881 resultados para fractal microstrip


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Context. The angular diameter distances toward galaxy clusters can be determined with measurements of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and X-ray surface brightness combined with the validity of the distance-duality relation, D-L(z)(1 + z)(2)/D-A(z) = 1, where D-L(z) and D-A(z) are, respectively, the luminosity and angular diameter distances. This combination enables us to probe galaxy cluster physics or even to test the validity of the distance-duality relation itself. Aims. We explore these possibilities based on two different, but complementary approaches. Firstly, in order to constrain the possible galaxy cluster morphologies, the validity of the distance-duality relation (DD relation) is assumed in the Lambda CDM framework (WMAP7). Secondly, by adopting a cosmological-model-independent test, we directly confront the angular diameters from galaxy clusters with two supernovae Ia (SNe Ia) subsamples (carefully chosen to coincide with the cluster positions). The influence of the different SNe Ia light-curve fitters in the previous analysis are also discussed. Methods. We assumed that eta is a function of the redshift parametrized by two different relations: eta(z) = 1 +eta(0)z, and eta(z) = 1 + eta(0)z/(1 + z), where eta(0) is a constant parameter quantifying the possible departure from the strict validity of the DD relation. In order to determine the probability density function (PDF) of eta(0), we considered the angular diameter distances from galaxy clusters recently studied by two different groups by assuming elliptical and spherical isothermal beta models and spherical non-isothermal beta model. The strict validity of the DD relation will occur only if the maximum value of eta(0) PDF is centered on eta(0) = 0. Results. For both approaches we find that the elliptical beta model agrees with the distance-duality relation, whereas the non-isothermal spherical description is, in the best scenario, only marginally compatible. We find that the two-light curve fitters (SALT2 and MLCS2K2) present a statistically significant conflict, and a joint analysis involving the different approaches suggests that clusters are endowed with an elliptical geometry as previously assumed. Conclusions. The statistical analysis presented here provides new evidence that the true geometry of clusters is elliptical. In principle, it is remarkable that a local property such as the geometry of galaxy clusters might be constrained by a global argument like the one provided by the cosmological distance-duality relation.


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Texture image analysis is an important field of investigation that has attracted the attention from computer vision community in the last decades. In this paper, a novel approach for texture image analysis is proposed by using a combination of graph theory and partially self-avoiding deterministic walks. From the image, we build a regular graph where each vertex represents a pixel and it is connected to neighboring pixels (pixels whose spatial distance is less than a given radius). Transformations on the regular graph are applied to emphasize different image features. To characterize the transformed graphs, partially self-avoiding deterministic walks are performed to compose the feature vector. Experimental results on three databases indicate that the proposed method significantly improves correct classification rate compared to the state-of-the-art, e.g. from 89.37% (original tourist walk) to 94.32% on the Brodatz database, from 84.86% (Gabor filter) to 85.07% on the Vistex database and from 92.60% (original tourist walk) to 98.00% on the plant leaves database. In view of these results, it is expected that this method could provide good results in other applications such as texture synthesis and texture segmentation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tribocharged polymers display macroscopically patterned positive and negative domains, verifying the fractal geometry of electrostatic mosaics previously detected by electric probe microscopy. Excess charge on contacting polyethylene (PE) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) follows the triboelectric series but with one caveat: net charge is the arithmetic sum of patterned positive and negative charges, as opposed to the usual assumption of uniform but opposite signal charging on each surface. Extraction with n-hexane preferentially removes positive charges from PTFE, while 1,1-difluoroethane and ethanol largely remove both positive and negative charges. Using suitable analytical techniques (electron energy-loss spectral imaging, infrared microspectrophotometry and carbonization/colorimetry) and theoretical calculations, the positive species were identified as hydrocarbocations and the negative species were identified as fluorocarbanions. A comprehensive model is presented for PTFE tribocharging with PE: mechanochemical chain homolytic rupture is followed by electron transfer from hydrocarbon free radicals to the more electronegative fluorocarbon radicals. Polymer ions self-assemble according to Flory-Huggins theory, thus forming the experimentally observed macroscopic patterns. These results show that tribocharging can only be understood by considering the complex chemical events triggered by mechanical action, coupled to well-established physicochemical concepts. Patterned polymers can be cut and mounted to make macroscopic electrets and multipoles.


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Although the hydrophobicity is usually an arduous parameter to be determined in the field, it has been pointed out as a good option to monitor aging of polymeric outdoor insulators. Concerning this purpose, digital image processing of photos taken from wet insulators has been the main technique nowadays. However, important challenges on this technique still remain to be overcome, such as; images from non-controlled illumination conditions can interfere on analyses and no existence of standard surfaces with different levels of hydrophobicity. In this paper, the photo image samples were digitally filtered to reduce the illumination influence, and hydrophobic surface samples were prepared from wetting silicon surfaces with solution of water-alcohol. Furthermore norevious studies triying to quantify and relate these properties in a mathematical function were found, that could be used in the field by the electrical companies. Based on such considerations, high quality images of countless hydrophobic surfaces were obtained and three different image processing methodologies, the fractal dimension and two Haralick textures descriptors, entropy and homogeneity, associated with several digital filters, were compared. The entropy parameter Haralick's descriptors filtered with the White Top-Hat filter presented the best result to classify the hydrophobicity.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o funcionamento lógico, afetivo e a adaptação social de pacientes com Anorexia Nervosa (AN) e Bulimia Nervosa (BN). A amostra foi composta por 27 participantes. Para coleta dos dados foi utilizado o Método de Rorschach. Os dados foram codificado e interpretados segundo as normas da Escola Francesa. Os resultados indicaram que os participantes apresentam capacidade produtiva e desejo de estabelecerem relacionamentos afetivos. Todavia, são facilmente invadidos por uma carga de afetos que não conseguem modular, o que os predispõe ao isolamento social, que gera acúmulo de inquietações e ansiedades introjetadas. A incapacidade de elaborar a tensão interna resultante os leva a escoar a ansiedade pela via somática. Evidenciou-se o comprometimento das funções psíquicas dos pacientes com AN e BN, o que indica a necessidade de acompanhamento psicoterapêutico integrado à assistência da equipe multiprofissional.


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Como breve análise do livro "Medicalização de crianças e adolescentes: conflitos silenciados pela redução de questões sociais a doenças de indivíduos", esta resenha contextualiza a importância da publicação na crítica contemporânea à invenção de (psico)patologias e tratamentos a elas destinados. O livro logra, de forma extremamente rigorosa, desconstruir as "bases científicas" que sustentam o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH), mostrando como a indústria farmacêutica vem ocultando sistematicamente os profundos efeitos colaterais do princípio ativo destinado a tratá-lo (o metilfenidato, presente na Ritalina® e Concerta®). Com textos de profissionais vinculados à saúde e educação, nas mais diferentes áreas do conhecimento, o livro representa uma notável coalizão de esforços em benefício da promoção dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes.


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—This paper presents a textile patch antenna designed for WBAN applications at 2.45 GHz ISM band. The antenna uses denim as substrate and conductive fabric for the ground plane and radiator layers. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of typical deviation of denim properties and patch radiator dimensions on the performance of the antenna. The parameters considered in the analysis are the relative permittivity and thickness of denim and the width and length of the rectangular patch radiator. The dependence of the central operation frequency of the antenna on those parameters was studied using the antenna reflection coefficient obtained from EM simulations. Rules of thumb for one-shot design were derived and applied to design a rectangular patch antenna. An antenna prototype was fabricated and measured, demonstrating a 10 dB impedance band of 4.8 % centered at 2.45 GHz, in good agreement with simulated results


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In this work, metamaterial patterns are applied to a GTEM – Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic Chamber to improve and give flexibility to its frequency response. The main goal is to achieve a better frequency resonance regardless the dimensions of the original chamber. Therefore, a comparison between the CLL – Capacitively Loaded Loop and Fractal metamaterial technology for these purposes, is done. Experimental results are compared to the simulated ones


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Between the years 1992 and 1995 about 3.5 million hadronic Z decays were collected by the DELPHI detector at CERN. This data has been used to measure the production and lifetime of the beauty strange baryon Ξb, in the inclusive decay channel Ξb →Ξ-ℓ- X. The Ξ- baryon was reconstructed through the decay Ξ- → Λ π-, using a constrained fit method for cascade decays. An iterative discriminant analysis was used for the Ξb selection. A search for the Ξb baryon was also performed using an alternative method of reconstructing the Ξ- baryon. A measurement of the production of the charmed strange baryon Ξc in the decay channel Ξc → Ξ-π+ using the same data is also presented. The radiation monitoring system of the Silicon Microstrip Tracker in the DØ detector is studied and used to estimate the radiation dose received by the Silicon detector during normal running conditions of the TeVatron accelerator.


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[EN] Precipitation and desert dust event occurrence time series measured in the Canary Islands region are examined with the primary intention of exploring their scaling characteristics as well as their spatial variability in terms of the islands topography and geographical orientation. In particular, the desert dust intrusion regime in the islands is studied in terms of its relationship with visibility. Analysis of dust and rainfall events over the archipelago exhibits distributions in time that obey power laws. Results show that the rain process presents a high clustering and irregular pattern on short timescales and a more scattered structure for long ones. In contrast, dustiness presents a more uniform and dense structure and, consequently, a more persistent behaviour on short timescales. It was observed that the fractal dimension of rainfall events shows an important spatial variability, which increases with altitude, as well as towards northern latitudes and western longitudes.


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[EN]A complex stochastic Boolean system (CSBS) is a system depending on an arbitrary number n of stochastic Boolean variables. The analysis of CSBSs is mainly based on the intrinsic order: a partial order relation defined on the set f0; 1gn of binary n-tuples. The usual graphical representation for a CSBS is the intrinsic order graph: the Hasse diagram of the intrinsic order. In this paper, some new properties of the intrinsic order graph are studied. Particularly, the set and the number of its edges, the degree and neighbors of each vertex, as well as typical properties, such as the symmetry and fractal structure of this graph, are analyzed…


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New concepts on porosity appraisal in ancient and modern construction materials. The role of Fractal Geometry on porosity characterization and transport phenomena. This work studied the potential of Fractal Geometry to the characterization of porous materials. Besides the descriptive aspects of the pore size distribution, the fractal dimensions have led to the development of rational relations for the prediction of permeability coefficients to fluid and heat transfer. The research considered natural materials used in historical buildings (rock and earth) as well as currently employed materials as hydraulic cement and technologically advanced materials such as silicon carbide or YSZ ceramics. The experimental results of porosity derived from the techniques of mercury intrusion and from the image analysis. Data elaboration was carried out according to established procedures of Fractal Geometry. It was found that certain classes of materials are clearly fractal and respond to simple patterns such as Sierpinski and Menger models. In several cases, however, the fractal character is not recognised because the microstructure of the material is based on different phases at different dimensional scales, and in consequence the “fractal dimensions” calculated from porosimetric data do not come within the standard range (less than 3). Using different type and numbers of fractal units is possible, however, to obtain “virtual” microstructures that have the fraction of voids and pore size distribution equivalent with the experimental ones for almost any material. Thus it was possible to take the expressions for the permeability and the thermal conduction which does not require empirical “constants”, these expressions have also provided values that are generally in agreement with the experimental available data. More problematic has been the fractal discussion of the geometry of the rupture of the material subjected to mechanical stress both external and internal applied. The results achieved on these issues are qualitative and prone to future studies. Keywords: Materials, Microstructure, Porosity, Fractal Geometry, Permeability, Thermal conduction, Mechanical strength.