906 resultados para body fat distribution


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It is already known that the behaviour of the honeybee Apis mellifera is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field. Recently it has been proposed that iron-rich granules found inside the fat body cells of this honeybee had small magnetite crystals that were responsible for this behaviour. In the present work, we studied the iron containing granules from queens of two species of honeybees (A. mellifera and Scaptotrigona postica) by electron microscopy methods in order to clarify this point. The granules were found inside rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of granules from A. mellifera showed the presence of iron, phosphorus and calcium. The same analysis performed on the granules of S. postica also indicated the presence of these elements along with the additional element magnesium. The granules of A. mellifera were composed of apoferritin-like particles in the periphery while in the core, clusters of organised particles resembling holoferritin were seen. The larger and more mineralised granules of S. postica presented structures resembling ferritin cores in the periphery, and smaller electron dense particles inside the bulk. Electron spectroscopic images of the granules from A. mellifera showed that iron, oxygen and phosphorus were co-localised in the ferritin-like deposits. These results indicate that the iron-rich granules of these honeybees are formed by accumulation of ferritin and its degraded forms together with elements present inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum, such as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. It is suggested that the high level of phosphate in the milieu would prevent the crystallisation of iron oxides in these structures, making very unlikely their participation in magnetoreception mechanisms. They are most probably involved in iron homeostasis. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The correlation between trophocyte size and ovarian development is negative in workers and positive in queens of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides. The nurse workers which have the ovaries in a higher developmental stage, present smaller fat body cells them newly-emerged ones. In newly-emerged and nurse workers the trophocytes seem to be delivering their stored products, among which probably vitellogenin. As in workers the cell size variations do not support the occurrence of proteic synthesis or the increasing in reverses storage after the adult emergence, the products released from the trophocytes must come from cellular reserves remaining from the larval phase. This datum is in agreement with the early and brief vitellogenic phase in the ovaries of this caste. In foragers the trophocyte size seen stabilized. In queens it was verified considerable increasing in the trophocyte size from virgin to physogastric queen, as well as the maintenance of the size during all fertile life of the queen.


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The Cyphomyrmex rimosus Spinola and Mycetarotes parallelus Emery species of ants, considered basal, and Acromyrmex disciger Mayr and Atta laevigata Smith, considered derived, have fat bodies specially distributed on their gaster, around their organs and right below the cuticle. The fat body is formed by trophocytes, which are characterized by their pronounced vacuolization of the cytoplasm and the irregular morphology of their nuclei caused by the pressure exerted by cytoplasmic vacuoles. In C. rimosus, the nuclei are more regular, presenting an oval or a star form. In A. disciger and A. laevigata the nuclei present chromatin in a cord form, while in C. rimosus and M. paralellus the chromatin is uniformly distributed in the nucleoplasm, very condensed in the latter species. The parietal trophocytes of A. disciger show cytoplasm with a smaller quantity and smaller sizes of vacuoles compared to ones from the perivisceral region, the opposite is observed in C. rimosus. In A. laevigata and M. parallelus there were no differences observed in their cytoplasm between both regions of cells. In the trophocytes of C. rimosus, A. disciger, A. laevigata, there was a reticular aspect of the cytoplasm observed in the region between vacuoles, not seen on M. parallelus. Another cellular type, oenocyte, was found associated with the fat body cells, and is dispersed between trophocytes with an inner contact to them, but no membrane fusion with them. The oenocytes have a spherical form and are smaller than the trophocytes; they have acidophilic cytoplasm with a small quantity of small vacuoles, and round nuclei.


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The morphohistochemical study of the fat body in royal and worker castes of Atta sexdens rubropilosa revealed that this tissue is made up of trophocytes and oenocytes, trophocytes being the cells with cytoplasmic inclusions and irregular nuclei and the oenocytes cells with homogeneous cytoplasm and rounded nuclei. The trophocytes of queens presented many lipidic and proteic granules, while those of workers presented trophocytes with fine granulation in the cytoplasm constituted mainly by lipids and carbohydrates. The oenocytes from the worker caste of A. s. rubropilosa presented cytoplasm filled mainly with lipoproteic material.


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Abstract The final disposal of residues generated at sewage treatment plants (STPs) has become a major problem for cities, due to the increase in the amount of treated sewage. One of the alternatives for the residue, labeled sewage sludge, is its reuse in agriculture and in degraded soil. However, not all pathogens and metals present in it are eliminated during treatment. Diplopods have been used as bioindicators in ecotoxicological tests as they are constantly in close contact with the soil. Owing to this fact, the purpose of this study was to expose specimens of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi to substrate containing sewage sludge collected at STPs to analyze morphological alterations in their parietal and perivisceral fat body, where substances are stored. The exposures were held for 7, 15, or 90 days at different concentrations of sewage sludge (control, 1%, 10%, and 50%). The parietal fat body showed no alterations in any of the three exposure periods or concentrations. Alterations in the perivisceral fat body were observed for all exposure periods. According to the results, we suggest that the sludge used has toxic agents responsible for changing the animal's perivisceral fat body. © 2012 Microscopy Society of America.


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The fat body (FB) consists of two types of cells: throphocytes and oenocytes. Throphocytes are related to intermediary metabolism storing lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins while oenocytes play role in the lipids and lipoproteins production. The vitellogenin is the precursor of egg yolk (vitelline) and is synthesized on FB. The aim of this work was to analyze the effects of hormones acting in bee reproduction, as juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdisteroids (20 HE) on FB cells, where vitellogenin is synthesized. For the study were chose nurse workers that in Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides present activated ovaries and produce eggs, and virgin queens whose ovaries are not yet activated, presenting only previtellogenic follicles. FB trophocytes from these classes of bees were cultivated in media containing different amounts of JH and 20-HE. The effects on trophocytes cytoplasm reserves of lipids, proteins, and activity of acid phosphatase were compared by observing preparations from cultured FB, treated and control, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the hormones effects are related to the bee's caste and functional ovary stage. The role of acid phosphatase on mobilization of the trophocyte reserves was also determined. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The functions of the fat body in the different castes of termites, and accumulation of energy reserves, proteins and urates within this organ, are reviewed. The termite fat body is involved in multiple metabolic activities, including recycling of nitrogen. Termite fat body showed three different types of cells: adipocytes, urocytes and mycetocytes, the latter restricted to the species Mastotermes darwiniensis. Adipocytes synthesize and store lipids, glycogen and several proteins. These cells also elaborate important peptides, including some that act in immune processes. Urocytes are responsible for the storage of spherocrystals of urates, which vary quantitatively among the termite castes. The different metabolic functions of the fat body in the several castes and stages of termites are associated with specific adipocyte morphologies. The synthesis and storage of different compounds modify the structure of the fat body; this differentiation is coordinated by hormones involved with molting and reproductive cycles. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg), in bees is synthesized in the fat body trophocytes, delivered to the hemolymph and ultimately absorbed from there during the vitellogenic phase of oocytes in the active ovary. The routes tracing the material exchange that occurs between the trophocytes and the hemolymph, in addition to the transportation from the hemolymph to the ovarian follicles, were marked by alkaline phosphatase and lanthanum nitrate (LN). Active ovaries from nurse workers and physogastric queens, as well as inactive ovaries of virgin queens, were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The LN permitted better visualization of the routes of exchanges between the organs and the hemolymph. Both methods demonstrate the apparent differences between the phases of the ovary and the bee caste. In inactive ovaries of the virgin queens, the routes from the follicular epithelium to the oocyte remain closed; conversely, they are open in active ovaries of the nurse workers and physogastric queens. The differences between the methods and classes of bees are discussed. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy]. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Human activities generate a great amount of sewage daily, which is dumped into the sewer system. After sewage-treatment processes, sewage sludge is generated. Such byproduct can be treated by different methods; the result of treatment is a stabilized compost of reduced pathogenicity that has a similar inorganic chemical composition to the raw sewage sludge. After such pretreatment, sewage sludge is called a biosolids, and it can be used in agriculture. In this contest, the present study evaluated the effects of a sample of biosolids on the perivisceral fat body of a diplopod. These invertebrates are soil organisms that play an important role in the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems, and as a consequence, they are in contact with xenobiotics present in this environmental compartment. Special emphasis is given on the interpretation of the effects of complex mixtures in target organs of diplopods. A semiquantitative analysis for the evaluation of histopathological changes in the perivisceral fat body was proposed. The sample-induced histopathological and ultrastructural changes in individuals exposed to it, and the severity of the effects was positively related to the exposure time, resulting in the deaths of exposed individuals after 90 days. Thus, the results indicate the need for caution in the use of biosolids as well as the need for improving waste management techniques, so they will produce environmentally innocuous final products.


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Vitellogenin (Vg) is an egg yolk protein that is produced primarily in the fat body of most female insects. In the advanced social structure of eusocial honeybees, the presence of the queen inhibits egg maturation in the workers ovaries. However in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata, the workers always develop ovaries and lay a certain amount of eggs while provisioning the brood cells with larval food during what is known as the worker nurse phase. The present work is a comparative study of the presence of Vg in homogenates of the fat bodies and ovaries of the nurse workers, and the virgin and physogastric queens of M. quadrifasciata. The presence of Vg was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting using Apis mellifera anti-egg antibody. Vg was not detected in the fat bodies or ovaries of the workers, but it was found in the ovaries of virgin and physogastric queens and in the fat body of physogastric queens. The results are discussed, taking into account the reproductive state of the individuals and the other possible roles of Vg, such as a storage protein for metoabolism of other organs.


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Introduction: Computerizd tomography (CT) is the gold standard for the evaluation of intra- (IAF) and total (TAF) abdominal fat; however, the high cost of the procedure and exposure to radiation limit its routine use. Objective: To develop equations that utilize anthropometric measures for the estimate of IAF and TAF in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: The weight, height, BMI, and abdominal (AC), waist (WC), chest (CC), and neck (NC) circumferences of thirty obese women with PCOS were measured, and their IAF and TAF were analyzed by CT. Results: The anthropometric variables AC, CC, and NC were chosen for the TAF linear regression model because they were better correlated with the fat deposited in this region. The model proposed for TAF (predicted) was: 4.63725 + 0.01483 x AC - 0.00117 x NC - 0.00177 x CC (R-2 = 0.78); and the model proposed for IAF was: IAF (predicted) = 1.88541 + 0.01878 x WC + 0.05687 x NC - 0.01529 x CC (R-2 = 0.51). AC was the only independent predictor of TAF (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The equations proposed showed good correlation with the real value measured by CT, and can be used in clinical practice. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1662-1666) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5933


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Patients with GH deficiency (GHD) are insulin resistant with an increase in visceral fat mass (FM). Whether this holds true when sedentary control subjects (CS) are matched for waist has not been documented. GH replacement therapy (GHRT) results in a decrease in FM. Whether the decrease in FM is mainly related to a reduction in visceral FM remains to be proven. The aim was to separately assess visceral and subcutaneous FM in relation to insulin resistance (IR) in GHD patients before and after GHRT and in sedentary CS.


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STUDY DESIGN: In vitro testing of vertebroplasty techniques including pulsed jet-lavage for fat and marrow removal in human cadaveric lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: To develop jet-lavage techniques for vertebroplasty and investigate their effect on cement distribution, injection forces, and fat embolism. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The main complications of cement vertebroplasty are cement leakage and pulmonary fat embolism, which can have fatal consequences and are difficult to prevent reliably by current vertebroplasty techniques. METHODS: Twenty-four vertebrae (Th8-L04) from 5 osteoporotic cadaver spines were grouped in triplets depending on bone mineral density (BMD). Before polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) vertebroplasty, a pulsatile jet-lavage for removal of intertrabecular fat and bone marrow was performed in 2 groups with 8 specimens each, performing radial and axial irrigation from the biopsy needles. One hundred mL of Ringer solution were injected through 1 pedicle and regained by low vacuum via the contralateral pedicle. Eight control vertebrae were not irrigated. All specimens underwent standardized PMMA cement augmentation injecting 20% of the vertebral volume. Injection forces, cement distribution, and extravasations were quantified. RESULTS: All irrigation solution could be retrieved with the vacuum applied. A Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significantly higher injection forces of the control group as compared with the irrigated groups (P = 0.021). Dilatation of the syringe at forces above 300 N occurred in 75% of the untreated compared with 12.5% of the lavaged specimens. CT distribution analysis showed more homogenous cement distribution of the cement and significantly less extravasation in the irrigated specimens. CONCLUSION: The developed lavage technique for vertebroplasty showed to be feasible and reproducible. The reduction of injection forces would allow the use of more viscous PMMA cement lowering the risk for cement embolization and results in a safer procedure. The wash-out of bone marrow and the possible reduction of pulmonary fat embolism have to be verified with in vivo models.