935 resultados para groin pain treatment,sports hernia,athletic pubalgia,groin disruption injury,hip arthroscopy


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Previous somatic pain experience (priming), psychobiographic imprinting (pain proneness), and stress (action proneness) are key to an enhanced centralised pain response. This centralised pain response clinically manifests itself in pain sensitization and chronification. The therapeutic approach to chronic centralised pain disorders is multimodal. The overarching aim of the various interventions of a multimodal treatment program is to activate anti-nociceptive areas of the cerebral matrix involved in pain processing. The lists of medications targeting neuropathic and somatoform pain disorder show considerable overlap. Psychotherapy helps patients with central pain sensitization to improve pain control, emotional regulation and pain behaviour.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare costs of function- and pain-centred inpatient treatment in patients with chronic low back pain over 3 years of follow-up. DESIGN: Cost analysis of a randomized controlled trial. PATIENTS: A total of 174 patients with chronic low back pain were randomized to function- or pain-centred inpatient treatment. METHODS: Data on direct and indirect costs were gathered by questionnaires sent to patients, health insurance providers, employers, and the Swiss Disability Insurance Company. RESULTS: There was a non-significant difference in total medical costs after 3 years' follow-up. Total costs were 77,305 Euros in the function-centred inpatient treatment group and 83,085 Euros in the pain-centred inpatient treatment group. Likewise, indirect costs after 3 years from lost work days were non-significantly lower in the function-centred in-patient treatment group (6354 Euros; 95% confidence interval -20,892, 8392) and direct medical costs were non-significantly higher in the function-centred inpatient treatment group (574 Euros; 95% confidence interval -862, 2011). CONCLUSION: The total costs of function-centred and pain-centred inpatient treatment were similar over the whole 3-year follow-up.


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Although osteoporosis is a systemic disease, vertebral fractures due to spinal bone loss are a frequent, sometimes early and often neglected complication of the disease, generally associated with considerable disability and pain. As osteoporotic vertebral fractures are an important predictor of future fracture risk, including at the hip, medical management is targeted at reducing fracture risk. A literature search for randomized, double-blind, prospective, controlled clinical studies addressing medical treatment possibilities of vertebral fractures in postmenopausal Caucasian women was performed on the leading medical databases. For each publication, the number of patients with at least one new vertebral fracture and the number of randomized patients by treatment arm was retrieved. The relative risk (RR) and the number needed to treat (NNT, i.e. the number of patients to be treated to avoid one radiological vertebral fracture over the duration of the study), together with the respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated for each study. Treatment of steroid-induced osteoporosis and treatment of osteoporosis in men were reviewed separately, based on the low number of publications available. Forty-five publications matched with the search criteria, allowing for analysis of 15 different substances tested regarding their anti-fracture efficacy at the vertebral level. Bisphosphonates, mainly alendronate and risedronate, were reported to have consistently reduced the risk of a vertebral fracture over up to 50 months of treatment in four (alendronate) and two (risedronate) publications. Raloxifene reduced vertebral fracture risk in one study over 36 months, which was confirmed by 48 months' follow-up data. Parathormone (PTH) showed a drastic reduction in vertebral fracture risk in early studies, while calcitonin may also be a treatment option to reduce fracture risk. For other substances published data are conflicting (calcitriol, fluoride) or insufficient to conclude about efficacy (calcium, clodronate, etidronate, hormone replacement therapy, pamidronate, strontium, tiludronate, vitamin D). The low NNTs for the leading substances (ranges: 15-64 for alendronate, 8-26 for risedronate, 23 for calcitonin and 28-31 for raloxifene) confirm that effective and efficient drug interventions for treatment and prevention of osteoporotic vertebral fractures are available. Bisphosphonates have demonstrated similar efficacy in treatment and prevention of steroid-induced and male osteoporosis as in postmenopausal osteoporosis. The selection of the appropriate drug for treatment of vertebral osteoporosis from among a bisphosphonate (alendronate or risedronate), PTH, calcitonin or raloxifene will mainly depend on the efficacy, tolerability and safety profile, together with the patient's willingness to comply with a long-term treatment. Although reduction of vertebral fracture risk is an important criterion for decision making, drugs with proven additional fracture risk reduction at all clinically relevant sites (especially at the hip) should be the preferred options.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare severity of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy because of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease treated with a combination of conventional analgesics and electroacupuncture (EAP) or with conventional analgesics alone. DESIGN: Controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 15 dogs undergoing surgery because of acute thoracolumbar disk disease. PROCEDURES: Dogs were alternately assigned to treatment (conventional analgesics and adjunct EAP) and control (conventional analgesics alone) groups. Analgesic treatment was adjusted as necessary by the attending clinician, who was not aware of group assignment. Pain scores were assigned 1, 3, and 12 hours after surgery and every 12 hours thereafter for 72 hours by the same individual who performed acupuncture treatments. RESULTS: Total dose of fentanyl administered during the first 12 hours after surgery was significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group, but dosages of analgesics administered from 12 through 72 hours after surgery did not differ between groups. Pain score was significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group 36 hours after surgery, but did not differ significantly between groups at any other time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results provided equivocal evidence that adjunct EAP might provide some mild benefit in regard to severity of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy because of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease.


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Researchers largely agree that there is a positive relationship between achievement motivation and athletic performance, which is why the achievement motive is viewed as a potential criterion for talent. However, the underlying mechanism behind this relationship remains unclear. In talent and performance models, main effect, mediator and moderator models have been suggested. A longitudinal study was carried out among 140 13-year-old football talents, using structural equation modelling to determine which model best explains how hope for success (HS) and fear of failure (FF), which are the aspects of the achievement motive, motor skills and abilities that affect performance. Over a period of half a year, HS can to some extent explain athletic performance, but this relationship is not mediated by the volume of training, sport-specific skills or abilities, nor is the achievement motive a moderating variable. Contrary to expectations, FF does not explain any part of performance. Aside from HS, however, motor abilities and in particular skills also predict a significant part of performance. The study confirms the widespread assumption that the development of athletic performance in football depends on multiple factors, and in particular that HS is worth watching in the medium term as a predictor of talent.


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This case report describes the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and the treatment of a far lateral extrusion of disc material at the sixth and seventh lumbar vertebrae (L6-L7) in a five-year-old male Alpine Dachsbracke dog referred to our hospital for investigation of the complaint of a one week progressive lameness in the left pelvic limb and poorly localized back pain. An extra-foraminal left lateral disc herniation impinging on the sixth lumbar nerve root was diagnosed by MRI examinations. Due to the far lateral position of the extruded disc material on MRI, surgical opening of the spinal canal was not necessary. Removal of the herniated soft disc material impinging on the L6 nerve root, and fenestration of the L6-L7 disc was performed laterally. To the author's knowledge 'far-lateral' disc herniation beyond the neuroforamen without any spinal canal contact has not been described in dogs until now. A complete recovery with no evidence of pain was achieved only after a couple of weeks after surgery. We acknowledge that it is possible that other pathological mechanisms may have contributed to clinical signs and to a delayed recovery.


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A 5-½-month-old female Holstein-Friesian calf was presented with a history of recurring ruminal tympany and poor development. The absence of lung sounds on the right hemithorax suggested a right-sided intrathoracic pathology. Radiography and computed tomography revealed a large thin-walled cavernous lesion with a gas-fluid interface which almost completely filled the right thoracic cavity. Fluid aspirated from the lesion was clear, yellowish and odorless. These findings led to the diagnosis of a bronchogenic cyst. Thoracotomy was performed under general anesthesia. The cyst strongly adhered to the adjacent lung tissue. After removal of the free wall, the adjacent lung tissue was sealed using surgical stapling instruments, and the non-removable part of the wall was curetted and rinsed. The intensive postoperative management included antibiotic therapy, oxygen supplementation and regional lidocaine infusion. Anti-inflammatory drugs were administered for further pain control. The calf recovered well and was released from the clinic on postoperative day 11. Intra- or extrathoracic bronchogenic cysts result from abnormal budding during the embryonic development of the tracheobronchial system. Successful treatment of this calf despite the size of the lesion and the invasive character of the surgical intervention indicates that resection of bronchogenic cysts in cattle may be an option for valuable animals.


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OBJECTIVE To clinically evaluate the treatment of Miller Class I and II multiple adjacent gingival recessions using the modified coronally advanced tunnel technique combined with a newly developed bioresorbable collagen matrix of porcine origin. METHOD AND MATERIALS Eight healthy patients exhibiting at least three multiple Miller Class I and II multiple adjacent gingival recessions (a total of 42 recessions) were consecutively treated by means of the modified coronally advanced tunnel technique and collagen matrix. The following clinical parameters were assessed at baseline and 12 months postoperatively: full mouth plaque score (FMPS), full mouth bleeding score (FMBS), probing depth (PD), recession depth (RD), recession width (RW), keratinized tissue thickness (KTT), and keratinized tissue width (KTW). The primary outcome variable was complete root coverage. RESULTS Neither allergic reactions nor soft tissue irritations or matrix exfoliations occurred. Postoperative pain and discomfort were reported to be low, and patient acceptance was generally high. At 12 months, complete root coverage was obtained in 2 out of the 8 patients and 30 of the 42 recessions (71%). CONCLUSION Within their limits, the present results indicate that treatment of Miller Class I and II multiple adjacent gingival recessions by means of the modified coronally advanced tunnel technique and collagen matrix may result in statistically and clinically significant complete root coverage. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the performance of collagen matrix compared with connective tissue grafts and other soft tissue grafts.


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INTRODUCTION Apical surgery is an important treatment option for teeth with postendodontic apical periodontitis. However, little information is available regarding treatment planning in cases referred for apical surgery. This study evaluated the decisions made in such cases and analyzed the variables influencing the decision-making process. METHODS The study retrospectively assessed clinical and radiographic data of 330 teeth that had been referred to a specialist in apical surgery with regard to the treatment decisions made in those teeth. The clinical and radiographic variables were divided into subcategories to analyze which factors influenced the decision-making process. RESULTS The treatment decisions included apical surgery (59.1%), tooth extraction (25.8%), no treatment (9.1%), and nonsurgical endodontic retreatment (6.1%). Variables that showed statistically significant differences comparing treatment decisions among subcategories included probing depth (P = .001), clinical attachment level (P = .0001), tooth mobility (P = .012), pain (P = .014), clinical signs (P = .0001), length (P = .041) and quality (P = .026) of the root canal filling, and size (P = .0001) and location (P = .0001) of the periapical lesion. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that apical surgery was the most frequently made treatment decision in teeth referred to a specialist in apical surgery, but every fourth tooth was considered nonretainable and was scheduled for extraction. The data showed that the most common variables that influenced the decision to extract teeth were teeth with an increased probing depth and tooth mobility and teeth presenting with lesions not located at the apex.


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OBJECTIVES The paper's aim is to review dentin hypersensitivity (DHS), discussing pain mechanisms and aetiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Literature was reviewed using search engines with MESH terms, DH pain mechanisms and aetiology (including abrasion, erosion and periodontal disease). RESULTS The many hypotheses proposed for DHS attest to our lack of knowledge in understanding neurophysiologic mechanisms, the most widely accepted being the hydrodynamic theory. Dentin tubules must be patent from the oral environment to the pulp. Dentin exposure, usually at the cervical margin, is due to a variety of processes involving gingival recession or loss of enamel, predisposing factors being periodontal disease and treatment, limited alveolar bone, thin biotype, erosion and abrasion. CONCLUSIONS The current pain mechanism of DHS is thought to be the hydrodynamic theory. The initiation and progression of DHS are influenced by characteristics of the teeth and periodontium as well as the oral environment and external influences. Risk factors are numerous often acting synergistically and always influenced by individual susceptibility. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Whilst the pain mechanism of DHS is not well understood, clinicians need to be mindful of the aetiology and risk factors in order to manage patients' pain and expectations and prevent further dentin exposure with subsequent sensitivity.


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BACKGROUND Rubber dam is recommended for isolating the working field during adhesive dentistry procedures; however, dentists often omit rubber dam, particularly in paediatric dentistry, supposing that it would stress the patient. AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate stress parameters during a standardized dental treatment procedure performed with or without rubber dam. The treatment time was measured as a secondary outcome variable. DESIGN This study was designed as a randomized, controlled, clinical study with 72 patients (6-16 years; mean age, 11.1). During standardized fissure sealing procedures, objective parameters of stress (e.g., skin resistance, breath rate) were recorded. The operator's stress level was measured by pulse rate. Subjective pain (patients) and stress perception (operator) were evaluated by an interview. RESULTS The breath rate was significantly (P<0.05) lower and the skin resistance level was significantly higher during treatment with rubber dam compared to the control group. Subjective pain perception was significantly lower for the test group. The treatment time needed for the fissure sealing procedure was 12.4% less in the test group. CONCLUSION Isolation with rubber dam caused less stress in children and adolescents compared to relative isolation with cotton rolls if applied by an experienced dentist.


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BACKGROUND Chronic pain is associated with generalized hypersensitivity and impaired endogenous pain modulation (conditioned pain modulation; CPM). Despite extensive research, their prevalence in chronic pain patients is unknown. This study investigated the prevalence and potential determinants of widespread central hypersensitivity and described the distribution of CPM in chronic pain patients. METHODS We examined 464 consecutive chronic pain patients for generalized hypersensitivity and CPM using pressure algometry at the second toe and cold pressor test. Potential determinants of generalized central hypersensitivity were studied using uni- and multivariate regression analyses. Prevalence of generalized central hypersensitivity was calculated for the 5th, 10th and 25th percentile of normative values for pressure algometry obtained by a previous large study on healthy volunteers. CPM was addressed on a descriptive basis, since normative values are not available. RESULTS Depending on the percentile of normative values considered, generalized central hypersensitivity affected 17.5-35.3% of patients. 23.7% of patients showed no increase in pressure pain threshold after cold pressor test. Generalized central hypersensitivity was more frequent and CPM less effective in women than in men. Unclearly classifiable pain syndromes showed higher frequencies of generalized central hypersensitivity than other pain syndromes. CONCLUSIONS Although prevalent in chronic pain, generalized central hypersensitivity is not present in every patient. An individual assessment is therefore required in order to detect altered pain processing. The broad basic knowledge about central hypersensitivity now needs to be translated into concrete clinical consequences, so that patients can be offered an individually tailored mechanism-based treatment.


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The widespread plant volatile beta-caryophyllene (BCP) was recently identified as a natural selective agonist of the peripherally expressed cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2). It is found in relatively high concentrations in many spices and food plants. A number of studies have shown that CB2 is critically involved in the modulation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain responses. In this study, we have investigated the analgesic effects of BCP in animal models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. We demonstrate that orally administered BCP reduced inflammatory (late phase) pain responses in the formalin test in a CB2 receptor-dependent manner, while it had no effect on acute (early phase) responses. In a neuropathic pain model the chronic oral administration of BCP attenuated thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia, and reduced spinal neuroinflammation. Importantly, we found no signs of tolerance to the anti-hyperalgesic effects of BCP after prolonged treatment. Oral BCP was more effective than the subcutaneously injected synthetic CB2 agonist JWH-133. Thus, the natural plant product BCP may be highly effective in the treatment of long lasting, debilitating pain states. Our results have important implications for the role of dietary factors in the development and modulation of chronic pain conditions.


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Objective To evaluate the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for treating men with refractory chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). Patients and Methods A consecutive series of 60 men treated with TENS for refractory CPPS was evaluated prospectively at an academic tertiary referral centre. The effects of treatment were evaluated by a pain diary and by the quality of life item of the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index at baseline, after 12 weeks of TENS treatment, and at last known follow-up. Adverse events related to TENS were also assessed. Results The mean (95% confidence interval, CI; range) age of the 60 men was 46.9 (43.5–50.3; 21–82) years. TENS was successful after 12 weeks of treatment in 29 (48%) patients and a positive effect was sustained during a mean (95%, CI; range) follow-up of 43.6 (33.2–56; 6–88) months in 21 patients. After 12 weeks of TENS treatment, mean (95% CI) pain visual analogue scale decreased significantly (P < 0.001) from 6.6 (6.3–6.9) to 3.9 (3.2–4.6). Patients' quality of life changed significantly after TENS treatment (P < 0.001). Before TENS, all 60 patients felt mostly dissatisfied (n = 17; 28%), unhappy (n = 28; 47%) or terrible (n = 15; 25%). After 12 weeks of TENS treatment, 29 (48%) patients felt mostly satisfied (n = 5), pleased (n = 18) or delighted (n = 6). No adverse events related to TENS were noted. Conclusion TENS may be an effective and safe treatment for refractory CPPS in men, warranting randomized, placebo-controlled trials.


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Purpose We compared the long-term results of minimally invasive endourological intervention and open surgical revision in patients with a nonmalignant ureteroileal stricture. Materials and Methods We retrospectively evaluated the records of 74 patients (85 renal units) treated for unilateral or bilateral nonmalignant ureteroileal strictures. Overall, 96 endourological and 35 open surgical procedures were performed. Balloon dilatation and Acucise® or Ho:YAG laser endoureterotomy were used as minimally invasive endourological interventions. Open surgical revision with stricture resection and open ureteroileal end-to-side-reanastomosis was the alternate therapy. Treatment success was defined as radiological normalization or improvement of upper urinary tract morphology combined with absent flank pain, infection, ureteral stents or percutaneous nephrostomies. Results Median followup was 29 months (range 2 to 177). The overall success rate was 26% (25 of 96 cases) for endourological intervention vs 91% (32 of 35) for open surgical revision (p <0.001). Subgroup analysis showed a significant difference in the success rate of minimally invasive endourological interventions vs open surgical revision for strictures greater than 1 cm (3 of 52 cases or 6% vs 19 of 22 or 86%, p <0.001). The success rate of endourological and open surgical procedures for strictures 1 cm or less was 50% (22 of 44 cases) and 100% (13 of 13), respectively. After adjusting for multiple preoperative stricture characteristics, only stricture length was strongly and inversely associated with a successful outcome (p <0.001). Conclusions Open surgical revision produces better results than minimally invasive endourological intervention for ureteroileal strictures, particularly those greater than 1 cm. The success rate of endourological intervention is acceptable only for ureteroileal strictures 1 cm or less. Therefore, ureteroileal strictures greater than 1 cm should be primarily managed by open surgical revision.