739 resultados para Ventilação mandatória intermitente sincronizada


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Malaria, also popularly known as maleita , intermittent fever, paludism, impaludism, third fever or fourth fever, is an acute infectious febrile disease, which, in human beings, is caused by four species: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale. Malaria, one of the main infectious diseases in the world, is the most important parasitoses, with 250 million annual cases and more than 1 million deaths per year, mainly in children younger than live years of age. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against malaria is quite restricted, since all the antimalarials currently in use have some limitation. Many plant species belonging to several families have been tested in vivo, using the murine experimental model Plasmodium berghei or in vitro against P. falciparum, and this search has been directed toward plants with antithermal, antimalarial or antiinflammatory properties used in popular Brazilian bolk medicine. Studies assessing the biological activity of medicinal plant essential oils have revealed activities of interest, such as insecticidal, spasmolytic and antiplasmodic action. It has also been scientifically established that around 60% of essential oils have antifungal properties and that 35% exhibit antibacterial properties. In our investigation, essential oils were obtained from the species Vanillosmopsis arborea, Lippia sidoides and Croton zethneri which are found in the bioregion of Araripe-Ceará. The chemical composition of these essential oils was partially characterized and the presence of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The acute toxicity of these oils was assessed in healthy mice at different doses applied on a single day and on four consecutive days, and in vitro cytotoxicity in HeLa and Raw cell lines was determined at different concentrations. The in vivo tests obtained lethal dose values of 7,1 mg/Kg (doses administered on a single day) and 1,8 mg/Kg (doses administered over four days) for 50% of the animals. In the in vitro tests, the inhibitory concentration for 50% of cell growth in Hela cell lines was 588 μg/mL (essential oil from C. zethneri after 48 h), from 340-555 μg/mL (essential oil from L. sidoides, after 24 and 48 h). The essential oil from V. arborea showed no cytotoxicity and none of the essential oils were cytotoxic in Raw cell lines. These data suggest a moderate toxicity in the essential XVIII oils under study, a finding that does not impede their testing in in vivo antimalarial assays. Was shown the antimalarial activity of the essential oils in mice infected with P. berghei was assessed. The three species showed antimalarial activity from 36%-57% for the essential oil from the stem of V. arborea; from 32%-82% for the essential oil from the leaves of L. sidoides and from 40%-70% of reduction for the essential oil from the leaves of C. zethneri. This is the first study showing evidence of antimalarial activity with these species from northeast Brazil. Further studies to isolate the active ingredients of these oils are needed to determine if a single active ingredient accounts for the antimalarial activity or if a complex integration of all the compounds present occurs, a situation reflected in their biological activity


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Artigo relativo a comunicação oral apresentada na 7.ª Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Acesso Aberto que decorreu de 2 a 4 de novembro em Viseu.


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Paciente masculino de 91 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial en manejo farmacológico; que ingresa con cuadro de 3 meses de deposiciones diarreicas con episodios de hematoquecia ocasional, asociado a dolor abdominal difuso intermitente.


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O delírium, vulgarmente conhecido como estado confusional agudo, é actualmente uma das doenças mentais mais prevalentes nos doentes internados nas UCI’s. Para a American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN, 2011) e para a Society of Critical Care Medicine (2013) a taxa de delírium pode chegar aos 60% nos doentes em respiração espontânea e aos 80% nos doentes sob ventilação mecânica. A AACCN (2011) e Barr et al (2013) salientam que a presença de delírium é um importante predictor independente de prognóstico negativo, que está associado quer a uma maior mortalidade, quer a uma maior duração do internamento e da ventilação mecânica, quer ainda a uma maior necessidade de reintubação. Estima-se que cada doente internado numa UCI apresente mais de dez factores de risco para o desenvolvimento de delírium, os quais devem ser identificados pelos enfermeiros, já que vários estudos comprovam bons resultados associados à realização de intervenções de enfermagem preventivas desta patologia. (Faria & Moreno, 2013) No âmbito de uma pós-licenciatura em enfermagem em pessoa em situação crítica, foi realizado um estudo exploratório-descritivo numa UCI do HGO, que pretendeu identificar os factores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de delírium em 57 doentes internados. Vários factores foram identificados (idade, género, antecedentes pessoais, fármacos, gravidade clínica, entre outros) e foram assinaladas intervenções de enfermagem preventivas. Com esta comunicação pretendemos dar a conhecer os resultados e as conclusões deste estudo primário sob o ponto de vista da enfermagem.