803 resultados para Women in the civil service
This article reviews the evidence collected by diverse national and international organizations regarding the relationship between sexual violence against women, forced displacement, and dispossession in the context of the Colombian armed conflict. To this end, it uses the concept of “sexual violence regimes” to highlight that the endspursued by sexual violence are not always exhausted by simple consummation (that is, the act of sexual violence itself), but depending on the context, can be connected with broader strategic goals of armed actors. At the same time, this document admits the difficulty of proving this relationship with respect to judicial procedures, and thus sets out the possibility of creating a rebuttable presumption, in the framework of “unconstitutional state of affairs” created by judgment T-025 of 2004, that alleviates the burden of proof of the victims, and serves as a catalyst to promote new genderbased mechanisms of reparations.
Feminist Debate around ‘Trafficking’ in Women for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in Prostitution
Women trafficking, as a widespread phenomenon, is a complex topic with manifold consequences which have a direct bearing on the way in which the problem of trafficking is understood by regulatory institutions and their proposed solutions. The governmental strategy must respond to this multidimensional phenomenon through state tools to counteract the effects of crime and recognize that women, men, children and adolescents may be indiscriminately vulnerable to this scourge. Nevertheless, we must recognize that, due to cultural facts, women and girls constitute the majority of its victims and specific actions are required for them.
Recurso que ayuda a los estudiantes a preparar, analizar, interpretar y evaluar los temas de historia del nivel AS/A y que estudia la lucha de los afro-americanos para lograr la igualdad en los últimos 150 años. En el capítulo 1 se estudian los puntos de vistas más comunes sobre el movimiento de los derechos civiles; en el capítulo 2 se señalan los antecedentes de este movimiento y se examina la segregación de los afroamericanos en los estados del sur de Estados Unidos; en el capítulo 3 se analiza el papel jugado por las dos guerras mundiales en la transformación del contexto del movimiento de los derechos civiles, así como la aparición de las primeras organizaciones que desafiaban la segregación en el sur. Los capítulos 4 y 5 prestan atención a los retos de la discriminación después de 1945; en el capítulo 6 se describe el éxito del movimiento por los derechos civiles entre 1963 y 1965 y la eliminación, a fines de 1965, en los estados del sur de la política segregacionista. Po último, el capítulo 7 analiza el legado de este movimiento y los logros conseguidos desde 1965.
Cumple con los requisitos para OCR A2 de Historia, unidad F961 Opción B y su contenido se divide en cuatro secciones, cada una de las cuales explica un aspecto del desarrollo de los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos en este período: derechos de los afro-americanos, derechos laborales, derechos de los nativos y derechos de las mujeres. Incluye una selección y definición de los temas, conceptos, acontecimientos y lugares considerados relevantes, así como breves biografías de personajes clave y consejos para los exámenes.
Monográfico con el título: 'Pedagogía crítica del S. XXI'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The research we present here forms part of a two-phase project - one quantitative and the other qualitative - assessing the use of primary health care services. This paper presents the qualitative phase of said research, which is aimed at ascertaining the needs, beliefs, barriers to access and health practices of the immigrant population in comparison with the native population, as well as the perceptions of healthcare professionals. Moroccan and sub-Saharan were the immigrants to who the qualitative phase was specifically addressed. The aims of this paper are as follows: to analyse any possible implications of family organisation in the health practices of the immigrant population; to ascertain social practices relating to illness; to understand the significances of sexual and reproductive health practices; and to ascertain the ideas and perceptions of immigrants, local people and professionals regarding health and the health system. Methods: qualitative research based on discursive analysis. Data gathering techniques consisted of discussion groups with health system users and semi-structured individual interviews with healthcare professionals. The sample was taken from the Basic Healthcare Areas of Salt and Banyoles (belonging to the Girona Healthcare Region), the discussion groups being comprised of (a) 6 immigrant Moroccan women, (b) 7 immigrant sub-Saharan African women and (c) 6 immigrant and native population men (2 native men, 2 Moroccan men and 2 sub-Saharan men); and the semi-structured interviews being conducted with the following healthcare professionals: (a) 3 gynaecologists, (b) 3 nurses and 1 administrative staff. Results: use of the healthcare system is linked to the perception of not being well, knowledge of the healthcare system, length of time resident in Spain and interiorization of traditional Western medicine as a cure mechanism. The divergences found among the groups of immigrants, local people and healthcare professionals with regard to healthcare education, use of the healthcare service, sexual and reproductive healthcare and reticence with regard to being attended by healthcare personnel of the opposite sex demonstrate a need to work with the immigrant population as a heterogeneous group. Conclusions: the results we have obtained support the idea that feeling unwell is a psycho-social process, as it takes place within a specific socio-cultural situation and spans a range of beliefs, perceptions and ideas regarding symptomology and how to treat it
Public Assistance to the poor in the United States was always been reluctant and especially cruel to women. A society that from the outset prized Kantian principles of individual freedom over Rousseau’s notions of social contract and that was dominated by a puritanical morality saw poverty as self-made. If individuals had freedom of choice, bad outcomes were necessarily caused by bad choices. The poor had themselves to blame.