worked either in a sheltered workshop or in a supported employment setting. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between self-esteem and job satisfaction for both groups of subjects. In addition, subjects who worked in supported employment reported significantly higher levels of job satisfaction also. There was also an interaction between place of residence and place of employment when looking at self-esteem; those who live in a semi-independent home and work in supported employment reported the highest levels of self-esteem. These results are discussed in terms of the social validity of supported-employment for persons with mild mental retardation. ^
Despite the fact that ocean acidification is considered to be especially pronounced in the Southern Ocean, little is known about CO2-dependent physiological processes and the interactions of Antarctic phytoplankton key species. We therefore studied the effects of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) (16.2, 39.5, and 101.3 Pa) on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the bloom-forming species Chaetoceros debilis, Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, and Phaeocystis antarctica. Using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, photosynthetic O2 evolution and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes were determined as a function of CO2 concentration. Only the growth of C. debilis was enhanced under high PCO2. Analysis of the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) revealed the operation of very efficient CCMs (i.e., high Ci affinities) in all species, but there were species-specific differences in CO2-dependent regulation of individual CCM components (i.e., CO2 and uptake kinetics, carbonic anhydrase activities). Gross CO2 uptake rates appear to increase with the cell surface area to volume ratios. Species competition experiments with C. debilis and P. subcurvata under different PCO2 levels confirmed the CO2-stimulated growth of C. debilis observed in monospecific incubations, also in the presence of P. subcurvata. Independent of PCO2, high initial cell abundances of P. subcurvata led to reduced growth rates of C. debilis. For a better understanding of future changes in phytoplankton communities, CO2-sensitive physiological processes need to be identified, but also species interactions must be taken into account because their interplay determines the success of a species.
In this dissertation was elaborated an interdisciplinary didactic sequence for the development of Physical concepts involved in the interaction of laser radiation with biological matter in order to make a relation between Physics and other fields of knowledge aiming to enlarge the contextualization of scientific knowledge. The objective was to develop an educational product which theme is “Laser’s Interaction with Biological Tissues”. In this work, basic physical concepts related to laser radiation were presented, its interaction with matter and applicability in the student's daily life, with emphasis on Public Health. The inclusion of the subject in schools was effected through didactic transposition as theoretical foundation and the three pedagogical moments as teaching support. The development of the project involved discussions of scientific knowledge applied in society’s daily life. In the product's design the didactic sequence was projected and the use of varied teaching resources has been proposed, such as videos, texts, experiments, simulators and de Software “Tracker”. The construction of paradidactic material was performed considering different stages of equal importance for a teacher's reflection process. The work prioritizes the alternative conceptions of student, transforming him in a direct agent of the construction of knowledge and this aspect is based on the profile of the Student's Material. Another important point is the evaluation's proposal, this was systematized to be done class after class through building texts, essay questions, presentation of papers, among others activities. The didactic sequence guides the introduction of relevant topics of the students and society’s daily life, the ideas are not closed and in many times the teacher make changes which deem relevant to the teaching for better development of their practice.