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Species richness and faunistic affinities of gammaridean and corophiidean amphipods from southern Tierra del Fuego were studied. The material was collected with dredges and grabs at 7 locations (15 sampling stations) in a range of 5 to 35 m depth. A total of 61 species belonging to 20 families and 43 genera were identified. The genera Cephalophoxoides, Ceradocopsis and Photis are reported for the first time from the Magellan region and 3 species belonging to Atyhts, hchyrocerus and Photis appear to be new to science. Most of the species collected belong to Phoxocephalidae, whereas most individuals were contained in the Stenothoidae and Lysianassidae s.l. The analysis of the faunistic affinities showed that 16 species (39%) are endemic to the Magellan region, 9 species (22%) extend to the south, 5 species (12.2%) to the north and 5 other species (12.2%) to both the north and south. In addition, 6 species extend beyond the Magellan region as far as Oceania.
This article presents a methodological proposition to map the diversity of the audiovisual industry in the digital scenario by portraying the most important interactions between those who create, produce, distribute and disseminate audiovisual productions on line, paying special attention to powerful intermediaries and to small and medium independent agents. Taking as a point of departure a flexible understanding of social network analysis, the aim is to understand the structure of the audiovisual industry on the internet so that, taking into consideration a given sector, agents, their relations and the networks they give place to – as well as the structural conditions under which they operate – are studied. The aim is to answer questions such as: what is mapping, what is of interesting to map, how can it be done and what advantages and disadvantages the results will present.
The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is the only bioluminescent bloom-forming phytoplankton in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. We analysed partial luciferase gene (lcf) sequences and bioluminescence production in Baltic A. ostenfeldii bloom populations to assess the distribution and consistency of the trait in the Baltic Sea, and to evaluate applications for early detection of toxic blooms. Lcf was consistently present in 61 Baltic Sea A. ostenfeldii strains isolated from six separate bloom sites. All Baltic Sea strains except one produced bioluminescence. In contrast, the presence of lcf and the ability to produce bioluminescence did vary among strains from other parts of Europe. In phylogenetic analyses, lcf sequences of Baltic Sea strains clustered separately from North Sea strains, but variation between Baltic Sea strains was not sufficient to distinguish between bloom populations. Clustering of the lcf marker was similar to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences with differences being minor and limited to the lowest hierarchical clusters, indicating a similar rate of evolution of the two genes. In relation to monitoring, the consistent presence of lcf and close coupling of lcf with bioluminescence suggests that bioluminescence can be used to reliably monitor toxic bloom-forming A. ostenfeldii in the Baltic Sea.
The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is the only bioluminescent bloom-forming phytoplankton in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. We analysed partial luciferase gene (lcf) sequences and bioluminescence production in Baltic A. ostenfeldii bloom populations to assess the distribution and consistency of the trait in the Baltic Sea, and to evaluate applications for early detection of toxic blooms. Lcf was consistently present in 61 Baltic Sea A. ostenfeldii strains isolated from six separate bloom sites. All Baltic Sea strains except one produced bioluminescence. In contrast, the presence of lcf and the ability to produce bioluminescence did vary among strains from other parts of Europe. In phylogenetic analyses, lcf sequences of Baltic Sea strains clustered separately from North Sea strains, but variation between Baltic Sea strains was not sufficient to distinguish between bloom populations. Clustering of the lcf marker was similar to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences with differences being minor and limited to the lowest hierarchical clusters, indicating a similar rate of evolution of the two genes. In relation to monitoring, the consistent presence of lcf and close coupling of lcf with bioluminescence suggests that bioluminescence can be used to reliably monitor toxic bloom-forming A. ostenfeldii in the Baltic Sea.
Diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere play a major role in providing new nitrogen to the mangrove ecosystem and their composition and activity are strongly influenced by anthropogenic activity and ecological conditions. In this study, the diversity of the diazotroph communities in the rhizosphere sediment of five tropical mangrove sites with different levels of pollution along the north and south coastline of Singapore were studied by pyrosequencing of the nifH gene. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that in all the studied locations, the diazotroph communities comprised mainly of members of the diazotrophic cluster I and cluster III. The detected cluster III diazotrophs, which were composed entirely of sulfate-reducing bacteria, were more abundant in the less polluted locations. The metabolic capacities of these diazotrophs indicate the potential for bioremediation and resiliency of the ecosystem to anthropogenic impact. In heavily polluted locations, the diazotrophic community structures were markedly different and the diversity of species was significantly reduced when compared with those in a pristine location. This, together with the increased abundance of Marinobacterium, which is a bioindicator of pollution, suggests that anthropogenic activity has a negative impact on the genetic diversity of diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere.
The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an extreme polar desert. Mineral soils support subsurface microbial communities and translucent rocks support development of hypolithic communities on ventral surfaces in soil contact. Despite significant research attention, relatively little is known about taxonomic and functional diversity or their inter-relationships. Here we report a combined diversity and functional interrogation for soil and hypoliths of the Miers Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The study employed 16S rRNA fingerprinting and high throughput sequencing combined with the GeoChip functional microarray. The soil community was revealed as a highly diverse reservoir of bacterial diversity dominated by actinobacteria. Hypolithic communities were less diverse and dominated by cyanobacteria. Major differences in putative functionality were that soil communities displayed greater diversity in stress tolerance and recalcitrant substrate utilization pathways, whilst hypolithic communities supported greater diversity of nutrient limitation adaptation pathways. A relatively high level of functional redundancy in both soil and hypoliths may indicate adaptation of these communities to fluctuating environmental conditions.
Abundance and Diversity of Macrofauna from Selected Intertidal Habitats of South West Coast of India
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
One of the most important marine ecologic phenomenon, is the study of animal community among the bed or benthic fauna. Macrobenthoses are the great part of the benthic fauna that are more biomass than meiofauna and microfauna. To study polychaetes diversity of mangroves, located in Khoore-Khooran, sampling was conducted on a bimonthly and carried out from December 2001 to October 2002. Bottom samples were collected by Van Veen grab (0.025 m2) at 6 station from 2 transect in situ measurement of temperature, pH, DO and salinity were done. A total of polychaetes were identified within study 32 Family and 43 Genus. Cirriphormia and Nephtys were the most dominant genus in the studies. The range numerical abundance of polychaetes was between 3006 per m2 in the station A3 to 559 individual per m2 in the station A1 and the variation was done to different bottom, texture the variable environment conditions governing the different parts of each creeks as well as within creeks. Application of diversity indices (Shannon H') on the dominant polychaetes assemblages has higher H' in the Azar and lower H' in the Mehr and the stations B3 has the highest H' and the station A2 has the lowest H' Application of diversity and Richness, Evennes were studied and showed that the station A3 has the lowest evenness and the most individual, and station A I has the middle pollution.
Introduction - This study was designed to determine the presence and identity of potential intermediate snail hosts of schistosomiasis in Bengo, Luanda, Kwanza Norte and Malanje Provinces in NW Angola. This is an area where infection with Schistosoma haematobium, causing urogenital schistosomiasis, is common but little is known about transmission of the disease. Angola has had a varied past with regards to disease control and is revitalising efforts to combat Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Effective pest management relies on accurate delimitation of species and, beyond this, on accurate species identification. Mitochondrial COI sequences are useful for providing initial indications in delimiting species but, despite acknowledged limitations in the method, many studies involving COI sequences and species problems remain unresolved. Here we illustrate how such impasses can be resolved with microsatellite and nuclear sequence data, to assess more directly the amount of gene flow between divergent lineages. We use a population genetics approach to test for random mating between two 8 ± 2% divergent COI lineages of the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). This species has become strongly resistant to phosphine, a fumigant used worldwide for disinfesting grain. The possibility of cryptic species would have significant consequences for resistance management, especially if resistance was confined to one mitochondrial lineage. We find no evidence of restricted gene flow or nonrandom mating across the two COI lineages of these beetles, rather we hypothesize that historic population structure associated with early Pleistocene climate changes likely contributed to divergent lineages within this species.
The genetic variability of 28 sorghum genotypes of known senescence phenotype was investigated using 66 SSR markers well-distributed across the sorghum genome. The genotypes of a number of lines from breeding programmes for stay-green were also determined. This included lines selected phenotypically for stay-green and also RSG 03123, a marker-assisted backcross progeny of R16 (recurrent parent) and B35 (stay-green donor). A total of 419 alleles were detected with a mean of 6.2 per locus. The number of alleles ranged from one for Xtxp94 to 14 for Xtxp88. Chromosome SBI-10 had the highest mean number of alleles (8.33), while SBI-05 had the lowest (4.17). The PIC values obtained ranged from zero to 0.89 in Xtxp94 and Xtxp88, respectively, with a mean of 0.68. On a chromosome basis, mean PIC values were highest in SBI-10 (0.81) and lowest in SBI-05 (0.53). Most of the alleles from B35 in RSG 03123 were found on chromosomes SBI-01, SBI-02 and SBI-03, confirming the successful introgression of quantitative trait loci associated with stay-green from B35 into the senescent background R16. However, the alternative stay-green genetic sources were found to be distinct based on either all the SSRs employed or using only those associated with the stay-green trait in B35. Therefore, the physiological and biochemical basis of each stay-green source should be evaluated in order to enhance the understanding of the functioning of the trait in the various backgrounds. These genetic sources of stay-green could provide a valuable resource for improving this trait in sorghum breeding programmes.
Despite growing concern about transgenes escaping from fields, few studies have analysed the genetic diversity of crops in an agroecosystem over several years. Accurate information about the dynamics and relationship of the genetic diversity of crops in an agroecosystem is essential for risk assessment and policies concerning the containment of genetically modified crops and their coexistence with crops grown by conventional practices. Here, we analysed the genetic diversity of oilseed rape plants from fields and feral populations over 4 years in an agricultural landscape of 41 km2. We used exact compatibility and maximum likelihood assignment methods to assign these plants to cultivars. Even pure lines and hybrid cultivar seed lots contained several genotypes. The cultivar diversity in fields reflected the conventional view of agroecosystems quite well: that is, there was a succession of cultivars, some grown for longer than others because of their good performance, some used for one year and then abandoned, and others gradually adopted. Three types of field emerged: fields sown with a single cultivar, fields sown with two cultivars, and unassigned fields (too many cultivars or unassigned plants to reliably assign the field). Field plant diversity was higher than expected, indicating the persistence of cultivars that were grown for only one year. The cultivar composition of feral populations was similar to that of field plants, with an increasing number of cultivars each year. By using genetic tools, we found a link between the cultivars of field plants in a particular year and the cultivars of feral population plants in the following year. Feral populations on road verges were more diverse than those on path verges. All of these findings are discussed in terms of their consequences in the context of coexistence with genetically modified crops.
A diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is a prerequisite for effective viral clearance. However, knowledge of human TCR repertoire to defined viral antigens is limited. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and single-cell sorting have revolutionized the study of human TCR repertoires to different types of viruses. In collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Nan-ping Weng (National Institute on Aging, NIH), we applied unique molecular identifier (UMI)-labelled HTS, single-cell paired TCR analysis, surface plasmon resonance, and X-ray crystallography to exhaustively interrogate CD8+ TCR repertoires specific for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and influenza A (Flu) in HLA-A2+ humans. Our two CMV-specific TCR-pMHC structures and two Flu-specific TCR-pMHC structures provide a plausible explanation for the much higher diversity of CMV-specific than Flu-specific TCR repertoires in humans. Our comprehensive biochemical and structural portrait of two different anti-viral T cell responses may contribute to the future development of predictors of immunity or disease at the individual level.