976 resultados para genetically modified plant
Direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating of anaerobically preserved plant remains from the Dongan site in New Guinea, combined with assessment of preservation condition, confirms earlier doubts about the antiquity of betel-nut (Areca catechu L.) found at the site. A possible sago leaf fragment is also identified as a modem contaminant. The mid-Holocene age of other fruit and nut remains is verified using these methods. The utility of AMS dating in combination with detailed archaeobotanical assessment is demonstrated, thus improving chronometric hygiene and with it knowledge of past plant use in Oceania.
Existing archaeobotanical and palynological records of plant use in the northern New Guinea lowlands are reviewed in light of recent work at Kuk and theoretical refocusing on plant use practice. A practice-based approach is supported as the most useful way of investigating the highly problematical area of tropical plant food production. The existing direct record of past plant use in lowland New Guinea is considered woefully inadequate to achieve this task, as is that in Near Oceania and Island Southeast Asia. Archaeobotanical methods exist to fill the void, but full implementation requires a change in general archaeological and palaeoecological practice.
Recently, conservationists have debated whether consumers of animal and plant potency products used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) might be switching to Viagra, consequently consuming fewer of these animals and plants. To address this question, a survey examined the medical decisions of male consumers of TCM in Hong Kong who were over the age of 50. As predicted, these consumers reported selectively switching to Western medicines to treat ED, but not to treat other health ailments. These findings provide support for the possibility that Viagra may have conservation benefits for certain species.
The role of physiological understanding in improving the efficiency of breeding programs is examined largely from the perspective of conventional breeding programs. Impact of physiological research to date on breeding programs, and the nature of that research, was assessed from (i) responses to a questionnaire distributed to plant breeders and physiologists, and (ii) a survey of literature abstracts. Ways to better utilise physiological understanding for improving breeding programs are suggested, together with possible constraints to delivering beneficial outcomes. Responses from the questionnaire indicated a general view that the contribution by crop physiology to date has been modest. However, most of those surveyed expected the contribution to be larger in the next 20 years. Some constraints to progress perceived by breeders and physiologists were highlighted. The survey of literature abstracts indicated that from a plant breeding perspective, much physiological research is not progressing further than making suggestions about possible approaches to selection. There was limited evidence in the literature of objective comparison of such suggestions with existing methodology, or of development and application of these within active breeding programs. It is argued in this paper that the development of outputs from physiological research for breeding requires a good understanding of the breeding program(s) being serviced and factors affecting its performance. Simple quantitative genetic models, or at least the ideas they represent, should be considered in conducting physiological research and in envisaging and evaluating outputs. The key steps of a generalised breeding program are outlined, and the potential pathways for physiological understanding to impact on these steps are discussed. Impact on breeding programs may arise through (i) better choice of environments in which to conduct selection trials, (ii) identification of selection criteria and traits for focused introgression programs, and (iii) identifying traits for indirect selection criteria as an adjunct to criteria already used. While many breeders and physiologists apparently recognise that physiological understanding may have a major role in the first area, there appears to be relatively Little research activity targeting this issue, and a corresponding bias, arguably unjustified, toward examining traits for indirect selection. Furthermore, research on traits aimed at crop improvement is often deficient because key genetic parameters, such as genetic variation in relevant breeding populations and genetic (as opposed to phenotypic) correlations with yield or other characters of economic importance, are not properly considered in the research. Some areas requiring special attention for successfully interfacing physiology research with breeding are discussed. These include (i) the need to work with relevant genetic populations, (ii) close integration of the physiological research with an active breeding program, and (iii) the dangers of a pre-defined or narrow focus in the physiological research.
The data of nitrogen adsorption on pillared clays (PILC) are converted to comparison plots (t-plots) to derive their pore size distribution (PSD). As in the MP method, the surface area of a group of pores having similar pore sizes is calculated from the slopes of tangent lines at two succeeding points on a comparison plot. By the modified MP method in this work, the tangent line is extrapolated to the adsorption axis on the t-plot, and the difference between intercepts is used to obtain the volume of the group of pores. From the information of surface area and pore volume, the average width of the pore group can be calculated and hence the PSDs of PILCs are obtained by carrying out such calculation procedures from high to low t. With this method, PSDs of several pillared clays are calculated over a wide pore size range, from micropores to mesopores. It is found that the modified MP method could result in the underestimation of the width of ultramicropores due to the enhancement in adsorption energy in these pores. Nevertheless, the method can be very useful in calculating the surface area and pore volume, as well as a mean width of these pores. For super-micropores and mesopores, pore size can also be underestimated, due to deviation of the pore shape from a slit. The principles of the improved MP method, as well as problems associated with it are thoroughly discussed in this paper. In general, this modified method provides practically meaningful results which are consistent with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements, but involves no complicated theoretical treatment or assumptions.
We analyzed the impact of chronic exposure to urban air pollution on the development of atherosclerosis. Hyperlipemic mice (LDLR(-/-)) were submitted to a high fat diet and air pollution for four months. We measured the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modifications (TBARS), the presence of anti-oxLDL and an apoB-derived peptide (apoB-D) in blood and the degree of atherosclerosis in the aortic arch. Air pollution increased the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation as well as anti-oxLDL and anti-apo-B levels. These levels were even higher than in mice submitted to a high fat diet and non-polluted air. The lipid content of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta was increased in groups with a high cholesterol diet independently of the air quality. However, the thickness of the arterial wall was greater in mice fed a high lipid diet with polluted air. Thus, we conclude that urban air pollution exacerbates the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, atherogenesis and vascular remodeling in hyperlipemic mice and that an immune response accompanies this process. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plant transformation is now a core research tool in plant biology and a practical tool for cultivar improvement. There are verified methods for stable introduction of novel genes into the nuclear genomes of over 120 diverse plant species. This review examines the criteria to verify plant transformation; the biological and practical requirements for transformation systems; the integration of tissue culture, gene transfer, selection, and transgene expression strategies to achieve transformation in recalcitrant species; and other constraints to plant transformation including regulatory environment, public perceptions, intellectual property, and economics. Because the costs of screening populations showing diverse genetic changes can far exceed the costs of transformation, it is important to distinguish absolute and useful transformation efficiencies. The major technical challenge facing plant transformation biology is the development of methods and constructs to produce a high proportion of plants showing predictable transgene expression without collateral genetic damage. This will require answers to a series of biological and technical questions, some of which are defined.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of various titanium surfaces modified by cold plasma nitriding in terms of adhesion and proliferation of rat osteoblastlike cells. Materials and Methods: Samples of grade 2 titanium were subjected to three different surface modification processes: polishing, nit riding by plasma direct current, and nitriding by cathodic cage discharge. To evaluate the effect of the surface treatment on the cellular response, the adhesion and proliferation of osteoblastlike cells (MC3T3) were quantified and the results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. Cellular morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: There was more MC3T3 cell attachment on the rougher surfaces produced by cathodic cage discharge compared with polished samples (P < .05). Conclusions: Plasma nitriding improves titanium surface roughness and wettability, leading to osteoblastlike cell adhesion. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:237-244
Objective: Using longitudinal and prospective measures of trauma during childhood, the authors assessed the risk of developing psychotic symptoms associated with maltreatment, bullying, and accidents in a nationally representative U. K. cohort of young twins. Method: Data were from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families. Mothers were interviewed during home visits when children were ages 5, 7, 10, and 12 on whether the children had experienced maltreatment by an adult, bullying by peers, or involvement in an accident. At age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms. Children`s reports of psychotic symptoms were verified by clinicians. Results: Children who experienced maltreatment by an adult (relative risk=3.16, 95% CI=1.92-5.19) or bullying by peers (relative risk=2.47, 95% CI=1.74-3.52) were more likely to report psychotic symptoms at age 12 than were children who did not experience such traumatic events. The higher risk for psychotic symptoms was observed whether these events occurred early in life or later in childhood. The risk associated with childhood trauma remained significant in analyses controlling for children`s gender, socioeconomic deprivation, and IQ; for children`s early symptoms of internalizing or externalizing problems; and for children`s genetic liability to developing psychosis. In contrast, the risk associated with accidents was small (relative risk=1.47, 95% CI=1.02-2.13) and inconsistent across ages. Conclusions: Trauma characterized by intention to harm is associated with children`s reports of psychotic symptoms. Clinicians working with children who report early symptoms of psychosis should inquire about traumatic events such as maltreatment and bullying.
Statistical interaction with quantitative geneticists to enhance impact from plant breeding programs
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects a variety of mammals and birds. T. gondii also causes human toxoplasmosis; although toxoplasmosis is generally a benign disease, ocular, congenital or reactivated disease is associated with high numbers of disabled people. Infection occurs orally through the ingestion of meat containing cysts or by the intake of food or water contaminated with oocysts. Although the immune system responds to acute infection and mediates the clearance of tachyzoites, parasite cysts persist for the lifetime of the host in tissues such as the eye, muscle, and CNS. However, T. gondii RH strain tachyzoites irradiated with 255 Gy do not cause residual infection and induce the same immunity as a natural infection. To assess the humoral response in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice immunized with irradiated tachyzoites either by oral gavage (p.o.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, we analyzed total and high-affinity IgG and IgA antibodies in the serum. High levels of antigen-specific IgG were detected in the serum of parenterally immunized mice, with lower levels in mice immunized via the oral route. However, most serum antibodies exhibited low affinity for antigen in both mice strain. We also found antigen specific IgA antibodies in the stools of the mice, especially in orally immunized BALB/c mice. Examination of bone marrow and spleen cells demonstrated that both groups of immunized mice clearly produced specific lgG, at levels comparable to chronic infection, suggesting the generation of IgG specific memory. Next, we challenged i.p. or p.o. immunized mice with cysts from ME49. VEG or P strains of T. gondii. Oral immunization resulted in partial protection as compared to challenged naive mice: these findings were more evident in highly pathogenic ME49 strain challenge. Additionally, we found that while mucosal IgA was important for protection against infection, antigen-specific IgG antibodies were involved with protection against disease and disease pathogenesis. Most antigen responsive cells in culture produced specific high-affinity IgG after immunization, diverse of the findings in serum IgG or from cells after infection, which produced low proportion of high-avidity IgG. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Millions of people worldwide are affected by anthropogenic air pollution derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. In this work, we tested the effects of fetal, lactation and post-weaning ambient air pollution exposure on total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and on a downstream pathway element, the plasma cysteine (Cys) concentration. Two similar exposure chambers (polluted and filtered chamber) were located near an area with heavy traffic in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and male Swiss mice were housed there from the pre-natal period until 3 months of age. Groups during fetal, lactation and adult periods of exposure were apportioned, and tHcy and Cys plasma concentrations were assessed when the animals were 3 months old. In our study, both the tHcy and Cys concentrations were decreased in groups that spent their final stage of life in polluted chambers, suggesting recent alterations in tHcy and Cys concentrations due to air pollution exposure. The possible relationship of these data with cardiovascular dysfunction is still a matter of controversy in animals; nevertheless, epigenetic mechanisms emerge as a possible issue to consider in the investigation of the link between air pollution and Hcy measurement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.