993 resultados para auto-reflexion
Autoimmune hepatitis is a systemic disease, difficult to diagnose due the high variability of the clinical presentation and some non specific histological features. The recent identification of additional autoantibodies used as serological markers, as well as simplified diagnostic criteria should help the primary care physician to advance with the diagnostic process. These progresses are crucial as undiagnosed and therefore untreated autoimmune hepatitis has a poor prognosis, whereas immunosuppressive therapy leads to remission in a majority of cases.
by Elkan Nathan Adler
Boberach: Mitgeteilt werden Daten über Geschichte, Größe, Bevölkerung, Produkte, Industrie, Transportmittel, Staatsverwaltung, Einnahmen, Schulden, Heerwesen, Regierungsform, Zusammensetzung der Kammern, mediatisierte Fürsten, Zivil-Listen, Konsumtions-, Geburts-, Sterbe- und Proletariats-Verhältnisse mit einem Anhange: Europäische Zahlen (nach Berghaus, Dieterici, Galleti, Hassel, Merz, v. Rheden, Winderlich u.a.)
Eugen Höflich
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F07259
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F07266