966 resultados para heterotrophic plate count
A Mindlin plate with periodically distributed ribs patterns is analyzed by using homogenization techniques based on asymptotic expansion methods. The stiffness matrix of the homogenized plate is found to be dependent on the geometrical characteristics of the periodical cell, i.e. its skewness, plan shape, thickness variation etc. and on the plate material elastic constants. The computation of this plate stiffness matrix is carried out by averaging over the cell domain some solutions of different periodical boundary value problems. These boundary value problems are defined in variational form by linear first order differential operators on the cell domain and the boundary conditions of the variational equation correspond to a periodic structural problem. The elements of the stiffness matrix of homogenized plate are obtained by linear combinations of the averaged solution functions of the above mentioned boundary value problems. Finally, an illustrative example of application of this homogenization technique to hollowed plates and plate structures with ribs patterns regularly arranged over its area is shown. The possibility of using in the profesional practice the present procedure to the actual analysis of floors of typical buildings is also emphasized.
Estrogen is critical for epiphyseal fusion in both young men and women. In this study, we explored the cellular mechanisms by which estrogen causes this phenomenon. Juvenile ovariectomized female rabbits received either 70 μg/kg estradiol cypionate or vehicle i.m. once a week. Growth plates from the proximal tibia, distal tibia, and distal femur were analyzed after 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks of treatment. In vehicle-treated animals, there was a gradual senescent decline in tibial growth rate, rate of chondrocyte proliferation, growth plate height, number of proliferative chondrocytes, number of hypertrophic chondrocytes, size of terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes, and column density. Estrogen treatment accelerated the senescent decline in all of these parameters. In senescent growth plates, epiphyseal fusion was observed to be an abrupt event in which all remaining chondrocytes were rapidly replaced by bone elements. Fusion occurred when the rate of chondrocyte proliferation approached zero. Estrogen caused this proliferative exhaustion and fusion to occur earlier. Our data suggest that (i) epiphyseal fusion is triggered when the proliferative potential of growth plate chondrocytes is exhausted; and (ii) estrogen does not induce growth plate ossification directly; instead, estrogen accelerates the programmed senescence of the growth plate, thus causing earlier proliferative exhaustion and consequently earlier fusion.
Photosynthetic and Heterotrophic Ferredoxin Isoproteins Are Colocalized in Fruit Plastids of Tomato1
Fruit tissues of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) contain both photosynthetic and heterotrophic ferredoxin (FdA and FdE, respectively) isoproteins, irrespective of their photosynthetic competence, but we did not previously determine whether these proteins were colocalized in the same plastids. In isolated fruit chloroplasts and chromoplasts, both FdA and FdE were detected by immunoblotting. Colocalization of FdA and FdE in the same plastids was demonstrated using double-staining immunofluorescence microscopy. We also found that FdA and FdE were colocalized in fruit chloroplasts and chloroamyloplasts irrespective of sink status of the plastid. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that FdA and FdE were randomly distributed within the plastid stroma. To investigate the significance of the heterotrophic Fd in fruit plastids, Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity was measured in isolated fruit and leaf plastids. Fruit chloroplasts and chromoplasts showed much higher G6PDH activity than did leaf chloroplasts, suggesting that high G6PDH activity is linked with FdE to maintain nonphotosynthetic production of reducing power. This result suggested that, despite their morphological resemblance, fruit chloroplasts are functionally different from their leaf counterparts.
Molecular and immunological techniques were used to examine N2 fixation in a ubiquitous heterotrophic marine bacterium, the facultative anaerobic Vibrio natriegens. When batch cultures were shifted from aerobic N-replete to anaerobic N-deplete conditions, transcriptional and post-translational regulation of N2 fixation was observed. Levels of nifHDK mRNA encoding the nitrogenase enzyme were highest at 140 min postshift and undetectable between 6 and 9 h later. Immunologically determined levels of nitrogenase enzyme (Fe protein) were highest between 6 and 15 h postshift, and nitrogenase activity peaked between 6 and 9 h postshift, declining by a factor of 2 after 12-15 h. Unlike their regulation in cyanobacteria, Fe protein and nitrogenase activity were present when nifHDK mRNA was absent in V. natriegens, indicating that nitrogenase is stored and stable under anaerobic conditions. Both nifHDK mRNA and Fe protein disappeared within 40 min after cultures were shifted from N2-fixing conditions (anaerobic, N-deplete) to non- N2-fixing conditions (aerobic, N-enriched) but reappeared when shifted to conditions favoring N2 fixation. Thus, unlike other N2-fixing heterotrophic bacteria, nitrogenase must be resynthesized after aerobic exposure in V. natriegens. Immunological detection based on immunoblot (Western) analysis and immunogold labeling correlated positively with nitrogenase activity; no localization of nitrogenase was observed. Because V. natriegens continues to fix N2 for many hours after anaerobic induction, this species may play an important role in providing "new" nitrogen in marine ecosystems.
The body musculature of higher vertebrates is composed of the epaxial muscles, associated with the vertebral column, and of the hypaxial muscles of the limbs and ventro-lateral body wall. Both sets of muscles arise from different cell populations within the dermomyotomal component of the somite. Myogenesis first occurs in the medial somitic cells that will form the epaxial muscles and starts with a significant delay in cells derived from the lateral somitic moiety that migrate to yield the hypaxial muscles. The newly formed somite is mostly composed of unspecified cells, and the determination of somitic compartments toward specific lineages is controlled by environmental cues. In this report, we show that determinant signals for lateral somite specification are provided by the lateral plate. They result in a blockade of the myogenic program, which maintains the lateral somitic cells as undifferentiated muscle progenitors expressing the Pax-3 gene, and represses the activation of the MyoD family genes. In vivo, this mechanism could account for the delay observed in the onset of myogenesis between muscles of the epaxial and hypaxial domains.
A prática da reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso único vem sendo aplicada desde meados da década de setenta. A principal razão que tem contribuído para disseminação desta conduta pelas instituições hospitalares radicadas tanto nos países em desenvolvimento como naqueles considerados ricos, tem sido a aparente economia de custos. Apesar dos riscos relacionados com a prática da reutilização, como reações pirogênicas, danos ocasionados por bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes imunologicamente comprometidos, danos na integridade fisica dos produtos, assim como aumento do período de permanência dos pacientes no hospital, têm despertado o interesse em avaliar aspectos fisicos e biológicos dos produtos médico-hospitalares reutilizados. Baseando-se nestas considerações foram aplicados desafios com esporos de Bacillus Subtilis varo niger ATCC 9372 e endotoxina bacteriana E. coli 055:B5. Os produtos desafiados foram cateteres intravenosos, torneira três vias e tubos de traqueostomia. A possível presença microbiana foi investigada após contaminação intencional dos esporos de B. Subtillis (107 ufc/unid.) com submissão das unidades contaminadas à limpeza e posterior esterilização, utilizando óxido de etileno/CFC na proporção 12:88. Os ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados de produtos médico-hospitalares consistiram de contaminação de cada unidade teste com carga microbiana, lavagem com detergente enzimático, secagem e esterilização. Ao término de cada ciclo de reprocessamento foram separadas unidades representativas para avaliação por contagem microbiana (pour plate), testes de esterilidade por inoculação direta e indireta, citotoxidade por cultura de células e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A eficiência da esterilidade foi avaliada tanto por contagem microbiana como pelos testes de esterilidade, que resultaram em níveis microbianos de 103 ufc/unid. e detecção de contaminação até o 6° ciclo de reprocessamento nos cateteres intravenosos, tubos de traqueostomia e torneiras três vias. A segurança dos reprocessamentos dos produtos médico-hospitalares foi avaliada pela cultura de células de fibroblastos de camundongo (NCTC clone 929), as quais não apresentaram toxicidade. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos durante microscopia eletrônica de varredura comprovaram presença de carga microbiana após 10° ciclo de reprocessamento, assim como danos na superficie polimérica. Durante desafio com endotoxina bacteriana, que consistiu em contaminar as unidades com 200 UE, secagem e exposição ao ciclo de esterilização com óxido de etileno/CFC (12:88), verificou-se que após ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, totalizando dez ciclos, foi possível detectar valores de recuperação de endotoxina em torno de 100%. Os cateteres-guia que foram adquiridos em instituição hospitalar após quatro reutilizações, apresentaram níveis de contaminação de 105 ufc/unid., assim como presença de bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes comprometidos imunologicamente, já a detecção de endotoxina bacteriana nestes cateteres não foi considerada significativa. Logo, as avaliações aplicadas nas unidades submetidas aos ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, assim como nos cateteres-guia reprocessados e reutilizados quatro vezes, refletiram a realidade de algumas instituições no âmbito nacional e internacional que praticam a reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso-único. Os resultados obtidos vêm enfatizar objeções quanto à prática da reutilização, considerando que a ausência de segurança pode ocasionar em danos ao paciente.
One-page inventory of the silver, including the weight of each object, donor, and dates; one passage is crossed out, and written diagonal to the inventory are the words "Fort London Farmer London." Docketed on the verso with an address to the Right Honorable Samuel Bishop of York.
Black and white composition book sent to the Harvard College Library containing a typed "copy of notes made in the spring of 1886" by John H. Buck. Includes historical information, and physical descriptions and valuations of the Great Salt, the Stoughton Cup, the Browne Cup, and the christening basin acquired with the donation of Oliver Wendell, as well as notes on other gifts of silver.