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This study considers the strength of the Northern Hemisphere Holton-Tan effect (HTE) in terms of the phase alignment of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) with respect to the annual cycle. Using the ERA-40 Reanalysis, it is found that the early winter (Nov–Dec) and late winter (Feb–Mar) relation between QBO phase and the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex is optimized for subsets of the 44-year record that are chosen on the basis of the seasonality of QBO phase transitions at the 30 hPa level. The timing of phase transitions serves as a proxy for changes in the vertical structure of the QBO over the whole depth of the tropical stratosphere. The statistical significance of the Nov–Dec (Feb–Mar) HTE is greatest when 30 hPa QBO phase transitions occur 9–14 (4–9) months prior to the January of the NH winter in question. This suggests that there exists for both early and late winter a vertical structure of tropical stratospheric winds that is most effective at influencing the interannual variability of the polar vortex, and that an early (late) winter HTE is associated with an early (late) progression of QBO phase towards that structure. It is also shown that the seasonality of QBO phase transitions at 30 hPa varies on a decadal timescale, with transitions during the first half of the calendar year being relatively more common during the first half of the tropical radiosonde wind record. Combining these two results suggests that decadal changes in HTE strength could result from the changing seasonality of QBO phase transitions. Citation: Anstey, J. A., and T. G. Shepherd (2008), Response of the northern stratospheric polar vortex to the seasonal alignment of QBO phase transitions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22810, doi:10.1029/2008GL035721.
Stakeholder analysis plays a critical role in business analysis. However, the majority of the stakeholder identification and analysis methods focus on the activities and processes and ignore the artefacts being processed by human beings. By focusing on the outputs of the organisation, an artefact-centric view helps create a network of artefacts, and a component-based structure of the organisation and its supply chain participants. Since the relationship is based on the components, i.e. after the stakeholders are identified, the interdependency between stakeholders and the focal organisation can be measured. Each stakeholder is associated with two types of dependency, namely the stakeholder’s dependency on the focal organisation and the focal organisation’s dependency on the stakeholder. We identify three factors for each type of dependency and propose the equations that calculate the dependency indexes. Once both types of the dependency indexes are calculated, each stakeholder can be placed and categorised into one of the four groups, namely critical stakeholder, mutual benefits stakeholder, replaceable stakeholder, and easy care stakeholder. The mutual dependency grid and the dependency gap analysis, which further investigates the priority of each stakeholder by calculating the weighted dependency gap between the focal organisation and the stakeholder, subsequently help the focal organisation to better understand its stakeholders and manage its stakeholder relationships.
Numerous studies have attempted to develop strategic alignment mechanisms. The strategic alignment mechanism is broken down into two categories namely: strategy process and strategy content. Our review shows that alignment research has been carried out in isolation. We see this as having had the effect of limiting the extent to which executives can understand elements of performance. We confer with a number of researchers in postulating that using a mechanism such as multilevel learning to combine strategy content and strategy process under one metaphor can greatly facilitate, through exploration and exploitation, the understanding not only of human interactions within a firm, but also of the interaction existent between a firm and its environment. The findings in this study further support the idea of integrating strategy process and content to have a better understating of alignment maturity and impact on business performance. It also elaborates the affect of misalignment in companies on performance.
A recently developed capillary electrophoresis (CE)-negative-ionisation mass spectrometry (MS) method was used to profile anionic metabolites in a microbial-host co-metabolism study. Urine samples from rats receiving antibiotics (penicillin G and streptomycin sulfate) for 0, 4, or 8 days were analysed. A quality control sample was measured repeatedly to monitor the performance of the applied CE-MS method. After peak alignment, relative standard deviations (RSDs) for migration time of five representative compounds were below 0.4 %, whereas RSDs for peak area were 7.9–13.5 %. Using univariate and principal component analysis of obtained urinary metabolic profiles, groups of rats receiving different antibiotic treatment could be distinguished based on 17 discriminatory compounds, of which 15 were downregulated and 2 were upregulated upon treatment. Eleven compounds remained down- or upregulated after discontinuation of the antibiotics administration, whereas a recovery effect was observed for others. Based on accurate mass, nine compounds were putatively identified; these included the microbial-mammalian co-metabolites hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate. Some discriminatory compounds were also observed by other analytical techniques, but CE-MS uniquely revealed ten metabolites modulated by antibiotic exposure, including aconitic acid and an oxocholic acid. This clearly demonstrates the added value of CE-MS for nontargeted profiling of small anionic metabolites in biological samples.
Accurate co-ordination of accommodation and convergence is necessary to view near objects and develop fine motor co-ordination. We used a remote haploscopic videorefraction paradigm to measure longitudinal changes in simultaneous ocular accommodation and vergence to targets at different depths, and to all combinations of blur, binocular disparity, and change-in-size (“proximity”) cues. Infants were followed longitudinally and compared to older children and young adults, with the prediction that sensitivity to different cues would change during development. Mean infant responses to the most naturalistic condition were similar to those of adults from 6-7 weeks (accommodation) and 8-9 weeks (vergence). Proximity cues influenced responses most in infants less than 14 weeks of age, but sensitivity declined thereafter. Between 12-28 weeks of age infants were equally responsive to all three cues, while in older children and adults manipulation of disparity resulted in the greatest changes in response. Despite rapid development of visual acuity (thus increasing availability of blur cues), responses to blur were stable throughout development. Our results suggest that during much of infancy, vergence and accommodation responses are not dependent on the development of specific depth cues, but make use of any cues available to drive appropriate changes in response.
An analysis method for diffusion tensor (DT) magnetic resonance imaging data is described, which, contrary to the standard method (multivariate fitting), does not require a specific functional model for diffusion-weighted (DW) signals. The method uses principal component analysis (PCA) under the assumption of a single fibre per pixel. PCA and the standard method were compared using simulations and human brain data. The two methods were equivalent in determining fibre orientation. PCA-derived fractional anisotropy and DT relative anisotropy had similar signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and dependence on fibre shape. PCA-derived mean diffusivity had similar SNR to the respective DT scalar, and it depended on fibre anisotropy. Appropriate scaling of the PCA measures resulted in very good agreement between PCA and DT maps. In conclusion, the assumption of a specific functional model for DW signals is not necessary for characterization of anisotropic diffusion in a single fibre.
Bleaching spectra of the ‘fast’ and ‘medium’ optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) components of quartz are reported. A dependence of photoionization cross-section, σ, on wavelength was observed for the fast and medium components and a significant difference in their responses to stimulation wavelength was found. The ratio of the fast and medium photoionization cross-sections, σfast/σmedium, varied from 30.6 when stimulated with View the MathML source light to 1.4 at View the MathML source. At View the MathML source the fast and medium photoionization cross-sections were found to be sufficiently different that infrared bleaching at raised temperatures allowed the selective removal of the fast component with negligible depletion of the medium. A method for optically separating the OSL components of quartz is suggested, based on the wavelength dependence of photoionization cross-sections.
The slow component of quartz OSL exhibits a high thermal stability, and, in many of the samples studied, a high dose saturation level (several hundreds or, even thousands, of Grays). These properties suggest that the slow component has potential as a long-range dating tool. Initial attempts have been made to obtain equivalent doses for a number of sedimentary samples. Single- and multiple-aliquot techniques were modified for use with the slow component. The results indicate that there is a good potential for sediment dating, particularly for samples of significant age. Experiments concerning the optical resetting of the slow component suggest that, given its slow optical depletion rate, dating may be restricted to aeolian sediments.
In this study, we examine seasonal and geographical variability of marine aerosol fine-mode fraction ( fm) and its impacts on deriving the anthropogenic component of aerosol optical depth (ta) and direct radiative forcing from multispectral satellite measurements. A proxy of fm, empirically derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 data, shows large seasonal and geographical variations that are consistent with the Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation Transport (GOCART) and Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) model simulations. The so-derived seasonally and spatially varying fm is then implemented into a method of estimating ta and direct radiative forcing from the MODIS measurements. It is found that the use of a constant value for fm as in previous studies would have overestimated ta by about 20% over global ocean, with the overestimation up to �45% in some regions and seasons. The 7-year (2001–2007) global ocean average ta is 0.035, with yearly average ranging from 0.031 to 0.039. Future improvement in measurements is needed to better separate anthropogenic aerosol from natural ones and to narrow down the wide range of aerosol direct radiative forcing.
In this article, we illustrate experimentally an important consequence of the stochastic component in choice behaviour which has not been acknowledged so far. Namely, its potential to produce ‘regression to the mean’ (RTM) effects. We employ a novel approach to individual choice under risk, based on repeated multiple-lottery choices (i.e. choices among many lotteries), to show how the high degree of stochastic variability present in individual decisions can distort crucially certain results through RTM effects. We demonstrate the point in the context of a social comparison experiment.
A global river routing scheme coupled to the ECMWF land surface model is implemented and tested within the framework of the Global Soil Wetness Project II, to evaluate the feasibility of modelling global river runoff at a daily time scale. The exercise is designed to provide benchmark river runoff predictions needed to verify the land surface model. Ten years of daily runoff produced by the HTESSEL land surface scheme is input into the TRIP2 river routing scheme in order to generate daily river runoff. These are then compared to river runoff observations from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in order to evaluate the potential and the limitations. A notable source of inaccuracy is bias between observed and modelled discharges which is not primarily due to the modelling system but instead of to the forcing and quality of observations and seems uncorrelated to the river catchment size. A global sensitivity analysis and Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) uncertainty analysis are applied to the global routing model. The ground water delay parameter is identified as being the most sensitive calibration parameter. Significant uncertainties are found in results, and those due to parameterisation of the routing model are quantified. The difficulty involved in parameterising global river discharge models is discussed. Detailed river runoff simulations are shown for the river Danube, which match well observed river runoff in upstream river transects. Results show that although there are errors in runoff predictions, model results are encouraging and certainly indicative of useful runoff predictions, particularly for the purpose of verifying the land surface scheme hydrologicly. Potential of this modelling system on future applications such as river runoff forecasting and climate impact studies is highlighted. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society.
Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are complex organisations, offering a wide range of services, which involve a multiplicity of customers, stakeholders and service providers; both in terms of type and number. Satisfying a diverse set of customer groups is complex, and requires development of strategic Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This paper contributes to the HEI area, by proposing an approach that scopes CRM strategy, allowing us a better understanding CRM implementation in Higher Education Institutions; maximising alignment of customer and management desires, expectation and needs.
The projected hand illusion (PHI) is a variant of the rubber hand illusion (RHI), and both are commonly used to study mechanisms of self-perception. A questionnaire was developed by Longo et al. (2008) to measure qualitative changes in the RHI. Such psychometric analyses have not yet been conducted on the questionnaire for the PHI. The present study is an attempt to validate minor modifications of the questionnaire of Longo et al. to assess the PHI in a community sample (n = 48) and to determine the association with selected demographic (age, sex, years of education), cognitive (Digit Span), and clinical (psychotic-like experiences) variables. Principal components analysis on the questionnaire data extracted four components: Embodiment of “Other” Hand, Disembodiment of Own Hand, Deafference, and Agency—in both synchronous and asynchronous PHI conditions. Questions assessing “Embodiment” and “Agency” loaded onto orthogonal components. Greater illusion ratings were positively associated with being female, being younger, and having higher scores on psychotic-like experiences. There was no association with cognitive performance. Overall, this study confirmed that self-perception as measured with PHI is a multicomponent construct, similar in many respects to the RHI. The main difference lies in the separation of Embodiment and Agency into separate constructs, and this likely reflects the fact that the “live” image of the PHI presents a more realistic picture of the hand and of the stroking movements of the experimenter compared with the RHI.
It is widely thought that changes in both the surface buoyancy fluxes and wind stress drive variability in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), but that they drive variability on different time scales. For example, wind forcing dominates short-term variability through its effects on Ekman currents and coastal upwelling, whereas buoyancy forcing is important for longer time scales (multiannual and decadal). However, the role of the wind forcing on multiannual to decadal time scales is less clear. Here the authors present an analysis of simulations with the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) ocean model with the aim of explaining the important drivers of the zonal density gradient at 26°N, which is directly related to the AMOC. In the experiments, only one of either the wind stress or the buoyancy forcing is allowed to vary in time, whereas the other remains at its seasonally varying climatology. On subannual time scales, variations in the density gradient, and in the AMOC minus Ekman, are driven largely by local wind-forced coastal upwelling at both the western and eastern boundaries. On decadal time scales, buoyancy forcing related to the North Atlantic Oscillation dominates variability in the AMOC. Interestingly, however, it is found that wind forcing also plays a role at longer time scales, primarily impacting the interannual variability through the excitation of Rossby waves in the central Atlantic, which propagate westward to interact with the western boundary, but also by modulating the decadal time-scale response to buoyancy forcing.