819 resultados para fuzzy linear systems
Some nonlinear differential systems in (2+1) dimensions are characterized by means of asymptotic modules involving two poles and a ring of linear differential operators with scalar coefficients.Rational and soliton-like are exhibited. If these coefficients are rational functions, the formalism leads to nonlinear evolution equations with constraints. © 1989.
The task of controlling urban traffic requires flexibility, adaptability and handling uncertain information spread through the intersection network. The use of fuzzy sets concepts convey these characteristics to improve system performance. This paper reviews a distributed traffic control system built upon a fuzzy distributed architecture previously developed by the authors. The emphasis of the paper is on the application of the system to control part of Campinas downtown area. Simulation experiments considering several traffic scenarios were performed to verify the capabilities of the system in controlling a set of coupled intersections. The performance of the proposed system is compared with conventional traffic control strategies under the same scenarios. The results obtained show that the distributed traffic control system outperforms conventional systems as far as average queues, average delay and maximum delay measures are concerned.
The increase of computing power of the microcomputers has stimulated the building of direct manipulation interfaces that allow graphical representation of Linear Programming (LP) models. This work discusses the components of such a graphical interface as the basis for a system to assist users in the process of formulating LP problems. In essence, this work proposes a methodology which considers the modelling task as divided into three stages which are specification of the Data Model, the Conceptual Model and the LP Model. The necessity for using Artificial Intelligence techniques in the problem conceptualisation and to help the model formulation task is illustrated.
Piecewise-Linear Programming (PLP) is an important area of Mathematical Programming and concerns the minimisation of a convex separable piecewise-linear objective function, subject to linear constraints. In this paper a subarea of PLP called Network Piecewise-Linear Programming (NPLP) is explored. The paper presents four specialised algorithms for NPLP: (Strongly Feasible) Primal Simplex, Dual Method, Out-of-Kilter and (Strongly Polynomial) Cost-Scaling and their relative efficiency is studied. A statistically designed experiment is used to perform a computational comparison of the algorithms. The response variable observed in the experiment is the CPU time to solve randomly generated network piecewise-linear problems classified according to problem class (Transportation, Transshipment and Circulation), problem size, extent of capacitation, and number of breakpoints per arc. Results and conclusions on performance of the algorithms are reported.
Although conventional rotating machines have been largely used to drive underground transportation systems, linear induction motors are also being considered for future applications owing to their indisputable advantages. A mathematical model for the transient behavior analysis of linear induction motors, when operating with constant r.m.s. currents, is presented in this paper. Operating conditions, like phase short-circuit and input frequency variations and also some design characteristics, such as air-gap and secondary resistivity variations, can be considered by means of this modeling. The basis of the mathematical modeling is presented. Experimental results obtained in the laboratory are compared with the corresponding simulations and discussed in this paper.
In this paper we study the interplay between short- and long-space scales in the context of conservative dispersive systems. We consider model systems in (1 + 1) dimensions that admit both long- and short-wavelength solutions in the linear regime. A nonlinear analysis of these systems is constructed, making use of multiscale expansions. We show that the equations governing the lowest order involve only short-wave properties and that the long-wave effects to leading order are determined by a secularity elimination procedure. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
This paper addresses the problem of model reduction for uncertain discrete-time systems with convex bounded (polytope type) uncertainty. A reduced order precisely known model is obtained in such a way that the H2 and/or the H∞ guaranteed norm of the error between the original (uncertain) system and the reduced one is minimized. The optimization problems are formulated in terms of coupled (non-convex) LMIs - Linear Matrix Inequalities, being solved through iterative algorithms. Examples illustrate the results.
Substitution of fuzzy logic control in an electrical system normally controlled by proportional-integral frequency was studied and analyzed. A linear model of an electrical system, the concepts which govern the theory of fuzzy logic, and the application of this theory to systems control, are briefly presented. The methodology of fuzzy logic was then applied to develop a model for an electrical energy system. The results of the simulation demonstrated that fuzzy logic control eliminated the area frequency error and permitted that only the area experiencing an increase in charge responds to this variation. Based on the results, it is concluded that control based on fuzzy logic is simple, is easy to maintain, is of low cost, and can be used to substitute traditional velocity controllers.
The objective of this work is the development of a methodology for electric load forecasting based on a neural network. Here, it is used Backpropagation algorithm with an adaptive process based on fuzzy logic. This methodology results in fast training, when compared to the conventional formulation of Backpropagation algorithm. Results are presented using data from a Brazilian Electric Company and the performance is very good for the proposal objective.
Tin dioxide is an n-type semiconductor that when doped with other metallic oxides exhibits non-linear electric behavior with high non-linear coefficient values typical of a varistor. In this work, electrical properties of the SnO2.CoO.Ta2O5 and SnO2.CoO.MnO2.Ta2O5 ceramics systems were studied with the objective of analyzing the influence of MnO2 on sintering behavior and electrical properties of these systems. The compacts were prepared by powder mixture process and sintered at 1300°C for 1 hour, in air, using a constant heating rate of 10°C/min. The morphological and structural properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The densities of the sintered ceramics were measured using the Archimedes method. The SnO2.CoO.Ta2O5 and SnO2.CoO.MnO2.Ta2O5 systems presented breakdown fields (Eb) about 3100 V.cm-1 and 3800 V.cm-1, respectively, and non-linear coefficient (α) about 10 and 20, respectively.
A combined methodology consisting of successive linear programming (SLP) and a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) solves the reactive planning problem. The problem is divided into operating and planning subproblems; the operating subproblem, which is a nonlinear, ill-conditioned and nonconvex problem, consists of determining the voltage control and the adjustment of reactive sources. The planning subproblem consists of obtaining the optimal reactive source expansion considering operational, economical and physical characteristics of the system. SLP solves the optimal reactive dispatch problem related to real variables, while SGA is used to determine the necessary adjustments of both the binary and discrete variables existing in the modelling problem. Once the set of candidate busbars has been defined, the program implemented gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed, if any, to maintain the operating and security constraints.
In some applications with case-based system, the attributes available for indexing are better described as linguistic variables instead of receiving numerical treatment. In these applications, the concept of fuzzy hypercube can be applied to give a geometrical interpretation of similarities among cases. This paper presents an approach that uses geometrical properties of fuzzy hypercube space to make indexing and retrieval processes of cases.
The study of algorithms for active vibrations control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to the countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems as aircraft and aerospace structures. Smart structures, formed by a structure base, coupled with piezoelectric actuators and sensor are capable to guarantee the conditions demanded through the application of several types of controllers. This article shows some steps that should be followed in the design of a smart structure. It is discussed: the optimal placement of actuators, the model reduction and the controller design through techniques involving linear matrix inequalities (LMI). It is considered as constraints in LMI: the decay rate, voltage input limitation in the actuators and bounded output peak (output energy). Two controllers robust to parametric variation are designed: the first one considers the actuator in non-optimal location and the second one the actuator is put in an optimal placement. The performance are compared and discussed. The simulations to illustrate the methodology are made with a cantilever beam with bonded piezoelectric actuators.
Reliability of power supply is related, among other factors, to the control and protection devices allocation in feeders of distribution systems. In this way, optimized allocation of sectionalizing switches and protection devices in strategic points of distribution circuits, improves the quality of power supply and the system reliability indices. In this work, it is presented a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model, with real and binary variables, for the sectionalizing switches and protection devices allocation problem, in strategic sectors, aimed at improving reliability indices, increasing the utilities billing and fulfilling exigencies of regulatory agencies for the power supply. Optimized allocation of protection devices and switches for restoration, allows that those faulted sectors of the system can be isolated and repaired, re-managing loads of the analyzed feeder into the set of neighbor feeders. Proposed solution technique is a Genetic Algorithm (GA) developed exploiting the physical characteristics of the problem. Results obtained through simulations for a real-life circuit, are presented. © 2004 IEEE.
In this work the problem of defects location in power systems is formulated through a binary linear programming (BLP) model based on alarms historical database of control and protection devices from the system control center, sets theory of minimal coverage (AI) and protection philosophy adopted by the electric utility. In this model, circuit breaker operations are compared to their expected states in a strictly mathematical manner. For solving this BLP problem, which presents a great number of decision variables, a dedicated Genetic Algorithm (GA), is proposed. Control parameters of the GA, such as crossing over and mutation rates, population size, iterations number and population diversification, are calibrated in order to obtain efficiency and robustness. Results for a test system found in literature, are presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.