950 resultados para high frequency data
Single interneurons influence thousands of postsynaptic principal cells, and the control of interneuronal excitability is an important regulator of the computational properties of the hippocampus. However, the mechanisms underlying long-term alterations in the input–output functions of interneurons are not fully understood. We report a mechanism of interneuronal plasticity that leads to the functional enhancement of the gain of glutamatergic inputs in the absence of long-term potentiation of the excitatory synaptic currents. Interneurons in the dentate gyrus exhibit a characteristic, limited (≈8 mV) depolarization of their resting membrane potential after high-frequency stimulation of the perforant path. The depolarization can be observed with either whole-cell or perforated patch electrodes, and it lasts in excess of 3 h. The long-term depolarization is specific to interneurons, because granule cells do not show it. The depolarization requires the activation of Ca2+-permeable α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors and the rise of intracellular Ca2+, but not N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation. Data on the maintenance of the depolarization point to a major role for a long-term change in the rate of electrogenic Na+/K+-ATPase pump function in interneurons. As a result of the depolarization, interneurons after the tetanus respond with action potential discharges to previously subthreshold excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), even though the EPSPs are not potentiated. These results demonstrate that the plastic nature of the interneuronal resting membrane potential underlies a unique form of long-term regulation of the gain of excitatory inputs to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons.
We have analyzed the level of intraindividual sequence variability (heteroplasmy) of mtDNA in human brain by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Single base substitutions, as well as insertions or deletions of single bases, were numerous in the noncoding control region (D-loop), and 35-45% of the molecules from a single tissue showed sequence differences. By contrast, heteroplasmy in coding regions was not detected. The lower level of heteroplasmy in the coding regions is indicative of selection against deleterious mutations. Similar levels of heteroplasmy were found in two brain regions from the same individual, while no heteroplasmy was detected in blood. Thus, heteroplasmy seems to be more frequent in nonmitotic tissues. We observed a 7.7-fold increase in the frequency of deletions/insertions and a 2.2-fold increase in the overall frequency of heteroplasmic mutations in two individuals aged 96 and 99, relative to an individual aged 28. Our results show that intraindividual sequence variability occurs at a high frequency in the noncoding regions of normal human brain and indicate that small insertions and deletions might accumulate with age at a lower rate than large rearrangements.
The immune system's ability to distinguish self and nonself is essential for both host defense against foreign agents and protection of self-antigens from autoimmune destruction. Such discrimination is complicated by extensive structural homology shared between foreign and self antigens. One hypothesis to explain the development of an autoimmune response is that some B cells activated by foreign antigen acquire, through somatic mutation, specificity for both the eliciting foreign antigen and self antigen. If such clones arise frequently, there must be a mechanism for their elimination. We have analyzed the extent of autoreactivity arising in a nonautoimmune host during the response to a foreign antigen. To overcome the process of apoptosis in primary B cells that might routinely eliminate autoreactive clones, we generated B-cell hybridomas from spleen cells of immunized mice by using a fusion partner constitutively expressing bcl-2. Multiple lines were obtained that recognize simultaneously the hapten phosphorylcholine and the self antigen double-stranded DNA. This dual specificity was not present early but was detected by day 10 after immunization. Some of these cross-reactive antibodies deposit in kidneys in a pattern similar to what is seen in autoimmune disease. These results demonstrate that autoantibodies arise at a high frequency as part of a response to foreign antigen. It has previously been shown that autoreactivity is regulated by central deletion; these data demonstrate a need for negative selection in peripheral lymphoid organs also, to regulate autoantibodies acquiring their self-specificity by somatic mutation.
Neural pathways within the hippocampus undergo use-dependent changes in synaptic efficacy, and these changes are mediated by a number of signaling mechanisms, including cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). The PKA holoenzyme is composed of regulatory and catalytic (C) subunits, both of which exist as multiple isoforms. There are two C subunit genes in mice, Calpha and Cbeta, and the Cbeta gene gives rise to several splice variants that are specifically expressed in discrete regions of the brain. We have used homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to introduce an inactivating mutation into the mouse Cbeta gene, specifically targeting the Cbeta1-subunit isoform. Homozygous mutants showed normal viability and no obvious pathological defects, despite a complete lack of Cbeta1. The mice were analyzed in electrophysiological paradigms to test the role of this isoform in long-term modulation of synaptic transmission in the Schaffer collateral-CA1 pathway of the hippocampus. A high-frequency stimulus produced potentiation in both wild-type and Cbeta1-/- mice, but the mutants were unable to maintain the potentiated response, resulting in a late phase of long-term potentiation that was only 30% of controls. Paired pulse facilitation was unaffected in the mutant mice. Low-frequency stimulation produced long-term depression and depotentiation in wild-type mice but failed to produce lasting synaptic depression in the Cbeta1 -/- mutants. These data provide direct genetic evidence that PKA, and more specifically the Cbeta1 isoform, is required for long-term depression and depotentiation, as well as the late phase of long-term potentiation in the Schaffer collateral-CA1 pathway.
Human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) gives rise to a neurologic disease known as HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Although the pathogenesis of the disease is unknown, the presence of a remarkably high frequency of Tax-specific, cytotoxic CD8 T cells may suggest a role of these cells in the development of HAM/TSP. Antigen-mediated signaling in a CD8 T-cell clone specific for the Tax(11-19) peptide of HTLV-I was studied using analog peptides substituted in their T-cell receptor contact residues defined by x-ray crystallographic data of the Tax(11-19) peptide in the groove of HLA-A2. CD8 T-cell stimulation with the wild-type peptide antigen led to activation of p56lck kinase activity, interleukin 2 secretion, cytotoxicity, and clonal expansion. A Tax analog peptide with an alanine substitution of the T-cell receptor contact residue tyrosine-15 induced T-cell-mediated cytolysis without activation of interleukin 2 secretion or proliferation. Induction of p56lck kinase activity correlated with T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity, whereas interleukin 2 secretion correlated with [3H]thymidine incorporation and proliferation. Moreover, Tax peptide analogs that activated the tyrosine kinase activity of p56lck could induce unresponsiveness to secondary stimulation with the wild-type peptide. These observations show that a single amino acid substitution in a T-cell receptor contact residue of Tax can differentially signal CD8 T cells and further demonstrate that primary activation has functional consequences for the secondary response of at least some Tax-specific CD8 T cells to HTLV-I-infected target cells.
Parcela considerável de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento não têm a causa de seus quadros clínicos estabelecida, incluindo aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de síndrome de Silver−Russell (SRS) e 10-20% dos pacientes com síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as causas genéticas e epigenéticas de distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida, numa contribuição para o entendimento de mecanismos que regulam o crescimento. O estudo compreendeu: (1) a investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos, por aCGH; (2) a análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de genes sujeitos a imprinting (IG), por pirossequenciamento (PSQ) ou sequenciamento de Sanger; (3) a investigação do padrão de metilação global em pacientes com restrição de crescimento, utilizando microarray de metilação. A casuística constituiu-se de 41 pacientes não aparentados, com distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida: (1) 25, com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS; (2) seis, com restrição de crescimento intrauterino e peso ao nascimento abaixo do 10º percentil, associados a outros sinais clínicos; (3) sete, com hipótese diagnóstica de BWS; e (4) três, com macrossomia pré-natal ou pós-natal, associada a outros sinais. A investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos foi realizada em 40 pacientes. Foram detectadas 58 variantes raras em 30/40 pacientes (75%): 40 foram consideradas provavelmente benignas (18 pacientes, 45%), 12, com efeito patogênico desconhecido (11 pacientes, 27,5%), duas, provavelmente patogênicas (um paciente, 2,5%) e quatro, patogênicas (três pacientes, 7,5%). Essas frequências são comparáveis àquelas descritas em estudos que investigaram CNV em grupos de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento e outras alterações congênitas, incluindo SRS, e mostram a importância da investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos nesses pacientes. A diversidade dos microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos identificados é reflexo da heterogeneidade clínica das casuísticas. Neste estudo, muitos dos pacientes com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS e BWS apresentavam sinais clínicos atípicos, explicando a ausência neles das alterações (epi)genéticas que causam essas síndromes. A identificação de CNV características de outras síndromes reflete a sobreposição de sinais clínicos com BWS e SRS. A análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG foi realizada em um subgrupo de 18 pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Trinta IG com função em proliferação celular, crescimento fetal ou neurodesenvolvimento foram inicialmente selecionados. Após seleção de SNP transcritos com alta frequência na população, genotipagem de pacientes, genitores e indivíduos controle, determinação da expressão dos IG em sangue periférico e seu padrão de expressão (mono ou bialélico), 13 IG, expressos no sangue, tiveram a expressão alelo-específica avaliada, sete deles por PSQ e seis por sequenciamento de Sanger. Alterações no perfil de expressão de dois genes, de expressão normalmente paterna, foram detectadas em 4/18 pacientes (22%). Este estudo é o primeiro a utilizar pirossequenciamento e sequenciamento de Sanger na avaliação do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG, em pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Apesar de terem limitações, ambas as técnicas mostraram-se robustas e revelaram alterações de expressão alélica interessantes; entretanto, a relação dessas alterações com o quadro clínico dos pacientes permanece por esclarecer. A investigação da metilação global do DNA foi realizada em subgrupo de 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e em 24 indivíduos controle. Dois tipos de análise foram realizados: (1) análise diferencial de grupo e (2) análise diferencial individual. Na primeira análise, em que foi comparado o padrão de metilação do grupo de pacientes com quadro clínico sugestivo de SRS (n=16) com o do grupo controle (n=24), não houve indicação de hipo ou hipermetilação global no grupo SRS. Na segunda análise, foi comparado o padrão de metilação de cada um dos 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e dos 24 indivíduos controle, com o padrão de metilação do grupo controle. O número médio de CpG hipermetilados e de segmentos diferencialmente metilados (SDM) foi significativamente maior nos pacientes. Foram identificados 82 SDM hipermetilados, estando 57 associados a gene(s) (69,5%), em 16 pacientes, e 51 SDM hipometilados, 41 deles associados a gene(s) (80,4%), em 10 pacientes. A análise de ontologia genética dos 61 genes associados aos SDM hipo ou hipermetilados nos pacientes destacou genes que atuam no desenvolvimento e na morfogênese do sistema esquelético e de órgãos fetais, e na regulação da transcrição gênica e de processos metabólicos. Alterações de metilação em genes que atuam em processos de proliferação e diferenciação celulares e crescimento foram identificadas em 9/20 dos pacientes (45%), sugerindo implicação clínica. Não foi detectada alteração epigenética comum aos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de SRS, explicável provavelmente pela heterogeneidade clínica. A investigação de metilação global, utilizando microarray, produziu novos dados que podem contribuir para a compreensão de mecanismos moleculares que influenciam o crescimento pré- e pós-natal. Na translocação aparentemente equilibrada - t(5;6)(q35.2;p22.3)dn, detectada em paciente com suspeita clínica de SRS, a interrupção de um gene, pela quebra no cromossomo 6, pode ser a causa do quadro clínico; alternativamente, a translocação pode ter impactado a regulação de genes de desenvolvimento localizados próximos aos pontos de quebra. A análise de expressão em sangue periférico mostrou que os níveis de cDNA do gene, interrompido pelo ponto de quebra da translocação, estavam reduzidos à metade. Além de sinais típicos da SRS, a paciente apresentava algumas características clínicas sugestivas de displasia cleidocraniana. Assim, a translocação t(5;6) pode ter alterado a interação de genes de desenvolvimento e seus elementos reguladores, levando à desregulação de sua expressão espaço-temporal, e resultando num fenótipo atípico, com características sobrepostas de mais de uma síndrome genética
Comunicación presentada en EVACES 2011, 4th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Varenna (Lecco), Italy, October 3-5, 2011.
Analysis of vibrations and displacements is a hot topic in structural engineering. Although there is a wide variety of methods for vibration analysis, direct measurement of displacements in the mid and high frequency range is not well solved and accurate devices tend to be very expensive. Low-cost systems can be achieved by applying adequate image processing algorithms. In this paper, we propose the use of a commercial pocket digital camera, which is able to register more than 420 frames per second (fps) at low resolution, for accurate measuring of small vibrations and displacements. The method is based on tracking elliptical targets with sub-pixel accuracy. Our proposal is demonstrated at a 10 m distance with a spatial resolution of 0.15 mm. A practical application over a simple structure is given, and the main parameters of an attenuated movement of a steel column after an impulsive impact are determined with a spatial accuracy of 4 µm.
Los sedimentos continentales (Plioceno-Cuaternario) que afloran en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix (Sur de España) muestran una ciclicidad de 100 ka consistente en la alternancia de depósitos de abanicos aluviales y sedimentos fluvio-lacustres. Durante el Plioceno y el Pleistoceno la Cuenca de Guadix era endorreica, y se caracterizaba por la existencia de un sistema axial fluvial y una orla marginal de abanicos aluviales transversales. En la zona de estudio, estos sistemas estaban relacionados lateralmente, ocupando de forma alterna el valle axial en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix. La edad estimada para la alternancia, ca. 100 ka, cae en la banda de excentricidad de alta frecuencia de Milankovitch. Estas fases podrían interpretarse como el resultado de máximos de excentricidad (inviernos más largos y fríos, con mayor volumen de precipitaciones que favorecerían las progradaciones de los abanicos) o de excentricidad mínima (períodos más secos y fríos, con una cubierta vegetal más escasa en las áreas fuente y, por tanto, un mayor aporte de sedimento por precipitaciones muy concentradas en el tiempo al sistema aluvial). Se muestra cómo los datos paleomagnéticos no son lo suficientemente precisos para proporcionar una buena correlación de las fases de progradación con la curva de excentricidad de Laskar et al. (2004), por lo que se pone en duda su precisión a la hora de determinar el significado climático de la ciclicidad.
Analysis of vibrations and displacements is a hot topic in structural engineering. Although there is a wide variety of methods for vibration analysis, direct measurement of displacements in the mid and high frequency range is not well solved and accurate devices tend to be very expensive. Low-cost systems can be achieved by applying adequate image processing algorithms. In this paper, we propose the use of a commercial pocket digital camera, which is able to register more than 420 frames per second (fps) at low resolution, for accurate measuring of small vibrations and displacements. The method is based on tracking elliptical targets with sub-pixel accuracy. Our proposal is demonstrated at a 10 m distance with a spatial resolution of 0.15 mm. A practical application over a simple structure is given, and the main parameters of an attenuated movement of a steel column after an impulsive impact are determined with a spatial accuracy of 4 µm.
Hole 633A was drilled in the southern part of Exuma Sound on the toe-of-slope of the southeastern part of Great Bahama Bank during ODP Leg 101. The top 55 m, collected as a suite of six approximately 9.5-m-long hydraulic piston cores, represents a Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence of periplatform carbonate ooze, a mixture of pelagic calcite (foraminifer and coccolith tests), some pelagic aragonite (pteropod tests), and bank-derived fine aragonite and magnesian calcite. A 1.6-m.y.-long hiatus was identified at 43.75 mbsf using calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. The 43.75-m-thick periplatform sequence above the hiatus is a complete late Pliocene-Quaternary record of the past 2.15 m.y. The d18O curve, primarily based on Globigerinoides sacculifera, clearly displays high-frequency/low-amplitude cycles during the early Pleistocene and low-frequency/high-amplitude cycles during the middle and late Pleistocene. Variations in aragonite content in the fine fraction of the periplatform ooze show a cyclic pattern throughout the Pleistocene, as previously observed in piston cores of the upper Pleistocene. These variations correlate well with the d18O record: high aragonite corresponds to light interglacial d18O values, and vice versa. Comparison of the d18O record and the aragonite curve helps to identify 23 interglacial and glacial oxygen-isotope stages, corresponding to 10.5 aragonite cycles (labeled A to K) commonly established during the middle and late Pleistocene (0.9 Ma-present). Strictly based on the aragonite curve, another 11 aragonite cycles, labeled L to V, were identified for the early Pleistocene (0.9 to 1.6 Ma). Mismatches between the d18O record and the aragonite curve occur mainly at some of the glacial-to-interglacial transitions, where aragonite increases usually lag behind d18O depletion. When one visually connects the minima on the Pleistocene aragonite curve, low-frequency (0.4 to 0.5 m.y.) supercycles seem to be superimposed on the high-frequency cycles. The timing of this supercycle roughly matches the timing of the Pleistocene carbonate preservation supercycles described in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans. Mismatches between aragonite and d18O cycles are even more obvious for the late Pliocene (1.6 to 2.15 Ma). Irregular aragonite variations are observed for the late Pliocene, although after the onset of late Pleistocene-like glaciations in the North Atlantic Ocean 2.4 m.y. ago the d18O record has shown a mode of high-frequency/low-amplitude cycles. Initiation of climatically induced aragonite cycles occurs only at the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition, 1.6 m.y. ago. After that time, aragonite cycles are fully developed throughout the Quaternary. The 11-m-thick periplatform sequence below the hiatus represents a lower Pliocene interval between 3.75 and 4.45 Ma. The bottom half (4.25-4.45 Ma) has a fairly constant, high aragonite content (averaging 60%) and high sedimentation rates (28 m/m.y.) and corresponds to the end of the prolonged early Pliocene interglacial interval (4.1-5.0 Ma), established as a worldwide high sea-level stand. The second half (3.75-4.25 Ma), in which aragonite content decreases by successive steps, paralleled by a gradual 5180 enrichment in Globigerinoides sacculifera and low sedimentation rates (10 m/m.y), corresponds to the climatic deterioration established worldwide between 4.1 and 3.8 Ma, to a decrease of carbonate preservation observed in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and to a global sea-level decline. Dolomite, a ubiquitous secondary component in the lower Pliocene, is interpreted as being authigenic and possibly related to diagenetic transformation of primary bank-derived fine magnesian calcite. Transformation of the primary mineralogical composition of the periplatform ooze was evidently minor, as the sediments have retained a detailed record of the Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic evolution. Clear evidence of diagenetic transformations in the periplatform ooze includes (1) the disappearance of magnesian calcite in the upper 20 m of Hole 633A, (2) the occurrence of calcite overgrowths on foraminiferal tests and microclasts at intermittent chalky core levels, and (3) the ubiquitous presence of authigenic dolomite in the lower Pliocene.
We report on the comparative bioaccumulation, biotransformation and/or biomagnification from East Greenland ringed seal (Pusa hispida) blubber to polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissues (adipose, liver and brain) of various classes and congeners of persistent chlorinated and brominated contaminants and metabolic by-products: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordanes (CHLs), hydroxyl (OH-) and methylsulfonyl (MeSO2-) PCBs, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), OH-PBBs, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) flame retardants and OH- and methoxyl (MeO-) PBDEs, 2,2-dichloro-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethene (p,p'-DDE), 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 4-OH-heptachlorostyrene (4-OH-HpCS). We detected all of the investigated contaminants in ringed seal blubber with high frequency, the main diet of East Greenland bears, with the exception of OH-PCBs and 4-OH-HpCS, which indicated that these phenolic contaminants were likely of metabolic origin and formed in the bears from accumulated PCBs and octachlorostyrene (OCS), respectively, rather than being bioaccumulated from a seal blubber diet. For all of the detectable sum of classes or individual organohalogens, in general, the ringed seal to polar bear mean BMFs for SumPCBs, p,p'-DDE, SumCHLs, SumMeSO2-PCBs, 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, PCP, SumPBDEs, total-(alpha)-HBCD, SumOH-PBDEs, SumMeO-PBDEs and SumOH-PBBs indicated that these organohalogens bioaccumulate, and in some cases there was tissue-specific biomagnification, e.g., BMFs for bear adipose and liver ranged from 2 to 570. The blood-brain barrier appeared to be effective in minimizing brain accumulation as BMFs were <= 1 in the brain, with the exception of SumOH-PBBs (mean BMF = 93±54). Unlike OH-PCB metabolites, OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues appeared to be mainly accumulated from the seal blubber rather than being metabolic formed from PBDEs in the bears. In vitro PBDE depletion assays using polar bear hepatic microsomes, wherein the rate of oxidative metabolism of PBDE congeners was very slow, supported the probability that accumulation from seals is the main source of OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues. Our findings demonstrated from ringed seal to polar bears that organohalogen biotransformation, bioaccumulation and/or biomagnification varied widely and depended on the contaminant in question. Our results show the increasing complexity of bioaccumulated and in some cases biomagnified, chlorinated and brominated contaminants and/or metabolites from the diet may be a contributing stress factor in the health of East Greenland polar bears.
Two late Quaternary sediment cores from the northern Cape Basin in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean were analyzed for their benthic foraminiferal content and benthic stable carbon isotope composition. The locations of the cores were selected such that both of them presently are bathed by North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and past changes in deep water circulation should be recorded simultaneously at both locations. However, the areas are different in terms of primary production. One core was recovered from the nutrient-depleted Walvis Ridge area, whereas the other one is from the continental slope just below the coastal upwelling mixing area where present day organic matter fluxes are shown to be moderately high. Recent data served as the basis for the interpretation of the late Quaternary faunal fluctuations and the paleoceanographic reconstruction. During the last 450,000 years, NADW flux into the eastern South Atlantic Ocean has been restricted to interglacial periods, with the strongest dominance of a NADW-driven deep water circulation during interglacial stages 1, 9 and 11. At the continental margin, high productivity faunas and very low epibenthic d13C values indicate enhanced fluxes of organic matter during glacial periods. This can be attributed to a glacial increase and lateral extension of coastal upwelling. The long term glacial-interglacial paleoproductivity cycles are superimposed by high-frequency variations with a period of about 23,000 yr. Enhanced productivity in surface waters above the Walvis Ridge, far from the coast, is indicated during glacial stages 8, 10 and 12. During these periods, cold, nutrient-rich filaments from the mixing area were probably driven as far as to the southeastern flank of the Walvis Ridge.
The preliminary results of a comprehensive study of clay minerals (<2 µm) are presented for the upper 2 m.y. of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Site 1146 from the northern margin of the South China Sea, close to the Pearl River mouth. More than 500 samples were analyzed, and four main mineral species are present: smectite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. On a general basis, illite + chlorite and smectite display anti-correlated behavior in relation to changes in the proportion of primary to secondary minerals in the sediment. Low-frequency and high-frequency changes are observed in the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio.
A detailed Pliocene oxygen isotope record from the Ontong Java Plateau, based on measurements of the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer, was produced for the period from 5 to 2 Ma. The record documents major long- and short-term climate changes. The results show periods of enhanced ice volume at 4.6 to 4.3 Ma and after 2.85 Ma, a long-term warming trend from 4.1 to 3.7 Ma, and a distinct cooling trend that was initiated at 3.5 Ma and progressed through the initiation of large-scale Northern Hemisphere glaciation after 2.85 Ma (according to the time scale of Shackleton and others proposed in 1990). Periods of high average ice volumes also show the highest d18O amplitudes. The pattern of climate cyclicity changed markedly at about 2.85 Ma. Earlier times were marked by high-frequency variability at the precessional frequencies or even higher frequencies, pointing to low-latitude processes as a main controlling factor driving planktonic d18O variability in this period. The high-frequency variability is not coherent with insolation and points to strong nonlinearity in the way the climate system responded to orbital forcing before the onset of large scale Northern Hemisphere glaciation. After 3 Ma, stronger 41-k.y. cyclicity appears in the record. The shift in pattern is clearest around 2.85 Ma (according to the time scale proposed by Shackleton and others in 1990), 100-200 k.y. before the most dramatic spread of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. This indicates that high-latitude processes from this point on began to take over and influence most strongly the d18O record, which now reflects ice-volume fluctuations related to the climatic effects of obliquity forcing on the seasonality of high-latitude areas, most probably in the Northern Hemisphere. The general Pliocene trend is that high-latitude climate sensitivity and instability was increasing, and the causal factors producing the intensified glacial cyclicity during the Pliocene must be factors that enhance cooling and climate sensitivity in the subarctic areas.