982 resultados para Ulfilas, Bishop of the Goths, ca. 311-381?


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The acid sites in dealuminated HZSM-5 zeolite with crystal sizes down to the nanoscale were firstly characterized by the probe molecule trimethylphosphine (TMP). As evidenced by the combination of P-31 CP/MAS NMR, Al-27 MAS and H-1 --> Al-27 CP/MAS NMR measurements, the Bronsted acid sites of both microsized and nanosized HZSM-5 could be decreased upon the dealumination of zeolitic framework after hydrothermal treatment. At the same time, the appearance of Lewis acid sites was observed. The dealuminated nanosized HZSM-5 is easier to form Lewis acid sites than microsized HZSM-5, and the type of Lewis acid sites in nanosized HSM-5 is more than one. In addition, the origin of Lewis acid sites is mainly associated with the aluminum at ca. 30 ppm, in the Al-27 MAS NMR spectra, and only a part of which in the dealuminated HZSM-5 zeolite acts as Lewis acid sites. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reactions of (1) CH4 + MgO --> MgOH. + CH3. and (2) CH4 + MgO --> Mg + CH3OH have been studied on the singlet spin state potential energy surface at the MP2/6-311+G(2d,2p) level. These two reaction channels, both involving intermediates and transition states, have been rationalized by the structures of the species involved, natural bond orbital (NBO), and vibrational frequency analysis. We have considered two initial interacting models between CH4 and MgO: a collinear C-H approach to the O end of the MgO forming the MgOCH4 complex with C-3nu symmetry and three hydrogen atoms of the methane point to the Mg end of the MgO forming the OMgCH4 complex with C-1 symmetry. The calculations predict that reactions 1 and 2 are exothermic by 39.8 and 86.5 kJ mol(-1), respectively. Also, the former reaction proceeds more easily than the latter, and the complex HOMgCH3 is energetically preferred in the reaction of MgO + CH4.


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The hydroxyapatite (HA) nanocrystals of 100-200 nm in length and 20-30 nm in width were hydrothermally synthesized by the reaction of phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide. Lactic acid oligomer surface grafted HA(op-HA) nanoparticles were obtained by oligomeric lactic acid with a certain molecular weight grafting onto the HA surface to form a Ca carboxylate bond in the absence of any catalyst. The op-HA was further blended with poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to prepare the nanocomposite of op-HA/PLGA. FTIR, TGA, ESEM and EDX were used to analyze grafting reaction, the graft ratio of op-HA, surface topography and calcium deposition of the composites, respectively. The rabbit osteoblasts were seeded and cultured on the surface of composites in vitro. The cell morphology, adhesion, proliferation and gene expression were evaluated with FITC staining, NIH image J software and the analysis of real-time PCR, respectively. The results show that the graft ratio of op-HA is 8.3% (mass fraction). The op-HA/PLGA nanocomposite possessed more suitable surface properties, including roughness and plenty of calcium and phosphor. It exhibited better cell adhesion, spreading and proliferation of rabbit osteoblasts, compared to pure PLGA.


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Electrochemical polymerized polyaniline(PAn) film electrode was used to investigate the electrocatalytic effect of PAn on the electrochemical redox reaction of 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DMcT), PAn film electrode was electrochemically treated or immersed in DMcT solution before it was scanned in 1.0 mol/L HCl electrolyte. The cyclic voltammograms of PAn film electrode in 1.0 mol/L HCl solution changed with the above treatment, implying the electrocatalytic effect of PAn on the redox reaction of DMcT, The formation of electron-donor-acceptor adducts through the interaction between thiol or disulfide groups of DMcT and amine or imine groups of PAn during the treatment was probably the reason of the catalysis, The electrochemical properties of the adduct were different from those of PAn and DMcT, The adduct possessed a higher electrochemical activity and a better electrochemical reversibility than DMcT or PAn used alone.


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Circular dichroism (CD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to explore the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb). The native tertiary structure was disrupted completely when the concentration of DMSO reached 50% (v/v), which was determined by loss of the characteristic Soret CD spectrum. Loss of the native tertiary structure could be mainly caused by breaking the hydrogen bonds, between the heme propionate groups and nearby surface amino acid residues, and by disorganizing the hydrophobic interior of this protein. Upon exposure of Hb to 52% DMSO for ca. 12 h in a D2O medium no significant change in 1652 cm(-1) band of the FTIR spectrum was produced, which demonstrated that alpha-helical structure predominated. When the concentration of DMSO increased to 57%: (1) the band at 1652 cm(-1) disappeared with the appearance of two new bands located at 1661 and 1648 cm(-1); (2) another new band at 1623 cm(-1) was attributed to the formation of intermolecular beta-sheet or aggregation, which was the direct consequence of breaking of the polypeptide chain by the competition of S=O groups in DMSO with C=O groups in amide bonds. Further increasing the DMSO concentration to 80%, the intensity at 1623 cm(-1) increased, and the bands at 1684, 1661 and 1648 cm(-1) shifted to 1688, 1664 and 1644 cm(-1), respectively. These changes showed that the native secondary structure of Hb was last and led to further aggregation and increase of the content of 'free' amide C=O groups. In pure DMSO solvent, the major band at 1664 cm(-1) indicated that almost all of both the intermolecular beta-sheet and any residual secondary structure were completely disrupted. The red shift of the fluorescence emission maxima showed that the tryptophan residues were exposed to a greater hydrophilic environment as the DMSO content increased. GO-binding experiment suggested that the biological function of Hb was disrupted seriously even if the content of DMSO was 20%. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cloud point curves reported in the literature for five representatives of the system poly(vinyl methyl ether)/polystyrene were evaluated theoretically by means of the Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory. The measured phase separation behavior can be described within experimental error using only one adjustable parameter (quantifying the interaction between the unlike mers). The Flory-Huggins interaction parameters calculated from this theoretical description depend in good approximation linearly on composition (volume fractions) and on the inverse temperature. An evaluation of these data yields a maximum heat effect which is almost one order of magnitude less (ca. -0.25 J/cm(3)) than obtained via Hess's cycle (dissolution of the components and of the blend) from calorimetric measurements. Model calculations on the basis of the present theory demonstrate that the critical points shift to a different extent upon a certain relative change in the molar mass of the blend components. The sensitivity of the calculated phase diagrams against changes in the scaling parameter decreases in the following order: interaction energies between unlike mers, differences in the scaling temperatures, pressures and densities.


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In this paper, the reaction and structure of the complexes of alkaline earth metal (Ca, Sr, Ba) with 2-(4'-chloro-2'-phosphonazo)-7-(2', 6'-dibromo-4'-chlorophenylazo 1, 8-dihydroxy-3, 6-naphthalene disulfonic acid (Chlorophosphonazo-DBC) have been studied. This ligand has eight forms under different acidity. The protonation reactions take place at [H+] > 0.36 mol.dm-3. The ligand begins dissociations at pH > 0.5. Two protons are released in the complexes formation reactions(Me2+ + 2HI half-arrow-pointing-left and half-arrow-pointing-right MeL2 + 2H+). The stability constants of the complexes of Calcium, Strontium and Barium have been determined by Yoe-Jone method, Majumder-Chakrabartty method and calculation method. The order of the stability of complexes is as follows: Sr > Ba > Ca. The structure of the complexes have also been studied by infrared spectroscopy, Laser Raman spectroscopy, NMR, and EPR. The results show that these groups of N = N, PO3H2 and OH are active groups in the complex reactions. The structure of the complexes of Strontium, Barium and Calcium with chlorophosphonazo-DBC are represented and the reaction and the complex bonds are discussed in this paper.


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Carbonic anhydrase (CA), an enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3-, has a critical role in inorganic carbon acquisition in many kingdoms, including animals, plants, and bacteria. In this study, the full-length cDNA of the CA gene from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda (denoted as PyCA) was cloned by using an expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The nucleotide sequence of PyCA consists of 1,153 bp, including a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 177 bp, a 3' UTR of 151 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 825 bp that can be translated into a 274-amino-acid putative peptide with a molecular mass (M) of 29.8 kDa and putative isoelectric point (pI) of 8.51. The predicted polypeptide has significant homology to the beta-CA from bacteria and unicellular algae, such as Porphyridium purpureum. The mRNA in filamentous thalli, leafy thalli, and conchospores was examined, respectively, by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (qPCR), and the levels of PyCA are different at different stages of the life cycle. The lowest level of mRNA was observed in leafy thalli, and the level in filamentous thalli and in the conchospores was 4-fold higher and 10-fold higher, respectively.


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The extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaeon strain, HJ21, was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, could produce hyperthermophilic alpha-amylase, and later was identified as Thermococcus from morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence. The extracellular thermostable alpha-amylase produced by strain HJ21 exhibited maximal activity at pH 5.0. The enzyme was stable in a broad pH range from pH 5.0 to 9.0. The optimal temperature of alpha-amylase was observed at 95 degrees C. The half-life of the enzyme was 5 h at 90 degrees C. Over 40% and 30% of the enzyme activity remained after incubation at 100 degrees C for 2 and 3 h, respectively. The enzyme did not require Ca2+ for thermostability. This alpha-amylase gene was cloned, and its nucleotide sequence displayed an open reading frame of 1,374 bp, which encodes a protein of 457 amino acids. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that four homologous regions common in amylases were conserved in the HJ21 alpha-amylase. The molecular weight of the mature enzyme was calculated to be 51.4 kDa, which correlated well with the size of the purified enzyme as shown by the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


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Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are a group of antioxidant proteins that protect cells from oxidative damage caused by various peroxides. To date, six different isoforms of peroxiredoxin (Prx1 to Prx6) have been identified, of which, Prx6 belongs to the 1-Cys Prx subfamily. Although Prx6 of several fish species have been reported at sequence level, there are very few documented studies on the potential function of fish Prx6. In this report, we describe the identification and analysis of a Prx6 homologue, SmPrx6, from turbot Scophthalmus maximus. The full length cDNA of SmPrx6 contains a 5'- untranslated region (UTR) of 60 bp, an open reading frame of 666 bp, and a 3'-UTR of 244 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of SmPrx6 shares 81-87% overall identities with known fish Prx6. In silico analysis identified in SmPrx6 a conserved Prx6 catalytic motif, PVCTTE, and the catalytic triads putatively involved in peroxidase and phospholipase A2 activities. Expression of SmPrx6 was detected in most fish organs, with the highest expression levels found in blood and heart and the lowest level in spleen. Experimental challenges with bacterial pathogens and poly(I:C) upregulated SmPrx6 expression in liver and spleen in a manner that is dependent on the challenging agent and the tissue type. Treatment of cultured primary hepatocytes with H2O2 enhanced SmPrx6 expression in a dose-dependent manner. Recombinant SmPrx6 expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli exhibited thiol-dependent antioxidant activity and could protect cultured hepatocytes from H2O2-induced oxidative damage. Taken together, these results indicate that SmPrx6 is a Prx6 homologue with antioxidative property and is likely to be involved in both cellular maintenance and protective response during host immune defense against bacterial infection. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (> 7%) and lower Mg-#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg-#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.


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Using a recently developed technique to extract jellyfish venom from nematocysts, the present study investigated the hemolytic activity of Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye nematocyst venom on chicken erythrocytes. Venom extract caused a significant concentration-dependent hemolytic effect. The extract could retain its activity at -80 degrees C but was unstable when kept at 4 degrees C and -20 degrees C for 2 days. The hemolytic activity was inhibited by heating within the range of 37-100 degrees C. The extract was active over a pH range of 5.0-8.63 and the pH optima for the extract was 7.8. Incubation of the venom with sphingomyelin specially inhibited hemolytic activity by up to 70%. Cu2+ and Mn2+ greatly reduced the hemolytic activity while Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ produced a relatively low inhibiting effect on the hemolytic activity. Treatment with Ca2+ induced a concentration-dependent increase in the hemolytic activity. In the presence of 5 mM EDTA, all the hemolytic activity was lost, however, the venom containing 1.5 mM EDTA was stable in the long-term storage. PLA(2) activity was also found in the nematocyst venom of C. nozakii. These characteristics provide us a fundamental knowledge in the C. nozakii nematocyst venom which would benefit future research. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Chromosomal location of the major ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA) were studied in the dwarf surfclam (Mulinia lateralis, Say) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). FISH probes for the rRNA genes were made by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP and detected with fluorescein-labeled antidigoxigenin antibodies. Mulinia lateralis had a diploid number of 38 chromosomes and all chromosomes were telocentric. FISH with the rRNA probe produced positive and consistent signals on two pairs of chromosomes: Chromosome 15 with a relative length of 4.6% and Chromosome 19, the shortest chromosome. Both loci were telomeric. The rRNA location provides the first physical landmark of the M. lateralis genome.


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Background and Aims It is an enduring question as to the mechanisms leading to the high diversity and the processes producing endemics with unusual morphologies in the Himalayan alpine region. In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships and origins of three such endemic genera were analysed, Dolomiaea, Diplazoptilon and Xanthopappus, all in the tribe Cardueae of Asteraceae.Methods The nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid trnL-F and psbA-trnH regions of these three genera were sequenced. The same regions for other related genera in Cardueae were also sequenced or downloaded from GenBank. Phylogenetic trees were constructed from individual and combined data sets of the three types of sequences using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses.Key Results The phylogenetic tree obtained allowed earlier hypotheses concerning the relationships of these three endemic genera based on gross morphology to be rejected. Frolovia and Saussurea costus were deeply nested within Dolomiaea, and the strong statistical support for the Dolomiaea-Frolovia clade suggested that circumscription of Dolomiaea should be more broadly redefined. Diplazoptilon was resolved as sister to Himalaiella, and these two together are sister to Lipschitziella. The clade comprising these three genera is sister to Jurinea, and together these four genera are sister to the Dolomiaea-Frolovia clade. Xanthopappus, previously hypothesized to be closely related to Carduus, was found to be nested within a well-supported but not fully resolved Onopordum group with Alfredia, Ancathia, Lamyropappus, Olgaea, Synurus and Syreitschikovia, rather than the Cardinis group. The crude dating based on ITS sequence divergence revealed that the divergence time of Dolomiaea-Frolovia from its sister group probably occurred 13.6-12.2 million years ago (Ma), and the divergence times of the other two genera, Xanthopappus and Diplazoptilon, from their close relatives around 5.7-4.7 Ma and 2.0-1.6 Ma, respectively.Conclusions The findings provide an improved understanding of the intergeneric relationships in Cardueae. The crude calibration of lineages indicates that the uplifts of the Qiinghai -Tibetan Plateau since the Miocene might have served as a continuous stimulus for the production of these morphologically aberrant endemic elements of the Himalayan flora.