947 resultados para Versailles, Treaty of, June 28, 1919 (Germany)
A presente tese versa sobre a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito Brasileiro ao mérito do litígio. Tendo em vista o ineditismo, em nosso País, do estudo das consequências advindas à sentença arbitral prolatada mediante uma aplicação equivocada do Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia, revelou-se fundamental uma análise de Direito Comparado. Assim, consultou-se o Direito dos Estados Unidos da América, do Reino Unido, da Alemanha, da Itália, da Áustria, da Suíça e da França, a fim de se constatar se é admissível, nos referidos Países, alguma medida judicial contra tal situação. Primeiramente, empreendeu-se um exame das consequências que podem advir, nos 7 (sete) Países citados, a uma sentença arbitral doméstica, assim definida conforme a legislação de cada País. Como a medida habitual para se afastar uma sentença arbitral doméstica é a ação de anulação, buscou-se examinar as hipóteses que ensejam seu ajuizamento em cada País estudado, a fim de se constatar se dentre elas insere-se a aplicação errônea do Direito que rege o fundo da disputa. Ou, em caso negativo, se a violação à ordem pública inclui-se nas hipóteses de anulação. E, por último, se a ofensa à ordem pública compreende a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito de cada País sub examine. Em segundo lugar, examinaram-se as consequências que advêm para uma sentença arbitral estrangeira em que se aplicou erroneamente o Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia. Como todos os sete Países examinados são Estados-membros da Convenção de Nova Iorque de 10 de junho de 1958 sobre o Reconhecimento e a Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, que prevê em seu artigo V, n 2, alínea b, a violação à ordem pública como óbice à homologação da sentença arbitra alienígena, a aplicação do referido dispositivo em cada Estado foi analisado. Tentou-se averiguar se a ofensa à ordem pública consubstanciada na referida Convenção poderia abranger a aplicação errônea do Direito material pelo árbitro. Em seguida, examinou-se a legislação e a doutrina brasileiras tanto no que tange à ação anulatória de laudos arbitrais brasileiros, quanto à homologação dos laudos estrangeiros , a fim de se proporem soluções para esta questão em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Por fim, analisou-se se é possível, no Brasil, homologar uma sentença arbitral estrangeira que tenha sido anulada no País em que foi prolatada com base no argumento da aplicação errônea do Direito do referido Estado ao mérito da arbitragem.
The River Ribble bailiff team completed a total of 377 salmonid creel censuses by interviewing anglers fishing on the banks of the Rivers Ribble and Hodder during 1994. The study was undertaken for a number of reasons: (i) , To determine which areas of the river were fished by anglers. (ii) To ascertain which fishing methods were used in these areas. (iii) To identify the success of each fishing method within each area of the River Ribble system. In a limited 1993 sampling programme, 55 censuses were carried out. Results from these indicated that fishing with worm as bait was the most common method (39% of anglers interviewed) and also resulted in the greatest number of salmon being caught (61% of all salmon). The 1994 census data were collected from all areas of the Ribble system during the months of June to October. The data presented here are for anglers fishing for salmon only or for those fishing for salmon and sea trout at the same time. All of the fish caught were salmon.
O gênero Enterococcus tem emergindo como um dos mais importantes patógenos em infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde no mundo. Estes microrganismos apresentam habilidade de adquirir genes de resistência a vários antimicrobianos, incluíndo à vancomicina, além de possuir diversos fatores associados à virulência, que contribuem sobremaneira para a sua permanência no hospedeiro, facilitando sua disseminação, particularmente, no ambiente hospitalar. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar, por testes fenotípicos e genotípicos, amostras de Enterococcus isoladas de quadros infecciosos em pacientes atendidos em quatro instituições de saúde localizadas na cidade do Natal, RN, no período de setembro de 2010 a junho de 2011. As espécies de Enterococcus foram caracterizadas por testes fisiológicos convencionais e por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) multiplex, utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos para caracterização do gênero e espécies. O perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foi avaliado por testes de difusão em ágar. Os valores de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) para vancomicina, teicoplanina e linezolida foram determinados pelo emprego do teste E; e o genótipo de resistência à vancomicina foi analisado por PCR. Genes associados à virulência (asa1, cylA, esp, gelE e hyl) foram detectados por ensaios de PCR multiplex. O polimorfismo genético das amostras bacterianas foi avaliado por metodologia de eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), com a utilização da enzima SmaI. Foram obtidas 117 amostras, a partir de quadros infecciosos em 116 pacientes. Os resultados revelaram que a espécie E. faecalis foi a prevalente (91,4%). Os testes de susceptibilidade revelaram que as taxas de resistência mais elevadas estiveram associadas à tetraciclina (58,2%) e a níveis elevados de estreptomicina (36,7%). A resistência à vancomicina foi detectada em uma amostra de E. faecium, portadora do genótipo vanA, correspondendo ao primeiro isolamento de amostra com essa característica de resistência no RN. Esta amostra foi isolada em um caso de co-infecção com E. faecalis sensível à vancomicina. Adicionalmente, susceptibilidade intermediária a linezolida foi identificada em três amostras de E. faecalis. Dentre os determinantes de virulência identificados, gelE foi o prevalente (83,8%). De acordo com as espécies E. faecalis o perfil mais detectado foi gelE + esp (31,6%), na espécie E. faecium foi o perfil esp (28,6%) e a única amostra de E. gallinarum apresentou dois determinantes de virulência (asa1 + cylA). O gene hyl não foi identificado em nenhuma das amostras. A análise do polimorfismo genético das amostras por PFGE evidenciou uma elevada policlonalidade. Diante das características de resistência e de virulência observadas e da sinalização da emergência de mecanismos de resistência importantes no Estado do RN, este estudo chama atenção para a necessidade de rastreamento, particularmente entre portadores sadios, e estabelecimento de políticas de controle da disseminação dessas amostras nas instituições de saúde, mesmo em regiões onde tais características ainda sejam pouco frequentes.
The commercial success of a giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) hatchery depends upon the uninterrupted supply of the desired quantity and quality of broodstock. This study was an attempt to develop the broodstock near a hatchery, to be used for seed production throughout the year. The hatchery produced seed were stocked at the rate of 3/m2 after initial pond preparation. The prawns were fed with a pelleted diet (3 mm size) prepared by using locally available feed ingredients. The seed had an initial weight of 0.30 g and attained an average weight of 92.0 g and 62.0 g in males and females, respectively, within 11 months. Berried prawns were observed starting from the month of June (5%), after six months of stocking, with a maximum in September (60%). The percentage of berried prawns increased from June to September when the water temperature was optimum and decreased from December when it got cold. The broodstock developed in this experiment could be used in the hatchery after six months of stocking, and brooders could be used to produce seed for two seasons before being sold in the market.
The thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) is a large species of skate that is endemic to the waters of the western north Atlantic in the Gulf of Maine. Because the biomass of thorny skates has recently declined below threshold levels mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act, commercial harvests from this region are prohibited. We have undertaken a comprehensive study to gain insight into the life history of this skate. The present study describes and characterizes the reproductive cycle of female and male thorny skates, based on monthly samples taken off the coast of New Hampshire, from May 2001 to May 2003. Gonadosomatic index (GSI), shell gland weight, follicle size, and egg case formation, were assessed for 48 female skates. In general, these reproductive parameters remained relatively constant throughout most of the year. However, transient but significant increases in shell gland weight and GSI were obser ved during certain months. Within the cohort of specimens sampled monthly throughout the year, a subset of females always had large preovulatory follicles present in their ovaries. With the exception of June and September specimens, egg cases undergoing various stages of development were observed in the uteri of specimens captured during all other months of the year. For males (n=48), histological stages III through VI (SIII−SVI) of spermatogenesis, GSI, and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were examined. Although there appeared to be monthly fluctuations in spermatogenesis, GSI, and HSI, no significant differences were found. The production and maintenance of mature spermatocysts (SVI) within the testes was observed throughout the year. These findings collectively indicate that the thorny skate is reproductively active year round.
Beluga, Delphinapterus leucas, distribution in the Gulf of Alaska and adjacent inside waters was examined through a review of surveys conducted as far back as 1936. Although beluga sightings have occurred on almost every marine mammal survey in northern Cook Inlet (over 20 surveys reported here), beluga sightings have been rare outside the inlet in the Gulf of Alaska. More than 150,000 km of dedicated survey effort in the Gulf of Alaska resulted in sightings of over 23,000 individual cetaceans, of which only 4 beluga sightings (5 individuals) occurred. In addition, nearly 100,000 individual cetaceans were reported in the Platforms of Opportunity database; yet, of these, only 5 sightings (39 individuals) were belugas. Furthermore, approximately 19 beluga sightings (>260 individuals), possibly including resightings, have been reported without information on effort or other cetacean sightings. Of the 28 sightings of belugas outside of Cook Inlet, 9 were near Kodiak Island, 10 were in or near Prince William Sound, 8 were in Yakutat Bay, and 1 anomalous sighting was well south of the Gulf. These sightings support archaeological and commercial harvest evidence indicating the only persistent group of belugas in the Gulf of Alaska occurs in Cook Inlet.
During the months of June through September in 1991 and 1992, 71 shark longlines were fished in the Chesapeake Bight region ofthe U.S. mid-Atlantic coast with a combination of rope/steel (Yankee) and monofilament gangions. A total of 288 sharks were taken on 3,666 monofilament gangions, and 352 sharks were caught on 6,975 Yankee gangions. Catch rates between gear types differed by depth strata, by month, and by species. Analyses were divided between efforts in the nursery ground ofthe sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Chesapeake Bay and efforts outside the Bay. Mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) ± SE, as sharks caught per 100 hooks fished, was significantly (P<0.05) lower for Yankee gangions. Mean CPUE's for sandbar sharks in the nursery ground were 20.6 ± 3.8 for Yankee gangions and 26.0 ± 3.0 for monofilament gangions, and mean CPUE's for all species combined outside the Bay were 3.7 ± 0.7 for Yankee gangions, and 6.9 ± 1.2 for monofilament gangions.
Reproduction of Hydatina physis was studied in a population from Karachi, Pakistan, including mating and egg laying behavior, spawn characteristics and development.Individuals first appear in the field in October and remain until March. The spawning occurs from mid-November till mid-February with a peak in December. During this period the individuals were also observed pairing. In captivity, mating lasts for 30 minutes, second mating occurs two days later. Oviposition occurs in a very interesting and unusual manner. The mother turns "up-side-down" with its food fully expanded and the shell completely hidden underneath, the expanded foot serves as protective cover to the eggs. Eggs are deposited in a complexly folded mass with a short stem and an adhesive disc. Capsules, arranged in a single layer, contain 4-6 eggs each of wich is 70 um in diameter. Development is planktotrophic and veligers hatch after 14 days at a temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius.
In India the chief marine timber boring organisms are 2 species of Martesia, 28 species of shipworms, 4 species and a variety of Sphaeroma and 9 species of Limnoria besides bacteria and fungi. The occurrence, abundance and activity of the various species of borers show remarkable variations and fluctuations in the different harbours of India, each harbour or area having its own dominant set of species and an assemblage of less important forms. These species have their own characteristic preferences, life history and seasons of attachment and a scheme evolved for one locality may prove ineffective for another. Through a delicate and complex ecological adjustment the borers occurring in a locality have reached an interrelationship reducing interspecific and intraspecific competition. The seasons of settlement of the dominant borers in the different harbours of India are indicated. The need for a detailed biological enquiry is stressed.
A waverider buoy was deployed in Phitti Creek (24°33'N; 67°03'E) for wave measurements during April-July 1986. Using Tucker's method wave records were calculated in terms of significant wave height (Hs) and Maximum Wave Height (Hmax). For each parameter weekly mean and standard deviation values were also computed for statistical analysis. For Hs the lowest mean value of 0.8m and for Hmax the lowest mean value of 1.51m were observed in the fourth week of April whereas the highest mean value observed for Hs was 3.02m and for Hmax was 4.94m in the fourth week of June, 1986.
The upstream regulatory region of the human thymidylate synthase gene (thymidylate synthase enhancer region, TSER) is length polymorphic, attributable to variable numbers of tandemly repeated copies of a 28-bp fragment. It has been found that TSER length
Training needs of 80 fishermen in 25 subject areas revealed a mean training need score of 23.0l; 95% wanted to get trained. The training needs were fairly strong in all subject areas, with the highest demand being for fishery engineering. Training need was also high for areas related to fishery technology. Most of the fishermen preferred to have the training at their own village, and in the months of June or July for an average period of 20.85 days. Education and income were positively related to intensity of training needs whereas age, number of family members, number of employed family members and experience in fishing were negatively correlated with it. These six variables explained 27 of the variance in training need intensity.
Since the first intein was found, more and more attention were paid on it. It not only enrichs the content of the process that the gene transfers its information but also can be used in protein purification. The recent advance in the sequence characterist