816 resultados para general self-efficacy
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de tener una visión completa de las teorías del liderazgo, teniendo de este una concepción como proceso y poder examinar las diversas formas de aplicación en las organizaciones contemporáneas. El tema es enfocado desde la perspectiva organizacional, un mundo igualmente complejo, sin desconocer su importancia en otros ámbitos como la educación, la política o la dirección del estado. Su enfoque tiene que ver con el estudio académico del cual es la culminación y se enmarca dentro de la perspectiva constitucional de la Carta Política Colombiana que reconoce la importancia capital que tienen la actividad económica y la iniciativa privada en la constitución de empresas. Las diversas visiones del liderazgo han sido aplicadas de distintas maneras en las organizaciones contemporáneas y han generado diversos resultados. Hoy, no es posible pensar en una organización que no haya definido su forma de liderazgo y en consecuencia, confluyen en el campo empresarial multitud de teorías, sin que pueda afirmarse que una sola de ellas permita el manejo adecuado y el cumplimiento de los objetivos misionales. Por esta razón se ha llegado a concebir el liderazgo como una función compleja, en un mundo donde las organizaciones mismas se caracterizan no solo por la complejidad de sus acciones y de su conformación, sino también porque esta característica pertenece también al mundo de la globalización. Las organizaciones concebidas como máquinas que en sentido metafórico logran reconstituirse sus estructuras a medida que están en interacción con otras en el mundo globalizado. Adaptarse a las cambiantes circunstancias hace de las organizaciones conglomerados en permanente dinámica y evolución. En este ámbito puede decirse que el liderazgo es también complejo y que es el liderazgo transformacional el que más se acerca al sentido de la complejidad.
Assumindo a teoria sociocognitiva de Bandura como marco teórico, o presente estudo aborda as percepções de auto-eficácia e de instrumentalidade enquanto preditoras da auto-regulação da aprendizagem e as influências que as variáveis sexo, idade, habilitações escolares e profissão do pai e da mãe, ano de escolaridade, curso profissional, quantidade de módulos em atraso e quantidade de horas de estudo semanais poderão ter. A amostra é constituída por 521 formandos de ambos os sexos de uma escola profissional privada. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Ficha de Dados Pessoais e Escolares, o Questionário de Auto-Eficácia da Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem e o Questionário de lnstrumentalidade da Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem. Os resultados corroboram a literatura ao verificar-se que as raparigas são mais auto-reguladas na sua aprendizagem, estudam mais tempo e têm menos módulos em atraso do que os rapazes. Verificou-se também a influência do curso profissional sobre as percepções de auto-eficácia e instrumentalidade percebidas. /ABSTRACT: Assuming Bandura’s social-cognitive theory as our framework, the present study refers to the perspectives of self-efficacy and instrumentality as predictors of selfregulated learning and the influence that the variables sex, age, parents school degree and profession, grade and vocational course, the number of modules in which the students weren't successful at and the amount of study hours per week might have on them. The sample is formed by 521 students of both genders from a private vocational school. The instruments used were the FDPE (Sociodemographic data file), QSEsrl (Questionnaire of Self-Efficacy of Self-Regulated Learning) and and Qlsrl (Questionnaire of lnstrumentality of Self-Regulated Learning). The results corroborate previous studies and reveal that female students have higher perceptions of self-efficacy and instrumentality, possess fewer non-successful modules and study more time than the male students. There are significant differences throughout the vocational courses for the perceived self-efficacy and instrumentality.
This article examines the process and outcome of a life design counseling group intervention with students in Grades 9 and 12. First, we applied a quasi-experimental methodology to analyze the intervention’s effectiveness in promoting career certainty, career decision-making, self-efficacy, and career adaptability in a sample of 236 students. Second, focus groups comprising 33 participants were conducted, examining participants’ perceptions of the intervention process and outcome. Our findings showed that the intervention had a significant effect on both career certainty and career self-efficacy, but it had no effect on career adaptability. Our results also showed that My Career Story (MCS) had a stronger effect on Grade 12 students. Focus group participants reported on the usefulness of MCS, as well as on its benefits, which include increased information as well as a sense of direction, self-discovery, connection, and increased self-awareness. Grade 9 participants expressed more difficulties in narrating self-experience than Grade 12 participants did. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
Nowadays, the varicose ulcers (VUs) are one of the most worrying leg ulcers and are an important problem in global public health, with high costs related to the treatment and its complications. Moreover, the quality of life (QOL) of the patient could be affected by pain, sleep disorders, functional impairment, depression and isolation. The VUs patient care is complex and it is necessary to know the aspects that contribute to the healing process for developing effective strategies. The members of the multidisciplinary health team should identify sociodemographic, clinical and care aspects that interfere in tissue repair and therefore impacting the QOL. Self-efficacy, adherence to treatment and self-esteem are other important aspects also related to healing and QOL, with implications for health care and the multidisciplinary team. To sum up, the use of multidisciplinary protocols allows the systematization of care for people with VUs in order to standardize therapeutic interventions with the aim to decrease the healing process time and, as a consequence, to improve the QOL.
Employability represents a critical resource for new entrants in the labour market to deal with fragile employment prospects and have a psychologically sustainable transition to work. Although research has devoted remarkable attention to Employability in Higher Education, more empirical research is needed to investigate it. This dissertation aimed to deepen the understanding of Employability among Italian university students and graduates, focusing on Perceived Employability, considered a personal resource within the Conservation of Resources Theory. Three studies conducted with students and graduates who completed an online questionnaire investigated some underexplored aspects of Perceveid Employability. Study 1—a two-wave time-lagged study with 223 students—tested whether Support from Teaching staff and Career Engagement influence Perceived Employability. Study 2—a three-wave time-lagged study with 158 students and graduates— tests whether Job Interview Self-efficacy predicts Perceived Employability and whether Career Identity predicts this relationship. Studies 1 and 2 investigate Perceived Employability psychological outcomes, namely Confidence in Career future and Psychological Well-being. In both studies, a mediating role of Perceived Employability connecting its antecedents and consequences is posited. Study 3—a three-wave longitudinal study with 376 students and graduates—tested the reciprocal relationships between Perceived Employability and Psychological well-being. The data confirmed the expected relationships, providing a noteworthy theoretical contribution. Studies 1 and 2 expand the knowledge of Perceived Employability antecedents, stressing contextual and career self-management factors. Moreover, Perceived Employability also appears to have a positive psychological impact, confirming its benefits for new entrants. Study 3 shows that Perceived Employability and Psychological well-being influence each other over time, providing novel insights into Perceived Employability. At a practical level, the results inform actions to foster Perceived Employability in Higher Education, to help new entrants manage the transition to work and experience benefits at a psychological level, in coherence with the need for a psychologically sustainable transition.
To change unadapted water governing systems, and water users’ traditional conducts in line with climate change, understanding of systems’ structures and users’ behaviors is necessary. To this aim, comprehensive and pragmatic research was designed and implemented in the Urmia Lake Basin where due to the severe droughts, and human-made influences, especially through the agricultural development, the lake has been shrunken drastically. To analyze the water governance and conservation issues in the basin, an innovative framework was developed based on mathematical physics concepts and pro-environmental behavior theories. Accordingly, in system level (macro/meso), the problem of fit of the early-shaped water governing system associating with the function of “political-security” and “political-economic” factors in the basin was identified through mean-field models. Furthermore, the effect of a “political-environmental” factor, the Urmia Lake Restoration Program (ULRP), on reforming the system structure and hence its fit was assessed. The analysis results revealed that by revising the provincial boundaries (horizontal alternation) for the entity of Kurdistan province to permit that interact with the headquarter of West Azerbaijan province for its water demand-supply initiatives, the system fit can increase. Also, the constitution of the ULRP (vertical arrangement) not only could increase the structural fit of the water governing system to the basin, but also significantly could enhance the system fit through its water-saving policy. Besides, in individual level (micro), the governing factors of water conservation behavior of the major users/farmers were identified through rational and moral socio-psychological models. In rational approach, incorporating PMT and TPB, the SEM results demonstrated that “Perceived Vulnerability”, “Self-Efficacy”, “Response Efficacy”, “Response Cost”, “Subjective Norms” and “Institutional Trust” significantly affect the water-saving intention/behavior. Likewise, NAM based analysis as a moral approach, uncovered the significant effects of “Awareness of Consequences”, “Appraisal of Responsibility”, “Personal Norms” as well as “Place Attachment” and “Emotions” on water-saving intention.
The integration of digital technology in school is a complex phenomenon that affects both teaching and peer relationships. Accordingly, the main aim of this dissertation was to investigate the implementation of distance education among Italian teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze peer relationships concerning cyberbullying and bullying. While the theoretical section provided an overview of the phenomena, four empirical studies were presented. The first one tested a moderated moderation model among 178 secondary teachers on the interactions among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use of technology and online teaching self-efficacy. Findings showed that each variable significantly predicted the intention to use technology. In addition, a moderation effect of online teaching self-efficacy on perceived usefulness was found. The second study analyzed the differences in factors promoting the integration of digital technology among 357 teachers of different levels and subjects and their positive and negative experiences with distance education. Results revealed several differences in the function of the grade and subjects taught. Moreover, four main themes emerged from the content analysis. The third study investigated the dyadic perception of bullying and cyberbullying among 50 students using the eye-tracker. Findings showed that, despite differences among different kinds of bullying and cyberbullying, the victim and bully were the most observed roles. Finally, the last study tested two multiple mediation models among 563 students on the association between bullying, cyberbullying, and well-being, considering three different variables related to the school context (peer network, teacher support and school connectedness). The results highlighted the importance of peer networks and school connectedness in mediating the association between victimization, cybervictimzation and well-being. Taken together, the findings provided a rich overview of digital technology integration in schools, highlighting positive and negative aspects and its implications for future research and school policies.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Aims The new cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective inhibitors, celecoxib (Celebrex®) and rofecoxib (Vioxx®), have been widely prescribed since their launch. No reviews currently appear in the literature of prescribing patterns in Australia. This paper describes a self-audit of the clinical use of selective COX-2 inhibitor therapy undertaken with rural general practitioners (GPs) in Australia. Methods A structured audit form was developed and distributed to interested GPs. The form was self-administered and focused on issues about COX-2 inhibitors and the types of patients who were receiving them, e.g. indications, patient demographics, risk factors and drug interactions. Results A total of 627 patients were recruited (569 celecoxib and 58 rofecoxib). A range of doses was prescribed. Osteoarthritis was the most common indication (68.1%). Risk factors known for the nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were identified in 65.1% of patients, with the most common being advanced age, hypertension and previous peptic ulcer disease. Potential drug interactions were common. A variety of reasons for initiation of therapy was identified; these included perceived increased efficacy, safety and failure of other treatment. Conclusions These results show that COX-2 inhibitors are being prescribed for patients with multiple risk factors that may place the patient at increased risk of adverse drug reactions to a COX-2 inhibitor. The perception of improved safety and efficacy was common and is of concern. Limitations of the study include the reliance on self-reporting.
BACKGROUND: This study assesses the benefits of an individualized therapy (RECOS program) compared with the more general cognitive remediation therapy (CRT). METHODS: 138 participants took part with 65 randomized to CRT and 73 to RECOS. In the RECOS group, participants were directed towards one of five training modules (verbal memory, visuo-spatial memory and attention, working memory, selective attention or reasoning) corresponding to their key cognitive concern whereas the CRT group received a standard program. The main outcome was the total score on BADS (Behavioural Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome) and the secondary outcomes were: cognition (executive functions; selective attention; visuospatial memory and attention; verbal memory; working memory) and clinical measures (symptoms; insight; neurocognitive complaints; self-esteem). All outcomes were assessed at baseline (T1), week 12 (posttherapy, T2), and follow-up (week 36, i.e., 6months posttherapy, T3). RESULTS: No difference was shown for the main outcome. A significant improvement was found for BADS' profile score for RECOS at T2 and T3, and for CRT at T3. Change in BADS in the RECOS and CRT arms were not significantly different between T1 and T2 (+0.86, p=0.108), or between T1 and T3 (+0.36, p=0.540). Significant improvements were found in several secondary outcomes including cognition (executive functions, selective attention, verbal memory, and visuospatial abilities) and clinician measures (symptoms and awareness to be hampered by cognitive deficits in everyday) in both treatment arms following treatment. Self-esteem improved only in RECOS arm at T3, and working memory improved only in CRT arm at T2 and T3, but there were no differences in changes between arms. CONCLUSIONS: RECOS (specific remediation) and CRT (general remediation) globally showed similar efficacy in the present trial.
OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of self-reported constipation and associated factors in the general population of a Brazilian city. METHOD Secondary analysis of an epidemiological study, population-based, cross-sectional study, about bowel habits of Brazilian population. A total of 2,162 individuals were interviewed using two instruments: sociodemographic data and the adapted and validated Brazilian version of the "Bowel Function in the Community" tool. RESULTS There was a prevalence of 25.2% for the self-reported constipation, 37.2% among women and 10.2% among men. Stroke and old age were associated with constipation in the three statistical models used. CONCLUSION The prevalence found showed to be similar to the findings in the literature, although some associated factors obtained here have never been investigated.
General information on the CASE (Career And Self Awareness) prototype.