901 resultados para deformable mirror


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Al inclinarse sobre Responso (1964), novela de los principios muchas veces considerada menor en la obra de Juan José Saer (1937-2005), el artículo muestra la relevancia del autor cuando describe los contornos psicológicos del jugador patológico Barrios. Se presentan las bases antropológicas del juego (Caillois) antes de tratar la ludopatía desde un enfoque clínico (Valleur y Bucher). Sigue un análisis narratológico que tiende a demostrar que algunos de los síntomas de la adicción al juego se alojan en una escritura ritmada por la asociación lúdica "diferencia y repetición" (Saer, La narración-objeto), y en la cual destacan figuras como la elipsis y la analepsis, que hacen de la forma literaria una suerte de espejo del juego patológico.


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El análisis retórico tradicional del lenguaje poético de las tragedias de Eurípides ofrece frecuentemente el recuento de una variedad de recursos de estilo. Sin embargo, Eurípides propone una reflexión meta-discursiva acerca de la relación entre el objeto denominado y el nombre con el que se lo denomina, reintroduciendo de esta manera una autoconciencia de su quehacer literario. La cabal comprensión de este planteo meta-discursivo del trágico nos dará una clave que nos permitirá profundizar el sentido de sus usos retóricos. Intentaremos analizar este lenguaje poético euripideo en sus seis tragedias de tema bélico -Heraclidas, Hécuba, Troyanas, Helena, Suplicantes e Ifigenia en Áulide-, como una construcción intelectual autónoma que, en su complejidad retórica, intenta servir de herramienta y espejo (y, por tanto, de aproximación cognitiva) a la nueva contemplación del mundo que el final del siglo V propone


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En el verso 815 de Bacantes, Dioniso trata de persuadir a Penteo para que vaya a observar algunos aspectos del culto dionisíaco de las ménades tebanas sobre el monte. Al hacerlo, el dios pone a los espectadores de la tragedia como testigos de la presencia, en Penteo, de un sentimiento que ejemplifica lo que se ha denominado la paradoja trágica: el hecho de que el espectador encuentre placer en la contemplación del sufrimiento. En este caso, será Penteo, el espectador del drama humano que las ménades representarán sobre el monte, quien encuentre placer ante este espectáculo. Los sentimientos que manifiesta Penteo ante la contemplación de esta representación espejarán los sentimientos que se esperan en los auténticos espectadores de la representación teatral completa. Intentaremos demostrar que, en los últimos años de su carrera teatral, el poeta se habría planteado, con Bacantes, una reflexión acerca del fenómeno del teatro: para ello se analizarán los valores de los distintos espacios en los que se desarrolla la trama de cada una de las acciones dramáticas.


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En la sección de reseñas del Diario de poesía y Hablar de poesía, puede leerse el modo de ingreso de la novedad con signo diverso. Los libros de los poetas de los `90 serán abordados a partir de su singularidad, en el primero de los casos y desde la instalación fuerte en una tradición -la de la poesía argentina sesentista- en el segundo. De este modo, la idea de la novedad genera un movimiento especular. Hablar de poesía suele reseñar los libros desde una ideología sobre lo poético que podría definirse en términos de "lírica clásica", mientras que en el Diario de poesía se ponen en juego las premisas de la poesía moderna y contemporánea. En este sentido, la lectura de la novedad supone, en ambos casos, el diálogo con las poéticas que desarrollan aquellos que editan las revistas, cuyo resultado es la idea de una "paternidad joven" en el Diario y la necesidad de seleccionar y sustraer de una poética mayor en el de Hablar de poesía.


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The present study on ODP Leg 151 Hole 907A combines a detailed analysis of marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate cysts, prasinophytes, and acritarchs) and a low-resolution alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) record for the interval between 14.5 and 2.5 Ma, and allows to investigate the relationship between palynomorph assemblages and the paleoenvironmental evolution of the Iceland Sea. A high marine productivity is indicated in the Middle Miocene, and palynomorphs and SSTs both mirror the subsequent long-term Neogene climate deterioration. The diverse Middle Miocene palynomorph assemblages clearly diminish towards the impoverished assemblages of the Late Pliocene; parallel with a somewhat gradual decrease of SSTs being as high as 20 °C at ~13.5 Ma to around 8 °C at ~3 Ma. Superimposed, palynomorph assemblages not only reflect Middle to Late Miocene climate variability partly coinciding with the short-lived global Miocene isotope events (Mi-events), but also the initiation of a proto-thermohaline circulation across the Middle Miocene Climate Transition, which led to increased meridionality in the Nordic Seas. Last occurrences of species cluster during three events in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene and are ascribed to the progressive strengthening and freshening of the proto-East Greenland Current towards modern conditions. A significant high latitude cooling between 6.5 and 6 Ma is depicted by the supraregional "Decahedrella event" coeval with lowest Miocene productivity and a SST decline. In the Early Pliocene, a transient warming is accompanied by surface water stratification and increased productivity that likely reflects a high latitude response to the global biogenic bloom. The succeeding crash in palynomorph accumulation, and a subsequent interval virtually barren of marine palynomorphs may be attributed to enhanced bottom water oxygenation and substantial sea ice cover, and indicates that conditions seriously affecting marine productivity in the Iceland Sea were already established well before the marked expansion of the Greenland Ice Sheet at 3.3 Ma.


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Carbon isotopic data of interstitial dissolved CO2 (CO2), CO2 gas, and methane show that a variety of microbial diagenetic processes produce the observed isotopic trends. Anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) is an important process near the sulfate-methane interface (SMI) that strongly influences the isotopic composition of CO2 in the sulfate reduction and upper methanogenic zones, which in turn impacts methane isotopic composition. Dissolved CO2 and methane are maximally depleted in 13C near the SMI, where 13C values are as light as -31.8 and -101 PDB for CO2 and methane, respectively. CO2 reduction links the CO2 and methane pools in the methanogenic zone so that the carbon isotopic composition of both pools evolves in concert, generally showing increasing enrichments of 13C with increasing depth. These isotopic trends mirror those within other methane-rich continental rise sediments worldwide.


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Kaolinite, goethite, minor hematite, and gibbsite were found in fluvial upper Lower Cretaceous basal sediment from the Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Sites 748 and 750, 55°S latitude. This mineral assemblage, derived from the weathering of basalt, indicates near-tropical weathering conditions with high orographic rainfall, at least 100 cm per year. The climate deteriorated by the Turonian or Coniacian, as indicated by the decline in kaolinite content of this sediment. The Upper Cretaceous sediment at Site 748 consists of 200 m of millimeter-laminated, sparsely fossiliferous, wood-bearing glauconitic siltstone and clay stone with siderite concretions deposited on a shelf below wave base. Some graded and cross beds indicate that storms swept over the shelf and reworked the sediment. Overlying this unit is 300 m of intermittently partly silicified, bryozoan-inoceramid-echinoderm-rich glauconitic packstones, grainstones, and wackestones. The dominant clay mineral in both units is identical to the mineral composition of the glauconite pellets: randomly interstratified smectite-mica. The clay fraction has a higher percent of expandable layers than the mineral of the glauconite pellets, and the clay of the underlying subunit has a higher percentage of expandable layers than the clay of the carbonate subunit. Potassium levels mirror these mineral variations, with higher K levels in minerals that have a lower percentage of expandable layers. The decrease in expandability of the mineral in the upper subunit is attributed to diagenesis, the result of higher porosity.


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Many recent studies have found genetically differentiated populations in microorganisms despite potentially high dispersal. We designed a study to specifically examine the importance of physical dispersal barriers, i.e. geographic distance and lack of hydrological connectivity, in restricting gene flow and enhancing divergence in limnic microorganisms. We focused on the nuisance microalga Gonyostomum semen, which has recently expanded in northern Europe and differentiated into genetically distinct populations. Gonyostomum semen was sampled from six lakes distributed in two adjacent watersheds, which thereby comprised, both connected and non-connected lakes. The individual isolates were genotyped by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. Several lake populations were differentiated from each other, but connectivity within watersheds could not explain the observed population genetic pattern. However, isolation by distance was moderate and might limit the gene flow among distant populations. In addition, we found low, but significant linkage disequilibrium, which indicates regular sexual recombination in this species, despite its high degree of asexual reproduction. Therefore, we conclude that the genetic properties of microalgae with occasional sexual reproduction essentially mirror regularly recombining species. Furthermore, the data indicated bottlenecks supporting the hypothesized recent range expansion of this species.


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This work is the first detailed description of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and Recent Ostracoda of the Laptev Sea. A total of 45 species in 22 genera and 13 families have been identified. All these species are described monographically. Three different ecological assemblages of ostracodes corresponding to different combinations of environmental parameters have been established; they are restricted to three regions of the sea: western-central, eastern, and southern. The recent ostracode assemblages of the Laptev Sea have been compared with those from other Arctic areas and are most similar to those of the Beaufort and Kara seas. Data on recent Ostracoda are used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions on the eastern shelf and western continental slope of the Laptev Sea. For this purpose, ostracodes from five sections obtained from these parts of the sea have been examined. The oldest sediments, which are of Late Pleistocene age (15.8 cal. ka BP), have been recovered in a core from the western continental slope. These yielded five ostracode assemblages, which correspond to different paleoenvironments and replaced each other in the course of the rapid postglacial sea-level rise, thus showing variations in the Atlantic water inflow from the west and freshwater discharge from the subaerially exposed shelf. On the outer shelf of the eastern part of the sea, the rapid sea-level rise in the Early Holocene (lowermost dating 11.3 cal. ka BP) led to a rapid transition from assemblages of brackish-water nearshore environments to those of modernlike normal marine environments; modern environments were established about 8.2 cal. ka ago. Since core sections from the inner shelf correspond to the time when the level of the sea had already reached its modern values, changes in taxonomic composition of ostracode assemblages primarily mirror variations in river runoff.


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We present measurements of the maximum diameter of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. from six sediment cores (Ocean Drilling Program sites 643, 644, 907, 909, 985 and 987) from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Our data show a distinct net increase in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. at all sites during the last 1.3 Ma, with largest shell sizes reached after 0.4 Ma. External factors such as glacial-interglacial variability and carbonate dissolution alone cannot account for the observed variation in mean shell size of N. pachyderma sin. We consider the observed shell size increase to mirror an evolutionary trend towards better adaptation of N. pachyderma sin. to the cold water environment after 1.1-1.0 Ma. Probably, the Mid Pleistocene climate shift and the associated change of amplitude and frequency of glacial-interglacial fluctuations have triggered the evolution of this planktonic foraminifer. Oxygen and carbon stable isotope analyses of different shell size classes indicate that the observed shell size increase could not be explained by the functional concept that larger shells promote increasing sinking velocities during gametogenesis. For paleoceanographic reconstructions, the evolutionary adaptation of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. to the cold water habitat has significant implications. Carbonate sedimentation in highest latitudes is highly dependent on the presence of this species. In the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, carbonate-poor intervals before 1.1 Ma are, therefore, not necessarily related to severe glacial conditions. They are probably attributed to the absence of this not yet polar-adapted species. Further, transfer function and modern analog techniques used for the reconstruction of surface water conditions in high latitudes could, therefore, contain a large range of errors if they were applied to samples older than 1.1-1.0 Myrs.


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The distribution of dissolved aluminium in the West Atlantic Ocean shows a mirror image with that of dissolved silicic acid, hinting at intricate interactions between the ocean cycling of Al and Si. The marine biogeochemistry of Al is of interest because of its potential impact on diatom opal remineralisation, hence Si availability. Furthermore, the dissolved Al concentration at the surface ocean has been used as a tracer for dust input, dust being the most important source of the bio-essential trace element iron to the ocean. Previously, the dissolved concentration of Al was simulated reasonably well with only a dust source, and scavenging by adsorption on settling biogenic debris as the only removal process. Here we explore the impacts of (i) a sediment source of Al in the Northern Hemisphere (especially north of ~ 40° N), (ii) the imposed velocity field, and (iii) biological incorporation of Al on the modelled Al distribution in the ocean. The sediment source clearly improves the model results, and using a different velocity field shows the importance of advection on the simulated Al distribution. Biological incorporation appears to be a potentially important removal process. However, conclusive independent data to constrain the Al / Si incorporation ratio by growing diatoms are missing. Therefore, this study does not provide a definitive answer to the question of the relative importance of Al removal by incorporation compared to removal by adsorptive scavenging.


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Three radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from the northeastern Vietnamese Mekong River Delta have been analysed with a multiproxy approach (grain size, pollen and spores, macro-charcoal, carbon content) to unravel the palaeoenvironmental history of the region since the mid Holocene. During the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand a diverse, zoned and widespread mangrove belt (dominated by Rhizophora) covered the extended tidal flats. The subsequent regression and coeval delta progradation led to the rapid development of a back-mangrove community dominated by Ceriops and Bruguiera but also represented locally by e.g. Kandelia, Excoecaria and Phoenix. Along rivers this community seems to have endured even when the adjoining floodplain had already shifted to freshwater vegetation. Generally this freshwater vegetation has a strong swamp signature but locally Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae/Urticaceae and Myrsinaceae are important and mirror the geomorphological diversity of the delta plain. The macro-charcoal record implies that natural burning of vegetation occurred throughout the records, however, the occurrence of the highest amounts of macro-charcoal particles is linked with modern human activity.


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Boron contents and boron, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were determined for authigenic carbonates recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 146, Oregon margin. Carbonate precipitates are the most widespread authigenic phase in the shallow accretionary wedge and carry chemical information about long-term variations in pore fluid origin and flow paths in the Cascadia subduction zone. Drilling the first ridge (toe area including the frontal thrust) and the second ridge (or Hydrate Ridge) of the prism demonstrated different fluid regimes, with higher B contents in the authigenic precipitates at the toe. The delta11B of 18 authigenic precipitates analysed ranges from 13.9 per mil to as high as 39.8 per mil, extending the upper range of previously reported carbonate delta11B values considerably. When related to the delta11B ratio of their parent solutions, these data are characteristic of fluid-related processes in accretionary prisms. Together with delta13C and delta18O, delta11B ratios of the carbonate concretions, nodules and crusts allow one to distinguish between precipitation influenced by (i) seawater, (ii) fluid reservoirs at different depth levels within the accretionary prism and (iii) cage water from dissociated gas hydrates, the latter possibly indicating a fluctuation of the bottom simulating reflector during most recent Earth's history. From this first systematic boron study on authigenic precipitates from an accretionary prism it is suggested that B contents of such carbonate crusts and concretions exceed those reported for other marine carbonates. Given the abundance of such precipitates at convergent margins, they represent a significant B sink in geochemical cycling. Isotopic compositions of the parent fluids to the carbonates mirror B chemistry of modern pore waters from convergent margins. The precipitates carry information of different subduction-related fluid processes over a certain period of time, and hence are a crucial tracer in the investigation of palaeo-fluid flow.


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The Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) in the Pacific Ocean is characterized by organic carbon-starved sediments and meter-scale oxygen penetration into the sediment. Furthermore, numerous seamounts occur throughout its deep-sea plain, which may serve as conduits for low-temperature hydrothermal circulation of seawater through the oceanic crust. Recent studies in deep-sea environments of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have suggested and presented evidence of an exchange of dissolved constituents between the seawater flowing in the basaltic crust and the pore water of the overlying sediments. Through high-resolution pore-water oxygen and nutrient measurements, we examined fluxes and geochemical interactions between the seamount basaltic basement and pore waters of the overlying sediments at three sites located on a radial transect from the foot of Teddy Bare, a small seamount in the CCFZ. At three sites, located 1000, 700 and 400 m away from the foot of the seamount, we found that oxygen concentrations initially decrease with sediment depth but start to increase at depths of 3 and 7 m towards the basaltic basement. NO32- concentrations mirror the oxygen concentration profiles, as they increase with sediment depth but decrease towards the basement. We performed transport reaction modeling and determined at one site the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the pore water and the bottom water overlying the sediments, which indicated that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the pore water at the bottom of the sediment column is similar to the seawater Transport-reaction modeling revealed that (1) the diffusive flux of oxygen from the basaltic basement outpaces the oxygen consumption through organic matter oxidation and nitrification in the basal sediments and (2) the nutrient exchange between the sediment and the underlying basaltic crust occurs at orders-of-magnitude lower rates than between the upper sediment and the overlying bottom water. Our results suggest an upward diffusion of oxygen from seawater circulating within the seamount crust into the overlying basal sediments. The oxygen profiles presented here represent the first of their kind ever measured in the Pacific Ocean, as they indicate an upward flux of molecular oxygen from a basaltic aquifer, something that has so far only been documented - at one other location worldwide - the North Pond site in the Atlantic Ocean. We show that the diffusion of oxygen from the seamount basaltic basement into the overlying pore waters affects the preservation of organic compounds and helps to maintain a completely oxygenated sedimentary column at all 3 sites near the seamount.


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The concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) in seawater display systematic variations related to weathering inputs, particle scavenging and water mass histories. Here we investigate the REE concentrations of water column profiles in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, a key region of the global circulation and primary production. The data reveal a pronounced contrast between the vertical profiles in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and those to the south of the ACC in the Weddell Gyre (WG). The ACC profiles exhibit the typical increase of REE concentrations with water depth and a change in the shape of the profiles from near linear for the light REEs to more convex for the heavy REEs. In contrast, the WG profiles exhibit high REE concentrations throughout the water column with only the near surface samples showing slightly reduced concentrations indicative of particle scavenging. Seawater normalised REE patterns reveal the strong remineralisation signal in the ACC with the light REEs preferentially removed in surface waters and the mirror image pattern of their preferential release in deep waters. In the WG the patterns are relatively homogenous reflecting the prevalence of well-mixed Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) that follows shoaling isopycnals in the region. In the WG particle scavenging of REEs is comparatively small and limited to the summer months by light limitation and winter sea ice cover. Considering the surface water depletion compared to LCDW and that the surface waters of the WG are replaced every few years, the removal rate is estimated to be on the order of 1 nmol/m3/yr for La and Nd. The negative cerium anomalies observed in deep waters are some of the strongest found globally with only the deepest waters in parts of the Pacific having stronger anomalies. These deep waters have been isolated from fresh continental REE inputs during their long journey through the abyssal Indo-Pacific ocean and suggests that the high REE concentrations found in the ACC and WG reflect contributions from old deep waters.