984 resultados para adapting open content


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Dos recursos virtuals elaborats pel grup ÒLIBA de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Portal de la Vall de Boí (http://oliba.uoc.edu/boi/portal) i Memòries de la nostra infantesa: els nens de la guerra (http://oliba.uoc.edu/nens), ens han permès dur a terme un projecte innovador de difusió i interpretació del patrimoni per mitjà de les TIC. Aquests dos recursos virtuals tracten sobre el nostre patrimoni, en el primer cas sobre patrimoni natural i cultural i en el segon cas sobre patrimoni històric, i les seves pàgines web tenen un nivell excel·lent quant a forma i contingut, de manera que han representat un material òptim per a difondre el nostre patrimoni en els centres escolars.


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Diabetes develops when the insulin needs of peripheral cells exceed the availability or action of the hormone. This situation results from the death of most beta-cells in type 1 diabetes, and from an inability of the beta-cell mass to adapt to increasing insulin needs in type 2 and gestational diabetes. We analyzed several lines of transgenic mice and showed that connexins (Cxs), the transmembrane proteins that form gap junctions, are implicated in the modulation of the beta-cell mass. Specifically, we found that the native Cx36 does not alter islet size or insulin content, whereas the Cx43 isoform increases both parameters, and Cx32 has a similar effect only when combined with GH. These findings open interesting perspectives for the in vitro and in vivo regulation of the beta-cell mass.


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Mammalian and avian genomes are characterized by a substantial spatial heterogeneity of GC-content, which is often interpreted as reflecting the effect of local GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC), a meiotic repair bias that favors G and C over A and T alleles in high-recombining genomic regions. Surprisingly, the first fully sequenced nonavian sauropsid (i.e., reptile), the green anole Anolis carolinensis, revealed a highly homogeneous genomic GC-content landscape, suggesting the possibility that gBGC might not be at work in this lineage. Here, we analyze GC-content evolution at third-codon positions (GC3) in 44 vertebrates species, including eight newly sequenced transcriptomes, with a specific focus on nonavian sauropsids. We report that reptiles, including the green anole, have a genome-wide distribution of GC3 similar to that of mammals and birds, and we infer a strong GC3-heterogeneity to be already present in the tetrapod ancestor. We further show that the dynamic of coding sequence GC-content is largely governed by karyotypic features in vertebrates, notably in the green anole, in agreement with the gBGC hypothesis. The discrepancy between third-codon positions and noncoding DNA regarding GC-content dynamics in the green anole could not be explained by the activity of transposable elements or selection on codon usage. This analysis highlights the unique value of third-codon positions as an insertion/deletion-free marker of nucleotide substitution biases that ultimately affect the evolution of proteins.


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Aquest document detalla la feina que s'ha dut a terme per desenvolupar el projecte Open Chess Game Analyzer. La finalitat del mateix és desenvolupar un aplicatiu lliure que sigui capaç d'analitzar partides d'escacs a partir d'un fitxer PGN.


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There are different approaches to dealing with alcohol related problems in the workplace. A literature review indicates that two of the models that underpin programmes to deal with alcohol related problems in the workplace are the disease model and the health promotion model. The disease model considers alcoholism as an illness and uses curative techniques to restore the individual to sobriety. The health promotion model looks at the determinants of health and promotes changes in the environment and structures, which would support healthy behaviour in relation to alcohol. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) may have elements of both theses models. Dealing with alcohol problems at work involves a captive audience and the workplace as a setting can be used to influence healthier lifestyles. A workplace alcohol policy is a mechanism through which alcohol related issues might be dealt with, and the necessary resources and commitment of managers and staff channelled to this end. The policy aims should be clear and unambiguous, and specific plans put in place for implementing all aspects of the policy. In the case of the alcohol policy in the organisation under study, the policy was underpinned by a health promotion ethos and the policy document reflects broad aims and objectives to support this. The steering group that oversaw the development of the policy had particular needs of their own which they brought to the development process. The common theme in their needs was how to identify and support employees with alcohol related problems within an equitable staff welfare system. The role of the supervisor was recognised as crucial and training was provided to introduce the skills needed for an early intervention and constructive confrontation with employees who had alcohol related problems. Opportunities provided by this policy initiative to deal with broader issues around alcohol and to consider the determinants of health in relation to alcohol were not fully utilised. The policy formalised the procedures for dealing with people who have alcohol related problems in an equitable and supportive manner. The wider aspect of the health promotion approach does not appear to have been a priority in the development and implementation of the policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Li contents [Li] and isotopic composition (delta Li-7) of mafic minerals (mainly amphibole and clinopyroxene) from the alkaline to peralkaline Ilimaussaq plutonic complex, South Greenland, track the behavior of Li and its isotopes during magmatic differentiation and final cooling of an alkaline igneous system. [Li] in amphibole increase from < 10 ppm in Caamphiboles of the least differentiated unit to >3000 ppm in Na-amphiboles of the highly evolved units. In contrast, [Li] in clinopyroxene are comparatively low (<85 ppm) and do not vary systematically with differentiation. The distribution of Li between amphibole and pyroxene is controlled by the major element composition of the minerals (Ca-rich and Na-rich, respectively) and changes in oxygen fugacity (due to Li incorporation via coupled substitution with ferric iron) during magmatic differentiation. delta(7) Li values of all minerals span a wide range from + 17 to - 8 parts per thousand, with the different intrusive units of the complex having distinct Li isotopic systematics. Amphiboles, which dominate the Li budget of whole-rocks from the inner part of the complex, have constant delta Li-7 of + 1.8 +/- 2.2 parts per thousand (2 sigma, n = 15). This value reflects a homogeneous melt reservoir and is consistent with their mantle derivation, in agreement with published O and Nd isotopic data. Clinopyroxenes of these samples are consistently lighter, with Delta Li-7(amph-cpx). as large as 8 parts per thousand and are thus not in Li isotope equilibrium. These low values probably reflect late-stage diffusion of Li into clinopyroxene during final cooling of the rocks, thus enriching the clinopyroxene in 6 Li. At the margin of the complex delta(7) Li in the syenites increases systematically, from +2 to high values of + 14 parts per thousand. This, coupled with the observed Li isotope systematics of the granitic country rocks, reflects post-magmatic open-system processes occurring during final cooling of the intrusion. Although the shape and magnitude of the Li isotope and elemental profiles through syenite and country rock are suggestive of diffusion-driven isotope fractionation, they cannot be modeled by one-dimensional diffusive transport and point to circulation of a fluid having a high 67 Li value (possibly seawater) along the chilled contact. In all, this study demonstrates that Li isotopes can be used to identify complex fluid- and diffusion-governed processes taking place during the final cooling of such rocks. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common adult primary malignant brain tumor, confers poor prognosis (median survival of 15 months) notwithstanding aggressive treatment. Combination chemotherapy including carmustine (BCNU) or temozolomide (TMZ) with the MGMT inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG) has been used, but has been associated with dose-limiting hematopoietic toxicity. OBJECTIVE: To assess safety and efficacy of a retroviral vector encoding the O6BG-resistant MGMTP140K gene for transduction and autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in MGMT unmethylated, newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients in an attempt to chemoprotect bone marrowduring combination O6BG/TMZ therapy. METHODS: Three patients have been enrolled in the first cohort. Patients underwent standard radiation therapy without TMZ followed by G-CSF mobilization, apheresis, and conditioning with 600 mg/m2 BCNU prior to infusion of gene-modified cells. Posttransplant, patients were treated with 28-day cycles of single doseTMZ (472 mg/m2) with 48-hour intravenous O6BG (120 mg/m2 bolus, then 30 mg/m2/d). RESULTS: The BCNU dose was nonmyeloablative with ANC ,500/mL for ≤3 d and nadir thrombocytopenia of 28,000/mL. Gene marking in pre-infusion colony forming units (CFUs) was 70.6%, 79.0%, and 74.0% in Patients 1, 2, and 3, respectively, by CFU-PCR. Following engraftment, gene marking in white blood cells and sorted granulocytes ranged between 0.37-0.84 and 0.33-0.83 provirus copies, respectively, by real-time PCR. Posttransplant gene marking in CFUs from CD34-selected cells ranged from 28.5% to 47.4%. Patients have received 4, 3, and 2 cycles of O6BG/TMZ, respectively, with evidence for selection of gene-modified cells. One patient has received a single dose-escalated cycle at 590 mg/m2 TMZ. No additional extra-hematopoietic toxicity has been observed thus far and all three patients exhibit stable disease at 7-8 months since diagnosis CONCLUSIONS: We believe that these data demonstrate the feasibility of achieving significant engraftment of MGMTP140K-modified cells with a well-tolerated dose of BCNU. Further follow-up will determine whether this approach will allow for further dose escalation of TMZ and improved survival.


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The authors present the case of an open fracture of femur Cauchoix type II with an infection due to Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus and Aspergillus fumigatus. After several sequestrectomies and five hyperbaric sessions, apyrexia was attained at the end of the third month, the femur having been stabilised with an external fixator. The 15 cm gap due to loss of bone substance, filled at each dressing with an antiseptic iodine based ointment, closed itself finishing as continuous bone five months after the accident, the granulation tissue having been recovered by thin skin grafts. A repeated fracture occurring forty-eight hours after the removal of the Hoffmann frame was treated by fitting an Ilizarov fixator arriving at consolidation in seven months. The authors examine different possibilities of accelerating osteogenesis and highlight the potential role of iodine ointment as inductive to osteogenesis stemming from a periosteal layer seemingly held in place.


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Aquest treball final de carrera consisteix en la creació d'un complement que afegeix noves característiques a un navegador conegut com Firefox produït i proporcionat pel Projecte Mozilla. Aquest projecte desenvolupa, implementa i promou el programari lliure. El complement consisteix en un filtre de pàgines web a nivell de contingut.


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En aquest treball es proposa una aproximació al món del codi font obert des del punt de vista de la realització de portals col·laboratius i les seves eines involucrades. Per fer-ho, es passa revista als diferents tipus d'aplicacions, plataformes i utilitats que trobem disponibles, i s'agrupen en diferents categories: infraestructura i sistemes, serveis de comunicació, serveis de comunitat, serveis genèrics de portal, eines d'interacció amb sistemes mòbils, eines per al desenvolupament i prova i llibreries de suport.


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This is the second paper in a series, Kicking Bad Habits, on how people can be encouraged to adopt healthy behaviour. Looking at interventions targeted specifically at low-income groups, this paper asks which interventions are effective in getting people to quit smoking, eat healthily and exercise. It reveals that the most frequently used techniques are providing information and encouraging people to set goals, which can be particularly effective at changing behaviour in disadvantaged groups.


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There is a need to measure energy expenditure in man for a period of 24 h or even several days. The respiration chamber offers a unique opportunity to reach this goal. It allows the study of energy and nutrient balance; from the latter, acute changes in body composition can be obtained. The respiration chamber built in Lausanne is an air-tight room (5 m long, 2.5 m wide, and 2.5 m high) which forms an open circuit ventilated indirect calorimeter. The physical activity of the subject inside the chamber is continuously measured using a radar system based on the Doppler effect. Energy expenditure of obese and lean women was continuously measured over 24 h and diet-induced thermogenesis was assessed by using an approach which allows one to subtract the energy expended for physical activity from the total energy expenditure. Expressed in absolute terms, total energy expenditure was more elevated in the obese than in the lean controls. Basal metabolic rate was also higher in the obese than in the controls, but diet-induced thermogenesis was found to be blunted in the obese. In a second study, the effect of changing the carbohydrate/lipid content of the diet on fuel utilization was assessed in young healthy subjects with the respiration chamber. After a 7-day adaptation to a high-carbohydrate low-fat diet, the fuel mixture oxidized matched the change in nutrient intake. A last example of the use of the respiration chamber is the thermogenic response and changes in body composition due to a 7-day overfeeding of carbohydrate. Diet-induced thermogenesis was found to be 27%; on the last day of overfeeding, carbohydrate balance was reached by oxidation of 50% of the carbohydrate intake, the remaining 50% being converted into lipid.


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Plasmodium falciparum is the parasite responsible for the most acute form of malaria in humans. Recently, the serine repeat antigen (SERA) in P. falciparum has attracted attention as a potential vaccine and drug target, and it has been shown to be a member of a large gene family. To clarify the relationships among the numerous P. falciparum SERAs and to identify orthologs to SERA5 and SERA6 in Plasmodium species affecting rodents, gene trees were inferred from nucleotide and amino acid sequence data for 33 putative SERA homologs in seven different species. (A distance method for nucleotide sequences that is specifically designed to accommodate differing GC content yielded results that were largely compatible with the amino acid tree. Standard-distance and maximum-likelihood methods for nucleotide sequences, on the other hand, yielded gene trees that differed in important respects.) To infer the pattern of duplication, speciation, and gene loss events in the SERA gene family history, the resulting gene trees were then "reconciled" with two competing Plasmodium species tree topologies that have been identified by previous phylogenetic studies. Parsimony of reconciliation was used as a criterion for selecting a gene tree/species tree pair and provided (1) support for one of the two species trees and for the core topology of the amino acid-derived gene tree, (2) a basis for critiquing fine detail in a poorly resolved region of the gene tree, (3) a set of predicted "missing genes" in some species, (4) clarification of the relationship among the P. falciparum SERA, and (5) some information about SERA5 and SERA6 orthologs in the rodent malaria parasites. Parsimony of reconciliation and a second criterion--implied mutational pattern at two key active sites in the SERA proteins-were also seen to be useful supplements to standard "bootstrap" analysis for inferred topologies.