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Background Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is frequently accompanied by dyslipidemia related with insulin-dependent steps of the intravascular lipoprotein metabolism. T1DM dyslipidemia may predispose to precocious cardiovascular disease and the lipid status in T1DM under intensive insulin treatment has not been sufficiently explored. The aim was to investigate the plasma lipids and the metabolism of LDL and HDL in insulin-treated T1DM patients with high glycemic levels. Methods Sixteen male patients with T1DM (26 ± 7 yrs) with glycated hemoglobin >7%, and 15 control subjects (28 ± 6 yrs) were injected with a lipid nanoemulsion (LDE) resembling LDL and labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester and 3H-free-cholesterol for determination of fractional clearance rates (FCR, in h-1) and cholesterol esterification kinetics. Transfer of labeled lipids from LDE to HDL was assayed in vitro. Results LDL-cholesterol (83 ± 15 vs 100 ± 29 mg/dl, p=0.08) tended to be lower in T1DM than in controls; HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were equal. LDE marker 14C-cholesteryl ester was removed faster from plasma in T1DM patients than in controls (FCR=0.059 ± 0.022 vs 0.039 ± 0.022h-1, p=0.019), which may account for their lower LDL-cholesterol levels. Cholesterol esterification kinetics and transfer of non-esterified and esterified cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides from LDE to HDL were also equal. Conclusion T1DM patients under intensive insulin treatment but with poor glycemic control had lower LDL-cholesterol with higher LDE plasma clearance, indicating that LDL plasma removal was even more efficient than in controls. Furthermore, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, cholesterol esterification and transfer of lipids to HDL, an important step in reverse cholesterol transport, were all normal. Coexistence of high glycemia levels with normal intravascular lipid metabolism may be related to differences in exogenous insulin bioavailabity and different insulin mechanisms of action on glucose and lipids. Those findings may have important implications for prevention of macrovascular disease by intensive insulin treatment.
Background Floating-Harbor syndrome (FHS) is a rare condition characterized by short stature, delays in expressive language, and a distinctive facial appearance. Recently, heterozygous truncating mutations in SRCAP were determined to be disease-causing. With the availability of a DNA based confirmatory test, we set forth to define the clinical features of this syndrome. Methods and results Clinical information on fifty-two individuals with SRCAP mutations was collected using standardized questionnaires. Twenty-four males and twenty-eight females were studied with ages ranging from 2 to 52 years. The facial phenotype and expressive language impairments were defining features within the group. Height measurements were typically between minus two and minus four standard deviations, with occipitofrontal circumferences usually within the average range. Thirty-three of the subjects (63%) had at least one major anomaly requiring medical intervention. We did not observe any specific phenotype-genotype correlations. Conclusions This large cohort of individuals with molecularly confirmed FHS has allowed us to better delineate the clinical features of this rare but classic genetic syndrome, thereby facilitating the development of management protocols.
Abstract Background Effective malaria control relies on accurate identification of those Anopheles mosquitoes responsible for the transmission of Plasmodium parasites. Anopheles oswaldoi s.l. has been incriminated as a malaria vector in Colombia and some localities in Brazil, but not ubiquitously throughout its Neotropical range. This evidence together with variable morphological characters and genetic differences supports that An. oswaldoi s.l. compromises a species complex. The recent fully integrated redescription of An. oswaldoi s.s. provides a solid taxonomic foundation from which to molecularly determine other members of the complex. Methods DNA sequences of the Second Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS2 - rDNA) (n = 192) and the barcoding region of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene (COI - mtDNA) (n = 110) were generated from 255 specimens of An. oswaldoi s.l. from 33 localities: Brazil (8 localities, including the lectotype series of An. oswaldoi), Ecuador (4), Colombia (17), Trinidad and Tobago (1), and Peru (3). COI sequences were analyzed employing the Kimura-two-parameter model (K2P), Bayesian analysis (MrBayes), Mixed Yule-Coalescent model (MYC, for delimitation of clusters) and TCS genealogies. Results Separate and combined analysis of the COI and ITS2 data sets unequivocally supported four separate species: two previously determined (An. oswaldoi s.s. and An. oswaldoi B) and two newly designated species in the Oswaldoi Complex (An. oswaldoi A and An. sp. nr. konderi). The COI intra- and inter-specific genetic distances for the four taxa were non-overlapping, averaging 0.012 (0.007 to 0.020) and 0.052 (0.038 to 0.064), respectively. The concurring four clusters delineated by MrBayes and MYC, and four independent TCS networks, strongly confirmed their separate species status. In addition, An. konderi of Sallum should be regarded as unique with respect to the above. Despite initially being included as an outgroup taxon, this species falls well within the examined taxa, suggesting a combined analysis of these taxa would be most appropriate. Conclusions: Through novel data and retrospective comparison of available COI and ITS2 DNA sequences, evidence is shown to support the separate species status of An. oswaldoi s.s., An. oswaldoi A and An. oswaldoi B, and at least two species in the closely related An. konderi complex (An. sp. nr. konderi, An. konderi of Sallum). Although An. oswaldoi s.s. has never been implicated in malaria transmission, An. oswaldoi B is a confirmed vector and the new species An. oswaldoi A and An. sp. nr. konderi are circumstantially implicated, most likely acting as secondary vectors.
Quantitative structure – activity relationships (QSARs) developed to evaluate percentage of inhibition of STa-stimulated (Escherichia coli) cGMP accumulation in T84 cells are calculated by the Monte Carlo method. This endpoint represents a measure of biological activity of a substance against diarrhea. Statistical quality of the developed models is quite good. The approach is tested using three random splits of data into the training and test sets. The statistical characteristics for three splits are the following: (1) n = 20, r2 = 0.7208, q2 = 0.6583, s = 16.9, F = 46 (training set); n = 11, r2 = 0.8986, s = 14.6 (test set); (2) n = 19, r2 = 0.6689, q2 = 0.5683, s = 17.6, F = 34 (training set); n = 12, r2 = 0.8998, s = 12.1 (test set); and (3) n = 20, r2 = 0.7141, q2 = 0.6525, s = 14.7, F = 45 (training set); n = 11, r2 = 0.8858, s = 19.5 (test set). Based on the proposed here models hypothetical compounds which can be useful agents against diarrhea are suggested.
Given a large image set, in which very few images have labels, how to guess labels for the remaining majority? How to spot images that need brand new labels different from the predefined ones? How to summarize these data to route the user’s attention to what really matters? Here we answer all these questions. Specifically, we propose QuMinS, a fast, scalable solution to two problems: (i) Low-labor labeling (LLL) – given an image set, very few images have labels, find the most appropriate labels for the rest; and (ii) Mining and attention routing – in the same setting, find clusters, the top-'N IND.O' outlier images, and the 'N IND.R' images that best represent the data. Experiments on satellite images spanning up to 2.25 GB show that, contrasting to the state-of-the-art labeling techniques, QuMinS scales linearly on the data size, being up to 40 times faster than top competitors (GCap), still achieving better or equal accuracy, it spots images that potentially require unpredicted labels, and it works even with tiny initial label sets, i.e., nearly five examples. We also report a case study of our method’s practical usage to show that QuMinS is a viable tool for automatic coffee crop detection from remote sensing images.
We investigated the seasonal patterns of Amazonian forest photosynthetic activity, and the effects thereon of variations in climate and land-use, by integrating data from a network of ground-based eddy flux towers in Brazil established as part of the ‘Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia’ project. We found that degree of water limitation, as indicated by the seasonality of the ratio of sensible to latent heat flux (Bowen ratio) predicts seasonal patterns of photosynthesis. In equatorial Amazonian forests (5◦ N–5◦ S), water limitation is absent, and photosynthetic fluxes (or gross ecosystem productivity, GEP) exhibit high or increasing levels of photosynthetic activity as the dry season progresses, likely a consequence of allocation to growth of new leaves. In contrast, forests along the southern flank of the Amazon, pastures converted from forest, and mixed forest-grass savanna, exhibit dry-season declines in GEP, consistent with increasing degrees of water limitation. Although previous work showed tropical ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) is driven by incoming radiation, GEP observations reported here surprisingly show no or negative relationships with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Instead, GEP fluxes largely followed the phenology of canopy photosynthetic capacity (Pc), with only deviations from this primary pattern driven by variations in PAR. Estimates of leaf flush at three
[EN] The seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson is the most abundant seagrass species in the Canary Islands (Spain), where it forms dense submerged, ecologically relevant communities as stable and protected habitats. As with other seagrasses, concern has arisen due to a decline in the number and extension of the communities as the result of adverse activities in coastal areas. Seed germination and planting are assumed as cost-effective method for restoration. In the frame of the restoration of natural populations of Cymodocea nodosa, pilot experiences not tested so far in the Canary Islands have been carried out to developed in vitro techniques to produce viable seedlings and its transference to the natural environment.
[ES] Esta aplicación web realizada en Ruby on Rails, tiene como objetivo principal la gestión del ranking para una asociación de perros de exposición. Dicha asociación es la “Asociación Española para el Fomento de la Raza Bulldog Francés”. En dicha asociación, los perros participan en exposiciones caninas y de acuerdo con una tabla y los resultados, les adjudican puntos a los perros. La tabla de asignación de puntos puede variar cada año. El perro que más puntos obtiene gana el ranking, hay un ganador hembra y otro ganador macho. Por otra parte, los posibles roles de usuarios son: el rol de administrador, los cuales pueden manejar todos los recursos; el rol de socio, que puede crear nuevos perfiles de perros, enviar resultados de sus perros y demás acciones posibles para este rol; el rol de usuarios registrado, que son usuarios que fueron socios y que ya no lo son. Dicho tipo de usuario puede modificar su perfil, pero ya no podría hacer cambios o eliminar sus perros de la aplicación. Y tampoco podría borrar resultados de sus perros que ya hubiesen sido enviados cuando era socio; y el rol de usuario no registrado que sólo pueden ver los listados de perros, ver sus perfiles y demás acciones que sólo sean ver pero no crear, modificar ni borrar nada. Como resultado final a este trabajo de fin de grado se ha obtenido una aplicación con los requisitos necesarios para cubrir las necesidades para la asociación de perros de exposición, en el cual se gestiona el ranking, también se gestionan los perfiles tanto de perros como de usuarios, control de accesos según el rol del usuario, gestión de las exposiciones, etc.
[ES] Thirty six years have happened since A. Beltrán carried the first study out in depth of the archaeological area of the Massif of Balos. A study that adheres strictly to this emplacement, without never one alludes to the cultural context of these representations or to the existence of other sets in the same space. The recent studies have made clear not only that the Lomo de los Letreros is not the only rock existing station in this territory but in the same one there is located a nourished representation of places that award to this place an unusual interest to realize an approach to the meaning of this pre-hispanic engravings.
Über viele Jahre hinweg wurden wieder und wieder Argumente angeführt, die diskreten Räumen gegenüber kontinuierlichen Räumen eine fundamentalere Rolle zusprechen. Unser Zugangzur diskreten Welt wird durch neuere Überlegungen der Nichtkommutativen Geometrie (NKG) bestimmt. Seit ca. 15Jahren gibt es Anstrengungen und auch Fortschritte, Physikmit Hilfe von Nichtkommutativer Geometrie besser zuverstehen. Nur eine von vielen Möglichkeiten ist dieReformulierung des Standardmodells derElementarteilchenphysik. Unter anderem gelingt es, auch denHiggs-Mechanismus geometrisch zu beschreiben. Das Higgs-Feld wird in der NKG in Form eines Zusammenhangs auf einer zweielementigen Menge beschrieben. In der Arbeit werden verschiedene Ziele erreicht:Quantisierung einer nulldimensionalen ,,Raum-Zeit'', konsistente Diskretisierungf'ur Modelle im nichtkommutativen Rahmen.Yang-Mills-Theorien auf einem Punkt mit deformiertemHiggs-Potenzial. Erweiterung auf eine ,,echte''Zwei-Punkte-Raum-Zeit, Abzählen von Feynman-Graphen in einer nulldimensionalen Theorie, Feynman-Regeln. Eine besondere Rolle werden Termini, die in derQuantenfeldtheorie ihren Ursprung haben, gewidmet. In diesemRahmen werden Begriffe frei von Komplikationen diskutiert,die durch etwaige Divergenzen oder Schwierigkeitentechnischer Natur verursacht werden könnten.Eichfixierungen, Geistbeiträge, Slavnov-Taylor-Identität undRenormierung. Iteratives Lösungsverfahren derDyson-Schwinger-Gleichung mit Computeralgebra-Unterstützung,die Renormierungsprozedur berücksichtigt.
Il termine extravergine, per un olio di alta qualità, rappresenta solo un pre-requisito: la categoria merceologica, intesa come conformità ad una serie di analisi chimico-sensoriali previste dalla normativa Europea, non è sufficiente ad esaltare il valore aggiunto che un olio può avere in termini di attributi di qualità sensoriale e salutistica. Questi ultimi sono fortemente influenzati dalla presenza di alcuni composti minori, come le molecole volatili e quelle a struttura fenolica (biofenoli). I composti volatili sono i principali responsabili dell'aroma di un olio extravergine d’oliva, mentre i biofenoli lo sono per gli attributi positivi, di amaro e piccante, già normati dal legislatore. Lo studio ha riguardato le relazioni esistenti tra le sostanze volatili e biofenoliche e le percezioni sensoriali ad esse associate. Tra gli oli extravergini di oliva partecipanti all’International Olive Oil Award di Zurigo 2012, sono stati selezionati 28 campioni monovarietali di diversa provenienza geografica (principalmente Italia, Spagna e Grecia). La valutazione sensoriale è stata eseguita dal panel dell’Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation di Zurigo con l’impiego di una scheda di profilo più descrittiva di quella ufficiale (Reg. CE 640/2008), contenente numerosi attributi positivi secondari valutati su scala discreta a 4 punti, oltre ad armonia e persistenza, su scala continua di 10 cm. I campioni sono stati sottoposti alla caratterizzazione della frazione biofenolica (indice di amaro, contenuto in fenoli totali ed analisi delle principali molecole fenoliche mediante HPLC-DAD/MSD) e dei composti volatili (SPME/GC-MSD). I dati ottenuti sono stati elaborati con l’ausilio di tecniche di analisi multivariata nel tentativo di valutare le correlazioni esistenti tra le variabili e di individuare gruppi omogenei di oli. La finalità di questo lavoro è stata quella di suggerire attributi discriminanti la qualità sensoriale di oli di pregio, che possano essere impiegati come leve di promozione dei prodotti, così come indicatori addizionali di autenticità.
Lo studio si occupa del tema della nullità dell’atto amministrativo nell’ambito della attività negoziale della p.a.. L’obiettivo è quello di analizzare gli effetti sul contratto di appalto, a seguito dell’annullamento degli atti di gara, alla luce dei recenti interventi legislativi e giurisprudenziali. L’indagine investe anche questioni di giurisdizione e di legittimazione ad agire La tesi è articolata in tre capitoli. Nel primo capitolo “Annullamento della aggiudicazione e sorte del contratto nell’iter ricostruttivo dell’istituto si analizzano le conseguenze dell’annullamento degli atti di gara sul contratto e si riflette sui profili del riparto di giurisdizione tra GA e GO e della qualificazione dei vizi. Si analizza, inoltre, il rapporto tra autotutela, legittimo affidamento e responsabilità della p.a., alla luce della funzione dei principi generali dell’ordinamento, costituendo, questi, sia limite, sia contenuto della funzione amministrativa espressa come potere di autotutela e delineando essi lo spazio entro cui il giudice deve agire. Il secondo capitolo analizza le “Prospettive di sviluppo recenti ed interventi chiarificatori”, alla luce del recente decreto legislativo n. 53/2010, della cd. Direttiva ricorsi (n. 2007/66/CE) e delle norme relative al nuovo processo amministrativo, recentemente introdotte, (artt. da 122 a 125 del d. lgs. n. 104/2010) concentra l’attenzione sul profilo della individuazione dei parametri che il giudice può utilizzare per statuire della sorte del contratto. Nel terzo capitolo “Diritto pubblico e Diritto privato nei contratti della Pubblica Amministrazione”. si focalizza l’attenzione sul rapporto tra istituti del diritto amministrativo istituti del diritto privato: quanto più l’attività negoziale risulta attratta nella sfera del potere pubblicistico, tanto più il contratto non godrà di autonomia rispetto al provvedimento. La reciproca dipendenza implica che la sorte dell’atto incida irrimediabilmente anche sul contratto. Nell’ultimo paragrafo dell’ultimo capitolo si propongono alcune conclusioni.
Il presente progetto di ricerca analizza quella particolare forma di affidamento diretto dei servizi pubblici denominata in house providing e si articola in tre sezioni. Nella prima sezione viene analizzata la disciplina dei servizi pubblici locali nell’ordinamento italiano mediante un excursus normativo dai primi del 900 ad oggi; la seconda sezione è dedicata alla disciplina dell’affidamento dei servizi pubblici locali di trasporto; la terza sezione, infine, descrive l’in house providing e l’elaborazione pretoria di tale istituto operata dalla giurisprudenza comunitaria. Come noto, la pubblica amministrazione può soddisfare le sue esigenze secondo due diverse modalità: ricorrendo al libero mercato come qualsiasi altro operatore economico oppure auto-producendo i beni e i servizi di cui necessita. Infatti, nonostante il diritto comunitario imponga il rispetto del principio di tutela della concorrenza, lascia impregiudicato il potere di auto-organizzazione in capo alle pubbliche amministrazioni negli Stati membri, le quali potranno scegliere di agire “in economia” o di ricorrere alle prestazioni di operatori terzi. Con la locuzione di derivazione comunitaria in house providing si definisce quel modello organizzativo mediante il quale le pubbliche amministrazioni realizzano le attività di loro competenza attraverso i propri organismi, cioè senza ricorrere al libero mercato per procurarsi i lavori, i servizi e le forniture ad esse occorrenti o per erogare alla collettività prestazioni di pubblico servizio, in deroga ai principi comunitari sulla tutela della concorrenza stabiliti nel Trattato istitutivo della Comunità Europea, che invece imporrebbero lo svolgimento di gare ad evidenza pubblica per l'affidamento di tali servizi. Tuttavia, come chiarito dalla giurisprudenza comunitaria e nazionale, affinché la procedura di gara non sia necessaria, occorre che tra l’amministrazione e il prestatore ci sia sostanziale identità, nonostante le distinte personalità giuridiche, in modo tale da configurare il contratto tra le stesse intercorso come un atto di organizzazione interna.
Depending on the regulatory regime they are subject to, governments may or may not be allowed to hand out state aid to private firms. The economic justification for state aid can address several issues present in the competition for capital and the competition for transfers from the state. First, there are principal-agent problems involved at several stages. Self-interested politicians might enter state aid deals that are the result of extensive rent-seeking activities of organized interest groups. Thus the institutional design of political systems will have an effect on the propensity of a jurisdiction to award state aid. Secondly, fierce competition for firm locations can lead to over-spending. This effect is stronger if the politicians do not take into account the entirety of the costs created by their participation in the firm location race. Thirdly, state aid deals can be incomplete and not in the interest of the citizens. This applies if there are no sanctions if firms do not meet their obligations from receiving aid, such as creating a certain number of jobs or not relocating again for a certain amount of time. The separation of ownership and control in modern corporations leads to principal-agent problems on the side of the aid recipient as well. Managers might receive personal benefits from subsidies, the use of which is sometimes less monitored than private finance. This can eventually be to the detriment of the shareholders. Overall, it can be concluded that state aid control should also serve the purpose of regulating the contracting between governments and firms. An extended mandate for supervision by the European Commission could include requirements to disincentive the misuse of state aid. The Commission should also focus on the corporate governance regime in place in the jurisdiction that awards the aid as well as in the recipient firm.
Die Ökologische Landeskunde der Rhön – mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem hessischen Teil – behandelt als moderne Landeskunde neben der Geostruktur und der humangeographischen Struktur im Besonderen die ökologische Struktur, denn nur durch diese Pointierung können Räume in ihrer Gesamtheit und Komplexität beschrieben werden. Das gilt im Besonderen für ökologisch bedeutsame Schutzräume wie die Rhön. Der Mittelgebirgsraum Rhön ist eine über Jahrhunderte gewachsene Kulturlandschaft mit einem weitgehend intakten, aber fragilen Ökosystem, das eine einzigartige und schützenswerte floristische und faunistische Ausstattung aufweist. Durch die weitreichenden mittelalterlichen Rodungen und die anschließende extensive Weidenutzung haben sich unter dem Eingriff des Menschen besonders auf den Höhenlagen im Laufe der Zeit artenreiche und ökologisch bedeutsame Ökosystemtypen, wie Borst- und Kalkmagerrasen, entwickelt. Um das naturräumliche und touristische Potential des Untersuchungsraums langfristig erhalten zu können, haben ökologische und nachhaltige Entwicklungen in den einzelnen Wirtschaftssektoren eine überragende Funktion. Im primären, sekundären und tertiären Sektor zeigen sich deutliche Entwicklungen hin zu ökologischen Erzeugnissen und Dienstleistungen. Der Ökolandbau gewinnt in der Rhön zunehmend an Bedeutung, Betriebe spezialisieren sich immer mehr auf Bio-zertifizierte und regionale Produkte und werben verstärkt mit ökologischen und rhöntypischen Begrifflichkeiten. Vor allem der für die Rhön wirtschaftlich bedeutende Tourismussektor, der im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie steht, entwickelt sich ebenfalls in Richtung nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher Formen. Am Beispiel des Milseburgradwegs konnte anhand einer Besucherbefragung auf Basis standardisierter Fragestellungen mit vornehmlich geschlossenen Fragen gezeigt werden, wie wichtig den Nutzern eine intakte Natur ist und wie Ökotourismus, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Naturschutz koexistieren können. Die Prämierung der Rhön zum Biosphärenreservat Rhön durch die UNESCO im Jahre 1991 erwies sich als Glücksfall und konnte dem strukturschwachen ländlichen Raum wichtige ökologische und wirtschaftliche Impulse geben, vor allem in Richtung ökologischer und nachhaltiger Erzeugnisse und Dienstleistungen. Die Auszeichnung kann dabei als Synthese zwischen Geostruktur und humangeographischer Struktur angesehen werden und ist Würdigung, Mahnung und Pflicht zugleich. Zusätzlich verdeutlicht sie auf eindringliche Weise die Fragilität und Schutzwürdigkeit des Ökosystems. Gegenwärtig zeichnen sich im Untersuchungsraum einige Entwicklungen ab, die die ökologische Raumstruktur gefährden und zusätzlich zur Aberkennung des Titels Biosphärenreservat führen könnten, weshalb sie kritisch gesehen werden müssen. Hier stechen der Bau der geplanten Bundesstraße B 87n von Fulda nach Meiningen oder das Kernzonendefizit hervor. Die Arbeit ist deshalb ein Plädoyer für den unbedingten Erhalt des identitätsstiftenden Titels Biosphärenreservat sowie für eine aktive Umweltbildung, denn eine erfolgreiche Zukunft und Identifikation der Bewohner mit ihrem Heimatraum ist unmittelbar an das Prädikat gekoppelt. Ökologische Landeskunden verstehen sich als aktive Elemente in der Umweltbildung und richten sich an die Menschen, die immer mehr zum prägenden Faktor von Räumen und ihren Ökosystemen werden. In der Rhön können sie sogar als Ausgangspunkt für die Herausbildung aufgefasst werden. Trotz der begrenzten Aussagekraft der Arbeit und der Komplexität des Untersuchungsraums zeigen sich vielfältige, ökologisch relevante Entwicklungen, die jedoch durch weitere sozialwissenschaftliche und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Arbeiten erweitert, vertieft und stetig abgeglichen werden müssen.