975 resultados para first-order paraconsistent logic
A utilização do metano (CH4) presente no biogás gerado através da degradação anaeróbica de resíduos orgânicos depositados em aterros sanitários como fonte de energia é uma tecnologia em expansão, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Para assegurar um melhor aproveitamento do CH4 e a viabilidade econômica do projeto de exploração energética é necessário que estes empreendimentos avaliem sua capacidade de produzir este gás com o passar dos anos, mesmo após o encerramento da deposição de resíduos. O potencial de geração é comumente estimado a partir de modelos cinéticos de primeira ordem propostos por conceituadas instituições, entretanto, estudos recentes apontam alto grau de incerteza e diferenças relevantes entre os resultados obtidos com cada metodologia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a variação dos resultados das estimativas de emissão de metano dos modelos recomendados pela USEPA, Banco Mundial (Scholl Canyon) e IPCC utilizando tanto dados e informações disponibilizadas do aterro sanitário Moskogen, localizado em Kalmar, Suécia, que foi operado entre 1977 e 2008. Além de estimar a capacidade de geração de CH4, objetiva-se identificar qual o modelo cujas estimativas mais se aproximam dos dados de biogás efetivamente medidos e quanto gás ainda pode ser extraído do aterro. O estudo ainda avaliou como valores diferentes para os parâmetros principais dos modelos afetam a estimativa de geração final. O modelo IPCC mostrou-se o mais confiável dentre os analisados, estimando que o aterro Moskogen produza mais de 102 milhões de m de CH4 entre 1977 e 2100, sendo 39,384 milhões passíveis de extração de 2012 a 2100. Os demais modelos apresentaram premissas inadequadas com a realidade do aterro sanitário estudado. Contudo, mesmo com a superioridade do modelo proposto pelo IPCC, maiores estudos são necessários no local, que levantem outras informações de campo como a vazão passiva de gás pela camada de cobertura do aterro e uma melhor estimativa do percentual de material orgânico biodegradável presente em cada fração de resíduos depositada em Moskogen.
Diante dos avanços tecnológicos, pesquisadores têm intensificado a busca por métodos de remoção de metais, que tragam bons resultados de captação a partir de efluentes contaminados, aliados a um baixo custo. A utilização de materiais biológicos como algas marinhas, fungos e bactérias vem se destacando e se tornando uma solução atrativa quando comparados com os tratamentos químicos convencionais; essa técnica é denominada biossorção. A biossorção é um processo de captação de íons metálicos de uma solução, a partir de interações entre o metal e determinados sítios ativos presentes na parede celular da biomassa. Existe também um crescente interesse pelo estudo dos elementos de terras raras (TR) por possuirem alto valor agregado, acarretado por processos caros e de alta complexidade na sua separação e purificação. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o potencial de biossorção de lantânio - um representante dos TR - pela macroalga Sargassum sp., a partir de soluções aquosas. Para isso foram realizados estudos em batelada, aplicando modelos cinéticos e de equilíbrio, e estudos em regime contínuo de biossorção dos íons de lantânio (III), além de um sistema contínuo bimetálico, no qual houve a adição do metal cério, outro TR. As determinações analíticas foram realizadas por espectrometria de emissão ótica por plasma indutivamente acoplado. Os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados nas concentrações metálicas de 10 e 100 mg.L-1 e em duas concentrações distintas de biomassa 2 e 5 g.L-1 na temperatura de 301C. Dois modelos cinéticos foram testados, pseudo-primeira ordem e segunda ordem, tendo o modelo de segunda ordem apresentado melhor ajuste dos dados, com r2 igual a 0,9697. No ensaio de equilíbrio foi construída a isoterma que apresentou um perfil crescente na captação no entanto não alcançou a remoção máxima. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich foram utilizados para ajustar os dados da isoterma, sendo verificado maior correlação dos dados com o modelo de Langmuir; resultando num valor de captação máxima calculado pelo modelo de 3,55 mmol.g-1. No ensaio dinâmico foram realizados dois experimentos, 1 e 2. O Experimento 1 foi realizado com três colunas interligadas e recheadas com 20g de biomassa cada, sendo bombeada uma solução aquosa de lantânio na concentração de 1,41mmol.L-1. O Experimento 2 foi constituido de uma solução contendo lantânio e cério ambos na mesma concentração anterior de 1,41 mmol.L-1, sendo bombeada somente para uma única coluna recheada com 20g de biomassa. Os resultados demonstraram que o ponto de saturação não foi atingido dentro das 8 horas em que se deu o processo, o que indica a alta afinidade da Sargassum sp. pelo lantânio e que a presença do cério associada a redução da vazão prejudicou a captação do lantânio
Os dados geológicos e geofísicos escolhidos para o tema de estudo pertencem a Bacia do Amazonas, na região centro-norte do Brasil. A Bacia do Amazonas é uma bacia intracratônica com cerca de 500.000 km. A mesma está limitada ao norte pelo Escudo das Guianas e ao sul pelo Escudo Brasileiro. O limite oeste com a Bacia do Solimões é marcado pelo Arco de Purus, ao passo que o Arco de Gurupá constitui seu limite leste. Possui características inerentes a uma bacia intracratônica paleozóica, com uma longa história evolutiva, marcada por discordâncias expressivas e com uma cunha sedimentar relativamente rasa se comparada às bacias cretáceas brasileiras, o que levanta controvérsia a respeito da suficiência do soterramento para a eficiência de geração de hidrocarboneto. Podem ser reconhecidas nos 5000 m do preenchimento sedimentar da Bacia do Amazonas, duas seqüências de primeira ordem: uma paleozóica, intrudida por diques e soleiras de diabásio, na passagem do Triássico para o Jurássico, e uma mesozóica-cenozóica que representam um aspecto importante na evolução térmica da matéria orgânica que ocorre na primeira seqüência. Com relação à exploração de petróleo, apesar do fomento exploratório ocorrido nos últimos anos, a bacia ainda é considerada pouco explorada sendo sua maior reserva a da província de Urucu. Um dos fatores que dificultam bastante a exploração desta bacia assim como a bacia do Solimões a oeste é o acesso restrito, pois estão situadas em áreas remotas e florestadas, de difícil acesso, com muitas reservas indígenas e florestais, o que causa restrições logísticas, operacionais e legais. O efeito térmico das intrusões ígneas é considerado como o responsável pelo acréscimo de calor necessário à maturação da matéria orgânica e conseqüente geração de hidrocarbonetos. Este trabalho contribui com a reconstrução da história térmica desta bacia a partir da modelagem das variáveis termais e da história de soterramento. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos consagrados na literatura, que permitem, de forma simples, a estimativa do fluxo térmico através do embasamento e da seqüência sedimentar. Na análise da influência de intrusões ígneas na estrutura térmica da bacia, o modelo bidimensional desenvolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas se mostrou apropriado. Utilizou-se o fluxo térmico basal calculado nas condições de contorno da modelagem da influência térmica das ígneas. Como resultado obteve-se a estruturação térmica da bacia e a historia maturação de suas rochas geradoras
氮素作为陆地生态系统生产力主要的限制因子,对生态系统过程的调控有着重要的意义。净氮矿化是有机氮素到无机氮素的转变过程,该过程决定了土壤氮素的可利用性。准确估计土壤的供氮能力可以为确定最佳施肥量和施肥时间提供理论依据,并将影响着土地的可持续发展和管理政策。氮矿化潜力N0被定义为在最适温度和湿度下,土壤氮素在无限时间内所能矿化的最大量。由于氮矿化潜力是土壤供氮能力很好的指示值,所以对氮矿化潜力的研究能够使我们更好地了解土壤的氮素矿化动态和其供氮潜力。 为更好地了解天然草原氮素矿化对全球氮沉降背景以及草原施肥管理模式的响应,我们从2000年起在内蒙古羊草草原开展了长期的氮素添加实验,分别设置对照(N0)、添加5g N•m-2(N1.75)、30g N•m-2(N10.5)和80g N•m-2(N28)四个氮肥添加梯度以及对照(control)、添加100g有机肥•m-2(O100)、添加500g有机肥•m-2(O500)、添加1000g有机肥•m-2(O1000)四个有机肥添加梯度。氮肥添加在相邻并同时进行施肥的两个生态系统类型中展开,即成熟羊草草原(A区,1979年围封)和退化的羊草草原(B区,1999年围封),有机肥添加也同时在与之相邻的C区中展开(C区的土地利用历史与B区一致)。 2002年和2006年,从A、B区中进行氮肥处理后的土壤取样;有机肥处理的土壤样品从2002年C区中获得。土样在最佳温度(25℃)和湿度(60%田间持水量(WHC))下进行了5周室内培养,并用阶段淋溶方法来测定氮肥添加和有机肥添加对土壤氮矿化动态的影响。 氮肥添加显著降低了土壤的pH值,但累积氮矿化量与土壤pH值、有机碳、全氮均没有显著的相关性。在两个区内,氮素添加都显著改变了土壤的累积氮矿化量。最高氮素处理N28相对应于最低的累积氮矿化量,而低氮素处理N1.75却使得累积氮矿化量最高。同时,在N0和N1.75处理中硝态氮的含量高于铵态氮,但在N28处理中却表现出相反趋势。实验还表明大多数氮素添加强度处理在A区比B区有更高的土壤累积氮矿化量。 有机肥添加也显著改变了土壤5周内的累积氮矿化量,并且累积氮矿化量随有机肥添加强度的升高而显著增加。培养5周末时土壤的累积铵态氮的含量与有机肥施加强度之间并没有相关性,但是累积硝态氮的含量有随着有机肥施加强度的上升而增加的趋势。 基于前5周土壤培养所得到的结果,我们选择了氮肥添加的N0,N1.75, N28处理以及有机肥添加的control、O100、O1000处理继续进行了长达15周的培养。培养数据与描述土壤氮矿化动态的一级动力学模型--first-order kinetics: Nm=N0(1-exp(-kt))拟合良好( R2=0.893~0.97)。无论是氮肥添加还是有机肥添加都显著增加了土壤的氮矿化潜力N0,并且N0随着氮肥或者机肥添加强度的增加而增加。对于氮肥处理的土壤来说, N0与氮矿化速率常数k之间反向相关,但是在有机氮处理的土壤中N0与k之间却没有相关性。总的结果显示,经有机肥添加的土壤比经氮肥添加的土样有着更大的氮矿化潜力N0值以及氮矿化速率常数k值,较大的k值暗示着土壤氮素较快的周转速率。
Simulations of an n-heptane spray autoigniting under conditions relevant to a diesel engine are performed using two-dimensional, first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) with full treatment of spray terms in the mixture fraction variance and CMC equations. The conditional evaporation term in the CMC equations is closed assuming interphase exchange to occur at the droplet saturation mixture fraction values only. Modeling of the unclosed terms in themixture fraction variance equation is done accordingly. Comparison with experimental data for a range of ambient oxygen concentrations shows that the ignition delay is overpredicted. The trend of increasing ignition delay with decreasing oxygen concentration, however, is correctly captured. Good agreement is found between the computed and measured flame lift-off height for all conditions investigated. Analysis of source terms in the CMC temperature equation reveals that a convective-reactive balance sets in at the flame base, with spatial diffusion terms being important, but not as important as in lifted jet flames in cold air. Inclusion of droplet terms in the governing equations is found to affect the mixture fraction variance field in the region where evaporation is the strongest, and to slightly increase the ignition delay time due to the cooling associated with the evaporation. Both flame propagation and stabilization mechanisms, however, remain unaffected. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.
Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be used as a powerful tool supporting engineers throughout the steps of the design. The combination of CFD with response surface methodology can play an important role in such cases. During the conceptual engineering design phase, a quick response is always a matter of urgency. During this phase even a sketch of the geometrical model is rare. Therefore, the utilisation of typical response surface developed for congested and confined environment rather than CFD can be an important tool to help the decision making process, when the geometrical model is not available, provided that similarities can be considered when taking into account the characteristic of the geometry in which the response surface was developed. The present work investigates how three different types of response surfaces behave when predicting overpressure in accidental scenarios based on CFD input. First order, partial second order and complete second order polynomial expressions are investigated. The predicted results are compared with CFD findings for a classical offshore experiment conducted by British Gas on behalf of Mobil and good agreement is observed for higher order response surfaces. The higher order response surface calculations are also compared with CFD calculations for a typical offshore module and good agreement is also observed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
An analysis is given of velocity and pressure-dependent sliding flow of a thin layer of damp granular material in a spinning cone. Integral momentum equations for steady state, axisymmetric flow are derived using a boundary layer approximation. These reduce to two coupled first-order differential equations for the radial and circumferential sliding velocities. The influence of viscosity and friction coefficients and inlet boundary conditions is explored by presentation of a range of numerical results. In the absence of any interfacial shear traction the flow would, with increasing radial and circumferential slip, follow a trajectory from inlet according to conservation of angular momentum and kinetic energy. Increasing viscosity or friction reduces circumferential slip and, in general, increases the residence time of a particle in the cone. The residence time is practically insensitive to the inlet velocity. However, if the cone angle is very close to the friction angle then the residence time is extremely sensitive to the relative magnitude of these angles. © 2011 Authors.
The potential adverse human health and climate impacts of emissions from UK airports have become a significant political issue, yet the emissions, air quality impacts and health impacts attributable to UK airports remain largely unstudied. We produce an inventory of UK airport emissions - including aircraft landing and takeoff (LTO) operations and airside support equipment - with uncertainties quantified. The airports studied account for more than 95% of UK air passengers in 2005. We estimate that in 2005, UK airports emitted 10.2 Gg [-23 to +29%] of NOx, 0.73 Gg [-29 to +32%] of SO2, 11.7 Gg [-42 to +77%] of CO, 1.8 Gg [-59 to +155%] of HC, 2.4 Tg [-13 to +12%] of CO2, and 0.31 Gg [-36 to +45%] of PM2.5. This translates to 2.5 Tg [-12 to +12%] CO2-eq using Global Warming Potentials for a 100-year time horizon. Uncertainty estimates were based on analysis of data from aircraft emissions measurement campaigns and analyses of aircraft operations.The First-Order Approximation (FOA3) - currently the standard approach used to estimate particulate matter emissions from aircraft - is compared to measurements and it is shown that there are discrepancies greater than an order of magnitude for 40% of cases for both organic carbon and black carbon emissions indices. Modified methods to approximate organic carbon emissions, arising from incomplete combustion and lubrication oil, and black carbon are proposed. These alterations lead to factor 8 and a 44% increase in the annual emissions estimates of black and organic carbon particulate matter, respectively, leading to a factor 3.4 increase in total PM2.5 emissions compared to the current FOA3 methodology. Our estimates of emissions are used in Part II to quantify the air quality and health impacts of UK airports, to assess mitigation options, and to estimate the impacts of a potential London airport expansion. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
One of the greatest obstacles facing the nuclear industry is that of sustainability, both in terms of the finite reserves of uranium ore and the production of highly radiotoxic spent fuel which presents proliferation and environmental hazards. Alternative nuclear technologies have been suggested as a means of delivering enhanced sustainability with proposals including fast reactors, the use of thorium fuel and tiered fuel cycles. The debate as to which is the most appropriate technology continues, with each fuel system and reactor type delivering specific advantages and disadvantages which can be difficult to compare fairly. This paper demonstrates a framework of performance metrics which, coupled with a first-order lumped reactor model to determine nuclide population balances, can be used to quantify the aforementioned pros and cons for a range of different fuel and reactor combinations. The framework includes metrics such as fuel efficiency, spent fuel toxicity and proliferation resistance, and relative cycle performance is analysed through parallel coordinate plots, yielding a quantitative comparison of disparate cycles. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One-dimensional ferroelectric nanostructures, carbon nanotubes (CNT) and CNTinorganic oxides have recently been studied due to their potential applications for microelectronics. Here, we report coating of a registered array of aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) grown on silicon substrates by functional ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 (PZT) which produces structures suitable for commercial prototype memories. Microstructural analysis reveals the crystalline nature of PZT with small nanocrystals aligned in different directions. First-order Raman modes of MWCNT and PZT/MWCNT/n-Si show the high structural quality of CNT before and after PZT deposition at elevated temperature. PZT exists mostly in the monoclinic Cc/Cm phase, which is the origin of the high piezoelectric response in the system. Lowloss square piezoelectric hysteresis obtained for the 3D bottom-up structure confirms the switchability of the device. Currentvoltage mapping of the device by conducting atomic force microscopy (c-AFM) indicates very low transient current. Fabrication and functional properties of these hybrid ferroelectriccarbon nanotubes is the first step towards miniaturization for future nanotechnology sensors, actuators, transducers and memory devices. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Nuclear power generation offers a reliable, low-impact and large-scale alternative to fossil fuels. However, concerns exist over the safety and sustainability of this method of power production, and it remains unpopular with some governments and pressure groups throughout the world. Fast thorium fuelled accelerator-driven sub-critical reactors (ADSRs) offer a possible route to providing further re-assurance regarding these concerns on account of their properties of enhanced safety through sub-critical operation combined with reduced actinide waste production from the thorium fuel source. The appropriate sub-critical margin at which these reactors should operate is the subject of continued debate. Commercial interests favour a small sub-critical margin in order to minimise the size of the accelerator needed for a given power output, whilst enhanced safety would be better satisfied through larger sub-critical margins to further minimise the possibility of a criticality excursion. Against this background, this paper examines some of the issues affecting reactor safety inherent within thorium fuel sources resulting from the essential Th90232→Th90233→Pa91233→U92233 breeding chain. Differences in the decay half-lives and fission and capture cross-sections of 233Pa and 233U can result in significant changes in the reactivity of the fuel following changes in the reactor power. Reactor operation is represented using a homogeneous lumped fast reactor model that can simulate the evolution of actinides and reactivity variations to first-order accuracy. The reactivity of the fuel is shown to increase significantly following a loss of power to the accelerator. Where the sub-critical operating margins are small this can result in a criticality excursion unless some form of additional intervention is made, for example through the insertion of control rods. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A lattice Boltzmann method is used to model gas-solid reactions where the composition of both the gas and solid phase changes with time, while the boundary between phases remains fixed. The flow of the bulk gas phase is treated using a multiple relaxation time MRT D3Q19 model; the dilute reactant is treated as a passive scalar using a single relaxation time BGK D3Q7 model with distinct inter- and intraparticle diffusivities. A first-order reaction is incorporated by modifying the method of Sullivan et al. [13] to include the conversion of a solid reactant. The detailed computational model is able to capture the multiscale physics encountered in reactor systems. Specifically, the model reproduced steady state analytical solutions for the reaction of a porous catalyst sphere (pore scale) and empirical solutions for mass transfer to the surface of a sphere at Re=10 (particle scale). Excellent quantitative agreement between the model and experiments for the transient reduction of a single, porous sphere of Fe 2O 3 to Fe 3O 4 in CO at 1023K and 10 5Pa is demonstrated. Model solutions for the reduction of a packed bed of Fe 2O 3 (reactor scale) at identical conditions approached those of experiments after 25 s, but required prohibitively long processor times. The presented lattice Boltzmann model resolved successfully mass transport at the pore, particle and reactor scales and highlights the relevance of LB methods for modelling convection, diffusion and reaction physics. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
We study two distinctly ordered condensed phases of polypeptide molecules, amyloid fibrils and amyloidlike microcrystals, and the first-order twisting phase transition between these two states. We derive a single free-energy form which connects both phases. Our model identifies relevant degrees of freedom for describing the collective behavior of supramolecular polypeptide structures, reproduces accurately the results from molecular dynamics simulations as well as from experiments, and sheds light on the uniform nature of the dimensions of different peptide fibrils. © 2012 American Physical Society.
This paper presents a study which linked demographic variables with barriers affecting the adoption of domestic energy efficiency measures in large UK cities. The aim was to better understand the 'Energy Efficiency Gap' and improve the effectiveness of future energy efficiency initiatives. The data for this study was collected from 198 general population interviews (1.5-10 min) carried out across multiple locations in Manchester and Cardiff. The demographic variables were statistically linked to the identified barriers using a modified chi-square test of association (first order Rao-Scott corrected to compensate for multiple response data), and the effect size was estimated with an odds-ratio test. The results revealed that strong associations exist between demographics and barriers, specifically for the following variables: sex; marital status; education level; type of dwelling; number of occupants in household; residence (rent/own); and location (Manchester/Cardiff). The results and recommendations were aimed at city policy makers, local councils, and members of the construction/retrofit industry who are all working to improve the energy efficiency of the domestic built environment. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.