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Makar Chudra. O chizhi︠e︡, kotoryĭ lgal, i o d︠ia︡tli︠e︡- li︠u︡biteli︠e︡ istiny. Emelʹi︠a︡n Pili︠a︡ĭ. D︠ie︡d Arkhip i Lenʹka. Chelkash. Starykha Izergil. Odnazhdy osenʹi︠u︡. Oshibka. Moĭ sputnik. D︠ie︡lo s zastezhkami. P︠ie︡sn︠ia︡ o so koli︠e︡. Na plotakh. Bolesʹ. Toska. -- t. 2. Konovalov. Khan i ego syn. Vyvod. Suprugi Orlovy. Byvshīe li︠u︡di. Ozornik. Barenʹka Olesova. Tovarishchi. -- t. 3. V stepi. Malʹva. I︠A︡rmarka v Goltvi︠e︡. Zazubrina. Skuki padi. Kain i Artem. Druzhki. Prokhodimet︠︡s. Chitatelʹ. O chort︠ie︡. Eshche o chort︠ie︡. Vasʹka Krasnyĭ. -- t. 4. Foma Gord︠ie︡ev. Dvad︠t︡satʹ shestʹ i odna. -- Troe. Pesn︠ia︡ o burevestnike. -- t. 6-8. Mi︠e︡shchane. Na dne. Dachniki. D︠ie︡ti soln︠t︡sa. Varvary. Vragi. -- t. 9. Chelovek. T︠iu︡rʹma. Bukoemov, Karp Ivanovich. Razskazy Filippa Vasilʹevicha. Ispovedʹ


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Tidigare har den vanligaste typen av reklam varit den i form av avbrott i tv­sändningar men i takt med våra ändrade tv­vanor söker reklamföretagen nya sätt att marknadsföra sig själva på. Så kallade produktplaceringar, är ett sådant marknadsföringssätt. Ett av de tydligaste exempel på detta är år 1982 då filmen E.T: The Extra Terrestrial hade premiär och huvudkaraktären åt godiset Reeses Pieces, en produktplacering som medförde en försäljningsökning på hela 65%. Produktplaceringar är sedan dess en blomstrande bransch och drar årligen in mångmiljardbelopp men attityderna gentemot denna typ av reklam har sviktat. Vi ställde oss därför frågan hur attityderna gentemot reklamfenomenet ser ut idag samt ifall ålder är en avgörande faktor för hur individer resonerar om produktplaceringar. Detta har lett till denna studiens syfte som är att undersöka två generationers attityder gentemot produktplaceringar i film och tv­serier samt hur de uppmärksammar det. Eftersom syftet med studien är att erhålla information om individers personliga uppfattningar, ansåg vi att den kvalitativa intervjun var bäst lämpad. Fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 20­30 år samt fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 50­60 år genomfördes. Materialet bestod i slutändan av åtta transkriberade intervjuer som analyserades med hjälp av studiens teoretiska ramverk. Teorierna berör generella antaganden om produktplaceringar, olika typer av produktplaceringar, dess påverkan på publiken, övertalningsförsök samt attityd och perception. Studien resulterade i att vi fann skillnader i hur generationerna uppmärksammar produktplaceringar. Den yngre generationen är i högre grad mottaglig för subtila placeringar medan den äldre generationen ansåg att placeringarna behövde vara tydliga och inzoomade för att uppmärksammas. Gällande attitydsaspekten fann vi att den yngre generationen har en något mer negativ inställning mot produktplaceringar, vilket kan bero på att denna typ av reklam påverkar det undermedvetna, något som framförallt den yngre generationen anser vara läskigt. Den äldre generationen har en något mer positiv syn på produktplaceringar, men en viss skepcism består. Detta beror troligen på att reklamtypen faktiskt påverkar och bringar ett köpintresse, något som denna generation hade skilda åsikter kring.


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Shoot biomass and lignotuber size of seedlings of three eucalypt species, Eucalyptus acmenoides Schauer, E. siderophloia Benth. and Corymbia variegata [syn. E. maculata (F. Muell.)K. D. Hill and L. A. S. Johnson], were measured for glasshouse-grown seedlings established under two water and nutrient regimes. Seedlings were subjected to shoot removal (clipping) at ages from 9 to 19 weeks, and transferred to the high water treatment for a further 8 weeks to assess shoot emergence from lignotubers. Seedling shoot biomass was greater in both the high than the low nutrient and water treatments, but lignotuber diameter was not affected significantly. C. variegata seedlings had the largest lignotuber diameters, followed by E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides, respectively. Although growth of shoots was influenced by nutrient availability, results suggest that species differences in the growth of lignotubers was less affected. It is suggested that lignotuber growth was strongly influenced by genotype. More than 70% of C. variegata seedlings clipped at 9 weeks sprouted, compared with only 5 and 10% of seedlings of E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides, respectively. All C. variegata seedlings sprouted after being clipped at 19 weeks, but < 80% of E. siderophloia and < 60% of E. acmenoides sprouted when clipped at the same age. It was concluded that seedlings forming part of the regeneration stratum in dry sclerophyll forests need to be protected from damage for at least 4 months (for C. variegata) or at least 6 months (for E. siderophloia and E. acmenoides) if they are to survive by sprouting from lignotubers.


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Due to the shortage of information on summer dormancy in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, syn. Lolium arundinaceum), we tested the response of 2 cultivars of differing dormancy expression and growth stage to a range of summer moisture conditions, including full irrigation, drought, and a simulated mid-summer storm and analysed whether traits associated with summer dormancy conferred better survival under severe field drought. Autumn-sown reproductive and younger, spring-sown plants of 2 cultivars, claimed to exhibit contrasting summer dormancy, were established and then tested in summer 2002 under either long drought, drought+ simulated mid-summer storm, or full irrigation. The autumn-sown reproductive plants of cv. Flecha exhibited traits that can be associated with partial summer dormancy since under summer irrigation they reduced aerial growth significantly and exhibited earlier herbage senescence. Moreover, cv. Flecha used 35% less soil water over the first summer. However, the water status of leaf bases of young vegetative tillers of both cultivars was similar under irrigation and also throughout most of the drought (leaf potential and water content maintained over -4MPa and at approx. 1 g H2O/g DM, respectively). The summer-active cv. Demeter did not stop leaf elongation even in drought and produced twice as much biomass as Flecha under irrigation. Cultivar Demeter responded to the simulated storm with a decline in dehydrin expression in leaf bases, whereas no decline occurred in Flecha, presumably because it remained partially dormant. The younger, spring-sown swards of both cultivars had similar biomass production under summer irrigation but whereas Demeter regrew in response to the simulated storm, cv. Flecha did not, indicating that dormancy, although only partially expressed, was reinforced by summer drought. In all trials, cv. Flecha out-yielded Demeter in autumn regrowth. In particular, the severe drought in 2003 caused a 25% loss of the basal cover in cv. Demeter, whereas Flecha fully maintained its sward allowing it to produce a higher post-drought autumn yield. This work links summer dormancy with higher persistence over long, dry summers.


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The Cervarola Sandstones Formation (CSF), Aquitanian-Burdigalian in age, was deposited in an elongate, NW-stretched foredeep basin formed in front of the growing Northern Apennines orogenic wedge. The stratigraphic succession of the CSF, in the same way of other Apennine foredeep deposits, records the progressive closure of the basin due to the propagation of thrust fronts toward north-east, i.e. toward the outer and shallower foreland ramp. This process produce a complex foredeep characterized by synsedimentary structural highs and depocenters that can strongly influence the lateral and vertical turbidite facies distribution. Of consequence the main aim of this work is to describe and discuss this influence on the basis of a new high-resolution stratigraphic framework performed by measuring ten stratigraphic logs, for a total thickness of about 2000m, between the Secchia and Scoltenna Valleys (30km apart). In particular, the relationship between the turbidite sedimentation and the ongoing tectonic activity during the foredeep evolution has been describe through various stratigraphic cross sections oriented parallel and perpendicular to the main tectonic structures. On the basis of the high resolution physical stratigraphy of the studied succession, we propose a facies tract and an evolutionary model for the Cervarola Sandstones in the studied area. Thanks to these results and the analogies with others foredeep deposits of the northern Apennines, such as the Marnoso-arenacea Formation, the Cervarola basin has been interpreted as a highly confined foredeep controlled by an intense synsedimentary tectonic activity. The most important evidences supporting this hypothesis are: 1) the upward increase, in the studied stratigraphic succession (about 1000m thick), of sandstone/mudstone ratio, grain sizes and Ophiomorpha-type trace fossils testifying the high degree of flow deceleration related to the progressive closure and uplift of the foredeep. 2) the occurrence in the upper part of the stratigraphic succession of coarse-grained massive sandstones overlain by tractive structures such as megaripples and traction carpets passing downcurrent into fine-grained laminated contained-reflected beds. This facies tract is interpreted as related to deceleration and decoupling of bipartite flows with the deposition of the basal dense flows and bypass of the upper turbulent flows. 3) the widespread occurrence of contained reflected beds related to morphological obstacles created by tectonic structures parallel and perpendicular to the basin axis (see for example the Pievepelago line). 4) occurrence of intra-formational slumps, constituted by highly deformed portion of fine-grained succession, indicating a syn-sedimentary tectonic activity of the tectonic structures able to destabilize the margins of the basin. These types of deposits increase towards the upper part of the stratigraphic succession (see points 1 and 2) 5) the impressive lateral facies changes between intrabasinal topographic highs characterized by fine-grained and thin sandstone beds and marlstones and depocenters characterized by thick to very thick coarse-grained massive sandstones. 6) the common occurrence of amalgamation surfaces, flow impact structures and mud-draped scours related to sudden deceleration of the turbidite flows induced by the structurally-controlled confinement and morphological irregularities. In conclusion, the CSF has many analogies with the facies associations occurring in other tectonically-controlled foredeeps such as those of Marnoso-arenacea Formation (northern Italy) and Annot Sandstones (southern France) showing how thrust fronts and transversal structures moving towards the foreland, were able to produce a segmented foredeep that can strongly influence the turbidity current deposition.


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Publicerad 16 maj, 2012 - 11:19 Att många religiösa ledare i moskéer ger uttryck för kvinnoförtryckande idéer innebär inte att alla gör det. I min undersökning ingår kvinnors berättelser om hur de i moskén erbjudits just det som samhället borde garantera, nämligen skyddat boende och stöd för dem som vill komma bort från ett våldspräglat hem, skriver Pia Karlsson Minganti. Kvinnor som vänder sig till rådgivare i moskéer kan få ta emot direktiv som är präglade av manscentrering och rent kvinnohat. Kvällens Uppdrag granskning visar exempel på detta. Utan att själv ha haft möjlighet att se programmet i sin helhet kan jag förutse starka reaktioner och krav på åtgärder. Jag arbetar själv mot könsförtryck, anser att våld och tvång ska polisanmälas och att redan existerande lagstiftning bör tillämpas. Med utgångspunkt i min egen forskning bland medlemmar i muslimska ungdomsföreningar i Sverige tror jag emellertid att debatten nu kan tjäna på att jag bidrar med perspektiv på moskéer som mer än endast arenor för misogyni. Insikten om att kategorin muslim samlar en miljard människor med alla tänkbara ideologiska orienteringar borde idag vara en självklarhet. På samma sätt är muslimska församlingar präglade av variation. Att många (just nu de flesta?) religiösa ledare i moskéer ger uttryck för kvinnoförtryckande idéer innebär inte att alla gör det. Inte heller innebär det att imamerna ifråga har kvinnoförtryck som uttalad målsättning eller aldrig verkar för kvinnors rättigheter. Verkligheten är som bekant komplex. En viktig poäng i sammanhanget är att islamiska rådgivare allt oftare är kvinnor. Internationell forskning visar på en samtida trend där kvinnor etablerar auktoritet i moskéer och organisationer, och virtuellt på internet. Det sker på eget initiativ, men även genom uppmuntran från manliga företrädare och genom statliga initiativ. De flesta bidrar som volontärer, som till exempel de ungdomsledare som runt om i Sverige engagerar ungdomar i allt från islamstudier till läxhjälp och alternativa helgaktiviteter på behörigt avstånd från alkohol och droger. Inom sina föreningar fungerar kvinnorna som beslutsfattare och organisatörer, som styrelseledamöter och ordföranden. De deltar också i andra offentliga sammanhang som föredragshållare och debattörer och samarbetspartners i olika projekt. Många av dessa projekt har till syfte att motverka diskriminering på grundval av kön, hudfärg och religiös tro. Kvinnornas religiösa engagemang kan liknas vid den kristna väckelserörelsen. Kvinnor, ungdomar och andra marginaliserade grupper sluter sig samman och studerar Koranen utan direkt inblandning av konventionella auktoriteter. De islamiska källorna används för att genomdriva förändringar och för att försvara bland annat kvinnors rättigheter. För många framstår våld mot kvinnor som en absurditet, helt oförenlig med islam. Vad jag försöker frammana här är en kontext där kvinnor kan instrueras att inte polisanmäla en misshandlande make, men där samtidigt andra typer av råd ges av olika tongivande personer och även hjälp att fly ut ur akuta våldssituationer. I min undersökning ingår kvinnors berättelser om hur medlemmar i moskéförsamlingar har erbjudit just det som samhället borde garantera, nämligen skyddat boende och stöd för dem som vill komma bort från ett våldspräglat hem. Det är bra att media granskar representanter i moskéer. Kritik kan bidra positivt till utvecklingen av islam i Sverige och motverka att män med destruktiv syn på könsrelationer fortsätter att dominera. Men det är viktigt att kritiken inte är ensidig eller fragmentarisk. När kvinnoförtryck såsom nedtystat våld och sexuellt tvång bland muslimer debatteras är även en annan form av förtryck närvarande: förtrycket mot muslimer som grupp. Det finns en tendens i dagens samhälle att peka ut muslimer som ett exceptionellt hot – mot kvinnor, homosexuella, judar, ”vanligt folk” och samhället i stort. Stigmatisering får flera olyckliga konsekvenser. För det första riskerar kvinnoförtryck i andra sammanhang att osynliggöras. I vilka andra miljöer borde tevereportage med dold kamera göras för att blotta de tänkesätt som leder till kvinnors lidande och död? Det är naturligtvis provocerande i sammanhanget, men erinra etnologen Jesper Fundbergs forskning om hur pojkfotboll fostrar unga i en miljö som knappast har gjort upp med sin sexism, rasism och homofobi. När gav den muslimkritiske debattören senast sitt stöd till en kvinnojour, med ett erkännande ord, praktiskt handtag eller rentav ekonomiskt bidrag? För det andra, politiska entreprenörer i islamofobi slår mynt av att muslimer pekas ut som det primära hotet. Sverigedemokrater hörs plötsligt försvara kvinnors, homosexuellas och judars rättigheter med hjälp av feministiska och antirasistiska argument med udden riktad mot muslimer och islam. För det tredje visar forskning på en tendens bland kvinnor i utsatta minoriteter att sluta upp bakom mansdominerade ledarskikt i syfte att värna gruppens väl, även om de samtidigt är kritiska mot dessa mäns tolkningar och praktiker. Att ensidigt förknippa islam med fenomen som våld mot kvinnor kan alltså få starkt negativa konsekvenser för prioriteringen av muslimska kvinnors välfärd. Våren 2010 debatterades riksorganisationen Sveriges Unga Muslimers val av gästföreläsare till sin årliga konferens. Den tänkta gästen förknippades med homofoba yttranden och debatten resulterade i att Ungdomsstyrelsen granskade ett antal bidragsberättigade religiösa ungdomsorganisationer för eventuell diskriminering mot homosexuella. Förutom Sveriges Unga Muslimer prövades även Ungdomsinitiativet inom Syrisk-ortodoxa ärkestiftet, Riksförbundet unga katoliker, Evangeliska frikyrkans och Pingstkyrkans ungdomssektioner. Granskningen av gruppernas formella handlingar gav inga skäl till att dra tillbaka deras statsbidrag och ingen fördjupad kontroll av enskilda medlemmars uttalanden gjordes. Exemplet visar att omfattningen av statlig granskning vägs mot människors grundlagsstadgade rättighet att organisera sig efter egna intressen och behov. Enskilda förgrundsgestalter är inte synonyma med sina samfund. I samma anda menar jag att tilltro till muslimers, kvinnor inräknade, förmåga att debattera, förhandla, tänja på och motstå förtryck gör det rimligt att framhålla muslimska församlingar och föreningar, inte bara som arenor för misogyni, utan även som plattformar för aktivt medborgande. En sådan tilltro bottnar också i insikten att det är möjligt att förändra de mest seglivade normer. Det visar inte minst den kriminalisering av våldtäkt inom äktenskapet som till slut skedde i Sverige 1965. Pia Karlsson Minganti, doktor och forskare i etnolog, Stockholms universitet


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One hundred sixty-eight multiply substituted 1,4-benzodiazepines have been prepared by a five-step solid-phase combinatorial approach using syn-phase crowns as a solid support and a hydroxymethyl-phenoxy-acetamido linkage (Wang linker). The substituents of the 1,4-benzodiazepine scaffold have been varied in the -3, -5, -7, and 8-positions and the combinatorial library was evaluated in a cholecystokinin (CCK) radioligand binding assay. 3-Alkylated 1,4-benzodiazepines with selectivity towards the CCK-B (CCK2) receptor have been optimized on the lipophilic side chain, the ketone moiety, and the stereochemistry at the 3-position. Various novel 3-alkylated compounds were synthesized and [S]3-propyl-5-phenyl-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, [S]NV-A, has shown a CCK-B selective binding at about 180 nM. Fifty-eight compounds of this combinatorial library were purified by preparative TLC and 25 compounds were isolated and fully characterized by TLC, IR, APCI-MS, and 1H/13C-NMR spectroscopy.


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Restricted rotation in indol-3-yl-N-alkyl- and indol-3-yl-N,N-dialkyl-glyoxalylamides can in principle give the syn-periplanar and anti-periplanar rotamers. In asymmetrically disubstituted glyoxalylamides, steric effects lead to the occurrence of both rotamers, as observed by NMR spectroscopy. The predominant peak corresponds with the anti rotamer, in which the bulkier alkyl group is orientated trans to the amide carbonyl group. In monoalkylated glyoxalylamides, only one set of peaks is observed, consistent with the presence of only one rotamer. Crystal structures of 5-methoxyindole-3-yl-N-tert-butylglyoxalylamide, indole-3-yl-N-tert-butylglyoxalylamide, and indole-3-yl-N-isopropylglyoxalylamide reported here reveal a syn conformation held by an intramolecular N-HO hydrogen bond.


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The synthesis and crystal structure of a novel one-dimensional Cu(II) compound [Cu(1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane)3](ClO4)2 are described. The single-crystal X-ray structure determination was carried out at 298 K. The molecular structure consists of a linear chain in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by three N4,N4' coordinating bis(tetrazole) ligands in syn conformation. The Cu(II) ions are in a Jahn-Teller distorted octahedral environment (Cu(1)-N(11)=2.034(2) Å, Cu(1)-N(21)=2.041(2) Å and Cu(1)-N(31)=2.391(2) Å). The Cu⋯Cu separations are 7.420(3) Å.


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A kutatások eddig főképpen azt vizsgálták, hogyan jelenik meg a puha költségvetési korlát szindrómája a vállalati szférában és a hitelrendszerben. A jelen cikk a kórházi szektorra összpontosítja a figyelmet. Leírja az események öt főszereplőjének, a betegnek, az orvosnak, a kórházigazgatónak, a politikusnak és a kórház tulajdonosának motivációit és magatartásuk ellentmondásos jellegét. A motivációk magyarázzák, miért olyan erőteljes a túlköltési hajlam és a költségvetési korlát felpuhulásának tendenciája. A döntési és finanszírozási folyamatok minden szintjén felfelé hárítják a túlköltés és eladósodás terheit. A cikk kitér a különböző tulajdonformák (állami, nonprofit és forprofit nem állami tulajdonformák) és a puha költségvetési korlát szindrómájának kapcsolatára. Végül normatív szempontból vizsgálja a jelenséget: melyek a költségvetési korlát megkeményítésének kedvező és kedvezőtlen következményei, és hogyan tükröződnek a normatív dilemmák az események résztvevőinek tudatában. ___________ Researches so far have examined mainly how the soft budget constraint syndrome appears in the corporate sphere and the credit system. This article concentrates on the hospital sector. It describes the motivations and the contradictory behaviour of the five main types of participant in the events: patients, doctors, hospital managers, politicians, and hospital owners. The motivations explain why the propensity to overspend and the tendency to soften the budget constraint are so strong. The burdens of overspending and indebtedness are pushed upwards at every level of the decision-making and funding processes. The article considers the connection between the soft budget constraint syn-drome and the various forms of ownership (state ownership and the non-profit and for-profit forms of non-state ownership). Finally, the phenomenon is examined from the normative point of view: what are the favourable and unfavourable consequences of hardening the budget constraint and how these are reflected in the consciousness of the participants in the normative dilemmas and events.


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The importance and risk of emerging mosquito borne diseases is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. The present and upcoming climates of Transdanubia seem to be suitable for the main vector of Chikungunya virus, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse (syn. Stegomyia albopicta). West Nile fever is recently endemic in Hungary. We used climate envelope modeling to predict the recent and future potential distribution/occurrence areas of the vector and the disease. We found that climate can be sufficient to explain the recently observed area of A. albopictus, while in the case of West Nile fever, the migration routes of reservoir birds, the run of the floodplains, and the position of lakes are also important determinants of the observed occurrence.


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The Cambrian Tally Pond volcanic belt in central Newfoundland contains numerous volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, prospects, and showings that are locally associated with metalliferous mudstones and/or graphitic shales. Deposits in the belt are bimodal felsic-type VMS that are both base metal- (e.g., Duck Pond, Boundary) and precious metal-enriched (e.g., Lemarchant). At the Lemarchant deposit metalliferous mudstones are genetically and spatially associated with mineralization, whereas the relationship of other mudstones and shales to massive sulphide mineralization is more intricate and remains not fully understood. Metalliferous mudstones represent a hiatus in the volcanic activity where the deposition of hydrothermal products dominated over the abiogenic background sedimentation and/or dilution by volcaniclastic-epiclastic material. Lithogeochemical signatures allow one to distinguish between predominantly hydrothermally or detritally (i.e., non-hydrothermal) derived material. Metalliferous mudstones with a significant hydrothermal component, like those at Lemarchant, have elevated Fe/Al and base-metal contents, compared to detrital shales, and shale-normalized negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies, indicative of deposition from high temperature (>250°C) hydrothermal fluids within an oxygenated water column. Mudstones and shales sampled from other locations in the Tally Pond volcanic belt have more variable signatures ranging from hydrothermal (signatures as above) to non-hydrothermal (no positive Eu-anomalies, flat REE patterns), with some that have mixed (hydrothermal and detrital) signatures. Both S and Pb isotopic compositions indicate that proximal sulphides hosted in mudstones immediately associated with massive sulphide mineralization within the Lemarchant deposit contain a higher proportion of sulphur derived from hydrothermal sources and processes, and have more juvenile lead contributions, when compared to sulphides distal (not associated with massive sulphides) from mineralization. Lead and Nd isotopic compositions of both whole rock and minerals in the Lemarchant mudstones indicate involvement of underlying crustal basement during massive sulphide formation and throughout the evolution of the Tally Pond belt. Metalliferous mudstones precipitated early in the massive sulphide depositional history, but also have undergone syn- and post-ore-forming processes and have a larger lateral extent than the mineralization. Using lithogeochemistry, whole rock and in situ stable and radiogenic isotopes it is possible to distinguish prospective vent proximal (immediately associated with massive sulphide mineralization) from less prospective distal (not associated with massive sulphides) depositional environments and to reconstruct the paleotectonic setting on a deposit- to regional-scale for the Lemarchant deposit and other mudstone-associated prospects in the Tally Pond volcanic belt.


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Aimed to identify, for assessing the tillering dynamics and morphogenesis , strategy (s ) suitable ( s) defoliation management to optimize the appearance of tillers and biomass of Urochloa Brizantha syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu ( marandugrass ) throughout the year. The experiment was conducted from January 2013 to May 2014 were studied three strategies defoliation: Marandugrass with 30 cm throughout the experimental period (constant height); Marandugrass 15 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer (increasing height); and Marandugrass 45 cm in winter, the spring 30 cm and 15 cm in summer (descending height). The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot in time, with four replications. In winter, in the spring and summer, the following variables were calculated: appearance rate (TApP), mortality (TMoP) and survival (TSoP) of tillers, balance (BAL) between TApP and TMoP, stability index (IE) numbers of tillers and leaf elongation rates and stem, length of leaf blade and stem, leaf senescence rate, phyllochron and duration of life of the sheet. The TAPP was higher in the early spring and summer. For TMoP, the highest values were in the late spring and summer. The balance between TApP and TMoP was negative in winter and late spring, regardless of defoliation strategy. There was no difference in IE between the heights of the canopy during winter and late spring .. The number of tillers was higher in early spring and summer and lower in winter and late spring. The defoliation strategies have not changed phyllochron, leaf elongation rate. In spring and summer, there were increases in the rates of appearance, elongation and leaf senescence and, furthermore, decreased life span and phyllochron sheet. The plant height with increasing showed a lower rate of senescence and lower culm length in the spring. To increase the number of tillers marandu, it is advantageous to handle the plant with increasing height, ie, 15 cm in autumn and winter, the spring 30 cm and 45 cm in summer.The maintaining of B. brizantha cv. Marandu with fixed height of 30 cm or with variations between 15 and 45cm from the fall/winter to summer, does not influence the appearance and the growth of leaves per tiller, which indicates great flexibility on management defoliation in this forage plant.


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Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) play essential roles in the central dogma of biology for the storage and transfer of genetic information. The unique chemical and conformational structures of nucleic acids – the double helix composed of complementary Watson-Crick base pairs, provide the structural basis to carry out their biological functions. DNA double helix can dynamically accommodate Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base-pairing, in which the purine base is flipped by ~180° degrees to adopt syn rather than anti conformation as in Watson-Crick base pairs. There is growing evidence that Hoogsteen base pairs play important roles in DNA replication, recognition, damage or mispair accommodation and repair. Here, we constructed a database for existing Hoogsteen base pairs in DNA duplexes by a structure-based survey from the Protein Data Bank, and structural analyses based on the resulted Hoogsteen structures revealed that Hoogsteen base pairs occur in a wide variety of biological contexts and can induce DNA kinking towards the major groove. As there were documented difficulties in modeling Hoogsteen or Watson-Crick by crystallography, we collaborated with the Richardsons’ lab and identified potential Hoogsteen base pairs that were mis-modeled as Watson-Crick base pairs which suggested that Hoogsteen can be more prevalent than it was thought to be. We developed solution NMR method combined with the site-specific isotope labeling to characterize the formation of, or conformational exchange with Hoogsteen base pairs in large DNA-protein complexes under solution conditions, in the absence of the crystal packing force. We showed that there are enhanced chemical exchange, potentially between Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen, at a sharp kink site in the complex formed by DNA and the Integration Host Factor protein. In stark contrast to B-form DNA, we found that Hoogsteen base pairs are strongly disfavored in A-form RNA duplex. Chemical modifications N1-methyl adenosine and N1-methyl guanosine that block Watson-Crick base-pairing, can be absorbed as Hoogsteen base pairs in DNA, but rather potently destabilized A-form RNA and caused helix melting. The intrinsic instability of Hoogsteen base pairs in A-form RNA endows the N1-methylation as a functioning post-transcriptional modification that was known to facilitate RNA folding, translation and potentially play roles in the epitranscriptome. On the other hand, the dynamic property of DNA that can accommodate Hoogsteen base pairs could be critical to maintaining the genome stability.