997 resultados para common platform


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The soluble and insoluble cotyledon (SPF-Co and IPF-Co) and tegument (SPF-Te and IPF-Te) cell wall polymer fractions of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were isolated using a chemical-enzymatic method. The sugar composition showed that SPF-Co was constituted of 38.6% arabinose, 23.4% uronic acids, 12.7% galactose, 11.2% xylose, 6.4% mannose and 6.1% glucose, probably derived from slightly branched and weakly bound polymers. The IPF-Co was fractionated with chelating agent (CDTA) and with increasing concentrations of NaOH. The bulk of the cell wall polymers (29.4%) were extracted with 4.0M NaOH and this fraction contained mainly arabinose (55.0%), uronic acid (18.9%), glucose (10.7%), xylose (10.3%) and galactose (3.4%). About 8.7% and 10.6% of the polymers were solubilised with CDTA and 0.01M NaOH respectively and were constituted of arabinose (52.0 and 45.9%), uronic acids (25.8 and 29.8%), xylose (9.6 and 10.2%), galactose (6.1 and 3.9%) and glucose (6.5 and 3.8%). The cell wall polymers were also constituted of small amounts (5.6 and 7.2%) of cellulose (CEL) and of non-extractable cell wall polymers (NECW). About 16.8% and 17.2% of the polymers were solubilised with 0.5 and 1.0M NaOH and contained, respectively, 92.1 and 90.7% of glucose derived from starch (IST). The neutral sugar and polymers solubilization profiles showed that weakly bound pectins are present mainly in SPF-Co (water-soluble), CDTA and 0.01-0.1M NaOH soluble fractions. Less soluble, highly cross-linked pectins were solubilised with 4.0M NaOH. This pectin is arabinose-rich, probably highly branched and has a higher molecular weight than the pectin present in SPF-Co, CDTA and 0.01-0.1M NaOH fractions.


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Imagine the potential implications of an organization whose business and IT processes are well aligned and are capable of reactively and proactively responding to the external and internal changes. The Philips IT Infrastructure and Operations department (I&O) is undergoing a series of transformation activities to help Philips business keeping up with the changes. I&O would serve a critical function in any business sectors; given that the I&O’s strategy switched from “design, build and run” to “specify, acquire and performance manage”, that function is amplified. In 2013, I&O’s biggest transforming programme I&O Futures engaged multiple interdisciplinary departments and programs on decommissioning legacy processes and restructuring new processes with respect to the Information Technology Internet Library (ITIL), helping I&O to achieve a common infrastructure and operating platform (CI&OP). The author joined I&O Futures in the early 2014 and contributed to the CI&OP release 1, during which a designed model Bing Box and its evaluations were conducted through the lens of six sigma’s structured define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) improvement approach. This Bing Box model was intended to firstly combine business and IT principles, namely Lean IT, Agile, ITIL best practices, and Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) into a framework. Secondly, the author implemented the modularized optimization cycles according to the defined framework into Philips’ ITIL-based processes and, subsequently, to enhance business process performance as well as to increase efficiency of the optimization cycles. The unique of this thesis is that the Bing Box model not only provided comprehensive optimization approaches and principles for business process performance, but also integrated and standardized optimization modules for the optimization process itself. The research followed a design research guideline that seek to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by creating new and innovative artifacts. The Chapter 2 firstly reviewed the current research on Lean Six Sigma, Agile, AOP and ITIL, aiming at identifying the broad conceptual bases for this study. In Chapter 3, we included the process of constructing the Bing Box model. The Chapter 4 described the adoption of Bing Box model: two-implementation case validated by stakeholders through observations and interviews. Chapter 5 contained the concluding remarks, the limitation of this research work and the future research areas. Chapter 6 provided the references used in this thesis.


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Sixteen common bean cultivars were compared concerning the physicochemical characteristics of their raw seeds in the course of two consecutive harvests, as well as the effect of storage conditions on starch and dietary fiber content of cooked beans. Using cluster analysis it was possible to identify groups of cultivars with different nutritional features. Bean cultivars were categorized into four different groups according either to their macronutrient content (crude protein-PROT, total dietary fiber-TDF, insoluble dietary fiber-IDF, soluble dietary fiber-SDF, digestible starch-DS, and resistant starch-RS) or to their micronutrient levels (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, and P). Guateian 6662 and Rio Tibagi appeared to be the most suitable cultivars to prevent nutritional deficiencies, because they had high PROT, DS, Fe, and Zn content. The high total dietary fiber and RS content of Iraí, Minuano, and TPS Bonito cultivars, and specially the high soluble fiber content of Guateian 6662 and Rio Tibagi cultivars suggests that they could have a beneficial role in controlling blood lipid and glucose levels. Cooked beans had a decrease in DS and an increase in RS content after storage (4 °C or -20 °C), but these changes were more prominent in beans that had low RS content before cooking than in those of high RS content. TDF, IDF, and SDF did not change after storage.


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Iron and zinc deficiency can cause anemia and alterations in the immune response and impair work capacity. To minimize this problem, biofortification has been developed to improve and/or maintain the nutritional status of the population. Beans are an important source of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. The objective of this study is to characterize biofortified beans, quantify the minerals in different cultivars, and determine mineral dialysis. Grains of raw and cooked beans were analyzed for moisture, protein, lipids, fiber, minerals, and in vitro availability using four treatments and one control. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, and the Tukey test (p<0.05). The chemical composition of the raw and cooked treatments showed a moisture content ranging from 13.4 to 81.4%, protein from 22.24 to 31.59%, lipids from 1.66 to 2.22%, fiber from 16.81 to 40.63%, carbohydrates from 27.80 to 34.78%, and ash from 4.1 to 4.82%. Different varieties of beans showed statistically significant differences in iron and zinc content compared to the control cultivar (Pérola). The iron content differed significantly from that of the Pérola cultivar in the raw treatment, while in the cooked treatment, the control cultivar did not differ from the Piratã. The same behavior was observed for the zinc content in both treatments. There was no significant difference between the cultivars in the treatments in terms of the content of the dialysis of Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), and Zinc (Zn).


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Case company utilizes multi-branding strategy (or house of brands strategy) in its product portfolio. In practice the company has multiple brands – one main brand and four acquired brands – which all utilize one single product platform. The objective of this research is to analyze case company’s multi-branding strategy and its benefits and challenges. Moreover, the purpose is to clarify that how could a company in B2B markets utilize multi-branding strategy more efficiently and profitably. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of aspects of branding strategies; different brand name architectures, benefits and challenges of different strategies and different ways of utilize branding strategies in mergers and acquisitions. The empirical part, on the other hand, includes the description of the case company’s branding strategy and the employees’ perspective on the benefits and challenges of multi-branding strategy, and how to utilize it more efficiently and profitably. This study shows, that the major benefits of utilizing multi-branding are lower production costs, ability to reach wider market coverage, possibility to utilize common sales tools, synergies in R&D and shared resources. On the other hand, the major challenges are lack of product differentiation, internal competition, branding issues in production and deliveries, pricing issues and conflicts, and compromises in product compatibility and suitability. Based on the results, several ways to utilize multi-branding strategy more efficiently and profitably were found; by putting more effort on brand image and product differentiation, by having more co-operation among the brands and by focusing on more precise customer and market segmentation.


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Intermediate filaments are part of the cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton; they provide cells with structure and have important roles in cell signalling. The IFs are a large protein family with more than 70 members; each tightly regulated and expressed in a cell type-specific manner. Although the IFs have been known and studied for decades, our knowledge about their specific functions is still limited, despite the fact that mutations in IF genes cause numerous severe human diseases. In this work, three IF proteins are examined more closely; the nuclear lamin A/C and the cytoplasmic nestin and vimentin. In particular the regulation of lamin A/C dynamics, the role of nestin in muscle and body homeostasis as well as the functions and evolutionary aspects of vimentin are investigated. Together this data highlights some less well understood functions of these IFs. We used mass-spectrometry to identify inter-phase specific phosphorylation sites on lamin A. With the use of genetically engineered lamin A protein in combination with high resolution microscopy and biochemical methods we discovered novel roles for this phosphorylation in regulation of lamin dynamics. More specifically, our data suggests that the phosphorylation of certain amino acids in lamin A determines the localization and dynamics of the protein. In addition, we present results demonstrating that lamin A regulates Cdk5-activity. In the second study we use mice lacking nestin to gain more knowledge of this seldom studied protein. Our results show that nestin is essential for muscle regeneration; mice lacking nestin recover more slowly from muscle injury and show signs of spontaneous muscle regeneration, indicating that their muscles are more sensitive to stresses and injury. The absence of nestin also leads to decreased over-all muscle mass and slower body growth. Furthermore, nestin has a role in controlling testicle homeostasis as nestin-/- male mice show a greater variation in testicle size. The common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster lacks cytoplasmic IFs as most insects do. By creating a fly that expresses human vimentin we establish a new research platform for vimentin studies, as well as provide a new tool for the studies of IF evolution.


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The second phase of Import Substituting Industrialization, commonly known as ISI2, involved the move in Latin America to "heavy" industrialization, from around 1950-80. This period of economic history has been reviled on both the Left and the Right as being one of either heightened dependency or one demonstrating the clear failure of state intervention in the economy. In this research note, a basic statistical analysis is used to back up other descriptive claims that the ISI2 period was rather one of mixed success, with macroeconomic volatility accompanying great progress in GDP and manufacturing growth. In a sense, the ISI2 period succeeded in industrializing the large economies of the period, and contrasts favorably with the record of the succeeding paradigm of neoliberalism. This research note seeks to raise questions about the way we look at the historical period of ISI2, and suggests that a more open-minded perspective could lead to a more effective and sustainable political economy paradigm for the region in the future.


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The overall objective of the thesis is to design a robot chassis frame which is a bearing structure of a vehicle supporting all mechanical components and providing structure and stability. Various techniques and scientific principles were used to design a chassis frame.Design principles were applied throughout the process. By using Solid-Works software,virtual models was made for chassis frame. Chassis frame of overall dimension 1597* 800*950 mm3 was designed. Center of mass lieson 1/3 of the length from front wheel at height 338mm in the symmetry plane. Overall weight of the chassis frame is 80.12kg. Manufacturing drawing is also provided. Additionally,structural analysis was done in FEMAP which gives the busting result for chassis design by taking into consideration stress and deflection on different kind of loading resembling real life case. On the basis of simulated result, selected material was verified. Resulting design is expected to perform its intended function without failure. As a suggestion for further research, additional fatigue analysis and proper dynamic analysis can be conducted to make the study more robust.


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Internetin yhteisöpalveluiden käyttäjien avoimuus ja sosiaalisuus altistavat heidät monenlaisille riskeille. “Social engineering” eli käyttäjien manipulointi on uhka, joka liittyy informaation hankkimiseen perinteisen kanssakäymisen kautta, mutta yhä enenevissä määrin myös internetissä. Kun kanssakäyminen tapahtuu internetin välityksellä, käyttäjien manipuloijat hyödyntävät yhteisöpalveluita yhteydenpitoon uhrien kanssa sekä paljon käyttäjäinformaatiota sisältävänä alustana. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on löytää internetin yhteisöpalveluiden ja käyttäjien manipuloinnin välinen yhteys. Tämä päämäärä saavutettiin etsimällä vastauksia kysymyksiin kuten: Mitkä ovat tyypilliset hyökkäystyypit? Miksi informaatiolla on niin suuri rooli? Mitä seurauksia ilmiöllä on ja miten hyökkäyksiltä on mahdollista suojautua? Vastaukset kysymyksiin löydettiin toteuttamalla systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Katsaus muodostui yhdistämällä tärkeimmät löydökset 60 tarkoin valitusta ilmiötä käsittelevästä artikkelista. Käyttäjien manipuloinnin huomattiin olevan hyvin laaja ja monimutkainen ilmiö internetin yhteisöpalveluissa. Huomattiin, että manipulointia ilmenee sivustoilla useissa erilaisissa muodoissa, joita ovat muun muassa tietojen kalastelu, profiilien yhdistäminen, sosiaaliset sovellukset, roskaposti, haitalliset linkit, identiteettivarkaudet, tietovuodot ja erilaiset huijaukset, jotka hyödyntävät sekä ihmisluonnon että sivustojen perusominaisuuksia. Haavoittuvuus ja luottamus havaittiin myös tärkeiksi aspekteiksi, sillä ne yhdistävät informaation merkityksen ja ihmisluonnon, jotka molemmat ovat avaintekijöitä sekä manipuloinnissa että yhteisöpalvelusivustoilla. Vaikka ilmiön seurausten huomattiin olevan negatiivisia niin käyttäjien olemukselle internetissä kuin todellisessakin elämässä, havaittiin myös, että ilmiön ymmärtäminen ja tunnistaminen helpottaa siltä suojautumista