951 resultados para cell-mediated immunity
The adenovirus type 5 E1A (abbreviated E1A) has previously been known as an immortalization oncogene because E1A is required for transforming oncogenes, such as ras and E1B, to transform cells in primary cultures. However, E1A has also been shown to downregulate the overexpression of the Her-2/neu oncogene, resulting in suppression of transformation and tumorigenesis induced by that oncogene. In addition, E1A is able to promote apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs, irradiation, and serum deprivation. Many tyrosine kinases, such as the EGF receptor, Her-2/Neu, Src, and Axl are known to play a role in oncogenic signals in transformed cells. To study the mechanism underlying the E1A-mediated tumor-suppressing function, we exploited a modified tyrosine kinase profile assay (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 93, 5958–5962, 1996) to identify potential tyrosine kinases regulated by E1A. RT-PCR products were synthesized with two degenerate primers derived from the conserved motifs of various tyrosine kinases. A tyrosine kinase downregulated by E1A was identified as Axl by analyzing the Alu I-digested RT-PCR products. We isolated the DNA fragment of interest, and found that E1A negatively regulated the expression of the transforming receptor tyrosine kinase Axl at the transcriptional level. To study whether downregulation of the Axl receptor is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression, we transfected axl cDNA into E1A-expressing cells (ip1-E1A) to establish cells that overexpressed Axl (ip1-E1A-Axl). The Axl ligand Gas6 triggered a greater mitogenic effect in these ip1-E1A-Axl cells than in the control cells ip1-E1A and protected the Axl-expressing cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Further study showed that Akt is required for Axl-Gas6 signaling to prevent ip1-E1A-Axl cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. These results indicate that downregulation of the Axl receptor by E1A is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression and E1A-induced apoptosis, and thereby contributes to E1A's anti-tumor activities. ^
Las cascadas de señalización mediadas por proteína quinasas activadas por mitógeno (MAP quinasas) son capaces de integrar y transducir señales ambientales en respuestas celulares. Entre estas señales se encuentran los PAMPs/MAMPs (Pathogen/Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas de patógenos o microorganismos, o los DAMPs (Damaged-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas derivadas de las plantas producidas en respuesta a daño celular. Tras el reconocimiento de los PAMPs/DAMPs por receptores de membrana denominados PRRs (Pattern Recognition Receptors), como los receptores con dominio quinasa (RLKs) o los receptores sin dominio quinasa (RLPs), se activan respuestas moleculares, incluidas cascadas de MAP quinasas, que regulan la puesta en marcha de la inmunidad activada por PAMPs (PTI). Esta Tesis describe la caracterización funcional de la MAP quinasa quinasa quinasa (MAP3K) YODA (YDA), que actúa como un regulador clave de la PTI en Arabidopsis. Se ha descrito previamente que YDA controla varios procesos de desarrollo, como la regulación del patrón estomático, la elongación del zigoto y la arquitectura floral. Hemos caracterizado un alelo mutante hipomórfico de YDA (elk2 o yda11) que presenta una elevada susceptibilidad a patógenos biótrofos y necrótrofos. Notablemente, plantas que expresan una forma constitutivamente activa de YDA (CA-YDA), con una deleción en el dominio N-terminal, presentan una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a diferentes tipos de patógenos, incluyendo hongos, oomicetos y bacterias, lo que indica que YDA juega un papel importante en la regulación de la resistencia de las plantas a patógenos. Nuestros datos indican que esta función es independiente de las respuestas inmunes mediadas por los receptores previamente caracterizados FLS2 y CERK1, que reconocen los PAMPs flg22 y quitina, respectivamente, y que están implicados en la resistencia de Arabidopsis frente a bacterias y hongos. Hemos demostrado que YDA controla la resistencia frente al hongo necrótrofo Plectosphaerella cucumerina y el patrón estomático mediante su interacción genética con la RLK ERECTA (ER), un PRR implicado en la regulación de estos procesos. Por el contrario, la interacción genética entre ER y YDA en la regulación de otros procesos de desarrollo es aditiva en lugar de epistática. Análisis genéticos indicaron que MPK3, una MAP quinasa que funciona aguas abajo de YDA en el desarrollo estomático, es un componente de la ruta de señalización mediada por YDA para la resistencia frente a P. cucumerina, lo que sugiere que el desarrollo de las plantas y la PTI comparten el módulo de transducción de MAP quinasas asociado a YDA. Nuestros experimentos han revelado que la resistencia mediada por YDA es independiente de las rutas de señalización reguladas por las hormonas de defensa ácido salicílico, ácido jasmónico, ácido abscísico o etileno, y también es independiente de la ruta de metabolitos secundarios derivados del triptófano, que están implicados en inmunidad vegetal. Además, hemos demostrado que respuestas asociadas a PTI, como el aumento en la concentración de calcio citoplásmico, la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno, la fosforilación de MAP quinasas y la expresión de genes de defensa, no están afectadas en el mutante yda11. La expresión constitutiva de la proteína CA-YDA en plantas de Arabidopsis no provoca un aumento de las respuestas PTI, lo que sugiere la existencia de mecanismos de resistencia adicionales regulados por YDA que son diferentes de los regulados por FLS2 y CERK1. En línea con estos resultados, nuestros datos transcriptómicos revelan una sobre-representación en plantas CA-YDA de genes de defensa que codifican, por ejemplo, péptidos antimicrobianos o reguladores de muerte celular, o proteínas implicadas en la biogénesis de la pared celular, lo que sugiere una conexión potencial entre la composición e integridad de la pared celular y la resistencia de amplio espectro mediada por YDA. Además, análisis de fosfoproteómica indican la fosforilación diferencial de proteínas relacionadas con la pared celular en plantas CA-YDA en comparación con plantas silvestres. El posible papel de la ruta ER-YDA en la regulación de la integridad de la pared celular está apoyado por análisis bioquímicos y glicómicos de las paredes celulares de plantas er, yda11 y CA-YDA, que revelaron cambios significativos en la composición de la pared celular de estos genotipos en comparación con la de plantas silvestres. En resumen, nuestros datos indican que ER y YDA forman parte de una nueva ruta de inmunidad que regula la integridad de la pared celular y respuestas defensivas, confiriendo una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a patógenos. ABSTRACT Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades transduce environmental signals and developmental cues into cellular responses. Among these signals are the pathogen- or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs or MAMPs) and the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These PAMPs/DAMPs, upon recognition by plant pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as Receptor-Like Kinases (RLKs) and Receptor-Like Proteins (RLPs), activate molecular responses, including MAPK cascades, which regulate the onset of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). This Thesis describes the functional characterization of the MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K) YODA (YDA) as a key regulator of Arabidopsis PTI. YDA has been previously described to control several developmental processes, such as stomatal patterning, zygote elongation and inflorescence architecture. We characterized a hypomorphic, non-embryo lethal mutant allele of YDA (elk2 or yda11) that was found to be highly susceptible to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Remarkably, plants expressing a constitutive active form of YDA (CA-YDA), with a deletion in the N-terminal domain, showed broad-spectrum resistance to different types of pathogens, including fungi, oomycetes and bacteria, indicating that YDA plays a relevant function in plant resistance to pathogens. Our data indicated that this function is independent of the immune responses regulated by the well characterized FLS2 and CERK1 RLKs, which are the PRRs recognizing flg22 and chitin PAMPs, respectively, and are required for Arabidopsis resistance to bacteria and fungi. We demonstrate that YDA controls resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina and stomatal patterning by genetically interacting with ERECTA (ER) RLK, a PRR involved in regulating these processes. In contrast, the genetic interaction between ER and YDA in the regulation of other ER-associated developmental processes was additive, rather than epistatic. Genetic analyses indicated that MPK3, a MAP kinase that functions downstream of YDA in stomatal development, also regulates plant resistance to P. cucumerina in a YDA-dependent manner, suggesting that the YDA-associated MAPK transduction module is shared in plant development and PTI. Our experiments revealed that YDA-mediated resistance was independent of signalling pathways regulated by defensive hormones like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, abscisic acid or ethylene, and of the tryptophan-derived metabolites pathway, which are involved in plant immunity. In addition, we showed that PAMP-mediated PTI responses, such as the increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst, MAPK phosphorylation, and expression of defense-related genes are not impaired in the yda11 mutant. Furthermore, the expression of CA-YDA protein does not result in enhanced PTI responses, further suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms of resistance regulated by YDA that differ from those regulated by the PTI receptors FLS2 and CERK1. In line with these observations, our transcriptomic data revealed the over-representation in CA-YDA plants of defensive genes, such as those encoding antimicrobial peptides and cell death regulators, and genes encoding cell wall-related proteins, suggesting a potential link between plant cell wall composition and integrity and broad spectrum resistance mediated by YDA. In addition, phosphoproteomic data revealed an over-representation of genes encoding wall-related proteins in CA-YDA plants in comparison with wild-type plants. The putative role of the ER-YDA pathway in regulating cell wall integrity was further supported by biochemical and glycomics analyses of er, yda11 and CA-YDA cell walls, which revealed significant changes in the cell wall composition of these genotypes compared with that of wild-type plants. In summary, our data indicate that ER and YDA are components of a novel immune pathway that regulates cell wall integrity and defensive responses, which confer broad-spectrum resistance to pathogens.
Recent studies demonstrated that a synthetic fusion peptide of HIV-1 self-associates in phospholipid membranes and inhibits HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion, presumably by interacting with the N-terminal domain of gp41 and forming inactive heteroaggregates [Kliger, Y., Aharoni, A., Rapaport, D., Jones, P., Blumenthal, R. & Shai, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13496–13505]. Here, we show that a synthetic all d-amino acid peptide corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of HIV-1 gp41 (D-WT) of HIV-1 associates with its enantiomeric wild-type fusion (WT) peptide in the membrane and inhibits cell fusion mediated by the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. D-WT does not inhibit cell fusion mediated by the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein. WT and D-WT are equally potent in inducing membrane fusion. D-WT peptide but not WT peptide is resistant to proteolytic digestion. Structural analysis showed that the CD spectra of D-WT in trifluoroethanol/water is a mirror image of that of WT, and attenuated total reflectance–fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed similar structures and orientation for the two enantiomers in the membrane. The results reveal that the chirality of the synthetic peptide corresponding to the HIV-1 gp41 N-terminal sequence does not play a role in liposome fusion and that the peptides’ chirality is not necessarily required for peptide–peptide interaction within the membrane environment. Furthermore, studies along these lines may provide criteria to design protease-resistant therapeutic agents against HIV and other viruses.
TVA, the cellular receptor for subgroup A avian leukosis viruses (ALV-A) can mediate viral entry when expressed as a transmembrane protein or as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked protein on the surfaces of transfected mammalian cells. To determine whether mammalian cells can be rendered susceptible to ALV-A infection by attaching a soluble form of TVA to their plasma membranes, the TVA-epidermal growth factor (EGF) fusion protein was generated. TVA-EGF is comprised of the extracellular domain of TVA linked to the mature form of human EGF. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed that TVA-EGF is a bifunctional reagent capable of binding simultaneously to cell surface EGF receptors and to an ALV-A surface envelope-Ig fusion protein. TVA-EGF prebound to transfected mouse fibroblasts expressing either wild-type or kinase-deficient human EGF receptors, rendered these cells highly susceptible to infection by ALV-A vectors. Viral infection was blocked specifically in the presence of a recombinant human EGF protein, demonstrating that the binding of TVA-EGF to EGF receptors was essential for infectivity. These studies have demonstrated that a soluble TVA-ligand fusion protein can mediate viral infection when attached to specific cell surfaces, suggesting an approach for targeting retroviral infection to specific cell types.
Programmed cell death regulates a number of biological phenomena, and the apoptotic signal must itself be tightly controlled to avoid inappropriate cell death. We established a genetic screen to search for molecules that inhibit the apoptotic signal from the Fas receptor. Here we report the isolation of a gene, LFG, that protects cells uniquely from Fas but not from the mechanistically related tumor necrosis factor α death signal. LFG is widely distributed, but remarkably is highly expressed in the hippocampus. LFG can bind to the Fas receptor, but does not regulate Fas expression or interfere with binding of an agonist antibody. Furthermore LFG does not inhibit binding of FADD to Fas.
The β-chemokine receptor CCR-5 is essential for the efficient entry of primary macrophage-tropic HIV-1 isolates into CD4+ target cells. To study CCR-5-dependent cell-to-cell fusion, we have developed an assay system based on the infection of CD4+ CCR-5+ HeLa cells with a Semliki Forest virus recombinant expressing the gp120/gp41 envelope (Env) from a primary clade B HIV-1 isolate (BX08), or from a laboratory T cell line-adapted strain (LAI). In this system, gp120/gp41 of the “nonsyncytium-inducing,” primary, macrophage-tropic HIV-1BX08 isolate, was at least as fusogenic as that of the “syncytium-inducing” HIV-1LAI strain. BX08 Env-mediated fusion was inhibited by the β-chemokines RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and macrophage inflammatory proteins 1β (MIP-1β) and by antibodies to CD4, whereas LAI Env-mediated fusion was insensitive to these β-chemokines. In contrast soluble CD4 significantly reduced LAI, but not BX08 Env-mediated fusion, suggesting that the primary isolate Env glycoprotein has a reduced affinity for CD4. The domains in gp120/gp41 involved in the interaction with the CD4 and CCR-5 molecules were probed using monoclonal antibodies. For the antibodies tested here, the greatest inhibition of fusion was observed with those directed to conformation-dependent, rather than linear epitopes. Efficient inhibition of fusion was not restricted to epitopes in any one domain of gp120/gp41. The assay was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish between antibody- and β-chemokine-mediated fusion inhibition using serum samples from patient BX08, suggesting that the system may be useful for screening human sera for the presence of biologically significant antibodies.
The Ink4a/Arf locus encodes p16Ink4a and p19Arf and is among the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor loci in human cancer. In mice, many of these effects appear to be mediated by interactions between p19Arf and the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. Because Tp53 mutations are a common feature of the multistep pre-B cell transformation process mediated by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV), we examined the possibility that proteins encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus also play a role in Abelson virus transformation. Analyses of primary transformants revealed that both p16Ink4a and p19Arf are expressed in many of the cells as they emerge from the apoptotic crisis that characterizes the transformation process. Analyses of primary transformants from Ink4a/Arf null mice revealed that these cells bypassed crisis. Because expression of p19Arf but not p16 Ink4a induced apoptosis in Ab-MLV-transformed pre-B cells, p19Arf appears to be responsible for these events. Consistent with the link between p19Arf and p53, Ink4a/Arf expression correlates with or precedes the emergence of cells expressing mutant p53. These data demonstrate that p19Arf is an important part of the cellular defense mounted against transforming signals from the Abl oncoprotein and provide direct evidence that the p19Arf–p53 regulatory loop plays an important role in lymphoma induction.
Chemotaxis is mediated by activation of seven-transmembrane domain, G protein-coupled receptors, but the signal transduction pathways leading to chemotaxis are poorly understood. To identify G proteins that signal the directed migration of cells, we stably transfected a lymphocyte cell line (300-19) with G protein-coupled receptors that couple exclusively to Gαq (the m3 muscarinic receptor), Gαi (the κ-opioid receptor), and Gαs (the β-adrenergic receptor), as well as the human thrombin receptor (PAR-1) and the C-C chemokine receptor 2B. Cells expressing receptors that coupled to Gαi, but not to Gαq or Gαs, migrated in response to a concentration gradient of the appropriate agonist. Overexpression of Gα transducin, which binds to and inactivates free Gβγ dimers, completely blocked chemotaxis although having little or no effect on intracellular calcium mobilization or other measures of cell signaling. The identification of Gβγ dimers as a crucial intermediate in the chemotaxis signaling pathway provides further evidence that chemotaxis of mammalian cells has important similarities to polarized responses in yeast. We conclude that chemotaxis is dependent on activation of Gαi and the release of Gβγ dimers, and that Gαi-coupled receptors not traditionally associated with chemotaxis can mediate directed migration when they are expressed in hematopoietic cells.
The scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor regulates scattering and morphogenesis of epithelial cells through activation of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor. In particular, the noncatalytic C-terminal tail of MET contains two autophosphorylation tyrosine residues, which form a multisubstrate-binding site for several cytoplasmic effectors and are thought to be essential for signal transduction. We show here that a MET receptor mutated on the four C-terminal tyrosine residues, Y1311F, Y1347F, Y1354F, and Y1363F, can induce efficiently a transcriptional response and cell scattering, whereas it cannot induce cell morphogenesis. Although the mutated receptor had lost its ability to recruit and/or activate known signaling molecules, such as GRB2, SHC, GAB1, and PI3K, by using a sensitive association–kinase assay we found that the mutated receptor can still associate and phosphorylate a ∼250-kDa protein. By further examining signal transduction mediated by the mutated MET receptor, we established that it can transmit efficient RAS signaling and that cell scattering by the mutated MET receptor could be inhibited by a pharmacological inhibitor of the MEK-ERK (MAP kinase kinase–extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway. We propose that signal transduction by autophosphorylation of the C-terminal tyrosine residues is not the sole mechanism by which the activated MET receptor can transmit RAS signaling and cell scattering.
The cytokine IL-1 mediates diverse forms of neurodegeneration, but its mechanism of action is unknown. We have demonstrated previously that exogenous and endogenous IL-1 acts specifically in the rat striatum to dramatically enhance ischemic and excitotoxic brain damage and cause extensive cortical injury. Here we tested the hypothesis that this distant effect of IL-1 is mediated through polysynaptic striatal outputs to the cortex via the hypothalamus. We show that IL-1β injected into the rat striatum with the excitotoxin α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (S-AMPA) caused increased expression of IL-1β (mRNA and protein) mainly in the cortex where maximum injury occurs. Marked increases in IL-1β mRNA and protein were also observed in the hypothalamus. S-AMPA, injected alone into the striatum, caused only localized damage, but administration of IL-1β into either the striatum or the lateral hypothalamus immediately after striatal S-AMPA resulted in widespread cell loss throughout the ipsilateral cortex. Finally we showed that the cortical cell death produced by striatal coinjection of S-AMPA and IL-1β was significantly reduced by administration of the IL-1 receptor antagonist into the lateral hypothalamus. These data suggest that IL-1β can act in the hypothalamus to modify cell viability in the cortex. We conclude that IL-1-dependent pathways project from the striatum to the cortex via the hypothalamus and lead to cortical injury, and that these may contribute to a number of human neurological conditions including stroke and head trauma.
Most mammalian cells exhibit transient delays in the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle after treatment with radiation or radiomimetic compounds. p53 is required for the arrest in G1, which provides time for DNA repair. Recently, a role of p53 in the G2/M transition has also been suggested. However, it has been reported that the presence of functional p53 does not always correlate with the induction of these checkpoints. To precisely assess the role of p53 in activating cell cycle checkpoints and in cell survival after radiation, we studied the response of two isogenic human fibrosarcoma cell lines differing in their p53 status (wild type or mutant). We found that when irradiated cells undergo a wild-type p53-dependent G1 arrest, they do not subsequently arrest in G2. Moreover, wild-type p53 cells irradiated past the G1 checkpoint arrest in G2 but do not delay in the subsequent G1 phase. Furthermore, in these cell lines, which do not undergo radiation-induced apoptosis, the wild-type p53 cell line exhibited a greater radioresistance in terms of clonogenic survival. These results suggest that the two checkpoints may be interrelated, perhaps through a control system that determines, depending on the extent of the damage, whether the cell needs to arrest cell cycle progression at the subsequent checkpoint for further repair. p53 could be a crucial component of this control system.
β1-integrin engagement on normal (NL) CD34+ cells increases levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (cdki), p27Kip, decreases cdk2 activity, and inhibits G1/S-phase progression. In contrast, β1-integrin engagement on chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) CD34+ cells does not inhibit G1/S progression. We now show that, in CML, baseline p27Kip levels are significantly higher than in NL CD34+ cells, but adhesion to fibronectin (FN) does not increase p27Kip levels. p27Kip mRNA levels are similar in CML and NL CD34+ cells and remain unchanged after adhesion, suggesting posttranscriptional regulation. Despite the elevated p27Kip levels, cdk2 kinase activity is similar in CML and NL CD34+ cells. In NL CD34+ cells, >90% of p27Kip is located in the nucleus, where it binds to cdk2 after integrin engagement. In CML CD34+ cells, however, >80% of p27Kip is located in the cytoplasm even in FN-adherent cells, and significantly less p27Kip is bound to cdk2. Thus, presence of BCR/ABL induces elevated levels of p27Kip and relocation of p27Kip to the cytoplasm, which contributes to the loss of integrin-mediated proliferation inhibition, characteristic of CML.
Numerous studies have implicated the pRB family of nuclear proteins in the control of cell cycle progression. Although over-expression experiments have revealed that each of these proteins, pRB, p107, and p130, can induce a G1 cell cycle arrest, mouse knockouts demonstrated distinct developmental requirements for these proteins, as well as partial functional redundancy between family members. To study the mechanism by which the closely related pRB family proteins contribute to cell cycle progression, we generated 3T3 fibroblasts derived from embryos that lack one or more of these proteins (pRB−/−, p107−/−, p130−/−, pRB−/−/p107−/−, pRB−/−/p130−/−, and p107−/−/p130−/−). By comparing the growth and cell cycle characteristics of these cells, we have observed clear differences in the manner in which they transit through the G1 and S phases as well as exit from the cell cycle. Deletion of Rb, or more than one of the family members, results in a shortening of G1 and a lengthening of S phase, as well as a reduction in growth factor requirements. In addition, the individual cell lines showed differential regulation of a subset of E2F-dependent gene promoters, as well as differences in cell cycle-dependent kinase activity. Taken together, these observations suggest that the closely related pRB family proteins affect cell cycle progression through distinct biochemical mechanisms and that their coordinated action may contribute to their diverse functions in various physiological settings.
Induction of wild-type p53 in the ECV-304 bladder carcinoma cell line by infection with a p53 recombinant adenovirus (Ad5CMV-p53) resulted in extensive apoptosis and eventual death of nearly all of the cells. As a strategy to determine the molecular events important to p53-mediated apoptosis in these transformed cells, ECV-304 cells were selected for resistance to p53 by repeated infections with Ad5CMV-p53. We compared the expression of 5,730 genes in p53-resistant (DECV) and p53-sensitive ECV-304 cells by reverse transcription–PCR, Northern blotting, and DNA microarray analysis. The expression of 480 genes differed by 2-fold or more between the two p53-infected cell lines. A number of potential targets for p53 were identified that play roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, redox control, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and differentiation. Proline oxidase, a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the proline/pyrroline-5-carboxylate redox cycle, was up-regulated by p53 in ECV but not in DECV cells. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), a proline-derived metabolite generated by proline oxidase, inhibited the proliferation and survival of ECV-304 and DECV cells and induced apoptosis in both cell lines. A recombinant proline oxidase protein tagged with a green fluorescent protein at the amino terminus localized to mitochondria and induced apoptosis in p53-null H1299 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. The results directly implicate proline oxidase and the proline/P5C pathway in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis.
CD26 is a leukocyte-activation antigen that is expressed on T lymphocytes and macrophages and possesses dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity, whose natural substrates have not been identified yet. CXC chemokines, stromal cell-derived factor 1α (SDF-1α) and 1β (SDF-1β), sharing the receptor CXCR-4, are highly efficacious chemoattractants for resting lymphocytes and CD34+ progenitor cells, and they efficiently block the CXCR-4-mediated entry into cells of T cell line tropic strains of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Here we show that both the chemotactic and antiviral activities of these chemokines are abrogated by DPPIV-mediated specific removal of the N-terminal dipeptide, not only when the chemokines are produced in transformed mouse L cell line to express human CD26 but also when they were exposed to a human T cell line (H9) physiologically expressing CD26. Mutagenesis of SDF-1α confirmed the critical requirement of the N-terminal dipeptide for its chemotactic and antiviral activities. These data suggest that CD26-mediated cleavage of SDF-1α and SDF-1β likely occurs in human bodies and promotes HIV-1 replication and disease progression. They may also explain why memory function of CD4+ cells is preferentially lost in HIV-1 infection. Furthermore, CD26 would modulate various other biological processes in which SDF-1α and SDF-1β are involved.