856 resultados para comfort, outdoor, indoor
Exergetic analysis can provide useful information as it enables the identification of irreversible phenomena bringing about entropy generation and, therefore, exergy losses (also referred to as irreversibilities). As far as human thermal comfort is concerned, irreversibilities can be evaluated based on parameters related to both the occupant and his surroundings. As an attempt to suggest more insights for the exergetic analysis of thermal comfort, this paper calculates irreversibility rates for a sitting person wearing fairly light clothes and subjected to combinations of ambient air and mean radiant temperatures. The thermodynamic model framework relies on the so-called conceptual energy balance equation together with empirical correlations for invoked thermoregulatory heat transfer rates adapted for a clothed body. Results suggested that a minimum irreversibility rate may exist for particular combinations of the aforesaid surrounding temperatures. By separately considering the contribution of each thermoregulatory mechanism, the total irreversibility rate rendered itself more responsive to either convective or radiative clothing-influenced heat transfers, with exergy losses becoming lower if the body is able to transfer more heat (to the ambient) via convection.
The viscoelasticity of mammalian lung is determined by the mechanical properties and structural regulation of the airway smooth muscle (ASM). The exposure to polluted air may deteriorate these properties with harmful consequences to individual health. Formaldehyde (FA) is an important indoor pollutant found among volatile organic compounds. This pollutant permeates through the smooth muscle tissue forming covalent bonds between proteins in the extracellular matrix and intracellular protein structure changing mechanical properties of ASM and inducing asthma symptoms, such as airway hyperresponsiveness, even at low concentrations. In the experimental scenario, the mechanical effect of FA is the stiffening of the tissue, but the mechanism behind this effect is not fully understood. Thus, the aim of this study is to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the ASM, such as contraction and stretching, under FA action or not. For this, it was created a two-dimensional viscoelastic network model based on Voronoi tessellation solved using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. The equilibrium configuration was reached when the forces in different parts of the network were equal. This model simulates the mechanical behavior of ASM through of a network of dashpots and springs. This dashpot-spring mechanical coupling mimics the composition of the actomyosin machinery of ASM through the contraction of springs to a minimum length. We hypothesized that formation of covalent bonds, due to the FA action, can be represented in the model by a simple change in the elastic constant of the springs, while the action of methacholine (MCh) reduce the equilibrium length of the spring. A sigmoid curve of tension as a function of MCh doses was obtained, showing increased tension when the muscle strip was exposed to FA. Our simulations suggest that FA, at a concentration of 0.1 ppm, can affect the elastic properties of the smooth muscle ¯bers by a factor of 120%. We also analyze the dynamic mechanical properties, observing the viscous and elastic behavior of the network. Finally, the proposed model, although simple, incorporates the phenomenology of both MCh and FA and reproduces experimental results observed with in vitro exposure of smooth muscle to FA. Thus, this new mechanical approach incorporates several well know features of the contractile system of the cells in a tissue level model. The model can also be used in different biological scales.
The viscoelasticity of mammalian lung is determined by the mechanical properties and structural regulation of the airway smooth muscle (ASM). The exposure to polluted air may deteriorate these properties with harmful consequences to individual health. Formaldehyde (FA) is an important indoor pollutant found among volatile organic compounds. This pollutant permeates through the smooth muscle tissue forming covalent bonds between proteins in the extracellular matrix and intracellular protein structure changing mechanical properties of ASM and inducing asthma symptoms, such as airway hyperresponsiveness, even at low concentrations. In the experimental scenario, the mechanical effect of FA is the stiffening of the tissue, but the mechanism behind this effect is not fully w1derstood. Thus, the aim of this study is to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the ASM, such as contraction and stretching, under FA action or not. For this, it was created a two-dimensional viscoelastic network model based on Voronoi tessellation solved using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. The equilibrium configuration was reached when the forces in different parts of the network were equal. This model simulates the mechanical behavior of ASM through of a network of dashpots and springs. This dashpot-spring mechanical coupling mimics the composition of the actomyosin machinery of ASM through the contraction of springs to a minimum length. We hypothesized that formation of covalent bonds, due to the FA action, can be represented in the model by a simple change in the elastic constant of the springs, while the action of methacholinc (MCh) reduce the equilibrium length of the spring. A sigmoid curve of tension as a function of MCh doses was obtained, showing increased tension when the muscle strip was exposed to FA. Our simulations suggest that FA, at a concentration of 0.1 ppm, can affect the elastic properties of the smooth muscle fibers by a factor of 120%. We also analyze the dynamic mechanical properties, observing the viscous and elastic behavior of the network. Finally, the proposed model, although simple, ir1corporates the phenomenology of both MCh and FA and reproduces experirnental results observed with ir1 vitro exposure of smooth muscle to .FA. Thus, this new mechanical approach incorporates several well know features of the contractile system of the cells ir1 a tissue level model. The model can also be used in different biological scales.
In the work underlying this thesis solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was evaluated as a passive sampling technique for organophosphate triesters in indoor air. These compounds are used on a large scale as flame-retarding and plastizicing additives in a variety of materials and products, and have proven to be common pollutants in indoor air. The main objective of this work was to develop an accurate method for measuring the volatile fraction. Such a method can be used in combination with active sampling to obtain information regarding the vapour/particulate distribution in different indoor environments. SPME was investigated under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions and parameters associated with these different conditions were estimated. In Paper I, time-weighted average (TWA) SPME under dynamic conditions was investigated in order to obtain a fast air sampling method for organophosphate triesters. Among the investigated SPME coatings, the absorptive PDMS polymer had the highest affinity for the organophosphate triesters and was consequently used in all further work. Since the sampling rate is dependent on the agitation conditions, the linear airflow rates had to be carefully considered. Sampling periods as short as 1 hour were shown to be sufficient for measurements in the ng-μg m-3 range when using a PDMS 100-μm fibre and a linear flow rate above 7 cm s-1 over the fibre. SPME under equilibrium conditions is rather time-consuming, even under dynamic conditions, for slowly partitioning compounds such as organophosphate triesters. Nevertheless, this method has some significant advantages. For instance, the limit of detection is much lower compared to 1 h TWA sampling. Furthermore, the sampling time can be ignored as long as equilibrium has been attained. In Paper II, SPME under equilibrium conditions was investigated and evaluated for organophosphate triester vapours. Since temperature and humidity are closely associated with the distribution constant a simple study of the effect of these parameters was performed. The obtained distribution constants were used to determine the air levels in a common indoor environment. SPME and parallel active sampling on filters yielded similar results, indicating that the detected compounds were almost entirely associated with the vapour phase To apply dynamic SPME method in the field a sampler device, which enables controlled linear airflow rates to be applied, was constructed and evaluated (Paper III). This device was developed for application of SPME and active sampling in parallel. A GC/PICI-MS/MS method was developed and used in combination with active sampling of organophosphate triesters in indoor air (Paper IV). The combination of MS/MS and the soft ionization achieved with methanol as reagent gas yielded high selectivity and detection limits comparable to those provided by GC with nitrogen-phosphorus detection (NPD). The method limit of detection, when sampling 1.5 m3 of air, was in the range 0.1-1.4 ng m-3. In Paper V, the developed MS method was used in combination with SPME for indoor air measurements. The levels detected in the investigated indoor environments range from a few ng to μg m-3. Tris(2-chloropropyl) phosphate was detected at a concentration as high as 7 μg m-3 in a newly rebuilt lecture room.
[ES] Regeneración de un área industrial en Nottingham bajo criterios de eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad medioambiental. La actuación comprende la propuesta de nuevos edificios de vivienda colectiva, rehabilitación de edificios industriales existentes y diseño del espacio libre.
Máster en Oceanografía
[EN] Indoor position estimation has become an attractive research topic due to growing interest in location-aware services. Nevertheless, satisfying solutions have not been found with the considerations of both accuracy and system complexity. From the perspective of lightweight mobile devices, they are extremely important characteristics, because both the processor power and energy availability are limited. Hence, an indoor localization system with high computational complexity can cause complete battery drain within a few hours. In our research, we use a data mining technique named boosting to develop a localization system based on multiple weighted decision trees to predict the device location, since it has high accuracy and low computational complexity.
IMPARARE LA SOSTENIBILITA’ Oggetto di questa tesi di laurea è la progettazione di un asilo nido in prossimità della scuola dell’infanzia “Coccinella” di Bertinoro (FC) per rispondere alle esigenze espresse dalla’Amministrazione Comunale, orientate a realizzare un ampliamento della struttura esistente, completando così il polo scolastico comprendente anche la scuola elementare comunale adiacente. La strategia di intervento che il progetto ha adottato prevede due scenari: uno che assume integralmente gli obiettivi dell’Amministrazione e prevede la realizzazione di una struttura per la prima infanzia ad ampliamento di quella esistente, e un secondo che invece propone anche la realizzazione di una nuova scuola materna, in sostituzione di quella attualmente presente. Il progetto ha adottato un approccio integrato dal punto di vista formale e costruttivo, mostrando particolari attenzioni alle tematiche ambientali, assunte come determinanti per ottenere elevati livelli di benessere per i fruitori. La scuola diventa così promotrice di una progettazione orientata a principi di sostenibilità ambientale, efficienza e risparmio energetico, attraverso scelte in cui, sin dalle prime fasi, tecnologia, ambiente, comfort e salute cercano un reciproco equilibrio. A scala urbana si è scelto di recuperare e ampliare il sistema di percorsi pedonali che consente il collegamento tra le diverse parti della città, valorizzando il paesaggio quale risorsa primaria. A scala locale, per garantire l’integrazione del nuovo intervento con l’ambiente e il territorio, il progetto ha richiesto un’approfondita analisi preliminare del sito, comprendente lo studio di elementi del contesto sociale, culturale, ambientale e paesaggistico. A questi si sono affiancati gli aspetti climatologici, funzionali alla scelta dell’esposizione da attribuire all’edificio in modo da mitigare gli effetti delle variazioni climatiche e ottimizzare la qualità indoor. Dal punto di vista funzionale e distributivo il progetto ha risposto a criteri di massima flessibilità e fruibilità degli ambienti interni, assecondando le esigenze di educatori e bambini. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta alla scelta della tipologia costruttiva, adottando elementi prefabbricati in legno assemblati a secco. Questo sistema consente la realizzazione di strutture affidabili, durevoli nel tempo e rispondenti a tre criteri fondamentali nell’ottica della sostenibilità: impiego di materiali rinnovabili, minimizzazione dei rifiuti e del consumo di acqua in cantiere e possibilità di recupero tramite smontaggio. Per garantire un corretto rapporto tra costruito e contesto urbano si è deciso di utilizzare materiali da rivestimento della tradizione locale, quali la pietra, e di attenuare l’impatto visivo dell’intervento attraverso l’impiego di coperture verdi. Queste, oltre a restituire in copertura il suolo occupato dai volumi edificati, contribuiscono alla mitigazione del microclima, sia all’interno dell’edificio che nel suo intorno. Rispetto agli obiettivi di benessere degli utenti, il progetto si è posto l’obiettivo di superare i confini determinati dalla normativa sui requisiti energetici, puntando al raggiungimento di condizioni ottimali in termini di salubrità del costruito e confort abitativo. Questo intervento si propone di sperimentare un approccio ecologico di sensibilizzazione ai criteri di sostenibilità, capace di coinvolgere tutti i protagonisti della vita scolastica: i bambini, gli insegnanti, i genitori e la città. “Imparare la sostenibilità” è l’obiettivo del progetto e la linea guida della tesi, i “percorsi di sostenibilità”, rappresenta il frutto degli studi, delle analisi, delle scelte che ci hanno spinto ad ottenere lo scopo prefissato e racchiude in un significato sia fisico che metaforico i risultati finali, sia a scala urbana, che a scala dell’edificio. Il termine “percorsi” ci permette di comprendere sia la nuova rete di collegamenti tra l’area di intervento e il resto della città quali strumento di rigenerazione e di contatto con il paesaggio, ma anche il processo di crescita e formativo che il bambino, destinatario e protagonista del progetto, intraprenderà in questi luoghi. La realizzazione di edifici tecnologicamente efficienti dal punto di vista delle prestazioni energetiche (raggiungimento classe B per la struttura esistente, classe A per le ipotesi di ampliamento) ma anche dal punto di vista del confort luminoso rappresenta la premessa per la formazione di una nuova generazione più responsabile e rispettosa nei confronti dell’ambiente che la circonda.
„Extraterrestrische und terrestrische Anwendungen eines miniaturisierten Mössbauer-Spektrometers“ Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Anwendungen eines miniaturisierten Mössbauer- Spektrometers (MIMOS II), dessen Entwicklung in den frühen neunziger Jahren am Institut für Kernphysik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt unter Professor Egbert Kankeleit und seinen Mitarbeitern begann. Seit 1998 sind die Entwicklungsarbeiten im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Gütlich am Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz von Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer und Mitarbeitern fortgesetzt worden. Vorrangiges Ziel war dabei der geplante Einsatz des Spektrometers zu mineralogischen Untersuchungen im Weltall. Entsprechend ist das Projekt mit erheblichen finanziellen Mitteln des Forschungsinstituts der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Bonn unterstützt worden. Bei den beiden Missionen, die im Jahre 2003 von der NASA zum Mars gesandt wurden und im Januar dieses Jahres die beiden „Mars Exploration Rover“ (MER) "Spirit" und "Opportunity" erfolgreich auf der Marsoberfläche abgesetzt haben, ist jeweils ein MIMOS II-Gerät zur Charakterisierung eisenhaltiger Minerale und Böden während der laufenden Mission im Einsatz. Einige Ergebnisse von MIMOS II an Gestein und Böden der Marsoberfläche werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit präsentiert und diskutiert. Diese Ergebnisse wurden vom MIMOS II-Consortium unter Führung von Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer, mit Unterstützung des Ingenieurs- und Wissenschaftsteams von MER am Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Kalifornien, erlangt. Erste Spektren, die von Proben im Gusev-Krater (Landestelle von „Spirit“) aufgenommen wurden und in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, weisen auf das Vorkommen von forsteritischem Olivin, Pyroxen, Magnetit hin; daneben zeigt sich ein von Eisen(III) herrührendes Quadrupoldublett, das (noch) nicht eindeutig zugeordnet werden konnte. Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurde geschlossen, dass physikalische Verwitterung der vorherrschende Veränderungsprozess in den Ebenen des Gusev-Kraters ist. Um die Fähigkeiten von MIMOS II in der Charakteriserung extraterrestrischen Materials vor dem Start zum Mars zu demonstrieren, wurde eine Auswahl von chondritischen, Eisenund Marsmeteoriten gemessen. Ein Datenanalysepaket, basierend auf künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken, genetischen Algorithmen und "fuzzy" Logik, wurde erstellt, erfolgreich getestet und während der Echtzeit-Operation der MER benutzt. Eine Datenbasis von Mössbauer-Parametern und Referenzen von veröffentlichten Studien über den Temperaturbereich des Mars wurde zusammengestellt. Die Werkzeuge zur Datenanalyse eröffnen neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten des miniaturisierten Mössbauer-Spektrometers in vielen Bereichen ausserhalb des Physikllabors. Einige davon werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt, wie z.B.die Pigmentcharakterisierung, die Echtheit archäologischer Artefakte oder in-situ Luftverschmutzungsmessungen. Datum: 20.07.2004 1. Betreuer: Professor Dr. P. Gütlich Paulo A. de Souza Jr. GAFEP/GETEP Departamento de Pelotização - DIPE Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - CVRD Tel.: (27) 3333-4609 - Carrier (835)
In the last years, the importance of locating people and objects and communicating with them in real time has become a common occurrence in every day life. Nowadays, the state of the art of location systems for indoor environments has not a dominant technology as instead occurs in location systems for outdoor environments, where GPS is the dominant technology. In fact, each location technology for indoor environments presents a set of features that do not allow their use in the overall application scenarios, but due its characteristics, it can well coexist with other similar technologies, without being dominant and more adopted than the others indoor location systems. In this context, the European project SELECT studies the opportunity of collecting all these different features in an innovative system which can be used in a large number of application scenarios. The goal of this project is to realize a wireless system, where a network of fixed readers able to query one or more tags attached to objects to be located. The SELECT consortium is composed of European institutions and companies, including Datalogic S.p.A. and CNIT, which deal with software and firmware development of the baseband receiving section of the readers, whose function is to acquire and process the information received from generic tagged objects. Since the SELECT project has an highly innovative content, one of the key stages of the system design is represented by the debug phase. This work aims to study and develop tools and techniques that allow to perform the debug phase of the firmware of the baseband receiving section of the readers.
Nuovi sviluppi nella comunicazione wireless e nell'elettronica hanno permesso lo sviluppo di dispositivi poco costosi, poco energivori e multifunzione, piccoli in dimensione e in grado di comunicare a breve distanza. Collegati con tecnologie senza fili e disponibili in gran numero, questi sensori hanno offerto opportunità senza precedenti nel monitorare e controllare case, città, e l'ambiente. In aggiunta, i sensori wireless hanno anche una vasta gamma di applicazioni nella sicurezza, generando nuove capacità di riconoscimento e sorveglianza, unite ad altre finalità tattiche. La capacità di localizzazione di questi congegni poi è altamente studiata e ricercata, per applicazioni che vanno dal monitoraggio di incendi,della qualità dell'acqua e dell'agricoltura di precisione alla gestione di inventari, di sistemi anti intrusione, monitoraggio del traffico e di parametri medici. Da questo esteso panorama di utilizzi, è scaturita l'idea di un impiego di queste reti in un contesto particolare. L'esperienza maturata in ambito fieristico mi ha portato a considerare una problematica da sempre sentita, ma che non ha mai trovato soluzioni soddisfacenti o definitive, che è quella della protezione dei beni dai rapinatori. In questo ultimo periodo, dove si assiste ad un progressivo ma repentino calo degli affari dovuto ad una congiuntura economica mondiale sfavorevole, il problema è più avvertito da chi, in vari settori, vede un sempre più basso margine di compensazione ai furti.
Outdoor bronzes exposed to the environment form naturally a layer called patina, which may be able to protect the metallic substrate. However, since the last century, with the appearance of acid rains, a strong change in the nature and properties of the copper based patinas occurred [1]. Studies and general observations have established that bronze corrosion patinas created by acid rain are not only disfiguring in terms of loss of detail and homogeneity, but are also unstable [2]. The unstable patina is partially leached away by rainwater. This leaching is represented by green streaking on bronze monuments [3]. Because of the instability of the patina, conservation techniques are usually required. On a bronze object exposed to the outdoor environment, there are different actions of the rainfall and other atmospheric agents as a function of the monument shape. In fact, we recognize sheltered and unsheltered areas as regards exposure to rainwater [4]. As a consequence of these different actions, two main patina types are formed on monuments exposed to the outdoor environment. These patinas have different electrochemical, morphological and compositional characteristics [1]. In the case of sheltered areas, the patina contains mainly copper products, stratified above a layer strongly enriched in insoluble Sn oxides, located at the interface with the uncorroded metal. Moreover, different colors of the patina result from the exposure geometry. The surface color may be pale green for unsheltered areas, and green and mat black for sheltered areas [4]. Thus, in real outdoor bronze monuments, the corrosion behavior is strongly influenced by the exposure geometry. This must be taken into account when designing conservation procedures, since the patina is in most cases the support on which corrosion inhibitors are applied. Presently, for protecting outdoor bronzes against atmospheric corrosion, inhibitors and protective treatments are used. BTA and its derivatives, which are the most common inhibitors used for copper and its alloy, were found to be toxic for the environment and human health [5, 6]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that BTA is efficient when applied on bare copper but not as efficient when applied on bare bronze [7]. Thus it was necessary to find alternative compounds. Silane-based inhibitors (already successfully tested on copper and other metallic substrates [8]), were taken into consideration as a non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternative to BTA derivatives for bronze protection. The purpose of this thesis was based on the assessment of the efficiency of a selected compound, to protect the bronze against corrosion, which is the 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane (PropS-SH). It was selected thanks to the collaboration with the Corrosion Studies Centre “Aldo Daccò” at the Università di Ferrara. Since previous studies [9, 10, 11] demonstrated that the addition of nanoparticles to silane-based inhibitors leads to an increase of the protective efficiency, we also wanted to evaluate the influence of the addition of CeO2, La2O3, TiO2 nanoparticles on the protective efficiency of 3-mercapto-propyl-trimethoxy-silane, applied on pre-patinated bronze surfaces. This study is the first section of the thesis. Since restorers have to work on patinated bronzes and not on bare metal (except for contemporary art), it is important to be able to recreate the patina, under laboratory conditions, either in sheltered or unsheltered conditions to test the coating and to obtain reliable results. Therefore, at the University of Bologna, different devices have been designed to simulate the real outdoor conditions and to create a patina which is representative of real application conditions of inhibitor or protective treatments. In particular, accelerated ageing devices by wet & dry (simulating the action of stagnant rain in sheltered areas [12]) and by dropping (simulating the leaching action of the rain in unsheltered areas [1]) tests were used. In the present work, we used the dropping test as a method to produce pre-patinated bronze surfaces for the application of a candidate inhibitor as well as for evaluating its protective efficiency on aged bronze (unsheltered areas). In this thesis, gilded bronzes were also studied. When they are exposed to the outside environment, a corrosion phenomenon appears which is due to the electrochemical couple gold/copper where copper is the anode. In the presence of an electrolyte, this phenomenon results in the formation of corrosion products than will cause a blistering of the gold (or a break-up and loss of the film in some cases). Moreover, because of the diffusion of the copper salts to the surface, aggregates and a greenish film will be formed on the surface of the sample [13]. By coating gilded samples with PropS-SH and PropS-SH containing nano-particles and carrying out accelerated ageing by the dropping test, a discussion is possible on the effectiveness of this coating, either with nano-particles or not, against the corrosion process. This part is the section 2 of this thesis. Finally, a discussion about laser treatment aiming at the assessment of reversibility/re-applicability of the PropS-SH coating can be found in section 3 of this thesis. Because the protective layer loses its efficiency with time, it is necessary to find a way of removing the silane layer, before applying a new one on the “bare” patina. One request is to minimize the damages that a laser treatment would create on the patina. Therefore, different laser fluences (energy/surface) were applied on the sample surface during the treatment process in order to find the best range of fluence. In particular, we made a characterization of surfaces before and after removal of PropS-SH (applied on a naturally patinated surface, and subsequently aged by natural exposure) with laser methods. The laser removal treatment was done by the CNR Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara” of Sesto Fiorentino in Florence. In all the three sections of the thesis, a range of non-destructive spectroscopic methods (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), μ-Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray diffractometry (XRD)) were used for characterizing the corroded surfaces. AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) was used to analyze the ageing solutions from the dropping test in sections 1 and 2.
Tesi sperimentale, basata sulla configurazione di un sistema wireless per la localizzazione indoor e l'uso di esso per fare misure.