955 resultados para emerging infections


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Limited evidence exists to suggest that the ability to invade and escape protozoan host cell bactericidal activity extends to members of the Chlamydiaceae, intracellular pathogens of humans and animals and evolutionary descendants of amoeba-resisting Chlamydia-like organisms. PCR and microscopic analyses of Chlamydophila abortus infections of Acanthamoeba castellani revealed uptake of this chlamydial pathogen but, unlike the well-described inhabitant of A. castellani, Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Cp. abortus did not appear to propagate and is likely digested by its amoebal host. These data raise doubts about the ability of free-living amoebae to serve as hosts and vectors of pathogenic members of the Chlamydiaceae but reveal opportunities, via comparative genomics, to understand virulence mechanisms used by Chlamydia-like organisms to avoid amoebal digestion.


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Chlamydophila abortus and Waddlia chondrophila cause abortion in ruminants. We investigated the role of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae in bovine abortion. Results of immunohistochemical analyses were positive in 30 (70%) of 43 placentas from which Chlamydia-like DNA was amplified, which supports the role of Parachlamydia spp. in bovine abortion.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance persistence of international mutual funds, employing a data sample which includes 2,168 European mutual funds investing in Asia-Pacific region; Japan excluded. Also, a number of performance measures is tested and compared, and especially, this study tries to find out whether iterative Bayesian procedure can be used to provide more accurate predictions on future performance. Finally, this study examines whether the cross-section of mutual fund returns can be explained with simple accounting variables and market risk. To exclude the effect of the Asian currency crisis in 1997, the studied time period includes years from 1999 to 2007. The overall results showed significant performance persistence for repeating winners when performance was tested with contingency tables. Also the annualized alpha spreads between the top and bottom portfolios were more than ten percent at their highest. Nevertheless, the results do not confirm the improved prediction accuracy of the Bayesian alphas.


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Varhaislapsuuden virusinfektioiden, lehmänmaitopohjaisen äidinmaitovastikeen ja geneettisen alttiuden merkitys diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin kehittymisessä Tyypin 1 diabetes on autoimmuunisairaus, joka syntyy haiman insuliinia tuottavien beta-solujen tuhouduttua elimistön oman immuunipuolustusjärjestelmän hyökkäyksen seurauksena. Sekä perimän että ympäristötekijöiden arvellaan vaikuttavan tautiprosessiin, mutta taudin tarkkaa syntymekanismia ei tunneta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaislapsuuden ympäristötekijöiden vaikutusta beta-soluautoimmuniteetin syntyyn, erityispaino tutkimuksessa oli ympäristötekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksessa sekä geneettisten riskitekijöiden ja ympäristötekijöiden vuorovaikutuksessa. Varhaislapsuudessa sairastettu sytomegalovirus- tai enterovirusinfektio ei lisännyt beta-soluautoimmuniteetin riskiä lapsilla, joilla on geneettisesti kohonnut riski sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Ennen puolen vuoden ikää sairastettu rotavirusinfektio lisäsi hieman tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin riskiä. Tarkemmassa analyysissa varhaislapsuuden enterovirusinfektio osoittautui kuitenkin autovasta-aineiden muodostumisen riskitekijäksi niiden lasten joukossa, jotka olivat saaneet lehmänmaitopohjaista äidinmaidon vastiketta ensimmäisten elinkuukausien aikana. Tämä löydös viittaa enterovirusinfektion ja lehmänmaitopohjaisen vastikkeen yhteisvaikutukseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Löydösten mukaan PTPN22 geenin C1858T polymorfismi vaikuttaa CD4+ T solujen aktivaatioon ja proliferaatiovasteeseen, 1858T alleeliin liittyy alentunut T-soluresepto-rivälitteinen aktivaatio. 1858T alleelin kantajuuteen liittyy lisäksi lisääntynyt autovasta-aineiden ja kliinisen diabeteksen ilmaantuvuus. Tämä yhteys rajoittui yksilöihin, jotka olivat altistuneet lehmänmaitopohjaiselle vastikkeelle ennen kuuden kuukauden ikää. Tulosten mukaan sekä ympäristötekijöiden väliset yhteisvaikutukset että perimä vaikuttavat yksittäisen ympäristötekijän merkitykseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Nämä yhteisvaikutukset ympäristötekijöiden kesken ja perimän ja ympäristötekijöiden välillä selittävät aiemmin julkaistujen tulosten ristiriittaisuutta tutkimuksissa, joissa on analysoitu vain yhden ympäristötekijän vaikutusta diabeteksen ilmaantuvuuteen.


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Emerging human rights are destined to modify, improve and transform a number of already traditional concepts so as to achieve greater guarantees and protection for the rights of individuals and collectivities. One of the big changes that will be brought about by the concept and conception of emerging human rights is that, following on from the processes of positivization, generalization, internationalization and specification, they represent the beginning of the fifth historical process in the consolidation of human rights, namely the process of interaction. A number of breakthroughs have already been achieved, such as the recognition of emerging biocultural rights in the recently adopted Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and shared benefits.


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We generalize to arbitrary waiting-time distributions some results which were previously derived for discrete distributions. We show that for any two waiting-time distributions with the same mean delay time, that with higher dispersion will lead to a faster front. Experimental data on the speed of virus infections in a plaque are correctly explained by the theoretical predictions using a Gaussian delay-time distribution, which is more realistic for this system than the Dirac delta distribution considered previously [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett.89, 178101 (2002)]


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This study investigates the over and underreaction effects in nine emerging stock markets of Europe. Especially, the possible behavioral aspects behind them are an area of interest. These aspects would link them strongly to behavioral finance. Second, our aim is to provide more evidence of the similar or dissimilar behavior in general among these countries. Third, the possibility to gain abnormal returns from these markets is also under investigation. Data from nine emerging stock market indexes in Europe is gathered from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 2008 to find answers to the stated questions. Studies for the over and underreaction effects are done using a variant of the event study methodology which in this case includes two different calculation methods for the expected returns. Studies are performed using 60 day time intervals. The results between the two different methods used are relatively similar concerning the over and underreaction effects. Another of the methods, however, suggests there to be behavioral aspects behind the effects interpreted. On the other hand, the another method does not support this suggestion. However, a conclusion can be made that the factors driving these countries' behavior are related to their geographical location and to the fact that they are emerging countries.


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Background: Since the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PCV7 and PCV13 in children became widespread, invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) has dramatically decreased. Nevertheless, there has been a rise in incidence of Streptococcus pneumoniae non-vaccine serotypes (NVT) colonising the human nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonisation, an essential step in the development of S. pneumoniae-induced IPD, is associated with biofilm formation. Although the capsule is the main pneumococcal virulence factor, the formation of pneumococcal biofilms might, in fact, be limited by the presence of capsular polysaccharide (CPS). Methodology/Principal Findings: We used clinical isolates of 16 emerging, non-PCV13 serotypes as well as isogenic transformants of the same serotypes. The biofilm formation capacity of isogenic transformants expressing CPSs from NVT was evaluated in vitro to ascertain whether this trait can be used to predict the emergence of NVT. Fourteen out of 16 NVT analysed were not good biofilm formers, presumably because of the presence of CPS. In contrast, serotypes 11A and 35B formed >45% of the biofilm produced by the non-encapsulated M11 strain. Conclusions/Significance This study suggest that emerging, NVT serotypes 11A and 35B deserve a close surveillance.


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The objectives of this research work “Identification of the Emerging Issues in Recycled Fiber processing” are discovering of emerging research issues and presenting of new approaches to identify promising research themes in recovered paper application and production. The projected approach consists of identifying technological problems often encountered in wastepaper preparation processes and also improving the quality of recovered paper and increasing its proportion in the composition of paper and board. The source of information for the problem retrieval is scientific publications in which waste paper application and production were discussed. The study has exploited several research methods to understand the changes related to utilization of recovered paper. The all assembled data was carefully studied and categorized by applying software called RefViz and CiteSpace. Suggestions were made on the various classes of these problems that need further investigation in order to propose an emerging research trends in recovered paper.