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Pineapple plants when grown in the greenhouse by the sand culture technique in order to study the effects of deficiencies of macronutrients in growth, yield, leaf and fruit composition, the main results were the following. As a result of the several treatments, yield decreased in the order: Complete Minus Mg Minus S Minus Ca Minus K; nitrogen and phosphorus deficiente plants did not bear fruit. Leaf analyses (see Table 5-1) showed that the ommission of given element from the nutrient solution always caused a decrease in its level in the green tissue. As seen in Table 5-2 the lack of macronutrients had certain effects on fruit composition: acidity increased in all cases excet in the minus Mg fruits; ash usually decreased reaching its lowest valued in fruits from the minus K plants; when compared to fruits picked in the "normal" plants, those lacking K showed a marked decrease both in brix and in total sugars as well; sulfur deficiency also brought a net reduction in the sugar content. Table 5-1. Levels of macronutrients found in pinapple leaves. Elements Treatment Percent of dry matter Nitrogen (N) Complete 1.29 Minus N 0.78 Phosphorus (P) Complete 0.12 Minus P .05 Potassium (K) Complete 2.28 Minus K 0.16 Calcium (Ca) Complete 1.19 Minus Ca 1.10 Magnesium (Mg) Complete 0.41 Minus Mg .29 Sulfur (S) Complete 1.00 Minus S .65 Table 5-2. Effects of macronutrients deficiency in yield and fruit characteristics. Treatment Ave. weight of Acidity As per Brix Total sugars fruits (gm) per cent cent per cent Complete 1.031 1.16 0.40 14.7 10.8 Minus N no fruit was produced Minus P no fruit was produced Minus K 246 1.44 0.26 11.9 8.3 Minus Ca 513 1.40 0.35 17.8 14.3 Minus Mg 957 0.97 0.38 15.4 13.0 Minus S 576 1.42 0.46 17.1 6.5


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This paper deals with the determination of the content of macronutrients in pulp and beans of three coffee varieties, namely 'Mundo Novo', 'Caturra Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Amarelo'. Samples were collected in plantations located in the three types of soils herein most of S. Paulo, Brazil, coffee is grown, that is, "terra roxa legítima" (Ribeirão Preto), "massapé-salmourão" (Mocóca), and "arenito de Bauru" (Pindorama). The following main conclusions were drawn after statistical analysis of data obtained hereby. There is no statistical difference among the three varieties . Average contents of macronutrients, as per cent of the dry matter, are the following: N P K Ca Mg S bean 1,71 0,10 1,53 0,27 0,15 0,12 pulps 1.78 0,14 3,75 0,41 0,13 0,15 Samples collected in Mocóca ("massapé-salmourão") had lower N and K contents, probably due to lack of availability of these elements in the soil, as suggested by its analysis. Results obtained in this work are in good agreement with data described elsewhere. Out of the total of elements contained in the whole fruit the following proportions are exported as clean coffee: N - 2/3, P and K - 1/2, Ca, Mg and S - 1/3. It is clear therefore that a substantial amount of elements absorbed from the soil remains in the pulp or in the dry hulls which result from processing. From this fact raises the interest of using these residues as fertilizer in the coffee plantations.


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Enterobacteria of pathogenic group were isolated directly of superficial waters using Alumina Milk as precipitate, being 23 Salmonella, 19 Shigella and 17 Proteus from 18 samples which were collected in brooks and rivers of São Paulo, Brazil.


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The authors carried out 3 experiments on the sampling of sugar cane for technological determinations, one with each of the varieties Co 419, CB 40-69 and CB 41-58, in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brasil. The main intent of the project was to compare 2 methods of sampling, namely: 1) Method A, where the sample is a hill (CATANI et al, 1959) or, more generally, 20 stalks all together in a randomly selected point of the furrow; 2) Method B, where 20 stalks are taken, from 20 points evenly spread but on the whole plot. Coefficients of variation for 20 stalk samples Variety Characteristic 20 stalks per hill 1 stalk per hill Brix 4.8% 1.9% Pol 6.4% 2.5% CB 40-69 Coefficient of purity 2.1% 0.83% Available sucrose 7.3% 2.7% Weight 6.6% 6.9% Brix 5.3% 1.8% Pol 7.6% 2.6% Co 419 Coefficient of purity 2.9% 1.0% Available sucrose 8.6% 3.0% Weight 21.2% 6.5% Brix 2.8% 1.4% Pol 4.1% 1.9% CB 41-58 Coefficient of purity 1.8% 0.8% Available sucrose 5.0% 2.2% Weight 10.9% 6.2% For the 3 varieties studied and for the data on Brix, pol, coefficient of purity, available sucrose and weight, analyses of variance were carried out. Further computations led to the following coefficients of variation. For available sucrose, which is probably the most important characteristic studied, the average coefficient of variation for the 3 varieties was 2.7%, for the case of method B, that is, 20 stalk samples, one stalk per hill. Assuming this coefficient of variation, in a trial with 5 treatments and 6 replications, in randomised blocks, the least significant difference among treatment means, at the 5% level, would be 4.7% of available sucrose by Tukey's test, and 3.3% by the t test. For the case of method A the average coefficient of variation is 7.0% and, in similar conditions, the least significant difference would be 15.1% by Tukey's test, and 12.1% by the t test. Since differences of available sucrose among treatments in experiments with fertilizers seldom are higher than 3 or 4% of the mean (PIMENTEL GOMES & CARDOSO, 1958), method B with a 20 stalk sample per plot gives more or less the minimum amount of cane to be sampled for technological determinations. In experiments with varieties, however, where differences may be assumed to be higher, a sample of 10 to 20 stalks one per hill, can be enough.


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Four experiments on root formation on cuttings of mulberry trees of the variety Catania 1 were carried out. In each case the hormones Dieradix "M D", Dieradix "D", indol 3-yl-acetic acid, and I-naphthyl acetic acid were used, besides the control, without hormone. In all cases "normal" and "upside-down" planting were tried. The percentage x of cuttings with roots, after 54 days, were computed and transformed by the formula y = arc sin √P/100 for use in statistical analysis. The combined analysis of variance of the 4 trials led to the following results: "Upside-down" planting showed significantly higher percentage of rooting; Indol 3-yl-acetic acid was significantly better than control or other hormones. The percentages of rooted cuttings were as follows: Normal planting Upside-dow planting Indol 3-yl acetic acid 43.5% 90.9% I-naphthyl acetic acid 1.9% 69.3% Control 4.7% 22.2% Dieradix «M D» 2.4% 63.8% Dieradix «D» 1.3% 36.0%


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O presente trabalho relata o método de determinação do cálcio "trocável" dos solos do Estado de São Paulo, baseado na fotometria de chama. O método baseado na fotometria de chama foi comparado com o permanganométrico, através da determinação do cálcio "trocável" em 10 amostras de terra, tendo sido feitas 5 repetições com cada método. QUARDO 4 Cálcio «trocável» em solos, determinado pelo método permaíiganométrico e por fotometria de chama (média de 5 repetições). Solo Permanganometria Fotometria de chama n.o e. mg/100 g de solo e.mg/100 g de solo 1 3,58 ± 0,004 3,75 ± 0,040 2 2,60 ± 0,059 2,53 ± 0,026 3 0,54 ± 0,025 0,69 ± 0,034 4 0,39 ± 0,036 0,37 ± 0,020 5 3,61 ± 0,027 3,22 ± 0,044 6 9,41 ± 0,038 9,40 ± 0,074 7 1,00 ± 0,000 0,93 ± 0,001 8 1,79 ± 0,032 1,53 ± 0,069 9 1,00 ± 0,000 0,92 ± 0,000 10 0,60 ± 0,027 0,58 ± 0,033 Foi estudada também a influência de diversos íons (magnésio, manganês, potássio, sódio, ferro, alumínio e fosfato) na determinação do cálcio por fotometria de chama. O método de determinação do cálcio "trocável" do solo, baseado em fotometria de chama forneceu resultados equivalentes ao método permanganométrico, com enorme vantagem na rapidez.


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This paper describes the results obtained from the determination of iron in sugar cane according to the age of the plant, in the soil and climate conditions of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil. The iron was determined by 1-10- phenanthroline method, in samples cut monthly from 7th to 15th month from an experiment consisted de 3 plots fertilized with amonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium cloride. The concentration of iron in the stalks and in the leaves varies according to the age of the plant. A ton of fresh stalks 15 months old contains 78,71 g of iron.


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O presente trabalho, visou o estudo de mutantes resistentes à antibióticos na bactéria fitopatogênica Xanthomonas campestris (Pammel) Dowson. Foram obtidos mutantes resistentes à cinco antibióticos: penicilina, estreptomicina, aureomicina, cloranfenicol e éritromicina. O incremento de resistência em relação à linhagem original foi 4 vêzes para a penicilina, 8 para o cloranfenicol, 32 para a aureomicina e pelo menos 16 e 128 vêzes para a éritromicina e estreptomicina respectivamente. Em nenhum dos casos, verificou-se resistência cruzada ou sensibilidade colateral.


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Foi comparado o crescimento de uma linhagem de Xanthomonas campestris (Pammel) Dowson, com o crescimento de 3 linhagens dessa bactéria resistente à estreptomicina, penicilina e aureomicina. O crescimento da linhagem original, não diferiu do crescimento dos mutantes resistentes à estreptomicina e penicilina. O crescimento do mutante resistente à aureomicina foi mais lento do que o da linhagem original. O mutante resistente à estreptomicina apresentou o mesmo índice de crescimento, tanto em meio sem antibiótico, como em meio suplementado com a droga, o mesmo acontecendo com o mutante resistente à aureomicina. O mutante resistente à penicilina teve crescimento reduzido em meio suplementado com a droga em questão. Misturas de células sensíveis e resistentes à estreptomicina mantiveram-se constantes quanto à porcentagem de células sensíveis e resistentes inicialmente inoculadas, o mesmo acontecendo com a mistura de bactérias sensíveis e resistentes à penicilina. Houve uma variação nessas porcentagens, para o caso da aureomicina.


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Descrevemos, no presente trabalho, as características morfológicas dos grãos de polem de 78 espécies apícolas mais conhecidas, os quais, na sua maioria, não haviam sido ainda descritos. Após esses estudos, elaboramos uma chave para a identificação e comparação, pelo polem, das espécies estudadas. As 78 espécies estudadas pertencem a 68 gêneros e distribuem-se por 28 famílias, sendo 3 subordinadas à classe Monocotyledoneae e as 25 restantes à classe Dicotyledoneae. O material polínico para a preparação das lâminas foi, na sua maioria, colhido diretamente das anteras das flores recém-abertas, no laboratório, somente seis espécies provieram de material de herbário. Todo o material polínico foi tratado pelo método de acetólise, e montado em geléia de glicerina colorida com Fucsina básica. As observações microscópicas e as mensurações dos grãos de polem foram feitas com o auxílio de um microscópico Zeiss, tomando-se as medidas em 5 grãos de polem, em vista equatorial, e 5 em vista polar. Empregamos a chave-principal para as classes de polem segundo FAEGRI e IVERSEN (1950) para separar em grupos os grãos de polem estudados de acordo com as suas características morfológicas, dando em resultado 10 grupos distintos. As espécies pertencentes a cada um dos 10 grupos, foram separadas por outros caracteres considerados de valor para tais separações. Assim, sempre na mesma ordem, foram considerados: a escultura da exina, tamanho do grão de polem, área polar e largura dos sulcos (nos grão colpados), tipo e número de espículos por área (nos grãos equinados). Isso nos possibilitou elaborar uma chave de identificação pelo podem das espécies estudadas. Os resultados nos mostram que a maioria das espécies apícolas estudadas apresentam grãos tricolporados, os quais ocorrem freqüentemente entre as Dicotiledôneas superiores, tais como Compositae, Cucurbitaceae, Labiatae, Verbenaceae, Myrtaceae, Legu-minosae (Caesalpinoideae e Papilionoidae) e Cruciferae. Verifica-se, também, que há famílias cujo tamanho dos grãos de polem e outros caracteres morfológicos são mais ou menos uniformes, e outros, bem mais variáveis. A presença de espículos é mais comum nas Compositae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae. A família Myrtaceae é mais facilmente reconhecida pela uniformidade de seus caracteres. A família Compositae, apesar de ter grãos de polem de tamanho mais ou menos variável, apresenta-os do tipo tricolporado e com espículos. A introdução das características de largura dos sulcos meridionais, em relação aos intersulcos quando em vista polar, contribui bastante para a identificação dos grãos de polem.


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1. Quanto às características morfológicas, as domácias nas folhas tratadas não apresentaram diferenças apreciáveis, a não ser quanto à forma do orifício de entrada ou bôca, que ora é circular, ora é eliptico. Foram assinalados pelos nas adjacências da domácia. 2. Sob o ponto de vista anatômico, anotei na estrutura pequenas alterações na epiderme que reveste o interior da câmara e canal, constando de diferenças quanto ao tamanho, uniformidade, grau de cutinização e aspectos diversos nas- paredes externas das células. O tecido envolvente apresentou variações no número de camadas e na forma irregular de suas células.


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The paper deals with the ocurrence of domatia in species and hybrids of Vitaceae family. The author found domaãtia in 95 of 157 hybrids studied. The domatia are always in the axils of the first and second ribs, and occasionaly also in ribs of others orders. The domatia found were of the types: "en touffe de poils", "en pertuis" and "en pochette", types according to the Chevalier's Classification (1941). It was found a varation of the type "en pertuis", the hole being not circular but narrow and long. One of the hybrids have domatia of two types: "en touffe de pois" and "en pertuis". Many of the domatia have mites in its interior.


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I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of sugar cane upper end on the composition of the stalks and juice of sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was CB 41-76. The data were collected from plant cane at intervals of a two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately, 60 stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalk, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by the techinique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the weight of cane and coefficient of purity of juice, but the percentual differences between the average treatments a and c is 13% and 2%, respectively. II. Treatment differences for cane pol, cane fibre, brix, juice pol, reducing sugars, juice ashes, glucose coefficient, saline coefficient and available sucrose (pol) per cent were not significant. III. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and the juice. This paper shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.