989 resultados para in vitro culture establishment
By establishing mouse primary keratinocytes (KCs) in culture, we were able, for the first time, to express papillomavirus major capsid (L1) proteins by transient transfection of authentic or codon-modified L1 gene expression plasmids. We demonstrate in vitro and in vivo that gene codon composition is in part responsible for differentiation-dependent expression of L1 protein in KCs. L1 mRNA was present in similar amounts in differentiated and undifferentiated KCs transfected with authentic or codon-modified L1 genes and had a similar half-life, demonstrating that L1 protein production is posttranscriptionally regulated. We demonstrate further that KCs substantially change their tRNA profiles upon differentiation. Aminoacyl-tRNAs from differentiated KCs but not undifferentiated KCs enhanced the translation of authentic L1 mRNA, suggesting that differentiation-associated change to tRNA profiles enhances L1 expression in differentiated KCs. Thus, our data reveal a novel mechanism for regulation of gene expression utilized by a virus to direct viral capsid protein expression to the site of virion assembly in mature KCs. Analysis of two structural proteins of KCs, involucrin and keratin 14, suggests that translation of their mRNAs is also regulated, in association with KC differentiation in vitro, by a similar mechanism
Studies have demonstrated that polymeric biomaterials have the potential to support osteoblast growth and development for bone tissue repair. Poly( beta- hydroxybutyrate- co- beta- hydroxyvalerate) ( PHBV), a bioabsorbable, biocompatible polyhydroxy acid polymer, is an excellent candidate that, as yet, has not been extensively investigated for this purpose. As such, we examined the attachment characteristics, self- renewal capacity, and osteogenic potential of osteoblast- like cells ( MC3T3- E1 S14) when cultured on PHBV films compared with tissue culture polystyrene ( TCP). Cells were assayed over 2 weeks and examined for changes in morphology, attachment, number and proliferation status, alkaline phosphatase ( ALP) activity, calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and the expression of osteogenic genes. We found that these spindle- shaped MC3T3- E1 S14 cells made cell - cell and cell - substrate contact. Time- dependent cell attachment was shown to be accelerated on PHBV compared with collagen and laminin, but delayed compared with TCP and fibronectin. Cell number and the expression of ALP, osteopontin, and pro- collagen alpha 1( I) mRNA were comparable for cells grown on PHBV and TCP, with all these markers increasing over time. This demonstrates the ability of PHBV to support osteoblast cell function. However, a lag was observed for cells on PHBV in comparison with those on TCP for proliferation, ALP activity, and cbfa- 1 mRNA expression. In addition, we observed a reduction in total calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and osteocalcin mRNA expression. It is possible that this cellular response is a consequence of the contrasting surface properties of PHBV and TCP. The PHBV substrate used was rougher and more hydrophobic than TCP. Although further substrate analysis is required, we conclude that this polymer is a suitable candidate for the continued development as a biomaterial for bone tissue engineering.
Investigations into pigment cell biology have relied on the ability to culture both murine and human melanocytes, numerous melanoma cell lines and more recently, murine and human melanoblasts. Melanoblast culture requires medium supplemented with a range of growth factors including Stem Cell Factor, Endothelin-3 and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2, withdrawal of which causes the cells to differentiate into melanocytes. Using the human melanoblast culture system, we have now examined the expression and/or DNA binding activity of several transcription factors implicated in melanocytic development and differentiation. Of these, the POU domain factor BRN2 and the SOX family member SOX10 are both highly expressed in unpigmented melanocyte precursors but are down-regulated upon differentiation. In contrast, the expression levels of the previously described MITF and PAX3 transcription factors remain relatively constant during the melanoblast-melanocyte transition. Moreover, BRN2 ablated melanoma cells lack expression of SOX10 and MITF but retain PAX3. A novel finding implicates a second SOX protein, SOX9, as a potential melanogenic transcriptional regulator, as its expression level is increased following the down-regulation of BRN2 and SOX10 in differentiated melanoblasts. Our results suggest that a complex network of transcription factor interactions requiring proper temporal coordination is necessary for acquisition and maintenance of the melanocytic phenotype. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Of those explants tested, immature zygotic embryo tissues proved to be the best for initiating callus with potential for somatic embryogenesis. Slicing of this tissue and use of the central sections (near to and including the meristematic tissue) gave the best embryogenic response. Slices that were placed under illumination necrosed more rapidly and to a greater degree than those incubated in the dark. Explant slice necrosis could be prevented or severely retarded by the addition of activated charcoal into the medium. Washing the explants for short periods of time prior to culture was also found to improve callus production. Prolonged washing resulted in low rates of callus production. In an attempt to prevent ethylene accumulation in the culture vessel headspace, AVG, an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor and STS, a chemical which reduces the physiological action of ethylene, were successfully used to promote somatic embryogenesis. Spermidine, putrescine and spermine, polyamines that are known to delay plant senescence and promote somatic embryogenesis in some plant species, enhanced the rate of somatic embryogenesis when they were introduced into the callus induction medium. The use of polyethylene glycol in combination with abscisic acid helped promote somatic embryo formation and maturation as well as the subsequent formation of plantlets. The use of all of these improvements together has created a new and improved protocol for coconut somatic embryogenesis. This new protocol puts significant emphasis on improving the in vitro ecology of the explant, callus and somatic embryogenic tissues.
A field-applicable assay for testing anthelmintic sensitivity is required to monitor for anthelmintic resistance. We undertook a study to evaluate the ability of three in vitro assay systems to define drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of the human hookworm parasite Necator americanus recovered from children resident in a village in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The assays entailed observation of drug effects on egg hatch (EHA), larval development (LDA), and motility of infective stage larvae (LMA). The egg hatch assay proved the best method for assessing the response to benzimidazole anthelmintics, while the larval motility assay was suitable for assessing the response to ivermectin. The performance of the larval development assay was unsatisfactory on account of interference caused by contaminating bacteria. A simple protocol was developed whereby stool samples were subdivided and used for immediate egg recovery, as well as for faecal culture, in order to provide eggs and infective larvae, respectively, for use in the egg hatch assay and larval motility assay systems. While the assays proved effective in quantifying drug sensitivity in larvae of the drug-susceptible hookworms examined in this study, their ability to indicate drug resistance in larval or adult hookworms remains to be determined. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bone cell cultures were evaluated to determine if osteogenic cell populations at different skeletal sites in the horse are heterogeneous. Osteogenic cells were isolated from cortical and cancellous bone in vitro by an explant culture method. Subcultured cells were induced to differentiate into bone-forming osteoblasts. The osteoblast phenotype was confirmed by immunohistochemical testing for osteocalcin and substantiated by positive staining of cells for alkaline phosphatase and the matrix materials collagen and glycosaminoglycans. Bone nodules were stained by the von Kossa method and counted. The numbers of nodules produced from osteogenic cells harvested from different skeletal sites were compared with the use of a mixed linear model. On average, cortical bone sites yielded significantly greater numbers of nodules than did cancellous bone sites. Between cortical bone sites, there was no significant difference in nodule numbers. Among cancellous sites, the radial cancellous bone yielded significantly more nodules than did the tibial cancellous bone. Among appendicular skeletal sites, tibial metaphyseal bone yielded significantly fewer nodules than did all other long bone sites. This study detected evidence of heterogeneity of equine osteogenic cell populations at various skeletal sites. Further characterization of the dissimilarities is warranted to determine the potential role heterogeneity plays in differential rates of fracture healing between skeletal sites.
Since the 1960s, numerous studies on sugarcane plant regeneration have been reported. Essentially, successful culture and regeneration of plants from protoplasts, cells, callus, and various tissue and organs, have been achieved in this crop. Although plant regeneration from callus cultures had been reported since the 1960s, definitive proof of somatic embryo development was not available until 1983. Since then, considerable progress has been made in understanding and refining somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in sugarcane, for which development of an efficient embryogenic system was critical for the application of transgenic technology. Recent research in Australia and South Africa has led to the development of direct somatic embryogenic systems, which may improve transgenesis in sugarcane.
Naturally occurring insect viruses are a promising means of intentionally causing disease in insects but they do not compete successfully with synthetic chemicals in the commercial marketplace. Furthermore, their use for pest control is still restricted. One factor preventing the development of baculoviruses as effective biopesticides is concern over the production issue. In vitro instability during propagation of these viruses in suspension cells is the major limitation to the in vitro production ofbaculoviruses in cell cultures. In this study, an isolated baculovirus (HaSNPV) was cultivated using serial passaging in a suspension cell culture. The results show a reduction in the occlusion body production during six passages, due to the passage effect. However the purification of an HaSNPV clone suggested better stability. A simple method used in this work for the serial passaging of this virus is discussed.
Neonatal X-irradiation of central nervous system (CNS) tissue markedly reduces the glial population in the irradiated area. Previous in vivo studies have demonstrated regenerative success of adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons into the neonatally-irradiated spinal cord. The present study was undertaken to determine whether these results could be replicated in an in vitro environment. The lumbosacral spinal cord of anaesthetised Wistar rat pups, aged between 1 and 5 days, was subjected to a single dose (40 Gray) of X-irradiation. A sham-irradiated group acted as controls. Rats were allowed to reach adulthood before being killed. Their lumbosacral spinal cords were dissected out and processed for sectioning in a cryostat. Cryosections (10 mum-thick) of the spinal cord tissue were picked up on sterile glass coverslips and used as substrates for culturing dissociated adult DRG neurons. After an appropriate incubation period, cultures were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and immunolabelled to visualise both the spinal cord substrate using anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and the growing DRG neurons using anti-growth associated protein (GAP-43). Successful growth of DRG neurites was observed on irradiated, but not on non-irradiated, sections of spinal cord. Thus, neonatal X-irradiation of spinal cord tissue appears to alter its environment such that it can later support, rather than inhibit, axonal regeneration. It is suggested that this alteration may be due, at least in part, to depletion in the number of and/or a change in the characteristics of the glial cells. (C) 2000 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The adult human intervertebral disc (IVD) is normally avascular. Changes to the extracellular matrix in degenerative disc disease may promote vascularisation and subsequently alter cell nutrition and disc homeostasis. This study examines the influence of cell density and the presence of glucose and serum on the proliferation and survival of IVD cells in 3D culture. Bovine nucleus pulposus (NP) cells were seeded at a range of cell densities (1.25 × 10(5)-10(6) cells/mL) and cultured in alginate beads under standard culture conditions (with 3.15 g/L glucose and 10 % serum), or without glucose and/or 20% serum. Cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell senescence were examined after 8 days in culture. Under standard culture conditions, NP cell proliferation and cluster formation was inversely related to cell seeding density, whilst the number of apoptotic cells and enucleated "ghost" cells was positively correlated to cell seeding density. Increasing serum levels from 10% to 20% was associated with increased cluster size and also an increased prevalence of apoptotic cells within clusters. Omitting glucose produced even larger clusters and also more apoptotic and senescent cells. These studies demonstrate that NP cell growth and survival are influenced both by cell density and the availability of serum or nutrients, such as glucose. The observation of clustered, senescent, apoptotic or "ghost" cells in vitro suggests that environmental factors may influence the formation of these phenotypes that have been previously reported in vivo. Hence this study has implications for both our understanding of degenerative disc disease and also cell-based therapy using cells cultured in vitro.
Chronic systemic immunosuppression in cell replacement therapy restricts its clinical application. This study sought to explore the potential of cell-based immune modulation as an alternative to immunosuppressive drug therapy in the context of pancreatic islet transplantation. Human amniotic epithelial cells (AEC) possess innate anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties that were utilized to create localized immune privilege in an in vitro islet cell culture system. Cellular constructs composed of human islets and AEC (islet/AEC) were bioengineered under defined rotational cell culture conditions. Insulin secretory capacity was validated by glucose challenge and immunomodulatory potential characterized using a peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation assay. Results were compared to control constructs composed of islets or AEC cultured alone. Studies employing AEC-conditioned medium examined the role of soluble factors, and fluorescence immunocytochemistry was used to identify putative mediators of the immunosuppressive response in isolated AEC monocultures. Sustained, physiologically appropriate insulin secretion was observed in both islets and islet/AEC constructs. Activation of resting PBL proliferation occurred on exposure to human islets alone but this response was significantly (p <0.05) attenuated by the presence of AEC and AEC-conditioned medium. Mitogen (phytohaemagglutinin, 5 µg/ml)-induced PBL proliferation was sustained on contact with isolated islets but abrogated by AEC, conditioned medium, and the islet/AEC constructs. Immunocytochemical analysis of AEC monocultures identified a subpopulation of cells that expressed the proapoptosis protein Fas ligand. This study demonstrates that human islet/AEC constructs exhibit localized immunosuppressive properties with no impairment of ß-cell function. The data suggest that transplanted islets may benefit from the immune privilege status conferred on them as a consequence of their close proximity to human AEC. Such an approach may reduce the need for chronic systemic immunosuppression, thus making islet transplantation a more attractive treatment option for the management of insulin-dependent diabetes.
There is currently, no ideal system for studying nasal drug delivery in vitro. The existing techniques such as the Ussing chamber and cell culture all have major disadvantages. Most importantly, none of the existing techniques accurately represent the interior of the nasal cavity, with its airflow and humidity; neither do they allow the investigation of solid dosage forms.The work in this thesis represents the development of an in vitro model system in which the interior characteristics of the nasal cavity are closely represented, and solid or minimal volume dosage forms can be investigated. The complete nasal chamber consists of two sections: a lower tissue, viability chamber and an upper nasal chamber. The lower tissue viability chamber has been shown, using existing tissue viability monitoring techniques, to maintain the viability of a number of epithelial tissues, including porcine and rabbit nasal tissue, and rat ileal and Payers' patch tissue. The complete chamber including the upper nasal chamber has been shown to provide tissue viability for porcine and rabbit nasal tissue above that available using the existing Ussing chamber techniques. Adaptation of the complete system, and the development of the necessary experimental protocols that allow aerosol particle-sizing, together with videography, has shown that the new factors investigated, humidity and airflow, have a measurable effect on the delivered dose from a typical nasal pump. Similarly, adaptation of the chamber to fit under a confocal microscope, and the development of the necessary protocols has shown the effect of surface and size on the penetration of microparticulate materials into nasal epithelial tissues. The system developed in this thesis has been shown to be flexible, in allowing the development of the confocal and particle-sizing systems. For future nasal drug delivery studies, the ability to measure such factors as the size of the delivered system in the nasal cavity, the depth of penetration of the formulation into the tissue are essential. Additionally, to have access to other data such as that obtained from drug transport in the same system, and to have the tissue available for histological examination represents a significant advance in the usefulness of such an in vitro technique for nasal delivery.
We have used in vitro scratch assays to examine the relative contribution of dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes in the wound repair process and to test the influence of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) secreted factors on both skin cell types. Scratch assays were established using single cell and co-cultures of L929 fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes, with wound closure monitored via time-lapse microscopy. Both in serum supplemented and serum free conditions, wound closure was faster in L929 fibroblast than HaCaT keratinocyte scratch assays, and in co-culture the L929 fibroblasts lead the way in closing the scratches. MSC-CM generated under serum free conditions significantly enhanced the wound closure rate of both skin cell types separately and in co-culture, whereas conditioned medium from L929 or HaCaT cultures had no significant effect. This enhancement of wound closure in the presence of MSC-CM was due to accelerated cell migration rather than increased cell proliferation. A number of wound healing mediators were identified in MSC-CM, including TGF-beta1, the chemokines IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES, and collagen type I, fibronectin, SPARC and IGFBP-7. This study suggests that the trophic activity of MSC may play a role in skin wound closure by affecting both dermal fibroblast and keratinocyte migration, along with a contribution to the formation of extracellular matrix.
The anulus fibrosus (AF) of the intervertebral disc consists of concentric sheets of collagenous matrix that is synthesised during embryogenesis by aligned disc cells. This highly organised structure may be severely disrupted during disc degeneration and/or herniation. Cell scaffolds that incorporate topographical cues as contact guidance have been used successfully to promote the healing of injured tendons. Therefore, we have investigated the effects of topography on disc cell growth. We show that disc cells from the AF and nucleus pulposus (NP) behaved differently in monolayer culture on micro-grooved membranes of polycaprolactone (PCL). Both cell types aligned to and migrated along the membrane's micro-grooves and ridges, but AF cells were smaller (or less spread), more bipolar and better aligned to the micro-grooves than NP cells. In addition, AF cells were markedly more immunopositive for type I collagen, but less immunopositive for chondroitin-6-sulphated proteoglycans than NP cells. There was no evidence of extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition. Disc cells cultured on non-grooved PCL did not show any preferential alignment at sub-confluence and did not differ in their pattern of immunopositivity to those on grooved PCL. We conclude that substratum topography is effective in aligning disc cell growth and may be useful in tissue engineering for the AF. However, there is a need to optimise cell sources and/or environmental conditions (e.g. mechanical influences) to promote the synthesis of an aligned ECM.