996 resultados para effective pH


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One of the most important marine ecological phenomena is red tide which is created by increasing of phytoplankton population, influenced by different factors such as climate condition changes, utrification hydrological factors and can leave sever and undesired ecological and economical effects behind itself in the case of durability. Coast line of Hormozgan is about 900km from east to west, within the range of geographical coordinates of 56 16 23.8, 26 58 8.8 to 54 34 5.33 and 26 34 32 eastern longitude and northern latitude, seven sampling stations were considered and sampled for a period of one year from October 2008 to October 2009. after the analysis of Satellite images, monthly, during the best time. In several stages, samplings were performed. In each station, three samples were collected for identification and determination of Bloom- creating species abundance. Cochlodinium polykrikoides was the species responsible for the discoloration which occurred at October 2008 in Hormozgan marine water. Environmental parameters such as sea surface temperature, pH, salinity, Dissolved Oxygen concentration, Total Dissolved Solids (T.D.S.), conductivity, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate and also chlorophyll a were measured and calculated. Kruscal Wallis test was used to compare the densities between different months, seasons and the studied stations. Mann-whitney test from Nonparametric Tests was used for couple comparison. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between physical and chemical data set and the abundance of Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Multivariate Regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) also were used to obtain the models and equations of red tide occurrence relationship, environmental parameters and nutrient data. The highest density was 26 million cells per liter in Qeshm station. A meaningful difference was observed between sampling months and seasons but there was no between sampling stations which indicates that in favorable conditions, the occurrence of this phenomenon by the studied species is probable. Regarding to β coefficients of nitrate, temperature, phosphate, Total Dissolvable Solutions (T.D.S) and pH these parameters are effective on the abundance of this species and red tide occurrence. Increase in these factors can represent the effects and outcomes of human activities and increase in marine pollution.


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There are a lot of evidence that show hvdrocarbones cause some defect in reproduction and growth of bivalves. Bivalves are filter-feeder, thus accumulate more hydrocarbones in their tissue. In this study adult pearl producing oysters (Pinctada fucata) are used for all experimens. Samples of oysters, water and sediment from four natural beds; Nakhiloo (clean), Hendurabi (semipolluted), Lavan 1 (semipolluted) and Lavan 2 (polluted) were gatherd for 13 succesive months. Temperature, salinity, pH, oxygen and turbidity were recorded in each sampling. Oysters were kept in laboratory for adapation and then their length (DVM) were measured. Hemolymph samples were collected by insuline syring. Sediments and soft tissues of oysters were dissolved in carbon tetrachloride and when heated to extract oil hydrocarbones. UV, GC and IR were used to assay oil hydrocarbones. Accumulation of hydrocabones in soft tissue were as follows : Kakhilooeffective in male sexuality. Multi regression test showed that there isn't meaning relationship (P<0.05) between hydrocarbones pollution and esteradiols. However in Lavan 2 due to hormone concentration of hydrocarbones had some effect in sexual hormonal cycles. Turbidity was the most effective factor for releasing of progesterone. Progesterone was a stimulating factor for releasing estradiol also release of testosterone was corrolated with oxygen and depth of beds. One way analysis of variance showed that there is not significant relasionship (P<0.05) between different factory in stations.


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Epinephelus coioides (family serranidae) is protogynous. This species is one of the most important fishes in food chain of marine proteins of persian Gulf. Therefore knowing about the reproductive biology and physiology of this species is an important role on aquaculture procedures. Monthly samples of Epinephelus coioides were obtained in khozestan Bahrekan province from 2001 to 2002 for annual variation of base line of reproductive hormone. The hormones such as: 17-B estradiol, Testosteron, Progesterone, Gonadotropin I ,II GTHI, II) and cortisol have assayed and also different stages of gonads from the histological point of view were studied by light and electron microscope. Aditional to morphometric and fecundity measurements, the important factors such as : Gonadosomatic index (GSI) Hepatosomotic index (HSI) and Condition factor (KF) were also studied. Environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, photoperiod and pH were analyzed for the determination of effective factors responsible for the changes of reproductive cycles. The flactmation of estroid hormones and gonadotropines show a significant variation in different stages of maturation, e.g 17-B estradiol's concentration in the third stages, GTH II in fourth stages of sexual maturation or final oocyte maturation, plasma Testosteron in post ovulation and Progesterone during maturation indicates the highest levels of above mentioned hormones. The total calcium concentration was high in all year. calcium concentration was correlated with GTH II synthesis and increases with GTH II in June. 17-B estradiol concentration was also correlated with GSI. The high concentration of cortisol throughout the year was an index of stress and development of ovary maturational processes. This species was protogynous synchronous hermaphrodites , and belongs to annual spawning species, being monandric. The sexual transition was found to occure in individuals of 51.2- 105 cm in length. GSI and HSI level confirms the time of spawning period is in April- June. Electrone microscopic studies of gonad tissues showed some changes in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in the post ovulation, maturation and post spawning periods. During the monthly sampling the biochemistry of tissues variations indicated decrease in protein and lipid content, but an increase in water content of spawning fishes which was correlated to the maturation of Epinephelus coioides . sex ratio indicative of higher frequences of females to males during monthly sampling periods. The females were smaller than males in sizes, therefore the females lived in 8-15m depth, but males were living in upper limits of depth. The results indicated that the temperature was the most effective parameter in reproductive cycle of Epinephelus coioides and the mean 24°c was a convenient temperature for spawning. Photoperiod was the second effective. factor on the reproductive cycle for this species. It seemed that the increase in the photoperiod between January to May caused a development of the oocyte. Regarding to the results of this research, it seems that the period of spawning in Epinephelus coioides is in May- June and the aquaculture procedure of Epinephelus coioides could be performed in the above mentioned periods.


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A clean and healthy environment is paramount to human existence. While pesticide use has successfully sustained agricultural and food production in our lifetime as well as safeguarded human health by controlling insect pests, it has also caused many tragedies including population declines in our wildlife, fatalities in workers exposed to pesticides in its manufacture and use, and the increasing incidence of dreaded human illnesses such as cancer. A delicate balance should be achieved to mitigate the adverse impact of pesticide use to the environment and at the same time ensuring short- and long-term agricultural productivity. Endosulfan has been effectively used as a pesticide, but much evidence on its chronic and sub-lethal effects on humans and wildlife have been gathered in recent years. More research still needs to be done to determine its effects from long-term exposure at very low levels. Endosulfan is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals and, thus, not recommended for use in aquatic ecosystems. However, in some countries, it has been incorrectly used as a molluscicide in rice paddies, which could have an adverse impact on the rice-fish farming systems and on other surrounding aquatic ecosystems. It is clear that such practices should be stopped and users must strictly observe the recommended application methods. Agricultural productivity should be achieved with less pesticide by using integrated pest management programs which make use of biological, cultural, and physical control agents and lower doses of safer pesticide on a need only basis. The benefits of biotechnology should also be used to develop more effective and safer products and techniques. This is a valid approach and one that will require a unified and concerted effort among suppliers and users of pesticides in order to ensure that resources are used to our best advantage with minimal risk.


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This paper presents a simple, cost-effective and robust atomic force microscope (AFM), which has been purposely designed and built for use as a teaching aid in undergraduate controls labs. The guiding design principle is to have all components be open and visible to the students, so the inner functioning of the microscope has been made clear to see. All of the parts but one are off the shelf, and assembly time is generally less than two days, which makes the microscope a robust instrument that is readily handled by the students with little chance of damage. While the scanning resolution is nowhere near that of a commercial instrument, it is more than sufficient to take interesting scans of micrometer-scale objects. A survey of students after their having used the AFM resulted in a generally good response, with 80% agreeing that they had a positive learning experience. © 2009 IEEE.


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Loose saturated sandy soils may undergo liquefaction under cyclic loading, generating positive excess pore pressures due to their contractile nature and inability to dissipate pore pressures rapidly during earthquake loading. These liquefied soils have a near-zero effective stress state, and hence have very low strength and stiffness, causing severe damage to structures founded upon them. The duration for which this near-zero effective stress state persists is a function of the rate of reconsolidation of the liquefied soil, which in turn is a function of the permeability and stiffness of the soil at this very low effective stress. Existing literature based on observation of physical model tests suggests that the consolidation coefficient C v associated with this reconsolidation of liquefied sand is significantly lower than that of the same soil at moderate stress levels. In this paper, the results of a series of novel fluidisation tests in which permeability k and coefficient of consolidation C v were independently measured will be presented. These results allow calculation of the variation of stiffness E 0 and permeability k with effective stress. It is shown that while permeability increases markedly at very low effective stresses, the simultaneous drop in stiffness measured results in a decrease in consolidation coefficient and hence an increase in the duration for which the soil remains liquefied.


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Board-level optical links are an attractive alternative to their electrical counterparts as they provide higher bandwidth and lower power consumption at high data rates. However, on-board optical technology has to be cost-effective to be commercially deployed. This study presents a chip-to-chip optical interconnect formed on an optoelectronic printed circuit board that uses a simple optical coupling scheme, cost-effective materials and is compatible with well-established manufacturing processes common to the electronics industry. Details of the link architecture, modelling studies of the link's frequency response, characterisation of optical coupling efficiencies and dynamic performance studies of this proof-of-concept chip-to-chip optical interconnect are reported. The fully assembled link exhibits a -3 dBe bandwidth of 9 GHz and -3 dBo tolerances to transverse component misalignments of ±25 and ±37 μm at the input and output waveguide interfaces, respectively. The link has a total insertion loss of 6 dBo and achieves error-free transmission at a 10 Gb/s data rate with a power margin of 11.6 dBo for a bit-error-rate of 10 -12. The proposed architecture demonstrates an integration approach for high-speed board-level chip-to-chip optical links that emphasises component simplicity and manufacturability crucial to the migration of such technology into real-world commercial systems. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Portland cement has been widely used for stabilisation/solidification (S/S) treatment of contaminated soils. However, there is a dearth of literature on pH-dependent leaching of contaminants from cement-treated soils. This study investigates the leachability of Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from a mixed contaminated soil. A sandy soil was spiked with 3000 mg/kg each of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, and 10,000 mg/kg of diesel, and treated with ordinary Portland cement (CEM I). Four different binder dosages, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (m/m) and different water contents ranging from 13%-19% dry weight were used in order to find a safe operating envelope for the treatment process. The pH-dependent leaching behaviour of the treated soil was monitored over an 84-day period using a 3-point acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. The monolithic leaching test was also conducted. Geotechnical properties such as unconfined compressive strength (UCS), hydraulic conductivity and porosity were assessed over time. The treated soils recorded lower leachate concentrations of Ni and Zn compared to the untreated soil at the same pH depending on binder dosage. The binder had problems with Pb stabilisation and TPH leachability was independent of pH and binder dosage. The hydraulic conductivity of the mixes was generally of the order, 10-8 m/sec, while the porosity ranged from 26%-44%. The results of selected performance properties are compared with regulatory limits and the range of operating variables that lead to acceptable performance described. © 2012 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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为探讨赤潮发生时中肋骨条藻 (Skeletonemacoatatum)的光合作用生理变化 ,研究了不同无机氮 (N)水平上 ,海水pH值升高对其胞外碳酸酐酶 (CA)和光合生理特性的影响。海水pH从 8.2升至 8.7时 ,中肋骨条藻胞外CA被诱导 ,细胞对无机碳的亲和力 (1/Km)提高 ;在pH8 7时 ,高N条件下的胞外CA活性是低N条件下的 3倍 ,1/Km 值也提高了 80 %。单位叶绿素a的最大净光合能力 (Pam)在不同pH和N水平上没有显著差异 ;但单位细胞的最大净光合能力 (Pcm)提高