990 resultados para classical nuclear import pathway
Upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, susceptible BALB/c mice develop unhealing lesions associated with the maturation of CD4(+)Th2 cells secreting IL-4. In contrast, resistant C57BL/6 mice heal their lesions, because of expansion and secretion of IFN-gamma of CD4(+) Th1 cells. The Fas-FasL pathway, although not involved in Th cell differentiation, was reported to be necessary for complete resolution of lesions. We investigate here the role of IFN-gamma and IL-4 on Fas-FasL nonapoptotic signaling events leading to the modulation of macrophage activation. We show that addition of FasL and IFN-gamma to BMMø led to their increased activation, as reflected by enhanced secretion of TNF, IL-6, NO, and the induction of their microbicidal activity, resulting in the killing of intracellular L. major. In contrast, the presence of IL-4 decreased the synergy of IFN-gamma/FasL significantly on macrophage activation and the killing of intracellular L. major. These results show that FasL synergizes with IFN-gamma to activate macrophages and that the tight regulation by IFN-gamma and/or IL-4 of the nonapoptotic signaling events triggered by the Fas-FasL pathway affects significantly the activation of macrophages to a microbicidal state and may thus contribute to the pathogenesis of L. major infection.
SUMMARY : Skin wound repair is a complex and highly coordinated process, where a variety of cell types unite to regenerate the damaged tissue. Several works have elucidated cellular and molecular mechanisms, in which mesenchymal-epidermal interactions play an essential role for the regulation of skin homeostasis and repair. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) are ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Three related isotypes (PPARα, PPARß/δ and PPARγ) have been found, which exhibit distinct tissue distribution and specific physiological functions. PPARß/δ was identified as a crucial player of skin homeostasis. In the mouse skin, PPARß/δ has been described to control proliferation-differentiation state, adhesion and migration, and survival of the keratinocytes during healing. PPARß/δ has been implicated as well in the development of the hair follicles, in which mesenchymal-secreted hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is involved. These data suggest that the biological activity of PPARß/δ is modulated by mesenchymal-epidermal interactions and that, in turn, PPARß/δ also modulates some of these signals. The aim of the present work was to elucidate the nature of the signals exchanged between the epidermis and dermis compartments, and more particularly those which are under the control of PPARß/δ. In the first part of the study, we showed that PPARß/8 in dermal fibroblasts down-regulates the mitotic activity of keratinocytes by inhibiting the IL-1 signalling pathway via the production of secreted IL-1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1Ra), a natural antagonist of this signalling. The regulation of IL-1 signalling by PPARß/δ is required for anon-pathological skin wound repair. These findings provide evidence for a novel homeostatic control of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation mediated by the regulation of IL-1 signalling via dermal PPARß/δ fibroblasts. Proteolysis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a key process involved in wound repair and modifications in its activity are often associated with an alteration óf the wound closure. This process implies specific proteinases, as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are finely modulated by IL-1 signalling. In line with the first results, the second part of the work showed that MMP8 and MMP13, which are two important collagenases involved in mouse skin wound repair, are regulated by PPARß/δ. Their expression is indirectly down-regulated by dermal PPARß/δ, via the production of sIL-1Ra, resulting in the inhibition of IL-1 signalling, known to regulate the expression of numerous MMPs. We suggest that, in absence of PPARß/δ, the positive regulation of these two collagenases could participate to the delay of skin wound healing, which has been observed in mice deleted for PPARßlS. The potential therapeutic role of PPARß/b could be as well extending to inflammatory and hyperproliferative skin diseases involving IL-1 signalling, such as psoriasis or skin cancers. Quite interestingly, MMP1 (analogue of mouse MMP13) plays an essential role in human photoaging, suggesting that PPARß/δ could as well be an attractive target for photoprotection. RESUME : La cicatrisation est un processus complexe et extrêmement organisé, impliquant un grand nombre de cellules qui s'unissent pour régénérer le tissu endommagé. De nombreux travaux nous ont éclairés sur les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires, dans lesquels les interactions épidermo-mésenchymateuses détiennent un rôle capital à la fois dans la régulation de l'homéostasie et dans la réparation de la peau. PPAR (Peroxisome proliferatar-activated receptor), qui appartient à la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires, se définit comme un facteur de transcription activé par des ligands très spécifiques. Trois isotypes (PPARa, PPARß/δ et PPARy) ont été décrits et sont caractérisés par une distribution tissulaire et des fonctions physiologiques clairement définies. PPARß/δ a été identifié comme étant un important acteur dans l'homéostasie de la peau. Chez la souris, il a été décrit comme contrôlant l'état de prolifération et de différenciation, le processus d'adhésion et de migration, ainsi que la survie des kératinocytes au cours de la cicatrisation. PPARßIS a également été défini comme contrôlant le développement des follicules pileux, impliquant la sécrétion par le mésenchyme du facteur de croissance HGF. Ces données suggèrent que l'activité biologique de PPARß/δ est modulée par des interactions épidermo-mésenchymateuses, et qu'en retour, il possède la capacité de moduler certains de ces signaux. L`objectif de ce travail a été d'élucider la nature des signaux échangés entre les compartiments épidermique et dermique, et plus particulièrement ceux qui sont sous le contrôle de PPARß/δ. Dans la première partie de l'étude, nous avons montré que les fibroblastes exprimant PPARß/δ réduisent l'activité mitotique des kératinocytes en inhibant la voie de signalisation IL-1, via la production de sIL-1Ra (secreted IL-1 receptor antagonist), défini comme un antagoniste naturel de cette voie de signalisation. La régulation de cette dernière par PPARß/δ est donc nécessaire pour une cicatrisation de type non pathologique. Ces résultats offrent donc une nouvelle preuve du contrôle de l'homéostasie et de l'état de prolifération/différenciation des kératinocytes par les fibroblastes exprimant PPARß/δ, en régulant la voie de signalisation IL-1. Le mécanisme de dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC) est une étape essentielle lors du processus de cicatrisation. Ainsi des modifications de cette activité protéolytïque sont souvent associées à une altération de la fermeture de la plaie. Ce processus implique des protéinases, comme les MMPs, qui sont finement modulés par la voie de signalisation IL-1. En accord avec les premiers résultats, la seconde partie des nos travaux a montré que les collagénases MMP8 et MMP13, connues pour être d'importantes molécules impliquées lors de la réparation tissulaire chez la souris, sont modulées par l'activité de PPARß/δ. Leurs expressions sont indirectement régulées par PPARß/δ, via la production. de sIL-1 Ra, entraînant ainsi l'inhibition de la voie de signalisation IL-1, décrite pour réguler l'expression de nombreuses MMPs, Nous suggérons donc qu'en absence de PPARß/δ, la régulation de ces deux collagénases pourrait être impliquée dans le retard de cicatrisation, observé chez les souris déficientes pour PPARß/δ. L'activité biologique de PPARß/δ pourrait être ainsi étendue à des maladies hyperproliferatives et inflammatoires de la peau, impliquant la voie de signalisation IL-1, comme le psoriasis ou certains cancers de la peau, et ce à des fins thérapeutiques. Il est aussi intéressant de relever que chez l'homme, MMP1 (présenté comme l'analogue de MMP13 de la souris} joue un rôle primordial dans le photo-vieillissement, nous suggérons donc que PPARß/δ pourrait ainsi être une cible attrayante concernant la photoprotection.
An African oxalogenic tree, the iroko tree (Milicia excelsa), has the property to enhance carbonate precipitation in tropical oxisols, where such accumulations are not expected due to the acidic conditions in these types of soils. This uncommon process is linked to the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which increases soil pH through oxalate oxidation. In order to investigate the oxalate-carbonate pathway in the iroko system, fluxes of matter have been identified, described, and evaluated from field to microscopic scales. In the first centimeters of the soil profile, decaying of the organic matter allows the release of whewellite crystals, mainly due to the action of termites and saprophytic fungi. In addition, a concomitant flux of carbonate formed in wood tissues contributes to the carbonate flux and is identified as a direct consequence of wood feeding by termites. Nevertheless, calcite biomineralization of the tree is not a consequence of in situ oxalate consumption, but rather related to the oxalate oxidation inside the upper part of the soil. The consequence of this oxidation is the presence of carbonate ions in the soil solution pumped through the roots, leading to preferential mineralization of the roots and the trunk base. An ideal scenario for the iroko biomineralization and soil carbonate accumulation starts with oxalatization: as the iroko tree grows, the organic matter flux to the soil constitutes the litter, and an oxalate pool is formed on the forest ground. Then, wood rotting agents (mainly termites, saprophytic fungi, and bacteria) release significant amounts of oxalate crystals from decaying plant tissues. In addition, some of these agents are themselves producers of oxalate (e.g. fungi). Both processes contribute to a soil pool of "available" oxalate crystals. Oxalate consumption by oxalotrophic bacteria can then start. Carbonate and calcium ions present in the soil solution represent the end products of the oxalate-carbonate pathway. The solution is pumped through the roots, leading to carbonate precipitation. The main pools of carbon are clearly identified as the organic matter (the tree and its organic products), the oxalate crystals, and the various carbonate features. A functional model based on field observations and diagenetic investigations with δ13C signatures of the various compartments involved in the local carbon cycle is proposed. It suggests that the iroko ecosystem can act as a long-term carbon sink, as long as the calcium source is related to non-carbonate rocks. Consequently, this carbon sink, driven by the oxalate carbonate pathway around an iroko tree, constitutes a true carbon trapping ecosystem as defined by ecological theory.
Sphingomonas wittichii is a gram-negative Alpha-proteobacterium, capable of degrading xenobiotic compounds such as dibenzofuran (DBF), dibenzo-p-dioxin, carbazole, 2-hydroxybiphenyl or nitro diphenyl ether herbicides. The metabolism of strain RW1 has been the subject of previous studies and a number of genes involved in DBF degradation have been characterized. It is known that RW1 posseses a unique initial DBF dioxygenase (encoded by the dxnAl gene) that catalyzes the first step in the degradation pathway. None of the organisms known to be able to degrade DBF have a similar dioxygenase, the closest match being the DBF dioxygenase from Rhodococcus sp. with an overall amino acid similarity of 45%. Genes participating in the conversion of the metabolite salicylate via the ortho-cleavage pathway to TCA cycle intermediates were identified as well. Apart from this scarce information, however, there is a lack of global knowledge on the genes that are involved in DBF degradation by strain RW1 and the influence of environmental stresses on DBF-dependent global gene expression. A global analysis is necessary, because it may help to better understand the behaviour of the strain under field conditions and suggest improvements for the current bioaugmentation practice. Chapter 2 describes the results of whole-genome analysis to characterize the genes involved in DBF degradation by RW1. Micro-array analysis allowed us to detect differences in gene transcription when strain RW1 was exposed to DBF. This was complemented by ultra-high throughput sequencing of mutants no longer capable of growing on salicylate and DBF. Some of the genes of the ortho-cleavage pathway were induced 2 to 4 times in the presence of DBF, as well as the initial DBF dioxygenase. However two gene clusters, named 4925 and 5102 were induced up to 19 times in response to DBF induction. The cluster 4925 is putatively participating in a meta-cleavage pathway while the cluster 5102 might be part of a gentisate pathway. The three pathways, ortho-cleavage, meta-cleavage and gentisate pathway seem to be active in parallel when strain RW1 is exposed to DBF, presenting evidence for a redundancy of genes for DBF degradation in the genome of RW1. Chapter 3 focuses on exploiting genetic tools to construct bioreporters representative for DBF degradation in RW1. A set of basic tools for genetic manipulation in Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 was tested and optimized. Both plasmids and mini-transposons were evaluated for their ability to be maintained in RW1 with or without antibiotic selection pressure, and for their ability to lead to fluorescent protein expression in strain RW1 from a constitutive promoter. Putative promoter regions of three of the previously found DBF-induced genes (Swit_4925, Swit_5102 and Swit_4897-dxnAl) were then used to construct eg/^-bioreporters in RW1. Chapter 4 describes the use of the constructed RW1-based bioreporter strains for examining the expression of the DBF degradation pathway genes under microcosm conditions. The bioreporter strains were first exposed to different carbon sources in liquid culture to calibrate the egfp induction. Contrary to our expectations from micro-array analysis only the construct with the promoter from gene cluster 4925 responded to DBF, whereas the other two constructs did not show specific induction with DBF. The response from the bioreporters was subsequently tested for sensitivity to water stress, given that this could have an important impact in soils. Exposure to liquid cultures with decreasing water potential, achieved by NaCl or PEG addition to the growth media, showed that eGFP expression in RW1 from the promoter regions 4925 and 5102 was not directly influenced by water stress, but only through an overall reduction in growth rate. In contrast, expression of eGFP from the dxnAl or an uspA promoter was also directly dependent on the extent of water stress. The RW1 with the 4925 construct was subsequently used in soil microcosms to evaluate DBF bioavailability to the cells in presence or absence of native microbiota or other contaminated material. We found that RW1 could grow on DBF added to soil, but bioreporter expression suggested that competition with native microbiota for DBF intermediates may limit its ability to proliferate to a maximum. Chapter 5 describes the results from the experiments carried out to more specifically detect genes of RW1 that might be implicated in water stress resistance. Hereto we created transposon mutagenesis libraries in RW1, either with a classical mini-Tn5 or with a variant that would express egfp when the transposon would insert in a gene induced under water stress. Classical mutant libraries were screened by replica plating under high and low water stress conditions (achieved by adding NaCl to the agar medium). In addition, we screened for smaller microcolonies formed by mutants in agarose beads that could be analized with flow cytometry. A number of mutants impaired to grow on NaCl-supplemented media were recovered and the transposon insertion sites sequenced. In a second procedure we screened by flow cytometry for mutants with a higher eGFP production after exposure to growth medium with higher NaCl concentrations. Mutants from both libraries rarely overlapped. Discovered gene functions of the transposon insertions pointed to compatible solute synthesis (glutamate and proline), cell membrane synthesis and modification of cell membrane composition. The results obtained in the present study give us a more complete picture of the mechanisms of DBF degradation by S. wittichii RW1, how it reacts to different DBF availability and how the DBF catabolic activity may be affected by the conditions found in contaminated environments. - Sphingomonas wittichii est une alpha-protéobactérie gram-négative, capable de dégrader des composés xénobiotiques tels que le dibenzofurane (DBF), la dibenzo-p-dioxine, le carbazole, le 2-hydroxybiphényle ou les herbicides dérivés du nitro-diphényléther. Le métabolisme de la souche RW1 a fait l'objet d'études antérieures et un certain nombre de gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF ont été caractérisés. Il est connu que RW1 possède une unique dioxygénase DBF initiale (codée par le gène dxnAl) qui catalyse la première étape de la voie de dégradation. Aucun des organismes connus pour être capables de dégrader le DBF n'a de dioxygénase similaire. L'enzyme la plus proche étant la DBF dioxygénase de Rhodococcus sp. avec 45% d'acides aminés conservés. Les gènes qui participent à la transformation du salicylate en métabolites intermédiaires du cycle de Krebs par la voie ort/io-cleavage ont aussi été identifiés. Outre ces informations lacunaires, il y a un manque de connaissances sur l'ensemble des gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF par la souche RW1 ainsi que l'effet des stress environnementaux sur l'expression génétique globale, en présence du DBF. Une analyse globale est nécessaire, car elle peut aider à mieux comprendre le comportement de la souche dans les conditions de terrain et de proposer des améliorations pour l'utilisation de la bio-augmentation comme technique de bio-remédiation. Le chapitre 2 décrit les résultats de l'analyse du génome pour caractériser les gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF par RW1. Une analyse de micro-arrays nous a permis de détecter des différences dans la transcription des gènes lorsque la souche RW1 a été exposée au DBF. L'analyse a été complétée par le criblage à ultra-haut débit de mutants qui n'étaient plus capables de croître avec le salicylate ou le DBF comme seule source de carbone. Certains des gènes de la voie ortho-cleavage, dont la DBF dioxygénase initiale, ont xî été induits 2 à 4 fois, en présence du DBF. Cependant, deux groupes de gènes, nommés 4925 et 5102 ont été induits jusqu'à 19 fois en réponse au DBF. Le cluster 4925 participe probablement dans une voie de meta-cleavage tandis que le cluster 5102 pourrait faire partie d'une voie du gentisate. Les trois voies, ortho-cleavage, meta-cleavage et la voie du gentisate semblent être activées en parallèle lorsque la souche RW1 est exposée au DBF, ce qui représente une redondance de voies pour la dégradation du DBF dans le génome de RW1. Le chapitre 3 se concentre sur l'exploitation des outils génétiques pour la construction de biorapporteurs de la dégradation du DBF par RW1. Un ensemble d'outils de base pour la manipulation génétique dans Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 a été testé et optimisé. Deux plasmides et mini-transposons ont été évalués pour leur capacité à être maintenu dans RW1 avec ou sans pression de sélection par des antibiotiques, et pour leur capacité à exprimer la protéine fluorescente verte (eGFP) dans la souche RW1. Les trois promoteurs des gènes Swit_4925, Swit_5102 et Swit_4897 (dxnAl), induits en réponse au DBF, ont ensuite été utilisés pour construire des biorapporteurs dans RW1. Le chapitre 4 décrit l'utilisation des souches biorapportrices construites pour l'analyse de l'expression des gènes de la voie de dégradation du DBF dans des microcosmes avec différents types de sols. Les souches biorapportrices ont d'abord été exposées à différentes sources de carbone en cultures liquides afin de calibrer l'induction de la eGFP. La construction avec le promoteur du gène 4925 a permis une réponse au DBF. Mais contrairement à nos attentes, basées sur les résultats de l'analyse des micro-arrays, les deux autres constructions n'ont pas montré d'induction spécifique au DBF. La réponse des biorapporteurs a ensuite été testée pour la sensibilité au stress hydrique, étant donné que cela pourrait avoir un impact important dans les microcosmes. La diminution du potentiel hydrique en culture liquide est obtenue par addition de NaCl ou de PEG au milieu de croissance. Nous avons montré que l'expression de la eGFP contrôlée par les promoteurs 4925 et 5102 n'était pas directement influencée par le stress hydrique, mais seulement par une réduction globale des taux de croissance. En revanche, l'expression de la eGFP dépendante des promoteurs dxnAl et uspA était aussi directement dépendante de l'ampleur du stress hydrique. La souche avec la construction 4925 a été utilisée par la suite dans des microcosmes avec différents types de sols pour évaluer la biodisponibilité du DBF en présence ou absence des microbes indigènes et d'autres composés contaminants. Nous avons constaté que RW1 pouvait se développer si le DBF a été ajouté au sol, mais l'expression de la eGFP par le biorapporteur suggère que la compétition avec la microbiota indigène pour les métabolites intermédiaires du DBF peut limiter sa capacité à proliférer de manière optimale. Le chapitre 5 décrit les résultats des expériences réalisées afin de détecter spécifiquement les gènes de RW1 qui pourraient être impliquées dans la résistance au stress hydrique. Ici on a crée des bibliothèques de mutants de RW1 par transposon, soit avec un mini-Tn5 classique ou avec une variante qui exprime la eGFP lorsque le transposon s'insère dans un gène induit par le stress hydrique. Les bibliothèques de mutants ont été criblées par la méthode classique de repiquage sur boîtes, dans des conditions de stress hydrique élevé (obtenu par l'addition de NaCl dans les boîtes). En outre, nous avons criblé des micro¬colonies dans des billes d'agarose qui ont pu être analysées par cytométrie de flux. Un certain nombre de mutants déficients à croître sur des milieux supplémentés avec du NaCl ont été isolés et les sites d'insertion du transposon séquencés. Dans une deuxième procédure nous avons criblé par cytométrie de flux des mutants avec une production de eGFP supérieure, après exposition à un milieu de croissance avec une concentration élevée de NaCl. Les mutants obtenus dans les deux bibliothèques n'étaient pas similaires. Les fonctions des gènes où se trouvent les insertions de transposons sont impliqués dans la synthèse de solutés compatibles (glutamate et de la proline), dans la synthèse de la membrane cellulaire et dans la modification de la composition de la membrane cellulaire. Les résultats obtenus dans la présente étude nous donnent une image plus complète des mécanismes de dégradation du DBF par S. wittichii RW1, comment cette souche réagit à la disponibilité du DBF et comment l'activité catabolique peut être affectée par les conditions rencontrées dans des environnements contaminés.
We investigated the impact of GLUT2 gene inactivation on the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism during the fed to fast transition. In control and GLUT2-null mice, fasting was accompanied by a approximately 10-fold increase in plasma glucagon to insulin ratio, a similar activation of liver glycogen phosphorylase and inhibition of glycogen synthase and the same elevation in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNAs. In GLUT2-null mice, mobilization of glycogen stores was, however, strongly impaired. This was correlated with glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) levels, which remained at the fed values, indicating an important allosteric stimulation of glycogen synthase by G6P. These G6P levels were also accompanied by a paradoxical elevation of the mRNAs for L-pyruvate kinase. Re-expression of GLUT2 in liver corrected the abnormal regulation of glycogen and L-pyruvate kinase gene expression. Interestingly, GLUT2-null livers were hyperplasic, as revealed by a 40% increase in liver mass and 30% increase in liver DNA content. Together, these data indicate that in the absence of GLUT2, the G6P levels cannot decrease during a fasting period. This may be due to neosynthesized glucose entering the cytosol, being unable to diffuse into the extracellular space, and being phosphorylated back to G6P. Because hepatic glucose production is nevertheless quantitatively normal, glucose produced in the endoplasmic reticulum may also be exported out of the cell through an alternative, membrane traffic-based pathway, as previously reported (Guillam, M.-T., Burcelin, R., and Thorens, B. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 12317-12321). Therefore, in fasting, GLUT2 is not required for quantitative normal glucose output but is necessary to equilibrate cytosolic glucose with the extracellular space. In the absence of this equilibration, the control of hepatic glucose metabolism by G6P is dominant over that by plasma hormone concentrations.
The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet beta-cells. Hnf6 is initially expressed throughout the pancreatic epithelium but is downregulated in endocrine cells at late gestation and is not expressed in postnatal islets. Transgenic mice in which Hnf6 expression is maintained in postnatal islets (pdx1(PB)Hnf6) show overt diabetes and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) at weaning. We now define the mechanism whereby maintenance of Hnf6 expression postnatally leads to beta-cell dysfunction. We provide evidence that continued expression of Hnf6 impairs GSIS by altering insulin granule biosynthesis, resulting in a reduced response to secretagogues. Sustained expression of Hnf6 also results in downregulation of the beta-cell-specific transcription factor MafA and a decrease in total pancreatic insulin. These results suggest that downregulation of Hnf6 expression in beta-cells during development is essential to achieve a mature, glucose-responsive beta-cell.
Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) has been reported to inhibit the classical, alternative pathway as well as the mannan-binding lectin pathway of the complement system. Furthermore, it acts as an endothelial cell protectant inhibiting complement-mediated endothelial cell damage. Endothelial cells are covered with a layer of heparan sulfate (HS), which is rapidly released under conditions of inflammation and tissue injury. Soluble HS induces maturation of dendritic cells (DC) via TLR4. In this study, we show the inhibitory effect of DXS on human DC maturation. DXS significantly prevents phenotypic maturation of monocyte-derived DC and peripheral myeloid DC by inhibiting the up-regulation of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, ICAM-1, and HLA-DR and down-regulates DC-SIGN in response to HS or exogenous TLR ligands. DXS also inhibits the functional maturation of DC as demonstrated by reduced T cell proliferation, and strongly impairs secretion of the proinflammatory mediators IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p70, and TNF-alpha. Exposure to DXS leads to a reduced production of the complement component C1q and a decreased phagocytic activity, whereas C3 secretion is increased. Moreover, DXS was found to inhibit phosphorylation of IkappaB-alpha and activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that DXS prevents TLR-induced maturation of human DC and may therefore be a useful reagent to impede the link between innate and adaptive immunity.
By using improved pulsed field gel electrophoresis conditions, the molecular karyotype of the reference clone CL Brener selected for Trypanosoma cruzi genome project was established. A total of 20 uniform chromosomal bands ranging in size from 0.45 to 3.5 Megabase pairs (Mbp) were resolved in a single run. The weighted sum of the chromosomal bands was approximately 87 Mbp. Chromoblots were hybridized with 39 different homologous probes, 13 of which identified single chromosomes. Several markers showed linkage and four different linkage groups were identified, each comprising two markers. Densitometric analysis suggests that most of the chromosomal bands contain two or more chromosomes representing either homologous chromosomes and/or heterologous chromosomes with similar sizes
Strategies to construct the physical map of the Trypanosoma cruzi nuclear genome have to capitalize on three main advantages of the parasite genome, namely (a) its small size, (b) the fact that all chromosomes can be defined, and many of them can be isolated by pulse field gel electrophoresis, and (c) the fact that simple Southern blots of electrophoretic karyotypes can be used to map sequence tagged sites and expressed sequence tags to chromosomal bands. A major drawback to cope with is the complexity of T. cruzi genetics, that hinders the construction of a comprehensive genetic map. As a first step towards physical mapping, we report the construction and partial characterization of a T. cruzi CL-Brener genomic library in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that consists of 2,770 individual YACs with a mean insert size of 365 kb encompassing around 10 genomic equivalents. Two libraries in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) have been constructed, BACI and BACII. Both libraries represent about three genome equivalents. A third BAC library (BAC III) is being constructed. YACs and BACs are invaluable tools for physical mapping. More generally, they have to be considered as a common resource for research in Chagas disease
Brown adipose tissue and liver of hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals of the dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius were studies using ultrastructural cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry with the aim to investigate possible fine structural modifications of the cell nucleus during the seasonal cycle. The general morphology of brown adipocyte and hepatocyte nuclei was similar in the three experimental groups. However, three nuclear structural constituents were identified only in hibernating individuals: coiled bodies (CBs) and amorphous bodies (ABs) were observed in hepatocytes and, together with bundles of nucleoplasmic fibrils (NF), were present in brown adipocytes of hibernating dormice. In arousing animals only some structural constituents suggestive of poorly structured CBs were found. The latter showed the same immunocytochemical features as CBs of hibernating individuals, suggesting that they are disappearing CBs. A possible involvement of CBs in storing and/or processing RNA which must be rapidly and abundantly released upon arousal is discussed. ABs similarly to CBs contain RNA and nucleoplasmic ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and could also be involved in mRNA pathways. NF do not contain nucleic acids or RNPs and seem to be composed of protein-aceous material; their functional role in the nuclear metabolism of hibernating brown adipocytes remains unclear.
AbstractThe Chlamydiales order is an important bacterial phylum that comprises some of the most successful human pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Since some years, several new bacteria related to Chlamydia have been discovered in clinical or environmental samples and might represent emerging pathogens. The genome sequencing of classical Chlamydia has brought invaluable information on these obligate intracellular bacteria otherwise difficult to study due to the lack of tools to perform basic genetic manipulation. The recent emergence of high-throughput sequencing technologies yielding millions of reads in a short time lowered the costs of genome sequencing and thus represented a unique opportunity to study Chlamydia-re\ated bacteria. Based on the sequencing and the analysis of Chlamydiales genomes, this thesis provides significant insights into the genetic determinants of the intracellular lifestyle, the pathogenicity, the metabolism and the evolution of Chlamydia-related bacteria. A first approach showed the efficacy of rapid sequencing coupled to proteomics to identify immunogenic proteins. This method, particularly useful for an emerging pathogen such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, enabled us to discover good candidates for the development of diagnostic tools that would permit to evaluate at larger scale the role of this bacterium in disease. Second, the complete genome of Waddlia chondrophila, a potential agent of miscarriage, encodes numerous virulence factors to manipulate its host cell and resist to environmental stresses. The reconstruction of metabolic pathways showed that the bacterium possesses extensive capabilities compared to related organisms. However, it is still incapable of synthesizing some essential components and thus has to import them from its host. Third, the genome comparison of Protochlamydia naegleriophila to its closest known relative Protochlamydia amoebophila revealed a particular evolutionary dynamic with the occurrence of an unexpected genome rearrangement. Fourth, a phylogenetic analysis of P. acanthamoebae and Legionella drancourtii identified several genes probably exchanged by horizontal gene transfer with other intracellular bacteria that might occur within their amoebal host. These genes often encode mechanisms for resistance to metal or toxic compounds. As a whole, the analysis of the different genomes enabled us to highlight a large diversity in size, GC percentage, repeat content as well as plasmid organization. The abundant genomic data obtained during this thesis have a wide impact since they provide the necessary bases for detailed investigations on countless aspects of the biology and the evolution of Chlamydia-related bacteria, whether in wet lab or by bioinformatical analyses.RésuméL'ordre des Chlamydiales est un important phylum bactérien qui comprend de nombreuses espèces pathogènes pour l'homme et les animaux, dont Chlamydia trachomatis, responsable du trachome, la cause majeure de cécité d'origine infectieuse à travers le monde. Durant ces dernières décennies, de nombreuses bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia ont été découvertes dans des échantillons environnementaux ou cliniques mais leur éventuel rôle pathogène dans le développement de maladies reste peu connu. Ces bactéries sont des intracellulaires obligatoires car elles ont besoin d'une cellule hôte pour se multiplier, ce qui rend leur étude particulièrement difficile. Le développement de nouvelles technologies permettant de séquencer le génome d'un organisme rapidement et à moindre coût ainsi que l'essor des méthodes d'analyse s'y rapportant représentent une opportunité exceptionnelle d'étudier ces organismes. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse démontre l'utilité de la génomique pour développer de nouveaux outils diagnostiques ainsi que pour étudier le métabolisme de ces bactéries, leurs facteurs de virulence et leur évolution.Ainsi, une première approche a illustré l'utilité d'un séquençage rapide pour obtenir les informations nécessaires à l'identification de protéines qui sont reconnues par des anticorps humains ou animaux. Cette méthode, particulièrement utile pour un pathogène émergent tel que Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, a permis de découvrir de bons candidats pour le développement d'un outil diagnostique qui permettrait d'évaluer à plus large échelle le rôle de cette bactérie notamment dans la pneumonie. L'analyse du contenu génique de Waddlia chondrophila, un autre germe qui pourrait être impliqué dans les avortements et tes fausses-couches, a en outre mis en évidence la présence de nombreux facteurs connus qui lui permettent de manipuler son hôte. Cette bactérie possède de plus grandes capacités métaboliques que les autres Chlamydia, mais elle est incapable de synthétiser certains composants et doit donc les importer de son hôte pour subvenir à ses besoins. La comparaison du génome de Protochlamydia naegleriophila à son plus proche parent, Protochlamydia amoebophila, a dévoilé une évolution dynamique particulière avec l'occurrence d'un réarrangement majeur inattendu après la séparation de ces deux espèces. En outre, ces études ont montré l'occurrence de plusieurs transferts de gène avec d'autres organismes plus éloignés, notamment d'autres intracellulaires d'amibes, souvent pour l'acquisition de mécanismes de résistances à des composés toxiques. Les données génomiques acquises durant ce travail posent les fondements nécessaires a de nombreuses analyses qui permettront progressivement de mieux comprendre de nombreux aspects de ces bactéries fascinantes.
Protection against reinfection is mediated by Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells, which display stem cell-like function. Because canonical Wnt (Wingless/Int1) signals critically regulate renewal versus differentiation of adult stem cells, we evaluated Wnt signal transduction in CD8 T cells during an immune response to acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Whereas naive CD8 T cells efficiently transduced Wnt signals, at the peak of the primary response to infection only a fraction of effector T cells retained signal transduction and the majority displayed strongly reduced Wnt activity. Reduced Wnt signaling was in part due to the downregulation of Tcf-1, one of the nuclear effectors of the pathway, and coincided with progress toward terminal differentiation. However, the correlation between low and high Wnt levels with short-lived and memory precursor effector cells, respectively, was incomplete. Adoptive transfer studies showed that low and high Wnt signaling did not influence cell survival but that Wnt high effectors yielded memory cells with enhanced proliferative potential and stronger protective capacity. Likewise, following adoptive transfer and rechallenge, memory cells with high Wnt levels displayed increased recall expansion, compared with memory cells with low Wnt signaling, which were preferentially effector-like memory cells, including tissue-resident memory cells. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling identifies CD8 T cells with enhanced proliferative potential in part independent of commonly used cell surface markers to discriminate effector and memory T cell subpopulations. Interventions that maintain Wnt signaling may thus improve the formation of functional CD8 T cell memory during vaccination.
In this study I try to explain the systemic problem of the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy for the production of electricity by carrying out a biophysical analysis of its production process. Given the fact that neither econometric approaches nor onedimensional methods of energy analyses are effective, I introduce the concept of biophysical explanation as a quantitative analysis capable of handling the inherent ambiguity associated with the concept of energy. In particular, the quantities of energy, considered as relevant for the assessment, can only be measured and aggregated after having agreed on a pre-analytical definition of a grammar characterizing a given set of finite transformations. Using this grammar it becomes possible to provide a biophysical explanation for the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity. When comparing the various unit operations of the process of production of electricity with nuclear energy to the analogous unit operations of the process of production of fossil energy, we see that the various phases of the process are the same. The only difference is related to characteristics of the process associated with the generation of heat which are completely different in the two systems. Since the cost of production of fossil energy provides the base line of economic competitiveness of electricity, the (lack of) economic competitiveness of the production of electricity from nuclear energy can be studied, by comparing the biophysical costs associated with the different unit operations taking place in nuclear and fossil power plants when generating process heat or net electricity. In particular, the analysis focuses on fossil-fuel requirements and labor requirements for those phases that both nuclear plants and fossil energy plants have in common: (i) mining; (ii) refining/enriching; (iii) generating heat/electricity; (iv) handling the pollution/radioactive wastes. By adopting this approach, it becomes possible to explain the systemic low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity, because of: (i) its dependence on oil, limiting its possible role as a carbon-free alternative; (ii) the choices made in relation to its fuel cycle, especially whether it includes reprocessing operations or not; (iii) the unavoidable uncertainty in the definition of the characteristics of its process; (iv) its large inertia (lack of flexibility) due to issues of time scale; and (v) its low power level.
Liver metabolism is markedly sex-dimorphic; accordingly, the prevalence of liver diseases is different between sexes. The superfamily of nuclear receptors (NRs) governs the proper expression of key liver metabolism genes by sensing lipid-soluble hormones and dietary lipids. When the expression of those genes is deregulated, disease development is favored. However, we lack a comprehensive picture of the differences between NR actions in males and females. Here, we reviewed explorative studies that assessed NR functions in both sexes, and we propose a first map of sex-dimorphic NR expression in the liver. Our analysis suggested that NRs in the female liver exhibited cross-talk with more liver-protective potential than NRs in male liver. This study provides empirical support to the hypothesis that women are more resilient to some liver diseases than men, based on a more compensative NR network. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translating nuclear receptors from health to disease.