989 resultados para best interests


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This thesis explores the role of mining and oil transnational corporations in corporate peacemaking. That is, helping to bring together warring parties in intrastate conflict to enable them to conduct peace negotiations and then, supporting these negotiations. Key concerns, and new theory, frameworks and best-practice in corporate peacemaking are proposed.


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Urinary incontinence and frailty are both highly prevalent in older adults. Workshop goals include review of available evidence on frailty and differentiation from normal physiological aging. The influence of frailty on continence in older adults will be examined. Presentations will explore associated risks such as falls, pressure ulcers, and nursing home placement, as well as barriers and facilitators of continence care in various living environments. The role of urodynamics and various treatments will be considered. A majority of the session will focus on interactive discussion of case-based examples of common but challenging clinical situations seen in frail older adults.


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The Go8 has broken ranks with other university groups in suggesting that base funding shouldn’t have an equity component.


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This paper discusses whether and how the Australian Labor Party (ALP) can balance the arguably conflicting interests and outlooks of its blue-collar 'heartland' and the socially progressive, middle-class, professional elements of its constituency. The paper includes analysis, in socio-geographical detail and in historical perspective, of the results of the November 2001 national Australian election as well as opinion poll trends and academic survey results and interpretations before and since that time. Debate intensified after Labor’s 2001 election defeat about the supposedly irreconcilable character of different Labor Party constituencies. Much of this debate however was (and remains) characterised by derogatory and judgemental categorisations of various ill-defined social groups. On the eve of the 2004 national Australian election, based on careful consideration of a range of demographic and electoral evidence, this paper contends that, while there are, at times, conflicting interests and outlooks between different elements of the ALP's constituency (just as there is amid the support base of many social democratic parties in western nations), the party's electoral future will be best served by standing on and extending as far as possible the considerable common ground between these various elements. This common ground, it is argued, consists of egalitarian economic policies which promote security in people's lives and which thus build scope for the pursuit and acceptance of more compassionate, outward looking social policies. Its consolidation requires leadership by the Party in shaping public opinion rather than mere reaction to what is assumed to be static public opinion.


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Special interests (SIs) in autism spectrum disorders are a prevalent though relatively under-researched phenomenon. There was partial support for the hypotheses and factors influencing the relationship between SIs and mental health were identified. Findings contribute to a better understanding of SIs including their importance for individuals with ASD.


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The Nepean Conservation Group Inc (NCG) was formed in 1973. The jurisdiction of the NCG covers the whole the Nepean Peninsula, the tiny sliver of land between Port Phillip Bay and Bass Strait, at the end of the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Much of the Nepean Peninsula is moonah woodland. The NCG Constitution states that their primary object is “To make every effort to ensure that the land and waters of the Sorrento Portsea Blairgowrie Area are used with wisdom and foresight and that the competing demands upon them are resolved in the best long terms interests thereof …” The NCG deals with issues as diverse as vegetation and development overlays; heritage; townscapes; public access; neighbourhood character; hooded plovers; historic towns and fire protection. The NCG coordinates Friends Groups that care for bushland parks and coastal reserves, for flora and fauna, on the Nepean Peninsula. The NCG is an advocate for a dynamic fragile coast. Implicit is an expectation that such a local community group is the guardian of their coastal environment. After thirty-eight years of dedicated voluntary work it is timely to reconsider the role of community activism in the sustainable development of coastal regions and towns. This paper examines a number of significant recent issues: public rights to access; subdivision; historic coastal town development and fire protection. The author acknowledges the NCG Committee for their support and access to the NCG papers and archives. This case study is situated in a larger ongoing research investigation.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential of caching to improve quality of reception (QoR) in the context of continuous media applications over best-effort networks. Specifically, we investigate the influence of parameters such as loss rate, jitter, delay and area in determining a proxy's cache contents. We propose the use of a flexible cost function in caching algorithms and develop a framework for benchmarking continuous media caching algorithms. The cost function incorporates parameters in which, an administrator and or a client can tune to influence a proxy's cache. Traditional caching systems typically base decisions around static schemes that do not take into account the interest of their receiver pool. Based on the flexible cost function, an improvised Greedy Dual (GD) algorithm called GD-multi has been developed for layered multiresolution multimedia streams. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by simulation-based performance studies. Performance of several caching schemes are evaluated and compared with those of the proposed scheme. Our empirical results indicate GD-multi performs well despite employing a generalized caching policy.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential of caching to improve QoS in the context of continuous media applications over wired best-effort networks. We propose the use of a flexible caching scheme, called GD-Multi in caching continuous media (CM) objects. An important novel feature of our scheme is the provision of user or system administrator inputs in determining the cost function. Based on the proposed flexible cost function, Multi, an improvised Greedy Dual (GD) replacement algorithm called GD-multi (GDM) has been developed for layered multi-resolution multimedia streams. The proposed Multi function takes receiver feedback into account. We investigate the influence of parameters such as loss rate, jitter, delay and area in determining a proxy’s cache contents so as to enhance QoS perceived by clients. Simulation studies show improvement in QoS perceived at the clients in accordance to supplied optimisation metrics. From an implementation perspective, signalling requirements for carrying QoS feedback are minimal and fully compatible with existing RTSP-based Internet applications.


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Aim It has been proposed that alcohol industry ‘social aspects/public relations’ organizations (SAPROs) serve the agenda of lending credibility to industry claims of corporate responsibility while promoting ineffective industry-friendly interventions (such as school-based education or TV advertising campaigns) and creating doubt about interventions which have a strong evidence base (such as higher taxes on alcoholic beverages). This paper investigated whether submissions to Australia's National Preventative Health Taskforce (NPHT) from alcohol industry bodies regarding the Australian SAPRO, Drinkwise, have used this organization to demonstrate corporate responsibility while promoting industry-friendly interventions.

Method Submissions to the Australian National Preventative Health Taskforce (NPHT) discussion paper Australia, the healthiest country by 2020 (n = 375) were examined to identify those with primary alcohol content. A thematic analysis of the resulting 33 submissions was conducted to determine which organization, institution or individual discussed Drinkwise.

Setting Australia.

Findings Nine of the 33 submissions discussed Drinkwise; all were submitted by the alcohol industry or its affiliates. Every industry submission referred to Drinkwise either as providing evidence of social responsibility or by suggesting the industry-friendly actions of Drinkwise as alternatives to those recommended by the NPHT report.

Conclusions Drinkwise has been used by the alcohol industry to create an impression of social responsibility while promoting interventions that maintain profits and campaigning against effective interventions such as higher taxes on alcohol.


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The Clinical Support Systems Program (CSSP) includes the management of clinical practice using clinical and consumer pathways, outcome and performance indicators, clinical measurement and review in a continuous improvement cycle using the best available extant evidence. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians is testing the CSSP model through four consortia around Australia. There are 17 project sites in three States. The funded projects address major clinical problems including congestive heart failure and acute coronary syndromes, acute stroke management, and colorectal cancer care. There is some early evidence of the CSSP influencing change in areas beyond the bounds of the project settings and the College has developed a plan to promote wider adoption of best practice. This approach recognises the College’s role in providing Fellows with the practical tools of quality improvement, the means to collect data and compare their practice to other clinicians, while traversing the appropriate educational framework.


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Background Despite declining rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in developed countries, lower socioeconomic groups continue to experience a greater burden of the disease. There are now many evidence-based treatments and prevention strategies for the management of CVD and it is essential that their impact on the more disadvantaged group is understood if socioeconomic inequalities in CVD are to be reduced.

Aims To determine whether key interventions for CVD prevention and treatment are effective among lower socioeconomic groups, to describe barriers to their effectiveness and the potential or actual impact of these interventions on the socioeconomic gradient in CVD.

Methods Interventions were selected from four stages of the CVD continuum. These included smoking reduction strategies, absolute risk assessment, cardiac rehabilitation, secondary prevention medications, and heart failure self-management programmes. Electronic searches were conducted using terms for each intervention combined with terms for socioeconomic status (SES).

Results Only limited evidence was found for the effectiveness of the selected interventions among lower SES groups and there was little exploration of socioeconomic-related barriers to their uptake. Some broad themes and key messages were identified. In the majority of findings examined, it was clear that the underlying material, social and environmental factors associated with disadvantage are a significant barrier to the effectiveness of interventions.

Conclusion Opportunities to reduce socioeconomic inequalities occur at all stages of the CVD continuum. Despite this, current treatment and prevention strategies may be contributing to the widening socioeconomic-CVD gradient. Further research into the impact of best-practice interventions for CVD upon lower SES groups is required.


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Despite many decades of declining mortality rates in the Western world, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide. In this research we evaluate the optimal mix of lifestyle, pharmaceutical and population-wide interventions for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Methods and Findings

In a discrete time Markov model we simulate the ischaemic heart disease and stroke outcomes and cost impacts of intervention over the lifetime of all Australian men and women, aged 35 to 84 years, who have never experienced a heart disease or stroke event. Best value for money is achieved by mandating moderate limits on salt in the manufacture of bread, margarine and cereal. A combination of diuretic, calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor and low-cost statin, for everyone with at least 5% five-year risk of cardiovascular disease, is also cost-effective, but lifestyle interventions aiming to change risky dietary and exercise behaviours are extremely poor value for money and have little population health benefit.

There is huge potential for improving efficiency in cardiovascular disease prevention in Australia. A tougher approach from Government to mandating limits on salt in processed foods and reducing excessive statin prices, and a shift away from lifestyle counselling to more efficient absolute risk-based prescription of preventive drugs, could cut health care costs while improving population health.