863 resultados para VISCERAL OBESITY


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Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Lipotoxicity is a condition in which fatty acids (FAs) are not efficiently stored in adipose tissue and overflow to non-adipose tissue, causing organ damages. A defect of adipose tissue FA storage capability can be the primary culprit in the insulin resistance condition that characterizes many of the severe metabolic diseases that affect people nowadays. Obesity, in this regard, constitutes the gateway and risk factor of the major killers of modern society, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. A deep understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie obesity and the insulin resistance syndrome is a challenge for modern medicine. In the last twenty years of scientific research, FA metabolism and dysregulations have been the object of numerous studies. Development of more targeted and quantitative methodologies is required on one hand, to investigate and dissect organ metabolism, on the other hand to test the efficacy and mechanisms of action of novel drugs. The combination of functional and anatomical imaging is an answer to this need, since it provides more understanding and more information than we have ever had. The first purpose of this study was to investigate abnormalities of substrate organ metabolism, with special reference to the FA metabolism in obese drug-naïve subjects at an early stage of disease. Secondly, trimetazidine (TMZ), a metabolic drug supposed to inhibit FA oxidation (FAO), has been for the first time evaluated in obese subjects to test a whole body and organ metabolism improvement based on the hypothesis that FAO is increased at an early stage of the disease. A third objective was to investigate the relationship between ectopic fat accumulation surrounding heart and coronaries, and impaired myocardial perfusion in patients with risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). In the current study a new methodology has been developed with PET imaging with 11C-palmitate and compartmental modelling for the non-invasive in vivo study of liver FA metabolism, and a similar approach has been used to study FA metabolism in the skeletal muscle, the adipose tissue and the heart. The results of the different substudies point in the same direction. Obesity, at the an early stage, is associated with an impairment in the esterification of FAs in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, which is accompanied by the upregulation in skeletal muscle, liver and heart FAO. The inability to store fat may initiate a cascade of events leading to FA oversupply to lean tissue, overload of the oxidative pathway, and accumulation of toxic lipid species and triglycerides, and it was paralleled by a proportional growth in insulin resistance. In subjects with CAD, the accumulation of ectopic fat inside the pericardium is associated with impaired myocardial perfusion, presumably via a paracrine/vasocrine effect. At the beginning of the disease, TMZ is not detrimental to health; on the contrary at the single organ level (heart, skeletal muscle and liver) it seems beneficial, while no relevant effects were found on adipose tissue function. Taken altogether these findings suggest that adipose tissue storage capability should be preserved, if it is not possible to prevent excessive fat intake in the first place.


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Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by protozoan of genus Leishmania and transmitted by sand flies of genus Lutzomyia, which has been adapted to the peridomicile environment where dogs are their mainly food source, increasing the risk for human cases. In this study, techniques of geoprocessing and spatial statistics were utilized as a contribution to understanding the epidemiological dynamics of VL in the urban area of Ilha Solteira, SP.


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A anastomose esôfago-visceral cervical apresenta como complicações a fístula e a estenose, que podem necessitar de reintervenção cirúrgica para sua correção. Com o objetivo de avaliar as táticas para abordagem operatória dessas complicações e seus resultados, os autores estudaram retrospectivamente nove pacientes, que demandaram esta conduta, num período de 17 anos. Foram operadas duas fístulas e sete estenoses da anastomose esôfago-visceral cervical, sendo a via de acesso inicial a cervicotomia em todos os pacientes. Em quatro casos, houve necessidade de ampliação para esternotomia mediana total, que facilitou significativamente a reconstrução, porém com mortalidade de 75%. As táticas adotadas foram a reanastomose em cinco casos, a sutura do orifício da fístula em um caso e a plastia em três casos. A ressutura teve mau resultado. As plastias evoluíram satisfatoriamente, e os doentes submetidos a reanastomose sem ésternotomia também evoluíram satisfatoriamente. A plastia da anastomose demonstrou ser uma boa tática para o tratamento da estenose cervical, enquanto a reanastomose parece ter a melhor indicação nas fístulas, devendo-se evitar a esternotomia total mediana.


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Objetivo: determinar se o não-fechamento dos folhetos peritoneais (visceral e parietal) na cesárea apresenta benefícios no intra e pós-operatório. Pacientes e Métodos: seiscentas e noventa e oito mulheres programadas para cesárea foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: com sutura dos peritônios visceral e parietal (n = 349) e sem sutura dos peritônios (n = 349), na Maternidade da Encruzilhada (CISAM) em Recife, entre novembro de 1997 e dezembro de 1998. A análise estatística comparou as variáveis do intra-operatório e do pós-operatório entre os dois grupos. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos em relação a idade, paridade, idade gestacional, antibiótico profilático, cefaléia pós-raquianestesia, cistite, amniorrexe prematura e indicações da cesárea. Resultados: o tempo cirúrgico, o número de fios categute simples e o uso de analgésico foram significativamente menores no grupo sem sutura do que no grupo com sutura. As incidências de febre, infecção de ferida operatória, endometrite foram similares nos dois grupos. Não houve diferenças quanto ao uso de antifisético, antiemético e óleo mineral. As médias de dias de permanência hospitalar foram similares nos dois grupos. Conclusões: o não-fechamento dos folhetos peritoneais não apresenta efeitos adversos no pós-operatório e, ao contrário, diminui o uso de analgésicos e no intra-operatório diminui o tempo e o número de fios categute simples.


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Leishmaniose visceral (LV) é doença endêmica no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, principalmente nas áreas próximas dos rios Paraguai e Paraná. Nos últimos anos vem aumentando o número de casos, especialmente na Capital, Campo Grande, com conseqüente surgimento de casos em gestantes e conseqüentemente havendo risco de transmissão vertical do parasita. No presente trabalho é relatado um caso de LV em gestante, acompanhada por nosso grupo e tratada com anfotericina B lipossomal, não tendo ocorrido a transmissão vertical do parasita. O presente relato demonstra opção terapêutica em casos de calazar durante a gestação, tendo em vista a contra-indicação relativa do uso do antimoniato, droga de primeira escolha para tratamento em pacientes não-gestantes.


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A rapid indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for measuring antibodies against Leishmania chagasi using total antigen from lysed promastigotes. Fifty symptomatic mixed breed dogs from a region of high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil were examined. The results showed that in the positive animals, diagnosed by cytological examination, the ELISA using protein A assay system (mean optical density ± SD / 2.078 ± 0.631) detected more antibodies than the anti-IgG assay (mean optical density ± SD / 1.008 ± 0.437), while in the negative animals, the results by both systems were similar. These results suggest that the ELISA assay using protein A peroxidase conjugated could be useful to detect early infected animals in endemic areas, and thus help to control the spread of the infection.


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Foram investigadas áreas de risco de leishmaniose visceral canina no município de Camaçari, Bahia. Um total de 278 cães distribuídos em 141 residências, pertencentes a 20 áreas de risco investigadas, foi examinado sorologicamente (ELISA). A soroprevalência geral foi 21,7% (56/258) depois da exclusão dos 20 cães usados no início do estudo para delimitar a área. Os resultados respectivos das análises univariada e multivariada dos fatores relacionados à infecção do cão por Leishmania chagasi, a captura e distribuição do vetor na área e a metodologia usada para localizar os focos caninos são discutidos.


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Uninfected dogs and those naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi exhibiting different clinical forms of disease were evaluated for the presence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. Blood samples were collected from 110 mongrel dogs. Sera were tested using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and the animals with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) (n=60) were classified clinically. Out of the 110 sera investigated, 5 (4.5%) were positive for N. caninum (IFAT>50) and 36 (32.7%) for T. gondii (IFAT>16). Anti-L. chagasi antibody titers in asymptomatic dogs (n=10) were found to be significantly lower (P<0.05) than those in oligosymptomatic ones (n=22), which were in turn significantly lower (P<0.05) than those in symptomatic ones (n=28). No association between Leishmania and N. caninum infections was observed. Among dogs infected with L. chagasi, a tendency (P=0.053) towards an association between the infection with T. gondii and the appearance of VL symptoms was observed, suggesting that the clinical manifestation of VL in dogs may enhance their susceptibility to T. gondii. The possible influence of the immunosuppressive status of canine leishmaniasis in the different clinical forms of the disease is discussed.


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The present study reports the first outbreak of autochthonous canine visceral leishmaniasis in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Following the report of two cases of CVL, the Control Center of Zoonotic Diseases conducted a serological survey by ELISA and IFAT assays in seven districts of the Santa Catarina Island. Eleven seropositive dogs of autochthonous transmission were used in the present study. Infection by Leishmania sp. was confirmed by parasitological examination of bone marrow, liver, spleen and lymph nodes, culture in Schneider's medium and PCR. Leishmania sp. isolates were characterized by PCR-RFLP and hybridization with specific probes, allowing for the identification of Leishmania infantum. Autochthonous transmission of this disease in an area with high tourist traffic presents a major public health concern and signifies the emergence of an important zoonosis in southern Brazil. Therefore, the implementation of surveillance and control measures is imperative to prevent the spread of the disease among the canine population as well as transmission to the human population.


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Na América do Sul, alguns canídeos silvestres são considerados reservatórios naturais da Leishmania chagasi. A resposta imunológica desses animais à Leishmania é pouco conhecida, havendo a necessidade de métodos diagnósticos adequados para esse fim. No presente estudo, é descrita a padronização do ensaio imunoenzimático indireto (ELISA) para o diagnóstico sorológico de leishmaniose visceral em canídeos silvestres brasileiros. Foram estudadas amostras de soro e plasma de 12 canídeos cativos: sete lobos-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus), três raposinhas (Lycalopex vetulus) e dois cachorros-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous). As amostras de um C. brachyurus e uma L. vetulus, cativos em área endêmica para LV, que apresentavam doença clínica e positividade em testes de Imunofluorescência Indireta e Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase, foram utilizadas como controles positivos. Foram comparados os conjugados anti-IgG de cão e proteína A, ambos ligados a peroxidase, cujos testes detectaram quatro (04/12) e três (03/12) C. brachyurus soropositivos para anticorpos anti-Leishmania sp., respectivamente. As médias das densidades ópticas (DOs) das amostras negativas foram nitidamente mais baixas do que as médias das DOs dos positivos tanto no ELISA com anti-IgG de cão (4,8 vezes) como com proteína A (15,5 vezes). Os soros de três C. brachyurus positivos no ELISA indireto foram avaliados por Western blotting e identificaram 22 bandas, sendo imunodominantes as de peso molecular de 19, 22, 24, 45 e 66 kDa. Os testes ELISA com a proteína A e o conjugado anti-IgG de cão apresentaram respectivamente concordância excelente (Kappa = 1; p<0,001) e moderada (Kappa = 0,8; p<0,0015), com o Western blotting. Ambos foram, portanto, considerados adequados a avaliações de triagem de animais cuja resposta humoral de anticorpos indica contato com o parasito, úteis para subsidiar estudos para adequação de metodologias específicas para os canídeos silvestres.


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As myocarditis and arrhythmias have been shown to occur in both human beings and dogs with leishmaniasis, electrocardiograms of 105 dogs serologically positive for this disease were assessed for rhythm disturbances and changes in ECG waves. A few expressive alterations were seen, including sinus arrest, right bundle branch block, and atrial premature beats in 14.3%, 4.8%, and 4.8% of the studied subjects, respectively. Also, the analysis of ECG waves showed changes suggestive of left atrium and ventricle enlargements, and myocardial hypoxia in some animals. Although cardiac compromise has been previously reported in dogs with leishmaniasis, only a small subset of dogs showed any alteration in the electrocardiogram, which cannot support the occurrence of myocarditis in this investigation.