965 resultados para axial turbine


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A remarkable new species of pulmonate land snail was found in the collection of the Senckenberg Forschungninstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and is described here as Leiostracus faerie sp. nov. It can be easily identified by its small and translucent shell with fine axial light brown bands and its protoconch sculpture. It was collected in the Rio Doce ("Doce River") region in Espírito Santo, Brazil, an area known for a high diversity and endemicity of land snails. This discovery shows how little this fauna is known and reinforces the importance of museum collections in the study of biodiversity and conservation.


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No trabalho apresentado, descrevemos a evolução do espérmio maduro de triatoma infestans, iniciando-se a observação das transformações a partir dos espermídeos. Destacamos, em seguida, os principais resultados: 1. A histogênese dos espérmios é subdividida em 6 fases que se superpõem, parcialmente, a respeito do cronismo dos acontecimentos celulares: a) fase de translações (translações dos centríolos, mitocôndrios e do aparelho de GoLGI do pólo apical o pòlo basal da célula). b) Alongamento dos centríolos (formação do filamento axial). c) Alongamento da massa mitocondrial (formação dos fios periféricos). d) Formação do acrosoma (divisão do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma e corpo restante, que é eliminado da célula; além disto, translação do acrosoma para o pólo apical). e) Primeira fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento do núcleo e condensação da cromatina). f) Segunda fase de alongamento do núcleo (alongamento definitivo do núcleo para formar a cabeça do espérmio). 2. Os centríolos, em Triatoma infestans, podem ser observados, contînuamente, dos estádios da profase (estádio dos cromosomas difusos) até o fim da formação do espérmio. Para esta observação precisamos de cortes finos com, aproximadamente, um micron de espessura. 3. Os centríolos, depois da última divisão de maturação, ficam escondidos no interior do corpo dos restos dos fusos. 4. Não se pode distinguir o centríolo distal do proximal. os dois justapõem-se, um ao lado do outro, sôbre a parede do núcleo. 5. O fio axial tem origem dos dois centríolos, sendo êste um fio duplo. 6. Observamos a transformação dos mitocôndrios em microfibrilas da cauda bem como a de uma parte do aparelho de GOLGI em acrosoma. 7. Depois da condensação da cromatina sôbre a parede do núcleo, formam-se duas saliências longitudinais cromáticas, que são orientadas em espiral com torsão em sentido inverso do relógio. Por isso, o corte transversal do núcleo, fortemente alongado, tem o aspecto de ferradura. 8. O espérmio maduro é composto pelos seguintes elementos, cuja existência é provada, no microscópio eletrônico, por intermédio de cortes e dilacerações: a) Acrosoma (em forma de um cone, ligeiramente curvado). b) Núcleo, formado a "cabeça" do espérmio, sem qualquer estrutura vísivel no seu interior. c) Cone basal do núcleo, formado pelos centríolos. d) Fio axial, composto de duas microfibrilas dos centríolos. e) Oito fios longitudinais mitocondriais, unidos em dois grupos (corpos em forma de vírgula), e incluídos em uma massa homogênea. Cada um dos corpos em forma de vírgula...


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Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die cytogenese und Histogenese der Spermien von australorbis glabratus olivaceus beschrieben, waehrend im zweiten Teil auf die Formveraenderungen des Golgiapparates des Naeheren eigegangen wird. Es wurden angewandt: Phasenkontrast, Halbdunkelfeld und Dunkelfeld; Vitalfaerbungen mit Janusgruen und Neutralrot; als histologische Faerbung nach Osmiumfixierung erwies sich Eisenhaematoxylin als guenstig, nach Sublimatfixierung zum histologischen Naschwei der chromophoben Substanz des Golgiapparates ergab die Azanfaerbung mit Nachfaerbung in Lichtgruen die besten Ergebnisse. Die Cytogenese zeigt bis zum Erreichen der Spermiden keine Besonderheiten im Vergleich mit anderen shon bearbeiteten Mollusken. Die Histogenese zeit jedoch einige bemerkenswerte Punkte, die von den bereits bekannten Befunden an anderen Mollusken erheblich abwichen. Die Kernmembran der Spermide bildet durch Schrumpfung in Folge Kondensierung des Chromatins eine Spiralfalte auf der Kernoberflaeche mit ueber 2 Um gaengen. Das proximale Centriol ist geteilt, ein Teil bildet eine Fusskappe des Kerns, von der ein Faden ausgeht, der das ganze Kerninnere durchzieht. Der andere Teil bildet den Axialfaden und dient beiden Spiralfilamenten als Lager. Das distale Centriol bildet eine umgekehrte Glocke, an deren Rand sich die Spiralfaeden und in deren Innerem sich der Axial faden anheften; es setzt sich distalwaerts in den nackten Schwanzfaden fort. Der Golgiapparat ist vom primordialen Spermiogonium bis zur reifenden Spermide durch alle Entwicklungs- und Teilungsstadien zu verfolgen. Er besteht in der Spermiocyte aus der chromophoben Masse und 12 Dictyosome, die sich dieser auflagern, sowie aus 4 Proacroblasten. Diese 16 Kondrete trennen sich vor der Diakinese und jedes wandert fuer sich zu einem der Spindelpole. Die Praespermide besitzt 6 Dictyosome und 2 Proacroblasten, die sich zu 3 Diatyosome und 1 Proacroblast auf die Spermide verteilen. Der leztere Koerper wandelt sich zum Acroblast um, der sich als Acrosom dem apikalen Kernpol auflegt.


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Um mutante espontâneo de Bacillus licheniformis, derivado da amostra esporogênica 2390, foi estudado com vistas ao reconhecimento do estágio da evolução para esporo em que o mesmo se encontrava bloqueado. Eletronmicrografias sugeriram que as células desse mutante, colhidas durante a fase estacionária da curva de crescimento, não ultrapassaram o estágio I da esporogênese (i.e., permaneceram com o nucleóide disposto como filamento axial), enquanto a produção de antibiótico (bacitracina) e a atividade proteolítica foram francamente detectadas. A linhagem mutante, designada Spolp-72, nas condições experimentais empregadas não biossintetizou esporos por estarvação em solução de sais inorgãnicos, mas evidenciou uma frequência de esporulação menor que 10*-7, após crescimento vegetativo em meio de cultura favorável á esporogênese. A amostra Spolp-72 externa um crescimento vegetativo inicial restringido, quando comparada com a amostra 2390, enquanto que, inversamente, sua atividade respiratória é significativamente mais elevada. Este último comportamento foi confirmado no presente trabalho, contrastando, nesse particular, com outros tipos de mutantes de esporulação já descritos, os quais se encontram bloqueados nos primeiros estágios da via esporogenética.


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Aquest treball té com a principal objectiu analitzar l’evolució del sòl urbà als pobles de la Vall d’Àneu, dins l’àmbit del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. La Vall d’Àneu, situada en el Pirineu axial català, està formda pels municipis de l’Alt Àneu, Espot, Esterri d’Àneu i La Guingueta d’Àneu, i amb un total de 24 poblacions, totes elles per sota la cota de 1500 m. A mitjans del segle passat, el conjunt de pobles de la Vall mostraven una homogeneïtat envers la seva grandaria i distribució, on l’alçada no era un factor determinant. En les darreres dècades, la Vall d’Àneu ha experimentat un creixement demogràfic i econòmic, basat en el sector serveis (estacions d’esquí, turisme rural, esports d’aventura, etc.). Aquest gir econòmic ha desencadenat un creixmenet de les poblacions, accentuat en els últims anys. Aquest no ha estat homogeni, sinó que s’ha focalitzat en determinades zones segons el període. Així, en els darrers anys, aquest creixement s’ha centrat en els pobles propers a les pistes d’esquí i segons les previsions del PTPAPiA per l’any 2026, la tendència seguirà sent la mateixa.


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El projecte tracta de l’optimització d’un dispositiu de compactació de pols metàl•lica en calent que s’acobla a la màquina d’assaigs mecànics MTS (Material Testing Systems) model 858 i al forn integrat a aquesta. El dispositiu té la funció de compactar la pols metàl•lica amb la força axial de compressió de la MTS, mentre que alhora s’aplica calor del forn integrat. El resultat d’aquest procediment és l’obtenció de mostres compactades i densificades.


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Purpose: 1. To provide an overview of the different types of internal hernia (IH) occurring after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) performed for morbid obesity. 2. To describe the correspondent MDCT features in relation with the underlying anatomical landmarks in order to differentiate their localisation and to direct the surgeon during following laparoscopic closure of mesenteric defects. Methods and materials: LRYGBP performed for morbid obesity is associated with less perioperative complications, shorter hospital stay and a more rapid recovery compared with the open surgical procedure. However, a relatively high incidence of IH is seen that may be due to the laparoscopic approach, but also caused by rapid weight loss with consecutive loosening of the mesenteric sutures. Results: After briefly reviewing the surgical procedure of LRYGBP (ante- versus retrocolic) we describe the exact anatomical landmarks of the different types of IH occurring at any time after operation: They are caused by surgical defects either at the level of the transverse colon mesentery, at the Petersen's space, which represents an opening between the mesocolon and jejunal mesentery, or at the enteroenterostomy site. Typical MDCT features of each IH type in axial and coronal plane as well as targeted vascular reconstructions are demonstrated. Conclusion: Exact knowledge about underlying pathophysiology and anatomical landmarks is essential for distinguishing the different types of IH occurring after LRYGBP on MDCT, since radiological features are difficult to recognize and may even overlap. The radiologist should be aware of the potential anatomic sites to ensure subsequent straightforward laparoscopic exploration.


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Freehand positioning of the femoral drill guide is difficult during hip resurfacing and the surgeon is often unsure of the implant position achieved peroperatively. The purpose of this study was to find out whether, by using a navigation system, acetabular and femoral component positioning could be made easier and more precise. Eighteen patients operated on by the same surgeon were matched by sex, age, BMI, diagnosis and ASA score (nine patients with computer assistance, nine with the regular ancillary). Pre-operative planning was done on standard AP and axial radiographs with CT scan views for the computer-assisted operations. The final position of implants was evaluated by the same radiographs for all patients. The follow-up was at least 1 year. No difference between both groups in terms of femoral component position was observed (p > 0.05). There was also no difference in femoral notching. A trend for a better cup position was observed for the navigated hips, especially for cup anteversion. There was no additional operating time for the navigated hips. Hip navigation for resurfacing surgery may allow improved visualisation and hip implant positioning, but its advantage probably will be more obvious with mini-incisions than with regular incision surgery.


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Red blood cell (RBC) parameters such as morphology, volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content are of great importance for diagnostic purposes. Existing approaches require complicated calibration procedures and robust cell perturbation. As a result, reference values for normal RBC differ depending on the method used. We present a way for measuring parameters of intact individual RBCs by using digital holographic microscopy (DHM), a new interferometric and label-free technique with nanometric axial sensitivity. The results are compared with values achieved by conventional techniques for RBC of the same donor and previously published figures. A DHM equipped with a laser diode (lambda = 663 nm) was used to record holograms in an off-axis geometry. Measurements of both RBC refractive indices and volumes were achieved via monitoring the quantitative phase map of RBC by means of a sequential perfusion of two isotonic solutions with different refractive indices obtained by the use of Nycodenz (decoupling procedure). Volume of RBCs labeled by membrane dye Dil was analyzed by confocal microscopy. The mean cell volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were also measured with an impedance volume analyzer. DHM yielded RBC refractive index n = 1.418 +/- 0.012, volume 83 +/- 14 fl, MCH = 29.9 pg, and MCHC 362 +/- 40 g/l. Erythrocyte MCV, MCH, and MCHC achieved by an impedance volume analyzer were 82 fl, 28.6 pg, and 349 g/l, respectively. Confocal microscopy yielded 91 +/- 17 fl for RBC volume. In conclusion, DHM in combination with a decoupling procedure allows measuring noninvasively volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content of single-living RBCs with a high accuracy.


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Introduction: In order to improve safety of pedicle screw placement several techniques have been developed. More recently robotically assisted pedicle insertion has been introduced aiming at increasing accuracy. The aim of this study was to compare this new technique with the two main pedicle insertion techniques in our unit namely fluoroscopically assisted vs EMG aided insertion. Material and methods: A total of 382 screws (78 thoracic,304 lumbar) were introduced in 64 patients (m/f = 1.37, equally distributed between insertion technique groups) by a single experienced spinal surgeon. From those, 64 (10 thoracic, 54 lumbar) were introduced in 11 patients using a miniature robotic device based on pre operative CT images under fluoroscopic control. 142 (4 thoracic, 138 lumbar) screws were introduced using lateral fluoroscopy in 27 patients while 176 (64 thoracic, 112 lumbar) screws in 26 patients were inserted using both fluoroscopy and EMG monitoring. There was no difference in the distribution of scoliotic spines between the 3 groups (n = 13). Screw position was assessed by an independent observer on CTs in axial, sagittal and coronal planes using the Rampersaud A to D classification. Data of lumbar and thoracic screws were processed separately as well as data obtained from axial, sagittal and coronal CT planes. Results: Intra- and interobserver reliability of the Rampersaud classification was moderate, (0.35 and 0.45 respectively) being the least good on axial plane. The total number of misplaced screws (C&D grades) was generally low (12 thoracic and 12 lumbar screws). Misplacement rates were same in straight and scoliotic spines. The only difference in misplacement rates was observed on axial and coronal images in the EMG assisted thoracic screw group with a higher proportion of C or D grades (p <0.05) in that group. Recorded compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) values of the inserted screws were 30.4 mA for the robot and 24.9mA for the freehand technique with a CI of 3.8 of the mean difference of 5.5 mA. Discussion: Robotic placement did improve the placement of thoracic screws but not that of lumbar screws possibly because our misplacement rates in general near that of published navigation series. Robotically assisted spine surgery might therefore enhance the safety of screw placement in particular in training settings were different users at various stages of their learning curve are involved in pedicle instrumentation.


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L’emplaçament del projecte es situa a un parc eòlic marítim, on es vol observar el vent a través del radar VAD, Velocity Azimuth Display, per poder controlar la velocitat de rotació dels aerogeneradors, i poder substituir els actuals anemòmetres. No ens centrarem en el control d’aquest, sinó que l’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és analitzar el funcionament i processat de dades del VAD. Es proposaran, simularan i estudiaran noves tècniques d’estimació espectral per obtenir una millora important amb les mesures de velocitat, direcció i divergència del vent, per tal de construir un radar més robust a pertorbacions. A més a més, també il·lustrarem mapes eòlics obtinguts a partir de tot el processat.


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This prospective study compares repetitive thick-slab single-shot projection magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for the detection of choledocholithiasis. Fifty-seven consecutive patients (36 women, mean age 61) referred for suspected choledocholithiasis underwent MRCP, followed by EUS. Each procedure was performed by different operators blinded to the results of the other investigation. MR technique included a turbo spin-echo T2-weighted axial sequence with selective fat saturation (SPIR/TSE, TE=70 ms, TR=1,600 ms), followed by coronal dynamic MRCP. The same thick-slab slice was sequentially acquired 12 times as breath-hold single-shot projection imaging (SSh, TE=900 ms, TE=8,000 ms) centred on the common bile duct (CBD). Two experienced radiologists independently and blindly evaluated MR images for the detection of CBD stones. Their inter-observer agreement kappa was determined. Secondly, the two observers read MR images in consensus again. CBD stones were demonstrated in 18 out of 57 patients (31.6 %) and confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP, n=17) or intraoperative cholangiography (n=1). Clinical follow-up served as the "gold standard" in patients with negative results without following invasive procedure (n=28). Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive value for MRCP resulting from consensus reading were 94.9%, 94.4%, 94.7%, 97.4% and 89.5%, respectively. Corresponding values of EUS were 97.4%, 94.4%, 96.5%, 97.4% and 94.4%. Inter-observer agreement kappa was 0.81. Repetitive thick-slab single-shot projection MRCP is an accurate non-invasive imaging modality for suspected choledocholithiasis and should be increasingly used to select those patients who require a subsequent therapeutic procedure, namely ERCP.


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BACKGROUND: Adequate pain assessment is critical for evaluating the efficacy of analgesic treatment in clinical practice and during the development of new therapies. Yet the currently used scores of global pain intensity fail to reflect the diversity of pain manifestations and the complexity of underlying biological mechanisms. We have developed a tool for a standardized assessment of pain-related symptoms and signs that differentiates pain phenotypes independent of etiology. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using a structured interview (16 questions) and a standardized bedside examination (23 tests), we prospectively assessed symptoms and signs in 130 patients with peripheral neuropathic pain caused by diabetic polyneuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, or radicular low back pain (LBP), and in 57 patients with non-neuropathic (axial) LBP. A hierarchical cluster analysis revealed distinct association patterns of symptoms and signs (pain subtypes) that characterized six subgroups of patients with neuropathic pain and two subgroups of patients with non-neuropathic pain. Using a classification tree analysis, we identified the most discriminatory assessment items for the identification of pain subtypes. We combined these six interview questions and ten physical tests in a pain assessment tool that we named Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP). We validated StEP for the distinction between radicular and axial LBP in an independent group of 137 patients. StEP identified patients with radicular pain with high sensitivity (92%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 83%-97%) and specificity (97%; 95% CI 89%-100%). The diagnostic accuracy of StEP exceeded that of a dedicated screening tool for neuropathic pain and spinal magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, we were able to reproduce subtypes of radicular and axial LBP, underscoring the utility of StEP for discerning distinct constellations of symptoms and signs. CONCLUSIONS: We present a novel method of identifying pain subtypes that we believe reflect underlying pain mechanisms. We demonstrate that this new approach to pain assessment helps separate radicular from axial back pain. Beyond diagnostic utility, a standardized differentiation of pain subtypes that is independent of disease etiology may offer a unique opportunity to improve targeted analgesic treatment.


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Posterior microphthalmos (MCOP) is a rare isolated developmental anomaly of the eye characterized by extreme hyperopia due to short axial length. The population of the Faroe Islands shows a high prevalence of an autosomal-recessive form (arMCOP) of the disease. Based on published linkage data, we refined the position of the disease locus (MCOP6) in an interval of 250 kb in chromosome 2q37.1 in two large Faroese families. We detected three different mutations in PRSS56. Patients of the Faroese families were either homozygous for c.926G>C (p.Trp309Ser) or compound heterozygous for c.926G>C and c.526C>G (p.Arg176Gly), whereas a homozygous 1 bp duplication (c.1066dupC) was identified in five patients with arMCOP from a consanguineous Tunisian family. In one patient with MCOP from the Faroe Islands and in another one from Turkey, no PRSS56 mutation was detected, suggesting nonallelic heterogeneity of the trait. Using RT-PCR, PRSS56 transcripts were detected in samples derived from the human adult retina, cornea, sclera, and optic nerve. The expression of the mouse ortholog could be first detected in the eye at E17 and was maintained into adulthood. The predicted PRSS56 protein is a 603 amino acid long secreted trypsin-like serine peptidase. The c.1066dupC is likely to result in a functional null allele, whereas the two point mutations predict the replacement of evolutionary conserved and functionally important residues. Molecular modeling of the p.Trp309Ser mutant suggests that both the affinity and reactivity of the enzyme toward in vivo protein substrates are likely to be substantially reduced.


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Learning Objectives: 1. To provide an overview of the different types of internal hernia (IH) occurring after laparoscopic Roux‑en‑Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) for morbid obesity. 2. To describe correspondent MDCT features in relation with the underlying anatomical landmarks in order to differentiate their localisation and to direct the surgeon during following laparoscopic closure of mesenteric defects. Background: LRYGBP for morbid obesity is associated with less perioperative complications, shorter hospital stay and a more rapid recovery compared with the open surgical procedure. However, a relatively high incidence of IH is seen that may be due to the laparoscopic approach, but also caused by rapid weight loss with consecutive loosening of the mesenteric sutures. Procedure Details: After briefly reviewing the surgical procedure of LRYGBP (ante‑ versus retrocolic), we describe the exact anatomical landmarks of the different types of IH occurring at any time after operation: They are caused by surgical defects at the level of the transverse colon mesentery, at the Petersen's space, which represents an opening between the mesocolon and jejunal mesentery, or at the entero‑enterostomy site. Typical MDCT features of each IH type in axial and coronal planes as well as targeted vascular reconstructions are demonstrated. Conclusion: Exact knowledge about underlying pathophysiology and anatomical landmarks is essential for distinguishing the different types of IH occurring after LRYGBP on MDCT, since radiological features are difficult to recognize and may even overlap. The radiologist should be aware of the potential anatomic sites to ensure subsequent straightforward laparoscopic exploration.