939 resultados para Ultrasonic inspections
The objectives of the IPP Project-Periodic Inspection on Crop Sprayers-are to develop methods for sprayer certification, analyze quality on spray operation, propose an inspection system for crop sprayers in Brazil, improve environmental quality on spray operation, and reduce costs on chemical control for plant protection systems. Periodic inspections on crop sprayers are performed in several countries and are compulsory in most of them, and it is becoming an important tool for improvement and optimization of use of chemicals. The IPP Project in Brazil is funded by FAPESP-Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. The results so far showed that all the sprayers presented failures. However, most of them could be approved with minor services. As an example, 56.6% of the sprayers with more than 2 years of use presented leaks, 47% of them had damaged hoses and 80.5% presented bad tips (nozzles). These results indicate the need for better procedures of use and maintenance of sprayers, justifying the periodic inspection system.
A madeira de Pinus sp. tem utilização crescente na indústria madeireira brasileira. O decréscimo constante do suprimento de árvores adultas com grandes diâmetros, provenientes de florestas naturais, tornou comum a produção de madeira em ciclos curtos, com grande proporção de madeira juvenil. Resultados de diversas pesquisas têm reportado que o módulo de elasticidade e a resistência a diferentes solicitações mecânicas são seriamente afetados pela presença de madeira juvenil. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o módulo de elasticidade da madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L. a partir da constante dinâmica C LL, obtida em ensaios não-destrutivos de ultra-som. A madeira de P. taeda era originária de plantios da Estação Experimental de Itapeva - SP, sendo amostrados seis indivíduos arbóreos com 34 anos de idade. Os corpos-de-prova (4 cm x 4 cm x 45 cm) foram obtidos separadamente das regiões de madeira juvenil e adulta da prancha central, previamente submetida à secagem industrial (umidade final de 12%), para a determinação da constante dinâmica por meio de ensaios de ultra-som. Para avaliar a sensibilidade do método do ultra-som, os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados destrutivamente à compressão paralela. Os resultados mostraram boa sensibilidade do método do ultra-som (R² » 0,90) na avaliação desse parâmetro mecânico da madeira juvenil e adulta.
Para a otimização no uso de agroquímicos, vários países têm realizado inspeções periódicas em pulverizadores agrícolas. No Brasil, o conhecimento do estado destas máquinas pode nortear pesquisas e investimentos em orientação de uso e de manutenção das mesmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o estado de manutenção de pulverizadores em uso para a região norte do Estado do Paraná. Foram avaliados itens como: presença, estado e escala do manômetro, estado das mangueiras, estado dos antigotejadores, presença de vazamentos, estado da barra, estado dos filtros, estado das pontas de pulverização e erros na taxa de aplicação. As máquinas foram caracterizadas como aprovadas quando não havia falha em nenhum item avaliado. O fator que ocasionou o maior índice de reprova entre as máquinas foi a escala incorreta do manômetro, que reprovou 84,55% das máquinas avaliadas. Outro fator de destaque foi a taxa de aplicação incorreta em 75,5% das máquinas. do total dos 110 pulverizadores avaliados,apenas uma unidade foi aprovada.
In general, the designs of equipment takes into account the effects and processes of deterioration it will undergo and arrives at an approximate useful life. However, changes in operational processes and parameters, the action of external agents, the kind of maintenance conducted, the means of monitoring, and natural and accidental occurrences completely modify the desired performance of the equipment. The discontinuities that occur in anisotropic materials often and due to different factors evolve from being subcritical to critical acquiring the status of defect and compromising the physical integrity of the equipment. Increasingly sophisticated technological means of detection, monitoring and assessment of these discontinuities are required to respond ever more rapidly to the requirements of industry. This paper therefore presents a VPS (Virtual Pipe System) computational tool which uses the results of ultrasonic tests on equipment, plotting the discontinuities found in models created in the CAD and CAE systems, and then simulates the behavior of these defects in the structure to give an instantaneous view of the final behavior. This paper also presents an alternative method of conventional ultrasonic testing which correlates the integrity of an overlay (carbon steel and stainless steel attached by welding) and the reflection of ultrasonic waves coming from the interface between the two metals, thus making it possible to identify cracks in the casing and a shift of the overlay
The fast urban occupation of Brazil, mainly from the last decade of 50, a sensible degradation of the quality of the air generated mainly for the activities was verified human beings associates to industrialization. From the past years, the situation has gotten worst in function of the increment of the fleet of vehicles in circulation in the great cities. Being these, in the city of Natal-RN, the ones that offer the biggest contributions to the atmospheric pollution. For atmospheric air to be a finite natural resources, indispensable and essential to the maintenance of the life in the land, is necessary to the implementation of action to improve its quality and to protect the health of the population. With the objective to study relative aspects to the characteristics of vehicles in use, the present study it searchs to analyze the levels of emissions of gases generated for vehicles converted bi-fuels into the modalities: natural gas (GNV), gasoline and alcohol, inspected for ends of register and together licensing to the State Department of Transit. One used the data gotten from inspections carried through for the company System Specialized in Inspection To propagate, in the city of the Natal-RN, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, between 14 of November of 2003 and 30 of December of 2004. The analyzed parameters are established in the resolution nº 07/93 CONAMA. Of a total of 1.517 inspected vehicles, a average of 15,2% of failed was gotten, or either, that they emit levels of pollution above of the limits established for the legislation, below of the national average that is of 20,0%. The analysis of the data discloses that 7.3% of the fleet are converted the GNV; the growth of vehicles converted the GNV into the city is gradual, with a average of increment in last the 4 years of 23,3%; it has a vehicle predominance that has as combustible original to the gasoline (88,2%); the inspected fleet has average age of 8 years of use, considered young for the Brazilian standards, except for the moved one to the alcohol (average of use of 15 years). Moreover, the type of fuel is not the main parameter to define the indices of emissions; the age of the fleet is the parameter most important when emission is analyzed to propagate; the gas that more generates failed in the inspections is the corrected carbon monoxide; the vehicles generate higher indices of emissions in idling for all the fuels; the presence of the catalyser was not reflected, as it expected, in the reduction of emissions of gases toxic, however when analyzed according to year of manufacture, it was observed that for the vehicles manufactured between 1997 and 2004, reduction of 46,0% in the failed of the vehicles equipped with catalyser was gotten. In conclusion, the fleet of the studied sample, in average terms, takes care of to the requirements of Resolution CONAMA nº 07/93. The results gotten for the present study can subsidize action of public administrations that aim at to the improvement and the maintenance of the quality of air in the city of Natal-RN, as, for example, to implant a net of monitoramento of the quality of air
The objective of this study was to evaluate the displacement of petroleum/diesel solutions, at different concentrations, observing the effect of ultrasonic vibrations in fluids present in porous media to obtain an increase in oil production. The bubbles produced by ultrasound implode asymmetrically in the rock, generating liquid jets with high speed, displacing the oil present in porous media. The oil/diesel solutions were prepared with concentrations ranging from 20 g/L to 720 g/L in oil in relation to diesel and its viscosities were obtained in a Brookfield Rheometer RS2000, with temperature ranging from 25 to 55 °C. After, calculations were performed to obtain the activation energy data for oil/diesel solutions. For oil recovery experiments, cylindrical samples of porous rock (core samples), with resin around the perimeter and its two circular bases free to allow the passage of fluids, were first saturated with 2% KCl solution and after with oil solutions. The results of oil extraction were satisfactory for all studied solutions, being obtained up to 68% partial displacement with saline solution injection. The ultrasound system was used after saline injection, increasing oil displacement, with oil extractions ranging from 63% to 79%. During the experiments, it was observed the warming of core samples, helping to reduce the viscosity of more concentrated systems, and consequently enhancing the percentage of advanced recovery for all studied solutions
The aim of this approach is to describe the design and construction of a low-cost automated water sampler prototype. In recent years, there is an increasing need on the use of automated equipments for hydro climatic variables to be use in urban and rural environments. Such devices are always used to provide measured information which is of crucial importance on the development of water resources strategies at watershed scale. Actually, many research and water public institutions have been using these kinds of equipments. In most of the cases, automated equipments are expensive and need to be imported, generating a situation of technologic dependency. The prototype is based on an electronic system which controls a peristaltic pump functioning, five solenoid valves and an ultrasonic sensor connected to a datalloger. An interface with the user allows communication with a PC, when the equipment functioning parameters can be provided. The equipment has a hydraulic module composed by a 12V peristaltic pump connected to a distribution circuit composed by five solenoid valves, one of them being used to clean the circuit before each sampling procedure. Samples are collected by four 1.95 polyethylene bottles. The sampler body was made of acrylic material, with a cylindrical shape, and dimensions 0.72 m and 0.38 m height and diameter, respectively. The weight of the equipment without samples is approximately 15 kg, which infers to its portability. The prototype development total cost budget was approximately US$ 1,560.00. Laboratory tests aimed to evaluate the equipment performance and functioning demonstrated satisfactory results
The spray drying method was used to prepare luminescent microspheres. These microspheres were prepared by spraying an aqueous solution of dextrin and an europium(III) complex with subsequent drying in a hot medium. The spray dried powder was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). Particle size distribution was estimated from SEM images. The ultrasonic spray drying technique was successfully applied to yield a microparticulated and red luminescent powder composed by the [Eu(dpa)(3)](3-) stop (dpa = dipicolinic acid) complex incorporated in dextrin microspheres.
Este texto busca evidenciar a relação trabalho e saúde em um lócus determinado: a produção calçadista em Franca, interior do estado de São Paulo. A discussão privilegia o processo sócio-histórico da referida atividade econômica em Franca, com ênfase na reestruturação produtiva que, a partir na década de 1990, disseminou parte da produção para as residências dos trabalhadores, constituindo as denominadas Bancas de Pespontos e de Corte em Calçados. Desse modo, a partir do conhecimento empírico, subsidiado pelas visitas a estes empreendimentos e de entrevistas com os trabalhadores e ainda com um relato de caso, enfatiza-se as relações sociais de trabalho que podem agredir à saúde. Todavia, diante da informalidade acabam não sendo consideradas na relação entre saúde e a atividade funcional exercida, ficando estes infortúnios distantes das negociações coletivas, fiscalizações, ou seja, de possíveis mudanças.
Stitched fabrics have been widely studied for potential application in aircraft structures since stitch yarns offer improvements in the out-of-plane mechanical properties and also can save time in the lay up process. The down side of stitch yarns came up in the manufacturing process of fabric in which defects introduced by the needle movement creating fiber-free-zones, fiber breakage and misalignment of fibers. The dry stitched carbon fabric preform has mainly been used in the Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) process which high fiber content is aimed, those defects influence negatively the injection behavior reducing the mechanical properties of final material. The purpose of this research work focused on testing in quasi-static mechanical mode (in-plane tension) of a monocomponent resin CYCOM (R) 890 RTM/carbon fiber anti-symmetric quadriaxial fabric stitched by PE 80Dtex yarn processed by RTM. The evaluation consisted in comparing the scatter of the quasi-static test with the attenuation of ultrasonic maps, which show the path of the resin and possible dry spots considering that interference of yarn in resin flow is detectable in ultrasonic measurement. Microscopic analysis was also considered for further evaluation in case of premature failure. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11
O método para rápido aumento da produtividade fabril, aplicável principalmente à indústria brasileira de manufatura (17% do PIB), fundamenta-se exclusivamente na redução ou eliminação do tempo inativo do homem, da máquina e do material, que é a grande causa da ineficiência. O método exige a utilização de apenas cinco das mais simples, elementares e conhecidas técnicas e é aplicável às vinte situações mais freqüentes (objetos de estudo) na indústria de manufatura. Nossa experiência atesta que o método é capaz de aumentar a produtividade fabril em valor superior a 30%, em poucos meses e de forma perene (houve um caso de aumento de 160% em toda uma seção de usinagem de uma empresa multinacional). Sua aplicação e a implantação das medidas dele decorrentes são feitas com extrema facilidade e, por isto, os resultados surgem muito rapidamente. Atinge portanto seu objetivo: proporcionar aumento da produtividade fabril em curto espaço de tempo. Este artigo detalhará sete objetos de estudo (situações): 1.redução da espera da máquina durante as inspeções; 2.redução da espera do operário, abordando trabalho em equipe, produção em linha e operação com ajudante; e 3.redução da espera do operador de máquina, por meio da diminuição do tempo-máquina, do controle do tempo-máquina e da atribuição de outras atividades ao operador pela adoção da célula de manufatura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The monitoring of Earth dam makes use of visual inspection and instrumentation to identify and characterize the deterioration that compromises the security of earth dams and associated structures. The visual inspection is subjective and can lead to misinterpretation or omission of important information and, some problems are detected too late. The instrumentation are efficient but certain technical or operational issues can cause restrictions. Thereby, visual inspections and instrumentation can lead to a lack of information. Geophysics offers consolidated, low-cost methods that are non-invasive, non-destructive and low cost. They have a strong potential and can be used assisting instrumentation. In the case that a visual inspection and strumentation does not provide all the necessary information, geophysical methods would provide more complete and relevant information. In order to test these theories, geophysical acquisitions were performed using Georadar (GPR), Electric resistivity, Seismic refraction, and Refraction Microtremor (ReMi) on the dike of the dam in Sant Llorenç de Montgai, located in the province of Lleida, 145 km from Barcelona, Catalonia. The results confirmed that the geophysical methods used each responded satisfactorily to the conditions of the earth dike, the anomalies present and the geological features found, such as alluvium and carbonate and evaporite rocks. It has also been confirmed that these methods, when used in an integrated manner, are able to reduce the ambiguities in individual interpretations. They facilitate improved imaging of the interior dikes and of major geological features, thus inspecting the massif and its foundation. Consequently, the results obtained in this study demonstrated that these geophysical methods are sufficiently effective for inspecting earth dams and they are an important tool in the instrumentation and visual inspection of the security of the dams