959 resultados para Varible amplitude


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Here we report the results of a study aimed at examining stability of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms under seminatural conditions (henceforth SN), in four large outbred fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster populations, selected for emergence in a narrow window of time under laboratory (henceforth LAB) light/dark (LD) cycles. When assessed under LAB, selected flies display enhanced stability in terms of higher amplitude, synchrony and accuracy in emergence and activity rhythms compared to controls. The present study was conducted to assess whether such differences in stability between selected and control populations, persist under SN where several gradually changing time-cues are present in their strongest form. The study revealed that under SN, emergence waveform of selected flies was modified, with even more enhanced peak and narrower gate-width compared to those observed in the LAB and compared to control populations in SN. Furthermore, flies from selected populations continued to exhibit enhanced synchrony and accuracy in their emergence and activity rhythms under SN compared to controls. Further analysis of zeitgeber effects revealed that enhanced stability in the rhythmicity of selected flies under SN was primarily due to increased sensitivity to light because emergence and activity rhythms of selected flies were as stable as controls under temperature cycles. These results thus suggest that stability of circadian rhythms in fruit flies D. melanogaster, which evolved as a consequence of selection for emergence in a narrow window of time under weak zeitgeber condition of LAB, persists robustly in the face of day-to-day variations in cycling environmental factors of nature.


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The El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon, characterized by anomalous sea surface temperatures and winds in the tropical Pacific, affects climate across the globe(1). El Ninos occur every 2-7 years, whereas the El Nino/Southern Oscillation itself varies on decadal timescales in frequency and amplitude, with a different spatial pattern of surface anomalies(2) each time the tropical Pacific undergoes a regime shift. Recent work has shown that Bjerknes feedback(3,4) (coupling of the atmosphere and the ocean through changes in equatorial winds driven by changes in sea surface temperature owing to suppression of equatorial upwelling in the east Pacific) is not necessary(5) for the development of an El Nino. Thus it is unclear what remains constant through regimes and is crucial for producing the anomalies recognized as El Nino. Here we show that the subsurface process of discharging warm waters always begins in the boreal summer/autumn of the year before the event (up to 18 months before the peak) independent of regimes, identifying the discharge process as fundamental to the El Nino onset. It is therefore imperative that models capture this process accurately to further our theoretical understanding, improve forecasts and predict how the El Nino/Southern Oscillation may respond to climate change.


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The compatibility of the fast-tachocline scenario with a flux-transport dynamo model is explored. We employ a flux-transport dynamo model coupled with simple feedback formulae relating the thickness of the tachocline to the amplitude of the magnetic field or to the Maxwell stress. The dynamo model is found to be robust against the nonlinearity introduced by this simplified fast-tachocline mechanism. Solar-like butterfly diagrams are found to persist and, even without any parameter fitting, the overall thickness of the tachocline is well within the range admitted by helioseismic constraints. In the most realistic case of a time-and latitude-dependent tachocline thickness linked to the value of the Maxwell stress, both the thickness and its latitudinal dependence are in excellent agreement with seismic results. In nonparametric models, cycle-related temporal variations in tachocline thickness are somewhat larger than admitted by helioseismic constraints; we find, however, that introducing a further parameter into our feedback formula readily allows further fine tuning of the thickness variations.


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Radiatively heated levitated functional droplets with nanosilica suspensions exhibit three distinct stages namely pure evaporation, agglomeration, and finally structure formation. The temporal history of the droplet surface temperature shows two inflection points. One inflection point corresponds to a local maximum and demarcates the end of transient heating of the droplet and domination of vaporization. The second inflection point is a local minimum and indicates slowing down of the evaporation rate due to surface accumulation of nanoparticles. Morphology and final precipitation structures of levitated droplets are due to competing mechanisms of particle agglomeration, evaporation, and shape deformation. In this work, we provide a detailed analysis for each process and propose two important timescales for evaporation and agglomeration that determine the final diameter of the structure formed. It is seen that both agglomeration and evaporation timescales are similar functions of acoustic amplitude (sound pressure level), droplet size, viscosity, and density. However, we show that while the agglomeration timescale decreases with initial particle concentration, the evaporation timescale shows the opposite trend. The final normalized diameter can be shown to be dependent solely on the ratio of agglomeration to evaporation timescales for all concentrations and acoustic amplitudes. The structures also exhibit various aspect ratios (bowls, rings, spheroids) which depend on the ratio of the deformation timescale (t(def)) and the agglomeration timescale (t(g)). For t(def) < t(g), a sharp peak in aspect ratio is seen at low concentrations of nanosilica which separates high aspect ratio structures like rings from the low aspect ratio structures like bowls and spheroids. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4775791]


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Low-frequency sounds are advantageous for long-range acoustic signal transmission, but for small animals they constitute a challenge for signal detection and localization. The efficient detection of sound in insects is enhanced by mechanical resonance either in the tracheal or tympanal system before subsequent neuronal amplification. Making small structures resonant at low sound frequencies poses challenges for insects and has not been adequately studied. Similarly, detecting the direction of long-wavelength sound using interaural signal amplitude and/or phase differences is difficult for small animals. Pseudophylline bushcrickets predominantly call at high, often ultrasonic frequencies, but a few paleotropical species use lower frequencies. We investigated the mechanical frequency tuning of the tympana of one such species, Onomarchus uninotatus, a large bushcricket that produces a narrow bandwidth call at an unusually low carrier frequency of 3.2. kHz. Onomarchus uninotatus, like most bushcrickets, has two large tympanal membranes on each fore-tibia. We found that both these membranes vibrate like hinged flaps anchored at the dorsal wall and do not show higher modes of vibration in the frequency range investigated (1.5-20. kHz). The anterior tympanal membrane acts as a low-pass filter, attenuating sounds at frequencies above 3.5. kHz, in contrast to the high-pass filter characteristic of other bushcricket tympana. Responses to higher frequencies are partitioned to the posterior tympanal membrane, which shows maximal sensitivity at several broad frequency ranges, peaking at 3.1, 7.4 and 14.4. kHz. This partitioning between the two tympanal membranes constitutes an unusual feature of peripheral auditory processing in insects. The complex tracheal shape of O. uninotatus also deviates from the known tube or horn shapes associated with simple band-pass or high-pass amplification of tracheal input to the tympana. Interestingly, while the anterior tympanal membrane shows directional sensitivity at conspecific call frequencies, the posterior tympanal membrane is not directional at conspecific frequencies and instead shows directionality at higher frequencies.


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We present a novel approach to represent transients using spectral-domain amplitude-modulated/frequency -modulated (AM-FM) functions. The model is applied to the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform (FT) of the transient. The suitability of the model lies in the observation that since transients are well-localized in time, the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier spectrum have a modulation structure. The spectral AM is the envelope and the spectral FM is the group delay function. The group delay is estimated using spectral zero-crossings and the spectral envelope is estimated using a coherent demodulator. We show that the proposed technique is robust to additive noise. We present applications of the proposed technique to castanets and stop-consonants in speech.


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Parabolized stability equation (PSE) models are being deve loped to predict the evolu-tion of low-frequency, large-scale wavepacket structures and their radiated sound in high-speed turbulent round jets. Linear PSE wavepacket models were previously shown to be in reasonably good agreement with the amplitude envelope and phase measured using a microphone array placed just outside the jet shear layer. 1,2 Here we show they also in very good agreement with hot-wire measurements at the jet center line in the potential core,for a different set of experiments. 3 When used as a model source for acoustic analogy, the predicted far field noise radiation is in reasonably good agreement with microphone measurements for aft angles where contributions from large -scale structures dominate the acoustic field. Nonlinear PSE is then employed in order to determine the relative impor-tance of the mode interactions on the wavepackets. A series of nonlinear computations with randomized initial conditions are use in order to obtain bounds for the evolution of the modes in the natural turbulent jet flow. It was found that n onlinearity has a very limited impact on the evolution of the wavepackets for St≥0. 3. Finally, the nonlinear mechanism for the generation of a low-frequency mode as the difference-frequency mode 4,5 of two forced frequencies is investigated in the scope of the high Reynolds number jets considered in this paper.


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This paper presents the details of crack growth study and remaining life assessment of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Flexural fatigue tests have been conducted on HSC, HSC1 and UHSC beams under constant amplitude loading with a stress ratio of 0.2. It is observed from the studies that (i) the failure patterns of HSC1 and UHSC beams indicate their ductility as the member was intact till the crack propagated up to 90% of the beam depth and (ii) the remaining life decreases with increase of notch depth (iii) the failure of the specimen is influenced by the frequency of loading. A ``Net K'' model has been proposed by using non-linear fracture mechanics principles for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. SIF (K) has been computed by using the principle of superposition. SIP due to the cohesive forces applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been obtained through Green's function approach by applying bi-linear tension softening relationship to consider the cohesive the stresses acting ahead of the crack tip. Remaining life values have been have been predicted and compared with the corresponding experimental values and observed that they are in good agreement with each other.


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The structure of the Arpropargyl alcohol (ArPA) complex is determined from the rotational spectra of the parent complex and its two deuterated isotopologues, namely ArPA-D(OD) and ArPA-D(CD). The spectra confirm a geometry in which PA exists in the gauche form with Ar located in between OH and CCH groups. All a, b and c types of transitions show small splitting due to some large-amplitude motion dominated by COH torsion, as in the monomer. Splittings in a- and b-type transitions are of the order of a few kilohertz, whereas splitting in the c-type transitions is relatively larger (0.92.6 MHz) and decreases in the order ArPA>ArPA-D(CD)>ArPA-D(OD). The assignments are well supported by ab initio calculations. Atoms in molecules (AIM) and electrostatic potential calculations are used to explore the nature of the interactions in this complex. AIM calculations not only reveal the expected OHAr and Ar interactions in the Argauche-PA complex, but also novel CAr (of CH2OH group) and OHAr interactions in the Artrans-PA complex. Similar interactions are also present in the Armethanol complex.


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We develop a unified model to explain the dynamics of driven one dimensional ribbon for materials with strain and magnetic order parameters. We show that the model equations in their most general form explain several results on driven magnetostrictive metallic glass ribbons such as the period doubling route to chaos as a function of a dc magnetic field in the presence of a sinusoidal field, the quasiperiodic route to chaos as a function of the sinusoidal field for a fixed dc field, and induced and suppressed chaos in the presence of an additional low amplitude near resonant sinusoidal field. We also investigate the influence of a low amplitude near resonant field on the period doubling route. The model equations also exhibit symmetry restoring crisis with an exponent close to unity. The model can be adopted to explain certain results on magnetoelastic beam and martensitic ribbon under sinusoidal driving conditions. In the latter case, we find interesting dynamics of a periodic one orbit switching between two equivalent wells as a function of an ac magnetic field that eventually makes a direct transition to chaos under resonant driving condition. The model is also applicable to magnetomartensites and materials with two order parameters. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790845]


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Success in the advancement of thermoacoustic field led the researchers to develop the thermoacoustic engines which found its applications in various fields such as refrigeration, gas mixture separation, natural gas liquefaction, and cryogenics. The objective of this study is to design and fabricate the twin thermoacoustic heat engine (TAHE) producing the acoustic waves with high resonance frequencies which is used to drive a thermoacoustic refrigerator efficiently by the influence of geometrical parameters and working fluids. Twin TAHE has gained significant attention due to the production of high intensity acoustic waves than single TAHE. In order to drive an efficient thermoacoustic refrigerator, a twin thermoacoustic heat engine is built up and its performance are analysed by varying the resonator length and working fluid. The performance is measured in terms of onset temperature difference, resonance frequency and pressure amplitude of the oscillations generated from twin TAHE. The simulation is performed using free software DeltaEC, from LANL, USA. The simulated DeltaEC results are compared with experimental results and the deviations are found within +10%.


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A thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a thermoacoustic primemover is an effective way to produce durable and long lasting refrigeration due to high reliability, no exotic materials, and no moving parts. Resonator geometry is also one of the important factors that influence the performance of a thermoacoustic prime mover, namely, frequency. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of performance comparison of thermoacoustic prime mover with a straight and tapered resonator is chosen for the present study under an identical stack condition with the air as a working fluid. The frequency and pressure amplitude of oscillations obtained from simulation results were found to be more in the tapered resonator than the straight resonator. Apart from computational fluid dynamics simulation, the simulation studies have also been conducted using design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion, which predicts the performance of thermoacoustic primemover comparatively well. Simulation results from computational fluid dynamics and design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion were compared and found to be matching well, representing the good validity of computational fluid dynamics modeling.


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Thermoacoustic refrigerator (TAR) converts acoustic waves into heat without any moving parts. The study presented here aims to optimize the parameters like frequency, stack position, stack length, and plate spacing involving in designing TAR using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). A mathematical model is developed using the RSM based on the results obtained from DeltaEC software. For desired temperature difference of 40 K, optimized parameters suggested by the RSM are the frequency 254 Hz, stack position 0.108 m, stack length 0.08 m, and plate spacing 0.0005 m. The experiments were conducted with optimized parameters and simulations were performed using the Design Environment for Low-amplitude ThermoAcoustic Energy Conversion (DeltaEC) which showed similar results.


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Experimental and theoretical studies on degradation of composite-epoxy adhesive joints were carried out on samples having different interfacial and cohesive properties. Oblique incidence ultrasonic inspection of bonded joints revealed that degradation in the adhesive can be measured by significant variation in reflection amplitude as also by a shift in the minima of reflection spectrum. It was observed that severe degradation of the adhesive leads to failure dominated by interfacial mode. Through this investigation it is demonstrated that a correlation exists between the bond strength and a frequency shift in reflection minimum. The experimental data was validated using analytical models. Though both bulk adhesive degradation and interfacial degradation influences the shift in spectrum minimum, the contribution of the latter was found to be significant. An inversion algorithm was used to determine the interfacial transverse stiffness using the experimental oblique reflection spectrum. The spectrum shift was found to depend on the value of interfacial transverse stiffness using which a qualitative assessment can be made on the integrity of the joint.


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The parameters of a special type of alpha-effect known in dynamo theory as the Babcock-Leighton mechanism are estimated using the data of sunspot catalogs. The estimates support the presence of the Babcock-Leighton alpha-effect on the Sun. Fluctuations of the alpha-effect are also estimated. The fluctuation amplitude appreciably exceeds themean value, and the characteristic time for the fluctuations is comparable to the period of the solar rotation. Fluctuations with the parameters found are included in a numericalmodel for the solar dynamo. Computations show irregular changes in the amplitudes of the magnetic cycles on time scales of centuries and millennia. The calculated statistical characteristics of the grand solar minima and maxima agree with the data on solar activity over the Holocene.