864 resultados para fluidos supercríticos


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IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA DE ESTUDIO. Las sustancias orgánicas solubles en agua no biodegradables tales como ciertos herbicidas, colorantes industriales y metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación en aguas subterráneas de zonas agrícolas y en efluentes industriales y domésticos. Las reacciones fotocatalizadas por irradiación UV-visible y sensitizadores orgánicos e inorgánicos son uno de los métodos más económicos y convenientes para la descomposición de contaminantes en subproductos inocuos y/o biodegradables. En muchas aplicaciones es deseable un alto grado de especificidad, efectividad y velocidad de degradación de un dado agente contaminante que se encuentra presente en una mezcla compleja de sustancias orgánicas en solución. En particular son altamente deseables sistemas nano/micro -particulados que formen suspensiones acuosas estables debido a que estas permiten una fácil aplicación y una eficaz acción descontaminante en grandes volúmenes de fluidos. HIPÓTESIS Y PLANTEO DE LOS OBJETIVOS. El objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar sistemas nano/micro particulados formados por polímeros de impresión molecular (PIMs) y foto-sensibilizadores (FS). Un PIMs es un polímero especialmente sintetizado para que sea capaz de reconocer específicamente un analito (molécula plantilla) determinado. La actividad de unión específica de los PIMs en conjunto con la capacidad fotocatalizadora de los sensibilizadores pueden ser usadas para lograr la fotodescomposición específica de moléculas “plantilla” (en este caso un dado contaminante) en soluciones conteniendo mezclas complejas de sustancias orgánicas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS A UTILIZAR. Se utilizaran técnicas de polimerización en mini-emulsión para sintetizar los sistemas nano/micro PIM-FS para buscar la degradación de ciertos compuestos de interés. Para caracterizar eficiencias, mecanismos y especificidad de foto-degradación en dichos sistemas se utilizan diversas técnicas espectroscópicas (estacionarias y resueltas en el tiempo) y de cromatografía (HPLC y GC). Así mismo, para medir directamente distribuciones de afinidades de unión y eficiencia de foto-degradación se utilizaran técnicas de fluorescencia de molécula/partícula individual. Estas determinaciones permitirán obtener resultados importantes al momento de analizar los factores que afectan la eficiencia de foto-degradación (nano/micro escala), tales como cantidad y ubicación de foto- sensibilizadores en las matrices poliméricas y eficiencia de unión de la plantilla y los productos de degradación al PIM. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS. Los estudios propuestos apuntan a un mejor entendimiento de procesos foto-iniciados en entornos nano/micro-particulados para aplicar dichos conocimientos al diseño de sistemas optimizados para la foto-destrucción selectiva de contaminantes acuosos de relevancia social; tales como herbicidas, residuos industriales, metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo, etc. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO. Los sistemas nano/micro-particulados PIM-FS que se propone desarrollar en este proyecto se presentan como candidatos ideales para tratamientos específicos de efluentes industriales y domésticos en los cuales se desea lograr la degradación selectiva de compuestos orgánicos. Los conocimientos adquiridos serán indispensables para construir una plataforma versátil de sistemas foto-catalíticos específicos para la degradación de diversos contaminantes orgánicos de interés social. En lo referente a la formación de recursos humanos, el proyecto propuesto contribuirá en forma directa a la formación de 3 estudiantes de postgrado y 2 estudiantes de grado. En las capacidades institucionales se contribuirá al acondicionamiento del Laboratorio para Microscopía Óptica Avanzada (LMOA) en el Dpto. de Química de la UNRC y al montaje de un sistema de microscopio de fluorescencia que permitirá la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de espectroscopia de fluorescencia de molecula individual.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Precede al tít.: Cours de Médecine du Collège de France.


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Reservoirs that present highly viscous oils require methods to aid in their recovery to the surface. The elev ated oil viscosity hinders its flow through porous media and conventional recovery methods have not obtained significant efficiency. As such, the injection of steam into the reservoir through an injection well has been the most widely used method of therma l recovery, for it allows elevated volumes of recovery due to the viscosity reduction of the oil, facilitating the oil’s mobility within the rock formation and consequently into the production well where it will be exploited. On the other hand, the injecti on of vapor not only affects the fluids found in the rock pores, but the entire structure that composes the well where it is injected due to the high temperatures used in the process. This temperature increment is conducted to the cement, found in the annu lus, responsible for the isolation of the well and the well casing. Temperatures above 110 ̊C create new fazes rich in calcium in the cement matrix, resulting in the reduction of its permeability and the consequential phenomenon of mechanical resistance ret rogression. These alterations generate faults in the cement, reducing the well’s hydraulic isolation, creating insecurity in the operations in which the well will be submitted as well as the reduction of its economic life span. As a way of reducing this re trograde effect, this study has the objective of evaluating the incorporation of rice husk ash as a mineral additive substitute of silica flour , commercially utilized as a source of silica to reduce the CaO/SiO 2 ratio in the cement pastes submitted to high temperatures in thermal recovery. Cement pastes were formulated containing 20 and 30% levels of ash, apart from the basic paste (water + cement) and a reference paste (water + cement + 40% silica flour) for comparison purposes. The tests were executed th rough compression resistance tests, X - Ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical anal ysis BY X - ray fluorescence (EDS) on the pastes submitted to cure at low temperatures (45 ̊C) for 28 days following a cure at 280 ̊C and a pressure of 2,000 PSI for 3 days, simulating vapor injection. The results obtained show that the paste containing 30% r ice shell ash is satisfactory, obtaining mechanical resistance desired and equivalent to that of the paste containing 40% silica flour, since the products obtained were hydrated with low CaO/SiO 2 ratio, like the Tobermorita and Xonotlita fases, proving its applicability in well subject to vapor injection.


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The citizenship is a fundamental category to the democratic progress and the development and concretization of human rights, in addition to being one of the essential foundations of democratic contextualized in the rule of law of the Federative Republic of Brazil. That’s exactly why the discussion about its concept and content is a paramount requirement to the understanding and interpretation-application-concretization of the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as its democracy, since there is no democracy without citizenship. That is why the general objective of the research is to determine the characteristics of the citizenship, relating it to the Law, as well as to discuss (critically) its inclusion in the list of fundamental rights and delimitate the scope of protection and the limits of this right, in the context of Brazilian law post-1988 Constitution. The specific objectives are: a) to analyze the concept of citizenship, its extent and scope, contextualizing it historically; b) to examine the evolution of the legal and regulatory treatment of the citizenship in Brazilian constitutions, focusing on the 1988 Constitution; c) assess whether citizenship can be considered a fundamental right; d) to investigate which implications, theoretical and practical, of assignment fundamentality character to the right to citizenship. This research identifies and deconstructs current conceptual confusions, such as the lack of distinction between citizenship and nationality; citizenship and electoral capacity; citizenship and person. It also helps to identify and oppose the generalizations, as well as the excessively abstract associations which tend to purely metaphysical understandings, fluid and empty of any content. The main virtue, however, is the proposed of understanding of the citizenship as a fundamental right and the examination of the relationship between citizenship and human dignity. In this context, citizenship appears as a corollary of human dignity and it goes beyond. This (human dignity) requires equality, non-arbitraries, non-excessive, disproportionate or unreasonable impositions affecting their freedom rights, and, yet, doesn’t affect a minimum core of possibilities of have to a decent life, in conditions of freedom and self-conformation involved in the necessary consideration of the individual as a subject. All of this requires a decision-making process, molded by the citizenship, which reaches the entire development process of possible state interventions, to ensure the person as a subject, the right holder and the objective point of reference of the juridical relations. Thus, the citizenship represents a substantial and beneficial addition to the human dignity, since the emancipated citizen is a person, formally and materially, qualified, to be able to build their own and collectively organized history, to participate effectively in the making processes decision juridical and social


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The distribution and mobilization of fluid in a porous medium depend on the capillary, gravity, and viscous forces. In oil field, the processes of enhanced oil recovery involve change and importance of these forces to increase the oil recovery factor. In the case of gas assisted gravity drainage (GAGD) process is important to understand the physical mechanisms to mobilize oil through the interaction of these forces. For this reason, several authors have developed physical models in laboratory and core floods of GAGD to study the performance of these forces through dimensionless groups. These models showed conclusive results. However, numerical simulation models have not been used for this type of study. Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the performance of capillary, viscous and gravity forces on GAGD process and its influence on the oil recovery factor through a 2D numerical simulation model. To analyze the interplay of these forces, dimensionless groups reported in the literature have been used such as Capillary Number (Nc), Bond number (Nb) and Gravity Number (Ng). This was done to determine the effectiveness of each force related to the other one. A comparison of the results obtained from the numerical simulation was also carried out with the results reported in the literature. The results showed that before breakthrough time, the lower is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by capillary force, and after breakthrough time, the higher is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by gravity force. A good relationship was found between the results obtained in this research with those published in the literature. The simulation results indicated that before the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Nc and Nb and, after the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Ng. The numerical models are consistent with the reported results in the literature