1000 resultados para cinética da cristalização
The area studied is located on the north-easternmost portion of the Borborema Province, on the so-called São José de Campestre Massif, States of RN and PB, Northeast Brazil. Field relations and petrographic, geochemical and isotope data permitted the separation of five suites of plutonic rocks: alkali-feldspar granite (Caxexa Pluton), which constitutes the main subject of this dissertation, amphibole-biotite granite (Cabeçudo Pluton), biotite microgranite, gabbronorite to monzonite (Basic to Intermediate Suite) and aluminous granitoid. The Caxexa Pluton is laterally associated to the Remígio Pocinhos Shear Zone, with its emplacement along the mylonitic contact between the gneissic basement and the micashists. This pluton corresponds to a syntectonic intrusion elongated in the N-S direction, with about 50 km2 of outcropping surface. It is composed exclusively of alkali-feldspar granites, having clinopyroxene (aegirine-augite and hedenbergite), andradite-rich garnet, sphene and magnetite. It is classified geochemically as high silica rocks (>70 % wt), metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (normative corindon < 1%), with high total alkalis (>10% wt), Sr, iron number (#Fe=90-98) and agpaitic index (0.86-1.00), and positive europium anomaly. The Cabeçudo Pluton is composed of porphyritic rocks, commonly containing basic to intermediate magmatic enclaves often with mingling and mixing textures. Petrographically, it presents k-feldspar and plagioclase phenocrysts as the essential minerals, besides the accessories amphibole, biotite, sphene and magnetite. It is metaluminous and shows characteristics transitional between the calc-alkaline and alkaline series (or monzonitic subalkaline). Its REE content is greater than those ones of the Caxexa Pluton and biotite microgranite, and all spectra have negative europium anomalies. The biotite microgranites occur mainly on the central and eastern portion of the mapped area, as dykes and sheets with decimetric thickness, hosted principally in orthogneisses and micashists. Their field relationships as regards the Caxexa and Cabeçudo plutons suggested that they are late-tectonic intrusions. They are typically biotite granites, having also sphene, amphibole, allanite, opaques and zircon in the accessory assemblage. Geochemically they can be distinguished from the porphyritic types because the biotite microgranites are more evolved, peraluminous, and have more fractionated REE spectra. The Basic to Intermediate rocks form a volumetrically expressive elliptical, kilometric scale body on the Southeast, as well as sheets in micashists. They are classified as gabbronorites to monzonites, with the two pyroxenes and biotite, besides subordinated amounts of amphibole, sphene, ilmenite and allanite. These rocks do not show a well-defined geochemical trend, however they may possibly represent a monzonitic (shoshonitic) series. Their REE spectra have negative europium anomalies and REE contents greater than the other suites. The aluminous granitoids are volumetrically restricted, and have been observed in close association with migmatised micashists bordering the gabbronorite pluton. They are composed of almandine-rich garnet, andalusite, biotite and muscovite, and are akin to the peraluminous suites. Rb-Sr (whole rock) and Sm-Nd (whole-rock and mineral) isotopes furnished a minimum estimate of the crystallization (578±14 Ma) and the final resetting age of the Rb-Sr system (536±4 Ma) in the Caxexa Pluton. The aluminous granitoid has a Sm-Nd garnet age similar to that one of the Caxexa Pluton, that is 574±67 Ma. The strong interaction of shear bands and pegmatite dykes favoured the opening of the Rb-Sr system for the Caxexa Pluton and biotite microgranite. The amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer and the Al-in amphibole geobarometer indicate minimum conditions of 560°C and 7 kbar for the Cabeçudo Pluton, 730°C and 6 kbar for the microgranite and 743°C and 5 kbar for the basic to intermediate suite. The Zr saturation geothermometer reveals temperatures of respectively 855°C, 812°C and 957°C for those suites, whereas the Caxexa Pluton shows temperatures of around 757°C. The Caxexa, Cabeçudo and microgranites suites crystallized under high fO2 (presence of magnetite). On the other hand, the occurrence of ilmenite suggests less oxidant conditions in the basic to intermediate suite. Field relations demonstrate the intrusive character of the granitoids into a tectonically relatively stable continental crust. This is corroborated by petrographic and geochemical data, which suggest a late- or post-collisional tectonic context. It follows that the generation and emplacement of those granitoid suites is related to the latest events of the Brasiliano orogeny. Finally, the relationships between eNd (600 Ma), TDM (Nd) and initial Sr isotope ratio (ISr) do not permit to define the precise sources of the granitoids. Nevertheless, trace element modelling and isotopic comparisons suggest the participation of the metasomatised mantle in the generation of these suites, probably modified by different degrees of crustal contamination. In this way, a metasomatised mantle would not be a particular characteristic of the Neoproterozoic lithosphere, but a remarkable feature of this portion of the Borborema Province since Archaean and Paleoproterozoic times.
The Brasiliano Cycle in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil) is regarded mostly as a crustal reworking event, characterized by transcurrent or transpressional shear zones which operated under high temperature and low pressure conditions. In the eastern domain of this belt- the so-called São José de Campestre Massif (SJCM), a transtensional deformation regime is evidenced by extensional components or structures associated to the strikeslip shear zones. The emplacement of the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano granitoids is strongly controled by these discontinuities. Located in the southern border of the SJCM, the Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone (RPSZ) displays, in its northern half, top to the SW extensional movement which progressively grade, towards its southern half, to a dextral strike-slip kinematics, defining a negative semi-flower structure. This shear zone is overprinted upon allocthonous metasediments of the Seridó Group and an older gneiss-migmatite complex, both of which containing metamorphic parageneses from high amphibolite to granulite facies (the latter restricted to the strike-slip zone), defining the peak conditions of deformation. Several granitoid plutons are found along this structure, emplaced coeval with the shearing event. Individually, such bodies do not exceed 30 km2 in outcropping area and are essentially parallel to the trend of the shear zone. Petrographic, textural and geochemical data allow to recognize five different granitoid suites along the RPSZ: porphyritic granites (Serra da Boa Vista and Jandaíra), alkaline granites (Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão) and medium to coarse-grained granites (Olivedos) as major plutons, while microgranite and aluminous leucogranite sheets occur as minor intrusions. The porphyritic granites are surrounded by metasediments and present sigmoidal or en cornue shapes parallel to the trend of the RPSZ, corroborating the dextral kinematics. Basic to intermediate igneous enclaves are commonly associated to these bodies, frequently displaying mingling textures with the host granitoids. Compositionally these plutons are made up by titanite-biotite monzogranites bearing amphibole and magnetite; they are peraluminous and show affinities to the monzonitic, subalkaline series. Peraluminous, ilmenite-bearing biotite monzogranites and titanite-biotite monzogranites correspond, respectivally, to the Olivedos pluton and the microgranites. The Olivedos body is hosted by metasediments, while the microgranites intrude the gneiss-migmatite complex. Being highly evolved rocks, samples from these granites plot in the crustal melt fields in discrimination diagrams. Nevertheless, their subtle alignment also looks consistent with a monzonitic, subalkaline affinity. These chemical parameters make them closer to the I-type granites. Alkaline, clearly syntectonic granites are also recognized along the RPSZ. The Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão bodies display elongated shapes parallel to the mylonite belt which runs between the northern, extensional domain and the southern strike-slip zone. The Serra do Algodão pluton shows a characteristic isoclinal fold shape structure. Compositionally they encompass aegirine-augite alkali-feldspar granites and quartz-bearing alkaline syenite bearing garnet (andradite) and magnetite plus ilmenite as opaque phases. These rocks vary from meta to peraluminous, being correlated to the A-type granites. Aluminous leucogranites bearing biotite + muscovite ± sillimanite ± garnet (S-type granites) are frequent but not volumetrically important along the RPSZ. These sheet-like bodies may be folded or boudinaged, representing partial melts extracted from the metasediments during the shear zone development. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope studies point to a minimum 55410 Ma age for the crystalization of the porphyritic granites. The alkaline granites and the Olivedos granite produced ca. 530 Ma isochrons which look too young; such values probably represent the closure of the Rb-Sr radiometric clock after crystallization and deformation of the plutons, at least 575 Ma ago (Souza et al. 1998). The porphyritic and the alkaline granites crystallized under high oxygen fugacity conditions, as shown by the presence of both magnetite and hematite in these rocks. The presence of ilmenite in the Olivedos pluton suggests less oxidizing conditions. Amphibole and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometers point to minimum conditions, around 750°C and 6 Kbars, for the crystallization of the porphyritic granites. The zirconium geothermometer indicates higher temperatures, in the order of 800°C, for the porphyritic granites, and 780°C for the Olivedos pluton. Such values agree with the thermobarometric data optained for the country rocks (5,7 Kbar and 765°C; Souza et al. 1998). The geochemical and isotope data set point to a lower crustal source for the porphyritic and the alkaline granites. Granulite facies quartz diorite to tonalite gneisses, belonging or akin to the gneiss-migmatite complex, probably dominate in the source regions. In the case of the alkaline rocks, subordinate contributions of mantle material may be present either as a mixing magma or as a previously added component to the source region. Tonalite to granodiorite gneisses, with some metasedimentary contribution, may be envisaged for the Olivedos granite. The diversity of granitoid rocks along the RPSZ is explained by its lithospheric dimension, allowing magma extraction at different levels, from the middle to lower crust down to the mantle. The presence of basic to intermediate enclaves, associated to the porphyritic granites, confirm the participation of mantle components in the magma extraction system along the RPSZ. This mega-structure is part of the network of Brasiliano-age shear zones, activated by continental collision and terrane welding processes at the end of the Neoproterozoic
The study area is located at the eastern-central portion of the Seridó Belt, on the interface between the Seridó Group Metasediments and the crystalline basement rocks of the Caicó Complex (RN). Petrographic and geochemical data allow us to define aspects related to the genesis and evolution of the Serra Verde Pluton magmas, which composes the goal of this dissertation The Serra Verde Pluton is a stock with outcropping area of about 25 km², which is intrusive into metasedimentary sequence and the basement gneisses. The pluton intrusion is sintectonic to the Brasiliano event, elongated along the NE direction, developing a cornue geometry. The rock is a monzogranite mainly composed by K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, which usually compose more than 85% of the modal analisys. The main mafic mineral is the biotite, while amphibole, sphene, epidote, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite occur as accessory minerals. It features still a latemagmatic paragenesis composed by chlorite, granular epidote, carbonates and muscovite, developed through the percolation of late CO2 and H2O rich fluids. Chemically, the Serra Verde Pluton rocks may be classified as metaluminous, of calc-alkaline affiliation, sometimes showing trondhjemític characteristics, with high Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) and Ba (>800ppm) and low K2O (≤3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (≤16ppm) and Zr (≤13ppm). Micropetrographic evidences (mineral assembly and microtextures) indicate that the magma evolution occurred in moderated to high fO2 conditions, above the FMQ buffer. Thermo-barometric data obtained by minor elements geochemistry and the CIPW data, suggest a final/minimal pressure crystallization for the Serra Verde Pluton samples of about 3 to 5 kbar, liquidus temperature around 800o C, solidus temperature between 680o and 660o C. This data is compatible with those observed by many authors for the Neoproterozoic granites of the Seridó Belt. The group of analyzed data (Petrographic, microtextural and geochemical), suggests that the dominant process of the generation and evolution of the Serra Verde Granite magma was the fractional crystallization, probably from basement quartz-dioritic and tonalitic orthogneisses source
The final stage of Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny in the Borborema Province is marked by widespread plutonic magmatism. The Serra da Macambira Pluton is an example of such plutonism in Seridó Belt, northeastern Borborema Province, and it is here subject of geological, petrographic, textural, geochemical and petrogenetic studies. The pluton is located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, intrusive into Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses of the Caicó Complex and Neoproterozoic metassupracrustal rocks of the Seridó Group. Based upon intrusion/inclusion field relationships, mineralogy and texture, the rocks are classified as follows: intermediate enclaves (quartz-bearing monzonite and biotite-bearing tonalite), porphyritic monzogranite, equigranular syenogranite to monzogranite, and late granite and pegmatite dykes. Porphyritic granites and quartz-bearing monzonites represent mingling formed by the injection of an intermediate magma into a granitic one, which had already started crystallization. Both rocks are slightly older than the equigranular granites. Quartz-bearing monzonite has K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and few quartz, meanwhile biotite-bearing tonalite are rich in quartz, poor in K-feldspar and hornblende is absent. Porphyritic and equigranular granites display mainly biotite and rare hornblende, myrmekite and pertitic textures, and zoned plagioclase pointing out to the relevance of fractional crystallization during magma evolution. Such granites have Rare Earth Elements (REE) pattern with negative Eu anomaly and light REE enrichment when compared to heavy REE. They are slight metaluminous to slight peraluminous, following a high-K calc-alkaline path. Petrogenesis started with 27,5% partial melting of Paleoproterozoic continental crust, generating an acid hydrous liquid, leaving a granulitic residue with orthopyroxene, plagioclase (An40-50), K-feldspar, quartz, epidote, magnetite, ilmenite, apatite and zircon. The liquid evolved mainly by fractional crystallization (10-25%) of plagioclase (An20), biotite and hornblende during the first stages of magmatic evolution. Granitic dykes are hololeucocratic with granophyric texture, indicating hypabissal crystallization and REE patterns similar to A-Type granites. Preserved igneous textures, absence or weak imprint of ductile tectonics, association with mafic to intermediate enclaves and alignment of samples according to monzonitic (high-K calcalkaline) series all indicate post-collisional to post-orogenic complexes as described in the literature. Such interpretation is supported by trace element discrimination diagrams that place the Serra da Macambira pluton as late-orogenic, probably reflecting the vanishing stages of the exhumation and collapse of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogen.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se investigar a cinética da resposta imune em cães jovens vacinados contra cinomose, com vírus atenuado, por meio do teste de soroneutralização. Onze cães sadios da raça Beagle, observados do nascimento até 30 meses de idade, isolados de outros cães, receberam vacina monovalente viva atenuada de cinomose canina aos 75, 105 e 135 dias de idade e doze meses após a terceira dose vacinal. O desenvolvimento de anticorpos foi mensurado pela reação de soroneutralização imediatamente antes da vacinação, trinta dias após a administração da primeira e terceira doses, noventa dias após a administração da terceira dose, nove e doze meses após a administração da terceira dose, trinta dias, seis e doze meses após a dose anual. Não havia títulos detectáveis de anticorpos contra cinomose canina antes da primovacinação. O título de anticorpos variou de 4,047 a 4,880 (em logaritmos na base 10), trinta dias após a administração da primeira dose e 6 meses após a dose anual, respectivamente. Todos os cães apresentaram uma resposta similar, embora com variações, com a produção de anticorpos com títulos maiores do que 2, considerado o título mínimo protetor. Doze meses após a dose anual, a maioria dos cães apresentou alto título de anticorpos, sugerindo que a revacinação anual poderia ser desnecessária.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No presente trabalho apresenta-se um método de cristalização da papaína oriunda do látex fresco de mamão, o qual apresenta uma alta produtividade em relação aos métodos previamente descritos. A metodologia aqui descrita não envolve o uso de reagentes sulfidrílicos, a papaína foi obtida de forma praticamente pura, apresentando uma simples banda quando submetida a eletroforese, e com propriedades idênticas àquelas obtidas por outros métodos. A atividade específica foi determinada utilizando Z-gly-pNP e BAEE como substrato. A papaína obtida por essa metodologia, sem uso de substâncias tais como cisteína e ditiotreitol, apresenta-se na forma de um complexo com inibidores naturais, os quais podem ser removidos por diálise.
As sementes de Epiphyllum phyllanthus apresentam alta sensibilidade à luz e a sua germinação pode ser promovida pela luz verde de segurança por meio da resposta de fluência muito baixa mediada pelo fitocromo A. Parte da população de sementes tem fitocromo B na forma ativa (Fve) suficiente para promover a germinação no escuro. Sementes de Epiphyllum phyllanthus germinam em uma ampla faixa de temperatura de 10 a 40°C, atingindo germinação completa na faixa de 15 a 30°C. Acima de 35°C a velocidade de germinação aumenta indicando o controle por um processo não relacionado com o fitocromo. A análise da cinética da germinação de sementes indicou que o controle pelo fitocromo A é menos dependente da temperatura do que o processo controlado pelo fitocromo B.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO: em decorrência dos questionamentos sobre o efeito deletério das radiações emitidas pelo campo eletromagnético (CEM) dos tipos ELF (extremely low frequency) e VLF (very low frequency) transmitidas pelos monitores de vídeo dos computadores (CRT), foi avaliada a freqüência de anomalias cromossômicas estruturais e a cinética do ciclo celular em indivíduos expostos por seu trabalho à radiação dos CRT. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa de aberrações cromossômicas foi realizada em 2.000 metáfases de primeira divisão celular obtidas de culturas de 48h de linfócitos de sangue venoso periférico de dez indivíduos expostos ao CRT (grupo E) e de dez controles (grupo C). A cinética do ciclo celular foi pesquisada pelos índices mitótico (IM) e de proliferação celular (IPC). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística evidenciou freqüências significativamente maiores de metáfases com anomalias cromossômicas (E=5,9%; C=3,7%) e anomalias/célula (E=0,066±0,026; C=0,040±0,026) nos indivíduos expostos aos CRTs. As alterações citogenéticas mais comuns foram as quebras cromatídicas, com freqüência de 0,034±0,016 no grupo E e de 0,016±0,015 no grupo C. As freqüências de IM e IPC não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os grupos avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem um efeito genotóxico do CEM emitido pelos CRTs devido à freqüência mais elevada de quebras cromatídicas, enfatizando a necessidade de haver um número maior de estudos com diferentes técnicas que vise a investigar a ação do CEM sobre o material genético.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós de titanato zirconato de chumbo (PZT) puros e dopados com bário foram obtidos pelo método de precursores poliméricos, conformados uniaxialmente, na forma de cilindros, utilizando 15 MPa, e prensados isostaticamente à 210MPa. Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento de sinterização os compactos foram divididos em dois lotes. Sendo um sinterizado em um forno acoplado a um dilatômetro até a temperatura de 1300 °C e o outro sinterizado em forno tipo mufla, em sistema fechado, na temperatura de 1100 °C por 4 horas. Verificou-se que a adição do íon bário influencia na cinética de sinterização, na densificação final, na microestrutura e nas propriedades elétricas da cerâmica. A adição de bário aumenta a concentração da fase tetragonal no PZT, em função da substituição do chumbo por bário na rede perovskita. As amostras dopadas com concentrações maiores que 5,0 mol % em bário apresentaram segregação de PbO no contorno de grão, inibindo seu crescimento.