997 resultados para Ventilação e Ar Condicionado
In this study was shown the historical uses of compressed air by humanity, the general scenario of its uses and the most important steps of a project to set up an industrial network of compressed air, from the selection of a suitable compressor to the design of a distribution network, discussing all the possibilities and their characteristics as well as the feasibility of them. A case study was conducted in a food company where was implemented an industrial compressed air network. Information was collected regarding the consumers points of compressed air, as well as the layout of the new facility, necessary for the development of the distribution system. Two methods were used, analytical and nomogram, which complemented each other to the definition of appropriated tubing, both financially and physically
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Patients that are mechanically ventilated in ICUs are constantly exposed to different pathogens, which present multiantibiotic resistance. Among these microorganisms, is MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) considered to be a therapeutic challenge due to its resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, this study proposed to identify species of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from mechanically ventilated patients in ICU, the gene mecA detection and the genes of the enterotoxins A (sea), B (seb), C (sec-1) and D (sed) in samples of S. aureus, as well as the phenotypic resistance determination to oxacillin using the disc-diffusion method with discs of oxacillin and cefoxitin. The samples collection occurred during in a period of 19 months, obtaining samples from 232 patients. A percentage of 39% (70) of Gram-positive cocci were found; which 82,8% (58) were identified as Staphylococcus spp,. among these, 75,8% (44) corresponded to S. aureus species and 47,7% were identified as MRSA. It was found resistance to both drugs in 31,8% of the S. aureus samples, 16 (36,3%) had the gene sea and 11 (25%) had the sec-1 gene. Among the coagulase-negative staphylococci obtained, the species most found was S. epidermidis, corresponding to 43% (6). The results revealed that one of the most important etiologic agents of VAP amid the Gram-positive cocci is the species S. aureus, with special attention to MRSA. The presence of enterotoxins genes in S. aureus did not showed determinant role in VAP, but the presence of these superantigens can contribute worsening the patient’s prognosis, since they are associated with intense inflammatory response
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Tendo em vista a problemática mundial com relação à degradação dos materiais plásticos e sua dispersão no meio ambiente, e diante de estudo realizado anteriormente onde se observou alterações histopatológicas e bioquímicas na próstata de animais expostos ao DBP (Di-N-Butil-ftalato) no período perinatal, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial carcinogênico do DBP administrado desde o período fetal e após iniciação pelo MNU em um modelo de carcinogênese prostática. Ratas prenhes foram divididas em 4 grupos experimentais: 2 tratados: n=16/grupo (TDBP100 e TDBP500) e 2 controles: n=8/grupo (CN e CMNU). O grupo TDBP100 foi exposto ao DBP (100 mg/kg) e o TDBP500 a 500 mg/kg do 15º. dia de gestação (DG15) até a 21º. dia pósnatal (DPN21), enquanto que os animais controle receberam o veículo. Após o desmame, os machos foram separados e os grupos tratados e CMNU receberam dose única de MNU (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) na 6ª. semana pós-natal. Metade dos animais tratados (n=8/grupo) continuaram recebendo o DBP (DBP100+ e DBP500+) após o desmame em doses semanais até o dia do sacrifício (DPN180), enquanto os demais foram mantidos pelo mesmo período sem tratamento (DBP100- e DBP500-).Após a aplicação do MNU, os animais foram submetidos a injeções semanais de Cipionato de Testosterona (promotor) 2mg/aplicação. No dia do sacrifício, o sangue foi coletado, os órgãos reprodutores foram pesados e fragmentos do lobo ventral da próstata foram processados para inclusão em resina e Paraplast para as análises estruturais; e imunocitoquímicas para a detecção de AR e ER. Fragmentos de próstata ventral foram congelados e estocados a -80ºC e após extração das proteínas, estas foram destinadas à reação de Western Blot para avaliar a expressão das mesmas proteínas. Houve diminuição na distância anogenital nos animais DBP500 no DPN1 quando comparado com o grupo controle apontando para o efeito efetivo do DBP ...
Musculoskeletal injuries that occur in horses during sports activities are often disabling and require a long period of treatment and rehabilitation, most resulting in scar tissue, predisposing to recurrence. In search of more effective therapies and tissue regeneration, studies have been carried out with blood derivatives - platelet rich plasma and autologous conditioned serum. In spite of both being blood-derived therapies, platelet rich plasma and autologous conditioned serum are distinct products, with equally distinct indications for their use. Platelet rich plasma shows promising results in ligament and tendon injuries in clinical and experimental trials. This occurs also in osteoarticular lesions with both hemoderivates, autologous conditioned serum and platelet rich plasma. This review aims to present clinical and experimental studies (in vivo and in vitro) in the equine species, as an aid for an appropriate therapeutic choice, when hemoderivates are considered for treatment of musculoskeletal lesions.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemical substances extraordinarily toxic and persistent in the environment. Due to these properties, POPs are targets of the Stockholm Convention which aims to provide means to eliminate production and use by encouraging the reduction and, where possible, eliminating the release of these contaminants to the environment. One of the articles of this _Convention aims to assess the basal levels of such substances in the environment to monitor both the reduction of release to the environment, and to assess human exposure, using analyzes of milk and air for example. Although efforts to control POPs production and release to the environment have been made, data about their levels in Brazil are still scarce, mainly in the atmosphere or indoor environment. Considering the permanence of people inside its house, this study presents a method for POP extraction from XAD-2 sorbent employed in indoor air sampling, with identification and quantification by GC-ECD. GC-ECD linear range of the studied analytes, congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180), DDTs and their metabolites (DDDs, DDEs) and endosullan (isomers c - and 13 - and metabolite endosulfan sulfate) ranged between 0.5 and 16.0 ng mL-I with r2 > 0.967. The method developing consist of selecting the extraction solvent system by agitation (90 rpm, 1 hour) with n-hexan,e (2 mL) or n-hexane:acetone (1:1, v/v) (2 mL), concentration the extract with a gentle N2 stream, and evaluation of breakthrough with passage or air through the fortified XAD-2 cartridge before extraction, employing a low volume air suction pump (Pump Model 224 universal-PCXR8; 5-5000 mL min-1, SKC Inc., Eighty Four, PA, USA), Calibrator Dry-Cal DC-Lite (BIOS, Butler, NJ, USA)). Two fortification levels were employed, 15 and 30 ng. After selecting n-hexane as extraction solvent, with accuracy and precision ranging...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The main article aim was to investigate the collecting system of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit in pilot scale. Referring to the collecting system position, two options were analyzed: (i) top manifold and (ii) bottom manifold, pipes or plates. Qualitative and quantitative essays were performed, as image and stimulusresponse tests, respectively. The results of the essays standardized were adjusted by N-continuous stirred tank reactors in series and theoretical models of dispersion (low and high). The bottom manifold (plates with orifices) was more appropriate. The results pointed out that the N-continuous stirred tank reactors in series model was more adequate to describe the hydrodynamic behavior of the DAF unit.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)