756 resultados para finisher diet
Obesity often predisposes to coronary heart disease, heart failure, and sudden death. Also, several studies suggest a reciprocal enhancing interaction between obesity and sleep curtailment. Aim of the present study was to go deeper in the understanding of sleep and cardiovascular regulation in an animal model of diet-induced obesity (DIO). According to this, Wake-Sleep (W-S) regulation, and W-S dependent regulation of cardiovascular and metabolic/thermoregulatory function was studied in DIO rats, under normal laboratory conditions and during sleep deprivation and the following recovery period, enhancing either wake or sleep, respectively. After 8 weeks of the delivery of a hypercaloric (HC) diet, treated animals were heavier than those fed a normocaloric (NC) diet (NC: 441 ±17g; HC: 557±17g). HC rats slept more than NC ones during the activity period (Dark) of the normal 12h:12h light-dark (LD) cycle (Wake: 67.3±1.2% and 57.2 ±1.6%; NREM sleep (NREMS): 26.8±1.0% and 34.0±1.4%; REM sleep (REMS): 5.7±0. 6% and 8.6±0.7%; for NC and HC, respectively; p<0.05 for all). HC rats were hypertensive throughout the W-S states, as shown by the mean arterial blood pressure values across the 24-h period (Wake: 90.0±5.3 and 97.3±1.3; NREMS: 85.1±5.5 and 92.2±1.2; REMS: 87.2±4.5 and 96.5±1.1, mmHg for NC and HC, respectively; p<0.05 for all). Also, HC rats appeared to be slightly bradycardic compared to NC ones (Wake: 359.8±9.3 and 352.4±7.7; NREMS: 332.5±10.1 and 328.9±5.4; REMS: 338.5±9.3 and 334.4±5.8; bpm for NC and HC, respectively; p<0.05 for Wake). In HC animals, sleep regulation was not apparently altered during the sleep rebound observed in the recovery period following sleep deprivation, although REMS rebound appeared to be quicker in NC animals. In conclusion, these results indicate that in the rat obesity interfere with W-S and cardiovascular regulation and that DIO rats are suitable for further studies aimed at a better understanding of obesity comorbidities.
Food items and nematode parasites were identified from the stomachs of 42 individuals of Phocoena phocoena, 6 of Lagenorhynchus acutus and 8 of L. albirostris stranded off the coastal waters of Northern Scotland between 2004 and 2014. Post-mortem examinations have revealed heavy parasitic worm burdens. Four nematode species complex as Anisakis spp., Contracaeucum spp., Pseudoterronova spp., and Hysterothylacium spp. were recorded. Data on presence of the anisakid species in cetaceans, reported a significative relationship between the presence of Hysterothylacium and the month of host stranding; suggesting a decrease of larval H. aduncum abundance in the period between April and August due to a seasonal effect related to prey availability. Similarly, the parasite burden of the all anisakid genera was related to the year fraction of stranding, and a relationship statistically significant was found just for L. albirostris with an increase between April and October. This finding is explained by a seasonality in occurrence of white-beaked dolphins, with a peak during August, that might be related to movements of shared prey species and competition with other species (Tursiops truncatus). Geographical differences were observed in parasites number of all anisakid species, which was the highest in cetaceans from the East area and lowest in the North coast. The parasites number also increased significantly with the length of the animal and during the year, but with a significant seasonal pattern only for P. phocoena. Regarding diet composition, through a data set consisting of 34 harbour porpoises and 1 Atlantic white-sided dolphins, we found a positive association between parasite number and the cephalopods genus Alloteuthis. This higher level of parasite infection in squid from this area, is probably due to a quantitative distribution of infective forms in squid prey, an abundance of the final host and age or size maturity of squid.
Late-onset symptoms of urea-cycle disorder may lead to a life-threatening disease which is often undetected. We report the clinical and metabolic manifestations of acute hyperammonemic encephalopathy in a 47-year-old asymptomatic man with ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency. The hyperammonemic encephalopathy was unmasked by a high-protein Atkins diet.
Deficiencies of subunits of the transcriptional regulatory complex Mediator generally result in embryonic lethality, precluding study of its physiological function. Here we describe a missense mutation in Med30 causing progressive cardiomyopathy in homozygous mice that, although viable during lactation, show precipitous lethality 2-3 wk after weaning. Expression profiling reveals pleiotropic changes in transcription of cardiac genes required for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial integrity. Weaning mice to a ketogenic diet extends viability to 8.5 wk. Thus, we establish a mechanistic connection between Mediator and induction of a metabolic program for oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation, in which lethal cardiomyopathy is mitigated by dietary intervention.
Alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are the most frequent conditions leading to elevated liver enzymes and liver cirrhosis, respectively, in the Western world. However, despite strong epidemiological evidence for combined effects on the progression of liver injury, the mutual interaction of the pathophysiological mechanisms is incompletely understood. The aim of this study was to establish and analyze an experimental murine model, where we combined chronic alcohol administration with a NASH-inducing high-fat (HF) diet.
The effect of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol, vitamin D3) with a low-calcium diet on the acute lung allograft rejection in a rat unilateral left lung transplantation model was evaluated.
On a Swiss grower-finisher farm blood-tinged-diarrhoea in pigs weighing 40 to 60 kg was observed during several months, resulting in reduced feed efficiency and a prolonged fattening period. As part of a research project, in February 2007 faecal samples were analysed and one diseased pig was euthanised and sent for necropsy where typical gut lesions indicative for a Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae infection were found. B. hyodysenteriae was demonstrated by PCR in 4 out of 5 faecal samples. The pig farm thereafter underwent an eradication process with timed depopulation of the consecutive pigpens. During February to June 2008 the farm was regularly inspected and tested for B. hyodysenterieae. Testing continued for another year after the eradication process and all faecal samples proved negative. Until January 2010 neither diarrhoea with blood nor B. hyodysenterieae reoccurred.
A recent study suggested that the anti-inflammatory effect of immunonutrition starts after only two d. We therefore investigated the effect of an immunoenriched oral diet administered for three d preoperatively.
We evaluated whether a probiotic supplementation in dogs with food responsive diarrhoea (FRD) has beneficial effects on intestinal cytokine patterns and on microbiota. Twenty-one client-owned dogs with FRD were presented for clinically needed duodeno- and colonoscopy and were enrolled in a prospective placebo (PL)-controlled probiotic trial. Intestinal tissue samples and faeces were collected during endoscopy. Intestinal mRNA abundance of interleukin (IL)-5, -10, -12p40 and -13, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta1 and interferon (IFN)-gamma were analysed and numbers of Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae and supplemented probiotic bacteria were determined in faeces. The Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity Index, a scoring system comprising general attitude, appetite, faecal consistency, defecation frequency, and vomitus, decreased in all dogs (p < 0.0001). Duodenal IL-10 mRNA levels decreased (p = 0.1) and colonic IFN-gamma mRNA levels increased (p = 0.08) after probiotic treatment. Numbers of Enterobacteriaceae decreased in FRD dogs receiving probiotic cocktail (FRD(PC)) and FRD dogs fed PL (FRD(PL)) during treatment (p < 0.05), numbers of Lactobacillus spp. increased in FRD(PC after) when compared with FRD(PC before) (p < 0.1). One strain of PC was detected in five of eight FRD(PC) dogs after probiotic supplementation. In conclusion, all dogs clinically improved after treatment, but cytokine patterns were not associated with the clinical features irrespective of the dietary supplementation.
pH value, calcium, and phosphate and to a lesser extent fluoride content of a drink or foodstuff are important factors explaining erosive attack. They determine the degree of saturation with respect to tooth minerals, which is the driving force for dissolution. Solutions oversaturated with respect to dental hard tissue will not dissolve it. Addition of calcium (and phosphate) salts to erosive drinks showed protection of surface softening. Today, several Ca-enriched soft drinks are on the market or products with naturally high content in Ca and P are available (such as yoghurt), which do not soften the dental hard tissue. The greater the buffering capacity of the drink or food, the longer it will take for the saliva to neutralize the acid. The buffer capacity of a solution has a distinct effect on the erosive attack when the solution remains adjacent to the tooth surface and is not replaced by saliva. A higher buffer capacity of a drink or foodstuff will enhance the processes of dissolution because more ions from the tooth mineral are needed to render the acid inactive for further demineralization. Further, the amount of drink in the mouth in relation to the amount of saliva present will modify the process of dissolution. There is no clear-cut critical pH for erosion as there is for caries. Even at a low pH, it is possible that other factors are strong enough to prevent erosion.
This contribution investigates the evolution of diet in the Pan – Homo and hominin clades. It does this by focusing on 12 variables (nine dental and three mandibular) for which data are available about extant chimpanzees, modern humans and most extinct hominins. Previous analyses of this type have approached the interpretation of dental and gnathic function by focusing on the identification of the food consumed (i.e. fruits, leaves, etc.) rather than on the physical properties (i.e. hardness, toughness, etc.) of those foods, and they have not specifically addressed the role that the physical properties of foods play in determining dental adaptations. We take the available evidence for the 12 variables, and set out what the expression of each of those variables is in extant chimpanzees, the earliest hominins, archaic hominins, megadont archaic hominins, and an inclusive grouping made up of transitional hominins and pre-modern Homo . We then present hypotheses about what the states of these variables would be in the last common ancestor of the Pan – Homo clade and in the stem hominin. We review the physical properties of food and suggest how these physical properties can be used to investigate the functional morphology of the dentition. We show what aspects of anterior tooth morphology are critical for food preparation (e.g. peeling fruit) prior to its ingestion, which features of the postcanine dentition (e.g. overall and relative size of the crowns) are related to the reduction in the particle size of food, and how information about the macrostructure (e.g. enamel thickness) and microstructure (e.g. extent and location of enamel prism decussation) of the enamel cap might be used to make predictions about the types of foods consumed by extinct hominins. Specifically, we show how thick enamel can protect against the generation and propagation of cracks in the enamel that begin at the enamel– dentine junction and move towards the outer enamel surface.
The effect of tocopheryl phosphate on atherosclerosis progression has been studied in rabbits, fed with a 2% cholesterol diet and compared with an equivalent amount of alpha-tocopheryl acetate. The results show that the atherosclerotic-preventing effect of the phosphate derivative was more pronounced than that of the acetate derivative. alpha-Tocopheryl phosphate was also more potent in diminishing the expression of CD36 than the acetate derivative.