940 resultados para bell`s palsy
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a life threatening condition associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental impairment. The recommended treatment for this condition is inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and has been used in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit since 1998. We prospectively offered neurodevelopmental follow-up to children treated with iNO for PPHN, including extensive neurological evaluation, developmental/cognitive evaluation at 18 months and 3.5-5 years old, and evaluated the rate of severe and moderate handicap and normal neurodevelopmental outcome, compared to a control group and the literature. Population consisted of 29 patients treated only with iNO, born between 01.01.1999 and 31.12.2005 (study group), and 32 healthy term infants born in 1998 in our maternity (control group). During those seven years, 65 infants were admitted in our Unit with PPHN, of whom 40 were treated with iNO alone. 34 children survived (85%) and were offered neurodevelopmental follow-up, 7 children were lost to follow-up due to various reasons. 22 children were examined at the age of 18 months (76%) with a rate of moderate handicap of 22% (2 with expressive language delay, 2 with difficult behavior, and 1 child with moderate hearing loss), and a rate of major handicap of 4.5% (1 child with cerebral palsy due to perinatal stroke, and moderate hearing loss). At preschool age, 17 (50%) were examined, the rate of moderate handicap was 22% (4 borderline intelligence, 1 hearing loss), and the rate of major handicap was 4.5% (one child with cerebral palsy and hearing loss), compared to 26.9% and 0% in the control group. Mean developmental quotient at 18 months was 100.3 ± 8.7 (control group 118.3), and at preschool age mean cognitive indices were within normal limits for the 2 tests performed at 3.5 or 5 years (108 ± 21, 94.4 ± 17). Most of the children with a less favorable neurodevelopmental outcome suffered from birth asphyxia (ruptured uterus, placental abruption, maternal hypotension, diabetic cardiomyopathy), and notably, the 2 children with sensorineural hearing loss both suffered from severe hypoxic-ischemic enkelopathy. Treatment with iNO was not the direct cause of the neurodevelopmental impairments observed in children treated for PPHN.
Después de varios años de experiencia en la aplicación de las férulas estabilizadoras del sistema aquileocalcáneo plantar FESAP) en pacientes con parálisis cerebral, creemos que deberían ser el tratamiento ortopodológico de elección del pie equino en niños con miopatías y lesiones neurológlcas de la unidad motora, del sistema piramidal o extrapiramidal, tanto por su perfecta adaptación a la morfología de la extremidad inferior como por sus caracteristicas funcionales y sus acciones fisio1ógicas y terapéuticas.
Contexte Aider les enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale à découvrir, puis à perfectionner leurs possibilités de déplacement et de déambulation, est un des buts essentiels de l'action thérapeutique. Cela implique une connaissance approfondie de leurs capacités de marche. Le but de cette étude était d'essayer de trouver un ou des paramètres spatiotemporels du pattern de marche corrélé au score de Gillette afin de disposer d'un outil objectif d'évaluation des capacités de marche de l'enfant paralysé cérébral. Méthode Cinq sujets âgés de 6 à 14 ans (± 4,4), répondant aux classes 1 à 3 du score de Palisano ont été inclus dans l'étude. Une évaluation des qualités de marche par l'échelle de Gillette a été réalisée à la suite d'une évaluation des paramètres spatiotemporels de marche sur un tapis de type GAITRite®. Résultats Ainsi cinq paramètres spatiotemporels corrélés au score de Gillette ont été mis en évidence. Tous ces paramètres sont liés à la vitesse de déplacement. Discussion Les résultats montrent une corrélation des paramètres liés à la vitesse de foulée et du pas des patients. Les paramètres concernant la foulée et le pas des enfants paralysés cérébraux sont à prendre en compte dans le processus de prise en charge rééducative. Conclusion Une étude future devra comprendre un plus grand nombre de sujets et centrer son investigation sur les paramètres corrélés.
En el presente trabajo, se explican las características generales y odontoestomatológicas así como los tratamientos necesarios de los pacientes afectos de parálisis cerebral
Breu assaig de caràcter hermenèutic on l'autor es proposa una lectura d'un esdeveniment històric particular. L'autor pren com a excusa per a la seva interpretació dels esdeveniments els fets que tingueren lloc el 750 al bell mig del regne franc quan els merovingis reconeixen explícitament la figura d'autoritat del papa en la comunitat cristiana occidental i com el papa l'assumeix pròpiament.
Aquest és un projecte d'investigació descriptiva. Té com a finalitat conèixer i comprendre com és la inclusió dels nens amb Paràlisis Cerebral a les escoles ordinàries (bressol, primària i secundària), de la ciutat de Barcelona, des de la mirada de la Teràpia Ocupacional. Per tant, primer s'ha d'investigar quants alumnes amb aquesta lesió estan inclosos en escoles ordinàries, com també conèixer quants alumnes tornen a l'escola especial després d'estar escolaritzats a la ordinària. D'altra banda, es pretén descriure les perspectives i percepcions dels professionals i els alumnes implicats a la inclusió, i què succeeix a l'escola ordinària perquè alguns alumnes hagin de tornar a l'especial en algun moment de la seva escolarització. El projecte és de caire qualitatiu, on els instruments per l'obtenció de dades són protocols d'observació, entrevistes semi- estructurades i enquestes. Encara que per obtenir la mostra i els participants s'utilitzaran tècniques quantitatives. Les limitacions de l'estudi seran aquelles escoles, professionals i alumnes que per motius personals no vulguin participar de la mostra.
Per Maria-Mercè Marçal, la poeta no es pot trobar, no es pot veure, en el «mirall del bell», que sempre han fomentat els discursos dominants. El seu és una altra mena de mirall trencat que reflecteix un ésser complex, híbrid i contaminat que lluita «entre un jo que es vol fer i els múltiples personatges que, des del mirall, li retornen una imatge múltiple». En aquest article, per explorar el tema de l’imaginari femení i el llenguatge poètic, hem escollit dialogar amb Maria- Mercè Marçal i examinar tres dels múltiples bocins que conformen la seva imatge en el mirall. Conversem amb dues mares i un pare simbòlics de l’altre cantó del seu espill, tots tres proveïdors de material ideològic i eixos vertebradors dels assaigs marçalians. Es tracta d’intel·lectuals ben diversos: l’escriptora anglesa Virginia Woolf, el filòsof francès Jacques Derrida i la poeta catalana Maria-Antònia Salvà. En definitiva, dividim la investigació en tres apartats, que volen coincidir amb el diàleg que Marçal suposem que hi mantingué. De primer, amb Virginia Woolf, explorem la necessitat de la poeta de descobrir el sentiment de «fúria» que porta a dins per tal d’assumir la irracionalitat del seu llenguatge. Després, ens endinsem en les teories derridianes sobre la dona i l’escriptura, en un intent de demostrar que ambdues són espècies híbrides que viuen en el llindar, en un espai d’entremig. A l’últim, amb Maria-Antònia Salvà, revisem la imatge de la dona-monstre amb la certesa que «el salvatge» i «l’incert » són el motor del llenguatge poètic femení.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an upstream activator of the immune response that counter-regulates the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids. While MIF is released by cells in response to diverse microbial and invasive stimuli, evidence that glucocorticoids in low concentrations also induce MIF secretion suggests an additional regulatory relationship between these mediators. We investigated the expression of MIF from the human CEM T cell line, which exists in two well-characterized, glucocorticoid-sensitive (CEM-C7) and glucocorticoid-resistant (CEM-C1) variant clones. Dexamethasone in low concentrations induced MIF secretion from CEM-C7 but not CEM-C1 T cells by a bell-shaped dose response that was similar to that reported previously for the release of MIF by monocytes/macrophages. Glucocorticoid stimulation of CEM-C7 T cells was accompanied by an MIF transcriptional response, which by promoter analysis was found to involve the GRE and ATF/CRE transcription factor binding sites. These data support a glucocorticoid-mediated MIF secretion response by T cells that may contribute to the regulation of the adaptive immune response.
PURPOSE: To assess the utility of retigabine (RTG) for epilepsy in clinical practice at a single UK tertiary centre. METHODS: We identified all individuals who were offered RTG from April 2011 to May 2013. We collected demographics, seizure types, previous and current antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), starting and maximum attained daily dose of RTG, clinical benefits, side effects, and reason to discontinue RTG from in- and outpatient encounters until February 28, 2014. RESULTS: 145 people who had failed a median of 11 AEDs took at least one dose of RTG. One year retention was 32% and decreased following the safety alert by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2013. None became seizure free. 34 people (24%) reported a benefit that was ongoing at last assessment in five (3%). The most relevant benefit was the significant reduction or cessation of drop attacks or seizure-related falls in four women, this persisted at last assessment in two. The presence of simple partial seizures was associated with longer retention, as was a higher attained dose of RTG. Adverse effects were seen in 74% and largely CNS-related or nonspecific and affected the genitourinary system in 13%. CONCLUSION: Retention of RTG was less favourable compared to data from open label extension studies of the regulatory trials. In comparison with historical data on similar retention audits retention of RTG at one year appears to be less than lamotrigine, topiramate, levetiracetam, pregabalin, zonisamide, and lacosamide, and slightly higher than gabapentin.
En aquest treball es pretén estudiar el potencial d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica, per aplicacions de refrigeració solar d'un sistema format per dos tancs intercanviadors acumuladors connectats en cascada. Cada tanc conté un PCM diferent amb diferent temperatura de canvi de fase. Concretament es tracta d'hidroquinona i d-mannitol. Els quals posseixen temperatures de canvi de fase entre 140 i 200 Cº requerides per aplicacions de fred solar. També es pretén comparar el sistema en cascada amb el mateix sistema connectat en paral·lel.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of recent skin injuries in children with neuromotor disabilities and its association with disability. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of 168 children with neuromotor disabilities aged 2-16 years. SETTING: Two outpatient child rehabilitation centres. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Children were classified as unrestricted walkers, restricted walkers or wheelchair dependent. Each participant's body surface was systematically examined for recent skin injuries with the exception of the anal-genital area. RESULTS: The mean age of our sample was 7.8 (SD 3.7) years with a 3:2 male/female ratio. Overall, 64% had cerebral palsy, 17% a neuromuscular disease and 19% other motor disabilities. Participants had on average 5.3 (SD 4.5) recent skin injuries (max 19), of which 2.5 were bruises (SD 3.3, max 16), 2.4 were abrasions, scratches or cuts (SD 3.0, max 16) and 0.4 were pressure lesions (SD 0.8, max 4). There was a significant decrease in the frequency of recent skin injuries and of bruises with increasing severity of motor disability. Most of this variation was accounted for by injuries to the lower limbs. There were no significant effects of gender, learning disabilities or other comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: Children with neuromotor disabilities present a progressive reduction in the number of skin injuries with decreasing mobility. Therefore, recent skin injuries in this population which are unusual by their number, appearance or distribution, should raise at least the same level of suspicion for physical abuse as in children without disabilities.
Early detection of pathophysiological factors associated with permanent brain damage is a major issue in neonatal medicine. The aim of our study was to evaluate the significance of the CO2 reactivity of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in neonates with perinatal risk factors. Fourteen ventilated neonates with perinatal risk factors (pathological cardiotocogramm, low cord pH, postpartal encephalopathy) were enrolled into this prospective study. The study was performed 18-123 h after birth. CBF was measured using the noninvasive intravenous 133Xe method. Two measurements were taken with a minimal PaCO2-difference of 5 mm Hg. From the two CBF values the CO2 reactivity was calculated. Outcome was evaluated 1 year after birth. The CBF values at a lower PaCO2 ranged from 6.6 to 115. 2 ml/100 g brain issue/min (median = 18.2) and at a higher PaCO2 level from 7.1 to 125.7 ml/100 g brain tissue/min (median = 18.75). The calculated CO2 reactivity ranged from -9.6 to 6.6% (median 1.1%) change in CBF/mm Hg change in PaCO2. CO2 reactivity correlated with lowest pH (r2 = 0.35, p = 0.02). Two infants died, one of neonatal sepsis, the other of heart failure. Neurological outcome at the age of 1 year was normal in 11 patients, 1 had severe cerebral palsy. From the 12 surviving patients the patient with severe neurological deficit showed the highest CBF values (125.7 ml/100 g/min). Impaired chemical coupling of cerebral blood flow is compatible with intact neurological outcome in neonates with perinatal risk factors. CO2 reactivity in these newborns correlates with the lowest pH and may reflect the severity of perinatal asphyxia.
INTRODUCTION: Gamma knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Régis et al. (J Neurosurg 2013;119 Suppl.:105-11) suggested recently that proactive GKS management in intracanalicular tumors is better than a « wait and see » strategy when hearing is still useful at the time of diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on these previous findings, we prospectively analyzed 190 vestibular schwannomas (VS), treated with GKS as first intention over a period of 4 years (2010-2014). We concentrated on patient, tumor and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 1.3years (range 0.6-3.6). Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 63.11% patients. The mean maximal diameter was 15.1mm (range 5-29.5). The size and volume of the tumor corresponded to Koos grade I, II, III and IV in 15.9%, 34.8%, 45.4% and 3.8% of the cases, respectively. The mean target volume was 1.24cm(3) (0.017-7.8). The mean prescription isodose volume was 1.6 cc (0.032-8.5). The mean marginal dose was 12Gy (11-12). The mean maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients with GR class 1 and 2 was 4.1Gy (1.5-7.6). Our preliminary neuroradiological follow-up shows 97% tumor control, with 45% shrinkage. Patients presenting with GR class 1 and class 2 at baseline retained serviceable hearing in 85% of cases. Among the patients with a follow-up of at least one year, those with Koos I tumors had the highest probability to maintain identical level of hearing after GKS. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation.