969 resultados para gender roles - archaeology
Introduction Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women during exercise (1). Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise using a sinusoidal model (SIN) (2). Methods Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index (23.4±0.6 kg.m-2 and 21.5±0.8 kg.m-2, respectively) and aerobic fitness [maximal oxygen uptake ( ) (58.5±1.6 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1 and 55.3±2.0 mL.kg FFM-1.min-1, respectively) and power output ( ) per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)] performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and 7.5% increment on a cycle ergometer. Respiratory and HR values were averaged over the last 2 minutes of each stage. All female study participants were eumenorrheic, reported regular menstrual cycles (28.6 ± 0.8 days) and were not taking oral contraceptives (OC) or other forms of exogenous ovarian hormones. Women were studied in the early follicular phase (FP) of their menstrual cycle (between days 3 and 8, where day 1 is the first day of menses). Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model (2), which includes three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation), was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). Results During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35 to 85% , MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mgkg FFM-1min-1) and Fatmax (58.1 ± 1.9 vs. 50.0 ± 2.7% ) (P<0.05) than men. While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (P>0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, P=0.08). Conclusion These results showed that women, eumenorrheic, not taking OC and tested in FP, have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but they also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted towards higher exercise intensities in women compared with men. References 1. Blaak E. Gender differences in fat metabolism. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 4: 499-502, 2001. 2. Cheneviere X, Malatesta D, Peters EM, and Borrani F. A mathematical model to describe fat oxidation kinetics during graded exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 41: 1615-1625, 2009.
We develop a real option model of the irreversible native grassland conversion decision. Upon plowing, native grassland can be followed by either a permanent cropping system or a system in which land is put under cropping (respectively, grazing) whenever crop prices are high (respectively, low). Switching costs are incurred upon alternating between cropping and grazing. The effects of risk intervention in the form of crop insurance subsidies are studied, as are the effects of cropping innovations that reduce switching costs. We calibrate the model by using cropping return data for South Central North Dakota from 1989 to 2012. Simulations show that a risk intervention that offsets 20% of a cropping return shortfall increases the sod-busting cost threshold, below which native sod will be busted, by 41% (or $43.7/acre). Omitting cropping return risk across time underestimates this sod-busting cost threshold by 23% (or $24.35/acre), and hence underestimates the native sod conversion caused by crop production.
Azoles are widely used in antifungal therapy in medicine. Resistance to azoles can occur in Candida albicans principally by overexpression of multidrug transporter gene CDR1, CDR2, or MDR1 or by overexpression of ERG11, which encodes the azole target. The expression of these genes is controlled by the transcription factors (TFs) TAC1 (involved in the control of CDR1 and CDR2), MRR1 (involved in the control of MDR1), and UPC2 (involved in the control of ERG11). Several gain-of-function (GOF) mutations are present in hyperactive alleles of these TFs, resulting in the overexpression of target genes. While these mutations are beneficial to C. albicans survival in the presence of the antifungal drugs, their effects could potentially alter the fitness and virulence of C. albicans in the absence of the selective drug pressure. In this work, the effect of GOF mutations on C. albicans virulence was addressed in a systemic model of intravenous infection by mouse survival and kidney fungal burden assays. We engineered a set of strains with identical genetic backgrounds in which hyperactive alleles were reintroduced in one or two copies at their genomic loci. The results obtained showed that neither TAC1 nor MRR1 GOF mutations had a significant effect on C. albicans virulence. In contrast, the presence of two hyperactive UPC2 alleles in C. albicans resulted in a significant decrease in virulence, correlating with diminished kidney colonization compared to that by the wild type. In agreement with the effect on virulence, the decreased fitness of an isolate with UPC2 hyperactive alleles was observed in competition experiments with the wild type in vivo but not in vitro. Interestingly, UPC2 hyperactivity delayed filamentation of C. albicans after phagocytosis by murine macrophages, which may at least partially explain the virulence defects. Combining the UPC2 GOF mutation with another hyperactive TF did not compensate for the negative effect of UPC2 on virulence. In conclusion, among the major TFs involved in azole resistance, only UPC2 had a negative impact on virulence and fitness, which may therefore have consequences for the epidemiology of antifungal resistance.
Dans le domaine du genre, le Mozambique est présenté comme un bon exemple en Afrique. Le pays est signataire de nombreuses conventions et est associé aux grandes déclarations internationales dédiées à l'égalité des droits entre hommes et femmes. Soutenue par les organisations nationales et internationales, la loi très controversée sur « la violence domestique contre les femmes », adoptée en juillet 2009, est une action prioritaire pour mettre en oeuvre le gender mainstreaming même si le pays est caractérisé par une forte diversité ethnique et deux traditions de genre fort différentes.
Nuptiality is not a central item in Migration Research now. In the past, especially for American countries, many scholars were really interested in marriages of immigrants, specially knowing the exchanges between different communities; that is, mixed marriages. Here is the Spanish case in nuptiality between foreign and local people.
No es exagerado afirmar que, en las últimas décadas, los estudios dedicados a la cultura material de la antigüedad tardía y, en particular, a sus producciones cerámicas, han experimentado un desarrollo acelerado. Este fenómeno se ha traducido en una auténtica explosión de títulos que, con diversa extensión y profundidad, abarcan todas las posibilidades de análisis: desde las monografías de excavación, en las que se describen los repertorios asociados a las formas de vida y trabajo de un asentamiento, hasta las síntesis regionales que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con los mecanismos económicos, culturales y políticos que impulsaron la creación de unos circuitos de intercambio de alcance mediterráneo.
M. Díaz-Andreu plantea un análisis de las implicaciones académicas, sociales y políticas de la arqueología (entendiendo como tal la investigación estricta, pero también el coleccionismo de obras de arte) entre finales del siglo XVIII y el inicio de la Primera Guerra Mundial, período durante el cual la formación y expansión de los imperios coloniales constituyó uno de los elementos clave en el discurso ideológico de los estados europeos. Su trabajo continúa la línea marcada por estudios suyos anteriores, esencialmente Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe (Díaz-Andreu & T. Champion [eds.], 1996) y Excavating Women. A History in European Archaeology (Díaz-Andreu & M. L. S. Sorensen, 1998), en los que combinaba el análisis historiográfico de diferentes aspectos y personajes clave de la arqueología europea desde la perspectiva de la organización de las redes sociales entre investigadores, con la reflexión sobre las implicaciones de la arqueología como ciencia en la definición y defensa de diferentes credos políticos, y el papel de la mujer en la investigación.
The PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. While all three receptors are undetectable in adult mouse interfollicular epidermis, PPARbeta expression and activity is strongly re-activated by inflammatory stimuli during epidermal injury. The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFalpha (tumour necrosis factor alpha) stimulates transcription of the PPARbeta gene via an activator protein-1 site in its promoter and it also triggers the production of PPARbeta ligands in keratinocytes. This increase of PPARbeta activity in these cells up-regulates the expression of integrin-linked kinase and 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1, which phosphorylates protein kinase B-alpha (Akt1). The resulting increase in Akt1 activity suppresses apoptosis and ensures the presence of a sufficient number of viable keratinocytes at the wound margin for re-epithelialization. Together, these observations reveal that PPARbeta takes on multiple roles and contributes favourably to the process of wound closure.
The effect of aging on steady-state plasma concentrations of citalopram (CIT) and desmethylcitalopram (DCIT) was investigated in 128 depressive patients treated with 10-80 mg/day CIT. They were separated into three groups, with age up to 64 years (mean age+/-S.D.: 47+/-12 years; n=48), between 65 and 79 years (72+/-1 years; n=57), and from 80 years or older (84+/-1 years; n=23). Body mass index (BMI), renal and hepatic functions were similar in the three groups. A large interindividual variability of plasma levels of CIT (16-fold) and DCIT (12-fold) was measured for a given dose. The mean plasma levels of CIT corrected for a 20 mg daily dose were 55% higher in the very elderly (>=80 years) patients (65+/-30 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 38% higher in the elderly (65-79 years) patients (58+/-24 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (42+/-17 ng/ml). DCIT mean plasma level was 38% higher (p<0.05) in the group of very elderly patients (22+/-10 ng/ml) when compared to the adult patients (16+/-9 ng/ml). As a consequence, the mean plasma concentration of CIT+DCIT was 48% higher in the very elderly patients (86+/-36 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 33% higher in the elderly patients (77+/-28 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (58+/-21 ng/ml). Age correlated significantly with CIT (r=0.43, p<0.001), DCIT (r=0.28, p<0.01), and CIT+DCIT plasma levels (r=0.44, p<0.001), and thus accounts for 18% of the variability of CIT plasma levels, with no influence of gender. The recommended dose reduction of CIT in elderly patients seems therefore justified.
This is a story about a highway project near the small town of Wever, Iowa, and an American Indian village that existed at the location prior to the Europeans' arrival. The culture that lived in this village existed in a 10 state region of the Upper Midwest and may have been the ancestors of tribes living in the Midwest when European explorers entered the region. An archaeological recovery of information from the site was undertaken by the Iowa Department of Transportation because four-lane construction of U.S. 61 could not be accomplished without destroying most of the site. This site proved to be one of the richest archaeological finds in the State of Iowa. ǂc Iowa Department of Transportation.