934 resultados para evening courses
The post-graduation in the field of Technology Assessment (TA) is recent and that are several and different ways to be organised. Most experiences are related with the Masters diplom level (2nd cycle of graduation in high education). Just one in PhD level is explicit in the field of TA, and some other PhD courses include also TA topics in their programme structure. In this chapter we will analyse the problems related with the design of a post-graduation (MA, MSc or PhD) programme in the field of TA using as reference some international experiences. Hereby, the main conclusion seems to address labour market needs in the specialised knowledge of TA, of technology management or technology innovation. In this sense TA should be included as “minor” into post-graduation courses which may range from engineering disciplines to social sciences. As a graduation programme it can fill an expertise gap between technicians, engineers, scientists and the strategic decision makers or policy makers.
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
IET Working Papers Series No. WPS09/2010
ISCAP’s Information Systems Department is composed of about twenty teachers who have, for several years, been using an e-learning environment (Moodle) combined with traditional assessment. A new e-assessment strategy was implemented recently in order to evaluate a practical topic, the use of spreadsheets to solve management problems. This topic is common to several courses of different undergraduate degree programs. Being e-assessment an outstanding task regarding theoretical topics, it becomes even more challenging when the topics under evaluation are practical. In order to understand the implications of this new type of assessment from the viewpoint of the students, questionnaires and interviews were undertaken. In this paper the analysis of the questionnaires are presented and discussed.
A leptospirosis clinical-epidemiological study was made in humans and reservoirs in the state of Yucatán, México. Interviews and serological analyses were made on 400 persons from an open population, 439 probable cases of leptospirosis and 1060 animal reservoirs (cows, pigs, dogs, rats and opossums). IgM Leptospira DipstickTM and Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) was used to detect human antibodies to leptospiras and serovar respectively. Leptospirosis incidence in humans was 2.2/100,000 inhab. in 1998, 0.7/100,000 in 1999 and 0.9/100,000 in 2000. Overall seroprevalence was 14.2%, relatively unchanged from seroprevalences observed 20 years ago. Highest seropositivity was found in people over 56 years of age, predominating males over females. Predominant serovars in the open population were tarassovi, hardjo, pomona and panama. Leptospirosis cases were most frequent in rural areas, and the anicteric course predominated over the icteric. The panama, icterohaemorrhagiae and pomona serovars predominated in both anicteric and icteric courses. Dogs, pigs and rodents had the highest seropositivity among the reservoirs. Contact with rodents and natural water sources were significant factors (p £ 0.05). Human cases (74%) occurred during the rainy season. It is concluded that leptospirosis is still a serious illness with important clinical and epidemiological implications in the state of Yucatán, Mexico.
This report describes three elderly patients with mucosal form of American tegumentary leishmaniasis associated with chronic cardiopathy. Due to the known toxicity of classical drugs with activity against Leishmania sp., the patients received three oral courses of azithromycin therapy in single 500 mg daily dose during ten days, every other month. All lesions healed after the third series. One of the patients relapsed and a new series of azithromycin was prescribed. Azithromycin may be an alternative drug for the treatment of leishmaniasis in special situations due to its optimal mucosal and intraphagocyte concentration, single daily posology, high tolerance and oral administration. The mechanism of this drug on Leishmania sp. is unknown at present.
Currently, due to the widespread use of computers and the internet, students are trading libraries for the World Wide Web and laboratories with simulation programs. In most courses, simulators are made available to students and can be used to proof theoretical results or to test a developing hardware/product. Although this is an interesting solution: low cost, easy and fast way to perform some courses work, it has indeed major disadvantages. As everything is currently being done with/in a computer, the students are loosing the “feel” of the real values of the magnitudes. For instance in engineering studies, and mainly in the first years, students need to learn electronics, algorithmic, mathematics and physics. All of these areas can use numerical analysis software, simulation software or spreadsheets and in the majority of the cases data used is either simulated or random numbers, but real data could be used instead. For example, if a course uses numerical analysis software and needs a dataset, the students can learn to manipulate arrays. Also, when using the spreadsheets to build graphics, instead of using a random table, students could use a real dataset based, for instance, in the room temperature and its variation across the day. In this work we present a framework which uses a simple interface allowing it to be used by different courses where the computers are the teaching/learning process in order to give a more realistic feeling to students by using real data. A framework is proposed based on a set of low cost sensors for different physical magnitudes, e.g. temperature, light, wind speed, which are connected to a central server, that the students have access with an Ethernet protocol or are connected directly to the student computer/laptop. These sensors use the communication ports available such as: serial ports, parallel ports, Ethernet or Universal Serial Bus (USB). Since a central server is used, the students are encouraged to use sensor values results in their different courses and consequently in different types of software such as: numerical analysis tools, spreadsheets or simply inside any programming language when a dataset is needed. In order to do this, small pieces of hardware were developed containing at least one sensor using different types of computer communication. As long as the sensors are attached in a server connected to the internet, these tools can also be shared between different schools. This allows sensors that aren't available in a determined school to be used by getting the values from other places that are sharing them. Another remark is that students in the more advanced years and (theoretically) more know how, can use the courses that have some affinities with electronic development to build new sensor pieces and expand the framework further. The final solution provided is very interesting, low cost, simple to develop, allowing flexibility of resources by using the same materials in several courses bringing real world data into the students computer works.
Software tools in education became popular since the widespread of personal computers. Engineering courses lead the way in this development and these tools became almost a standard. Engineering graduates are familiar with numerical analysis tools but also with simulators (e.g. electronic circuits), computer assisted design tools and others, depending on the degree. One of the main problems with these tools is when and how to start use them so that they can be beneficial to students and not mere substitutes for potentially difficult calculations or design. In this paper a software tool to be used by first year students in electronics/electricity courses is presented. The growing acknowledgement and acceptance of open source software lead to the choice of an open source software tool – Scilab, which is a numerical analysis tool – to develop a toolbox. The toolbox was developed to be used as standalone or integrated in an e-learning platform. The e-learning platform used was Moodle. The first approach was to assess the mathematical skills necessary to solve all the problems related to electronics and electricity courses. Analysing the existing circuit simulators software tools, it is clear that even though they are very helpful by showing the end result they are not so effective in the process of the students studying and self learning since they show results but not intermediate steps which are crucial in problems that involve derivatives or integrals. Also, they are not very effective in obtaining graphical results that could be used to elaborate reports and for an overall better comprehension of the results. The developed tool was based on the numerical analysis software Scilab and is a toolbox that gives their users the opportunity to obtain the end results of a circuit analysis but also the expressions obtained when derivative and integrals calculations, plot signals, obtain vector diagrams, etc. The toolbox runs entirely in the Moodle web platform and provides the same results as the standalone application. The students can use the toolbox through the web platform (in computers where they don't have installation privileges) or in their personal computers by installing both the Scilab software and the toolbox. This approach was designed for first year students from all engineering degrees that have electronics/electricity courses in their curricula.
The fast development of distance learning tools such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC or MOOCs) are indicators of a shift in the way in which digital teaching and learning are understood. MOOC are a new style of online classes that allow any person with web access, anywhere, usually free of charge, to participate through video lectures, computer graded tests and discussion forums. They have been capturing the attention of many higher education institutions around the world. This paper will give us an overview of the “Introduction to Differential Calculus” a MOOC Project, created by an engaged volunteer team of Mathematics lecturers from four schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP). The MOOC theories and their popularity are presented and complemented by a discussion of some MOOC definitions and their inherent advantages and disadvantages. It will also explore what MOOC mean for Mathematics education. The Project development is revealed by focusing on used MOOC structure, as well as the quite a lot of types of course materials produced. It ends with a presentation of a short discussion about problems and challenges met throughout the development of the project. It is also our goal to contribute for a change in the way teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays, trying to make education more accessible to as many people as possible and increase our institution (IPP) recognition.
Educational videos differ from other teaching and learning technologies as they allow the benefit of using visual perception. Video lectures are not new to education, however with the use of innovative video technologies they can improve academic outcomes and extend the reach of education. They may offer extraordinary new experiences for higher education institutions (HEI). Through them lecturers can provide information and contents to students, and if used creatively, video lectures can become a powerful technological tool in education, inside and outside classrooms. Inside a classroom it can motivate students and improve topics’ debate and outside it is a good support for students’ self- learning. In some cases they can be used to work some subjects standing behind, but needed to support actual courses contents, that students do not remember (or were not even taught), opening an “in front to the past door” that backs students self-study. The student-educator dynamic is changing. Students are expecting exceptional instruction and educators are expecting students to be more and more well informed about subjects from online viewing.This article explores some of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of video lectures in the teaching and learning process at higher education. We will also discuss some thoughts and examples for the use of teaching materials to enhance student’s learning and try to understand how video can act as powerful and innovative to enlighten teaching and learning (note that unfortunately, sometimes, the opposite is happening).
A Declaração de Bolonha (1999) obrigou a mudanças várias, reconfigurando os modelos formativos no espaço europeu do ensino superior, até 2010. A partir de 2006, em Portugal, com a criação e adequação dos cursos superiores existentes ao modelo de Bolonha, verificou-se uma generalizada redução da duração média dos diferentes ciclos de estudo e a definição de competências gerais e específicas para os cursos e estudantes. Reflecte-se sobre a importância da literacia da informação, conceito evolutivo e abrangente, que se pode traduzir, sumariamente, em saber quando e porquê se tem uma necessidade informacional, onde encontrar a informação, como avaliá-la, usá-la e comunicá-la de forma ética, incluindo as competências tecnológicas, definição que se inscreve na interdisciplinar Ciência da Informação e no comportamento informacional. Destaca-se a vantagem de uma formação para a literacia da informação no ensino superior, a qual contribuirá, certamente, para dotar os estudantes das referidas competências e melhorá-las. Defende-se a necessidade de uma desejável inter-acção entre múltiplos agentes educativos, com destaque para a trilogia estudantes, bibliotecários e professores, sendo os primeiros encarados como protagonistas activos das suas aprendizagens e devendo ser dotados de competências de literacia da informação, factor determinante para o seu sucesso. Quanto ao Bibliotecário, dotado de novas competências, entre as quais as tecnológicas, deve ser um facilitador do processo de formação para a literacia - preferencialmente integrada num projecto pedagógico e no currículo - articulando a sua acção educativa com estudantes e docentes. Corroborando a extensão educativa das Bibliotecas e aliando-a ao uso inevitável das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação, sublinha-se o papel das Bibliotecas Digitais, que podem corresponder eficientemente aos anseios dos utilizadores no acesso a uma informação de qualidade, de forma cómoda, rápida, a baixo custo, com personalização dos serviços online, com inter-acção e socialização, através de ferramentas de edição colaborativa, típicas da Web 2.0.
Introduction: Antibiotics are one of the most common prescribed drugs in the NICU; despite this, studies on its use are scarce. Aim: To assess antibiotics utilization ratio in a medical surgical NICU. Methods: Prospective, observational study. Daily registry of antibiotics given to newborn infants; two periods of two months, 2010; data collected every day after the second medical round. Variables: treated patients, days on antibiotics, treatment/patient days, number of courses, number of antibiotics. Antibiotics utilization ratio – ratio days on antibiotics/days at the NICU. Results: Patients enrolled - 113; admission days – 1722; length of stay - 15.2 days; 85 newborn infants were given antibiotics; days on antibiotics - 771; antibiotics utilization ratio – 44.8; 292 antibiotics were prescribed; 61.8% of patients were given more than two antibiotics and 15.3% had more than one course. The most frequents were gentamicin, cefotaxime, ampicillin, vancomycin and metronidazole. Conclusion: Antibiotics utilization ratio should be subject of audits and a quality criteria on NICUs evaluation.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are gaining prominence in transversal teaching-learning strategies. However, there are many issues still debated, namely assessment, recognized largely as a cornerstone in Education. The large number of students involved requires a redefinition of strategies that often use approaches based on tasks or challenging projects. In these conditions and due to this approach, assessment is made through peer-reviewed assignments and quizzes online. The peer-reviewed assignments are often based upon sample answers or topics, which guide the student in the task of evaluating peers. This chapter analyzes the grading and evaluation in MOOCs, especially in science and engineering courses, within the context of education and grading methodologies and discusses possible perspectives to pursue grading quality in massive e-learning courses.
Ao longo do projeto encarou-se a Educação e Formação de Adultos como um motor para a liberdade, definida como a autonomia para se procurar e viver um destino. Destino que não é apenas o porto onde atraca o barco à chegada, mas o processo de destinação na rota. Hodiernamente vivemos atracados ao paradigma da Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, ancorados a processos económicos e ideológicos que ditam as orientações de atuação do Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional na forma com se planeiam e organizam os Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos. Traçaram-se as rotas que Portugal percorreu até desenvolver as políticas de Educação e Formação de Adultos atuais. Essas políticas influenciam sobremaneira a organização e planeamento dos Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos desenvolvidos pelo Instituto de Emprego e Formação de Vila Real que se vê agrilhoado aos ideais neoliberais, à falta de recursos, de ideais e de esperança. Procurou-se construir um projeto que conceba o planeamento e a organização dos cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos numa ótica emancipadora da educação enraizada em contextos locais, em que as diretrizes do Estado se constituem como uma moldura mas não se restringem à rigidez do caixilho, assente em lógicas de responsabilidade comunitária em processos relacionais abertos, dialogados e críticos assentes em conteúdos vividos, aprendidos e transformados. Espera-se e deseja-se que aqueles processos comprometam de forma decisiva todos os que se vêem envolvidos neste feixe de relações a partir do qual cada um se forma, e desenvolvendo-se, se envolve na possibilidade de destinar a rota.
Background: This is the first prospective, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study showing statistical improvement of an H1-antihistamine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis in all symptoms throughout the entire treatment period. Objective: This randomized, placebo-controlled, parallelgroup,double-blind study was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Methods: This study was conducted at 148 centers in 15 countries. Nine hundred thirty-five children (aged 6-11 years) were randomized and treated with either fexofenadine HCl 30 mg (n = 464) or placebo (n = 471) tablets twice a day for 14 days. Individual symptoms (sneezing; rhinorrhea; itchy nose, mouth, throat, and/or ears; itchy, watery, and/or red eyes; and nasal congestion) were assessed at baseline and then daily at 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (±1 hour) during the double-blind treatment period. Each total symptom score was the sum of all symptoms, excluding nasal congestion. The primary efficacy variable was the change from baseline in the average of the daily 12-hour evening reflective total symptom scores throughout the double-blind treatment. Safety was evaluated from adverse-event reporting, vital signs, physical examinations, and clinical laboratory data at screening and study end point.